
A1. Statement of Problem. Multicomponent seismic imaging results in several images of the subsurface.
With three-component recording, at least two images (from primary and converted reflections) can be
produced. The difference between these images and between the corresponding common-image-point
gathers is a possible source of additional valuable petrophysical and lithological information. It is also a
source of interpretational difficulties, especially when the two images exhibit different resolution,
structure, and amplitude patterns. Figure 1 shows a comparison between primary (PP) and converted (PS)
images of the Coronation dataset acquired by Apache Canada Ltd. in Alberta, Canada. The data have
exceptionally high quality yet the interpretational challenge is clearly visible: reflection events from
similar geological interfaces appear at different times, with different amplitudes, and at a different
FIGURE 1. Multicomponent images of the Coronation dataset. Left: conventional single-component
image. Right: converted wave image. The target channel structure appears at different times (around 0.75
s on PP and 1.5 s on PS), with different amplitudes, and at a different resolution.
The proposed research addresses the following fundamental question: Can multicomponent
seismic data enhance stratigraphic and facies interpretations through the estimation of lithofacies and
rock-property attributes from the PS volume? While conventional seismic data analysis methodology falls
short of accomplishing this task, the new technology that we propose to develop in this project will
address the problem directly.
The focus of the study is the high-quality 3-D multicomponent (3-D/3-C) Coronation dataset
acquired by Apache Canada Ltd. in Alberta, Canada. The regional and local geological setting of the
study area is as follows. The Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Upper Mannville Formation of southern
Alberta, Canada, comprises a series of marginal- to non-marine sandstones and mudstones, which are
often confined to numerous incised-valley networks (Hopkins et al., 1982). The zone of interest is the
Glauconitic Fm., which forms the lowermost unit of the Upper Mannville Fm. (Zaitlin et al., 2002) and
unconformably overlies and incises into, and occasionally through, the underlying Lower Mannville Fm.
Within the study area, the Glauconitic Fm. comprises elongate gas-prone variable sandstone-mudstonerich bodies encased in mudstones and siltstones, which have been interpreted as compound channels
within an over-bank background facies (D. Jennette, Pers. Comm.). The formation is also of variable
thickness through partial compaction of the mudstone-rich over-bank sediments, from about 9 m thick in
the mudstones, to over 50 m in areas of compound channelization. Directly overlying the Glauconitic Fm.
is a series of coals that have a regional extent.
We propose to develop new multicomponent data analysis methods and validate them through
realistic geological modeling, realistic seismic forward modeling and enhanced multicomponent seismic
The data and funding for this research will be provided by Apache Corporation and
Input/Output Inc., two companies that are currently at the frontier of multicomponent seismic
The proposal brings together a team of geologists, geophysicists and computational
scientists to accomplish the research task and to create a unique integrated research environment at the
Jackson School of Geosciences.
A2. Research Objectives. The proposed project has three research objectives, ranging from low-risk
applied tasks to high-risk fundamental questions.
(1) (low- to medium-risk, applied) Generate a realistic 3-D geological model of the Coronation reservoir.
This task requires:
(a) carrying out a detailed interpretation of reservoir units from a composite channel system, using 3-D/3C seismic volumes as well as wire-line and core data;
(b) linking wire-line and core facies to PS volume extractions to better define lithofacies distribution
across the reservoir unit;
(c) developing a detailed geological and petrophysical model of the reservoir for 3D and 3-D/3-C seismic
forward modeling, in order to understand the link between PS extractions and lithofacies variability.
(2) (medium risk, applied) Develop new methods of high-resolution PP and PS image registration for
enhanced multicomponent data interpretation and seismic reservoir characterization. It is impossible
to interpret multiple volumes without registering them in the same coordinate frame. Accurate
registration of time-domain images developed in this project will not only assist in the interpretation
but also provide an effective estimate of the interval Vp/Vs ratio, a major petrophysical attribute for
lithological discrimination.
(3) (high risk, fundamental) Develop new methods of full waveform multicomponent seismic inversion by
nonlinear optimization. A particularly challenging task is accounting for nonelastic attenuation that
causes the lost of resolution in the PS image in Figure 1. The computational challenge in
simultaneous inversion for multiple seismic parameter fields is that these fields describe the same
Earth medium, so that even though they are independent parameters at a point, their variation
throughout the Earth must be correlated. Appropriate regularization techniques must be developed to
enforce this behavior, while still permitting the field values to be independent of one another at each
B. Methodology. The Coronation 3-D/3-C seismic survey, covering the study area and acquired by
Input/Output for Apache Canada Ltd., is available for use by the proposed project (Figure 2). Detailed
seismic interpretation will be carried out over the reservoir section on both the PP and PS volumes,
including, where possible, 1) mapping the thickness of the coal unit above the reservoir section, 2)
mapping individual or compound channel units within the reservoir section, and 3) mapping out areas
where the coals and the reservoir unit have been removed by later incision.
FIGURE 2. Line through the PP seismic volume intersecting wells 6-26 and 7-26. In this area, the Upper
Mannville Fm. coals form a thick negative-amplitude wavelet that is regionally correlatable. Potential
channel bodies show up as elongate structural highs on a depth map of the coal unit. Data courtesy of
Apache Canada Ltd.
Complete digital log suites from nineteen wells in the study area are also available; wire-line log
facies interpretation, linked to available core data, will be used to define reservoir stratigraphic and
lithofacies units and their lateral variability across the area. Compressional- and shear-sonic logs are
available from four of the wells and will be used to obtain an estimate of the well Vp/Vs ratio within the
study area. PP and PS synthetic seismograms for the four wells with shear-sonic data will also be
generated to aid well ties to the seismic, as well as PP synthetic seismograms for the other wells.
The structural and stratigraphic interpretation of the PP seismic cube will be used to generate a
layered geological model. This geological model will then be populated over several deterministic to
stochastic realizations with realistic distributions of petrophysical parameters (lithofacies, porosity,
density etc). Velocity (Vp and Vs) properties will be created based upon relationships with lithofacies
defined from well logs within the study area, and used to generate a series of PP and PS seismic forward
models of the geological models (Figure 3).
FIGURE 3. Comparison of PP and PS seismic forward models for a two-dimensional slice through a
channelized geological model. This illustrates 1) that PS reflections take longer to travel through the
volume of interest, and 2) that the lower frequency content of PS data (typically PP/2) leads to differences
in reflection character - compare the highlighted sections. The forward models here are based upon deepwater slope channel models generated for BEG’s LASR Industrial Associates project.
A new multicomponent seismic image registration technology is being developed now at the
Bureau of Economic Geology (Fomel and Backus, 2003; Fomel et al., 2005). The method involves a
multistep approach to image registration, which consists of initial interpretation, amplitude and frequency
balancing, registration scan, and least-squares optimization. Non-stationary frequency balancing through
iterative optimization is a crucially important step that allows one to deal with the differences in
resolution between multicomponent images such as those shown in Figure 1. The opportunity to apply
this newly developed technology on the challenging Coronation dataset will help the Jackson School of
Geosciences to establish itself as a scientific leader in the important field of multicomponent seismic data
The ultimate solution to the registration problem can be provided only by full-waveform seismic
inversion, which ties the reflection events directly in the depth domain. Full waveform inversion is a
notoriously challenging ill-posed problem, particularly for three-dimensional heterogeneous elastic Earth
media. One of the principal investigators has been working on computational methods for the nonlinear
optimization of systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) and in particular large-scale
parallel algorithms for these systems (Akcelik et al., 2005, 2006; Biros and Ghattas, 2003, 2005a,b;
Ghattas and Orozco, 1997). These methods have been specialized to inverse problems of heterogeneous
wave propagation, in which one inverts for the material field or the source distribution (Akcelik et al.,
2002, 2003). To treat multiple local minima, we employ multiscale continuation, in which a sequence of
initially convex, but increasingly oscillatory, approximations to the objective function are minimized over
a sequence of increasingly finer discretizations of state and parameter spaces, which keeps the sequence
of minimizers within the basin of attraction of the global minimum. Total variation regularization is used
to address ill-posedness and preserve sharp material interfaces. This work has thus far not included
simultaneous inversion for multiple elastic moduli (we typically invert for one, keeping the other fixed),
nor for attenuation properties. In this proposal we intend to take on these two difficult problems.
Neglecting anelastic behavior in inversion of real earth media can result in erroneous results. We
propose to develop methods for seismic inversion based on the commonly-employed standard linear solid
(SLS) model of viscoelastic wave propagation. The SLS model replaces the convolution form of the
consititutive law with a series of ordinary differential equations (at each point in space) that couple to the
PDEs of elastic wave propagation through additional memory variables. Efficient techniques for
simulating viscoelastic wave propagation that are only marginally more expensive than elastic wave
propagation can be developed (Robertsson et al., 1994).
The multicomponent registration problem is related to problems that occur in other sciences, for
example fusion of computed tomography and magnetic resonance images. Historically multi-modal image
registration has been treated via maximization of mutual information; however, the mutual information
function has well-known difficulties of non-convexity and many local minima. A recent and very
promising development that address the ill-posedness in multi-modal registration entails the use of image
gradients as regularizers (Haber and Modersitzki, 2004). We will investigate this form of regularization
both for the seismic image registration problem and for simultaneous seismic inversion of multiple elastic
C. Research personnel. This project is a collaborative effort between two different units of the Jackson
School: the Bureau of Economic Geology and the Department of Geosciences. It brings together a unique
team of scientists. Mark Tomasso is a geologist with experience in seismic, wire-line and core
interpretations, as well as development of geological and seismic forward models. Sergey Fomel is a
geophysicist specializing in computational seismology. He has been working on multicomponent data
registration algorithms and geophysical estimation, among other projects. Omar Ghattas brings significant
experience in computational methods, particularly in inverse problems formulated with partial differential
equations (PDEs). He was a principal investigator on a research project that involved solving the 3-D
seismic inverse problem of the Los Angeles Basin, which is perhaps the largest PDE-based inverse
problem solved to date. Many years of multicomponent seismic research expertise are brought to the
project by Bob Hardage, the leader of the Exploration Geophysics Laboratory, which focuses on
applications of multicomponent seismology. A research associate and a postdoctoral fellow (both new
hires) will complete the team.
D. Student involvement and training opportunities. Because of the limited time allocated to the
project, it would be unpractical to involve students in it. The Post-Doctoral Fellow involved in the project
will receive a unique opportunity to be trained in both applied geological research and fundamental
computational research. Such an opportunity is guaranteed to attract top talent to the Jackson School.
E. Budget justification. The budget required for this project includes personnel time, computer support
costs, travel between Austin and Houston for interacting with Apache and Input/Output researchers and
travel to Calgary, Canada to interact with Apache scientists directly involved in the Coronation study and
examine cores available to the project. Presentation of results from this project at a professional meeting
is also included within the budget. 100% of the requested Jackson School funds will go towards the two
proposed new-hires, a full-time Post-Doctoral Fellow and a part-time Research Associate.
F. Bibliography.
Akcelik, V., J. Bielak, G. Biros, I. Epanomeritakis, A. Fernandez, O. Ghattas, E. Kim, J. Lopez, D.
O’Hallaron, T. Tu, and J. Urbanic, 2003, High resolution forward and inverse earthquake modeling
on terascale computers: Presented at the Annual International Meeting, IEEE/ACM.
Akcelik, V., G. Biros, A. Dragenescu, J. Hill, O. Ghattas, and B. van Bloemen Waanders, 2005, Dynamic
data-driven inversion for terascale simulations: Real-time identification of airborne contaminants:
presented at the Annual International Meeting, IEEE/ACM.
Akcelik, V., G. Biros, and O. Ghattas, 2002, Parallel multiscale Gauss-Newton-Krylov methods for
inverse wave propagation: Presented at the Annual International Meeting. SC2002 Best Technical
Paper Award.
Akcelik, V., G. Biros, O. Ghattas, J. Hill, D. Keyes, and B. van BloemanWaanders, 2006, Parallel PDE
constrained optimization, in Heroux, M., P. Raghaven, and H. Simon, eds., Frontiers of Parallel
Computing. SIAM.
Biros, G. and O. Ghattas, 2003, Inexactness issues in the Lagrange-Newton-Krylov- Schur method, in
Biegler, L., O. Ghattas, M. Heinkenschloss, and B. van Bloemen Waanders, eds., Large-Scale PDE
Constrained Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. SpringerVerlag.
——– 2005a, Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur methods for PDE-constrained optimization. Part I:
The Krylov-Schur solver: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. In press.
——– 2005b, Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur methods for PDE-constrained optimization. Part
II: The Lagrange-Newton solver, and its application to optimal control of steady viscous flows: SIAM
Journal on Scientific Computing. In press.\
Fomel, S. and M. Backus, 2003, Multicomponent seismic data registration by least squares, in 73rd Ann.
Internat. Mtg., 781–784. Soc. of Expl. Geophys.
Fomel, S., M. Backus, K. Fouad, B. Hardage, and G. Winters, 2005, A multistep approach to
multicomponent seismic image registration with application to a West Texas carbonate reservoir
study, in 75th Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. of Expl. Geophys.
Ghattas, O. and C. E. Orozco, 1997, A parallel reduced Hessian SQP method for shape optimization, in
Alexandrov, N. and M. Hussaini, eds., Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: State-of-the-Art, 133–
152. SIAM.
Haber, E. and J. Modersitzki, 2004, Intensity gradient based registration and fusion of multi-modal
images: Technical Report TR-2004-027-A, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Emory University.
Hopkins, J. C., S. W. Hermanson, and D. C. Lawton, 1982, Morphology of channels and channel-sand
bodies in the Glauconitic Sandstone Member (Upper Mannville), Little Bow area, Alberta: Bulletin of
Canadian Petroleum Geology, 30, 274–285.
Robertsson, J., J. Blanch, and W. Symes, 1994, Viscoelastic finite-difference modeling: Geophysics, 59,
Zaitlin, B. A., M. J. Warren, D. Potocki, L. Rosenthal, and R. Boyd, 2002, Depositional styles in a low
accommodation foreland basin setting: an example from the Basal Quartz (Lower Cretaceous),
southern Alberta: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 50, 31–72.
G. Intellectual property. Our sponsors put no restrictions on the intellectual property rights. All
intellectual property generated in the course of this project will be handled in compliance with the
University policies.
H. Resumes.
Bureau of Economic Geology,
University of Texas at Austin,
University Station, Box X,
Austin, Texas 78713-8924
Nationality: British
Clean driving license
Foreign languages: French (int.)
Tel: +1 512 232 1496
Fax: +1 512 471 0140
 Clastic stratigrapher/sedimentologist with experience in core description/analysis, computer
modeling, seismic interpretation, integration of geophysical data and the collection and analysis of
field data.
Bureau of Economic Geology, USA: Research Associate
11/05 – Present
 Part of several studies undertaking research into outcrop analogues of siliciclastic reservoirs,
including integration of LiDAR (light detection and ranging) data to produce high-resolution 3-D
models. These studies entail field data collection including LiDAR acquisition and geological and
seismic forward modeling of outcrops. Currently examining several depositional environments
within the deep-water realm from slope to basin-floor, using outcrops from around the world.
University College Dublin, Ireland: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
10/02 – 9/04
 Part of a team undertaking a consortium-funded research project examining the effects of faulting on
hydrocarbon flow through turbidite systems. Building generic turbidite models in Roxar’s IRAPRMS modeling software conditioned to detailed outcrop, subsurface and published data. Examining
several depositional environments within a typical submarine-fan complex, from basin-floor fans to
distributary canyons, using field data from New Zealand.
The University of Edinburgh, UK: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
11/00 – 10/02
 Part of a team conducting a proprietary research study on the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the
fluvio-lacustrine Triassic of the Northern North Sea, offshore Scotland and Norway. Integration of
seismic, well-log, core and field analogue data (Newark System, eastern US), including use of new
sedimentological correlation techniques. Project manager for a portion of this time.
The BBC: Consultancy, F&L New Media Department
 Verification and clarification of background research for the “Walking with Beasts” website; some
technical writing.
ARCO British Ltd, Guildford, UK: Technical Assistant
 3-month summer internship as a TA in the Operations department.
7/97 - 10/97
Enterprise Oil PLC, London, UK: Data Management
 10-week summer internship.
7/96 - 9/96
Expertise in the integration of varied datasets and the interpretation of their results. Extensive field
experience collecting and collating data. Used to working from regional to local scales, allowing an
understanding of the entire system to be attained. Proficiency using many industry-standard computer
packages. Completion of projects within limited timescales – good organizational and time management
skills. Able to undertake several projects concurrently.
School of Earth Sciences, The University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
 Ph.D. (Earth Sciences): “Sedimentary Evolution of Topographically Confined Turbidite Basins: The
Annot Sandstones of Southeast France,” detailing the fill history of topographically confined EoceneOligocene turbidite basins in the Alpine foreland of southeastern France, and included looking at
changes in flow directions using both classical palaeocurrent analysis based on detailed fieldwork and
magnetic fabric analysis.
 The magnetic fabric analysis technique was also applied to paleoflow determination in Paleocene
turbidite sandstones of the West of Shetland hydrocarbon province, UKCS.
Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK
 B.Sc. (Geology) with 1st Class Honors.
AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid award, 2000, the application being judged in the top 2%
Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Student Award 1996.
The Tennant Exhibition, for best work by a first-year undergraduate student, 1995.
The Larry Speare Geology Prizes, for best A-Level (1994) and GCSE (1992) Geology results.
 Tomasso, M., Underhill, J. R., Hodgkinson, R. A. & Young, M. J., in press, Structural styles and
depositional architecture in the Triassic of the Ninian and Alwyn North fields: Implications for basin
development and prospectivity in the Northern North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology.
 Tomasso, M. & Sinclair, H. D., 2004, Deep-water sedimentation on an evolving fault-block: The
Braux and St. Benoit outcrops of the Grès d’Annot. In Joseph, P. & Lomas, S. A. (eds), Deep-Water
Sedimentation in the Alpine Foreland Basin of SE France: New Perspectives on the Grès d’Annot and
Related Systems. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 221, 267-283.
 Sinclair, H. D. & Tomasso, M., 2002, Depositional evolution of intra-slope turbidite sub-basins.
Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 72, 452-457.
 Tomasso, M., 2000, Base-of-slope facies below perched slope basins: documentation from outcrop.
AAPG Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1874.
Sergey B. Fomel
Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78713-8924
Fields of Specialization
Computational Geophysics, Seismic Imaging
Ph.D in Geophysics. (2001): Stanford University
Diploma in Geophysics (1990): Novosibirsk University, Russia
Professional Experience
01/04-Present Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Research Scientist, Institute for Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Awards and Honors
2005 Young Scientist Jackson Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin
2005 Award of Merit for “Wavefield Extrapolation in Riemannian Coordinates” (Sava and Fomel) presented
by P. Sava at the SEG Annual Meeting 2004
2005 One of Top 25 Presentations at the SEG Annual Meeting 2004
2004 Honorable Mention, Best Paper in Geophysics
2002 Award of Merit for “Angle-Domain Common-Image Gathers by Wavefield Continuation Methods”
(Sava, Biondi, and Fomel) presented by P. Sava at the SEG Annual Meeting 2001
2001 J. Clarence Karcher Award from Society of Exploration Geophysicists “for numerous contributions to
Professional Affiliations
Member, American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Member, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Member, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Member, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Professional Service
Member, Translations Committee, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2000-present
Member, Online Governing Board, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2004-present
Associate Editor for Seismic Migration and Signal Processing, Geophysics, 2004-present
Co-organizer, Workshop, Synthetic Seismograms for Processed Seismic Data and for Seismic Field Data,
SEG Annual International Meeting, 2003
Co-organizer, minisymposium, Seismic Velocity Analysis, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and
Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2003
Organizer, minisymposium, Geoscience Applications of Dijkstra-Like Methods for Solving Hamilton-Jacobi
Equations, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2003
Five Publications Related to Research Topic
Fomel, S., Sava, P. C., Rickett, J., and Claerbout, J. F., 2003, The Wilson-Burg method of spectral factorization
with application to helical filtering: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, 409–420.
Fomel, S., and Claerbout, J. F., 2003, Multidimensional recursive filter preconditioning in geophysical estimation
problems: Geophysics, v. 68, no. 2, p. 577–588.
Fomel, S., 2003, Seismic reflection data interpolation with differential offset and shot continuation: Geophysics,
68, 733–744.
Fomel, S., 2002, Applications of plane-wave destruction filters: Geophysics, 67, 1946–1960.
Fomel, S., Berryman, J. G., Clapp, R. G., and Prucha, Marie, 2002, Iterative resolution estimation in least-squares
Kirchhoff migration: Geophysical Prospecting, 50, 577–588.
Five Other Publications
Sava, P., and Fomel, S., 2005, Riemannian wavefield extrapolation: Geophysics, 70, T45–T56.
Fomel, S., 2004, On anelliptic approximations for qP velocities in VTI media: Geophysical Prospecting, 52, 247–
Fomel, S., 2003, Time-migration velocity analysis by velocity continuation: Geophysics, 68, 1662–1672.
Fomel, S., and Sethian, J. A., 2002, Fast-phase space computation of multiple arrivals: Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 99, 7329–7334.
Alkhalifah, T., Fomel, S., and Biondi, B., 2001, The space-time domain: theory and modelling for anisotropic
media: Geophysical Journal International, 144, 105–113.
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Computational Geosciences
Director, Center for Computational Geosciences
Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES)
Professor of Geological Sciences, Mechanical Engr, Biomedical Engr, and Computer Sciences
University of Texas at Austin
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~oghattas email:omar@ices.utexas.edu
A. Education:
 B.S.E., Department of Civil Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 1984.
 M.S. Computational Mechanics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University,
Durham, North Carolina, 1986.
 Ph.D. Computational Mechanics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina, 1988.
B. Former and Current Positions and Appointments:
 John A. and Katherine G. Jackson Chair in Computational Geosciences and Director of the Center for
Computational Geosciences, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), University
of Texas at Austin, 9/05 – present.
 Professor, Departments of Geological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and
Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 9/05 – present.
 Research Professor, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, 9/05 – present.
 Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
9/05 – present.
 Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 7/02 – 8/05.
 Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Biomedical Engineering program,
Carnegie Mellon University, 7/01 – 8/05.
 Visiting Professor, Institute for Scientific Computing Research, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Livermore, CA, multiple visits, 3/01 – 10/03
 Visiting Professor, Computer Science Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
NM, multiple visits, 08/99 – present
 Associate Professor, Biomedical and Health Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
12/99 – 6/01
 Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 7/98 – 6/01
 Visiting Scientist, Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, NASA Langley
Research Center, Hampton, VA, 7/97 – 8/97
 Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, 7/94 – 6/98
 Affiliated faculty, Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, 5/93 – 8/05
 Affiliated faculty, Biomedical Engineering Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 9/92
– 12/99
 Affiliated faculty, Engineering Design Research Center/Institute for Complex Engineered Systems,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 5/90 – 8/05
 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, 8/89 – 6/94
 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke
University, Durham, NC, 1/89 – 7/89
C. Research Interests:
 Ghattas has general research interests in computational science and engineering, with emphasis on
simulation and optimization of complex solid, fluid, and biomechanical systems, in particular inverse
problems, optimal design, and optimal control. He specializes in large-scale problems, and their
solution on parallel supercomputers.
 His research activities include serving as principal or co-principal investigator on nine multi-institution
group grants: the Earthquake Ground Motion Modeling project (NSF Grand Challenge); the ComputerAssisted Surgery project (NSF National Challenge); the Inversion-Based Seismic Modeling project
(NSF KDI); the Simulation of Flows with Dynamic Interfaces project (NSF ITR); the Real-Time
Inversion and Control of Dynamic Simulations project (NSF ITR); the Terascale Optimal PDE
Simulations project (DOE SciDAC); the Ultrascale Forward and Inverse Earthquake Earthquake
Modeling project (NSF ITR); the Image-Driven Inverse Cardiac Modeling project (NSF ITR); and the
Contaminant Source Inversion and Evolution Prediction project (NSF DDDAS).
D. Relevant and Selected Publications:
 J. Xu, J. Bielak, O. Ghattas, and J. Wang, Three-dimensional seismic ground motion modeling in
inelastic basins. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 137(1–4): 81–95, 2003.
 V. Akcelik, G. Biros, and O. Ghattas, Parallel multiscale Gauss-Newton-Krylov methods for inverse
wave propagation. Proceedings of SC2002, Baltimore, MD, IEEE/ACM, Nov. 2002. (SC2002 Best
Technical Paper Award.)
 H. Bao, J. Bielak, O. Ghattas, L.F. Kallivokas, D.R. O’Hallaron, J.R. Shewchuk, and J. Xu, Large-Scale
Simulation of Elastic Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media on Parallel Computers. Computer
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 152(1–2): 85–102, 1998.
 V. Akcelik, J. Bielak, G. Biros, I. Epanomeritakis, A. Fernandez, O. Ghattas, E. Kim, J. Lopez, D.
O’Hallaron, T. Tu, J. Urbanic, High-resolution forward and inverse earthquake modeling on terascale
computers. Proceedings of SC2003, IEEE/ACM, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 2003. (Paper awarded 2003
Gordon Bell Prize for Special Accomplishment.)
 V. Akcelik, G. Biros, O. Ghattas, J. Hill, D. Keyes, and B. van Bloeman Waanders, Parallel PDE
constrained optimization. In: Frontiers of Parallel Computing, M. Heroux, P. Raghaven, and H.
Simon, eds, SIAM. To appear, 2006.
 V. Akcelik, G. Biros, A. Dragenescu, J. Hill, O. Ghattas, and B. van Bloemen Waanders, Dynamic
data-driven inversion for terascale simulations: Real-time identification of airborne contaminants.
Proceedings of SC2005, IEEE/ACM, Seattle, WA, November 2005, to appear.
 T. Tu, D. O’Hallaron, and O. Ghattas, Scalable parallel octree meshing for terascale applications.
Proceedings of SC2005, IEEE/ACM, Seattle, WA, November 2005, to appear.
 G. Biros and O. Ghattas, Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur methods for PDE-constrained
optimization. Part I: The Krylov–Schur solver. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, in press.
 G. Biros and O. Ghattas, Parallel Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur methods for PDE-constrained
optimization. Part II: The Lagrange-Newton solver, and its application to optimal control of steady
viscous flows. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, in press.
 L. Biegler, O. Ghattas, M. Heinkenschloss, and B. van BloemenWaanders, eds., PDE-Constrained
Optimization: State-of-the-Art. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and
Engineering, 2003.
Bob Hardage
Professional Summary
September 2005
Business address:
E-mail address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, Texas 78713-8924
(512) 471-1543
Academic Background
B.S., Physics, Oklahoma State University, 1961
M.S., Physics, Oklahoma State University, 1967
Ph.D., Physics, Oklahoma State University, 1967
Areas of Expertise
Multi-component seismic technology
Seismic stratigraphy interpretation
Reservoir characterization
Acquiring, processing, and interpreting downhole and surface seismic data
Professional Work Experience
A. Present Position: Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of
Texas at Austin (1991 - Present).
B. Vice President of Geophysical Development and Marketing, Atlas Wireline Services (1988 1991).
C. Geophysical Researcher, Chief Geophysicist EA, Exploration Manager, Phillips Petroleum
Company (1966 - 1988).
Selected Awards and Honorary Societies
Multicomponent Technology Pioneer Award, Input/Output, Inc., 2002
A.I. Leverson Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2001
Certificate of Achievement, Hart’s Oil and Gas World’s Best of the Permian Basin, 1999
Special Commendation Award (3-D Seismic Technology), Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
External Examiner in Geophysics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1997
Honorable Mention for Best Paper in Geophysics, 1997
U.S. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 1993-1997
Editor of Geophysics, 1993-1995
External Examiner in Petroleum Geology, Imperial College, London, 1985-1986
Relevant and Selected Publications
Hardage, B. A., Levey, R. A., Pendleton, V. M., Simmons, J. L., Jr., and Edson, R., 2001, A 3-D
seismic case history evaluating fluvially deposited thin-bed reservoirs in a gas-producing
property, in Graebner, R., Hardage, B., and Schneider, W., eds., 3-D seismic exploration: Tulsa,
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, SEG Geophysics Reprint Series, p. 645–660.
Hardage, B. A., Carr, D. L., Lancaster, D. E., Simmons, J. L., Jr., Elphick, R. Y., Pendleton, V. M.,
and Johns, R. A., 2001, 3-D seismic evidence of the effects of carbonate karst collapse on
overlying clastic stratigraphy and reservoir compartmentalization, in Graebner, R., Hardage, B.,
and Schneider, W., eds., 3-D seismic exploration: Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
SEG Geophysics Reprint Series, p. 673–687.
Hardage, B. A., 2001, Developments, trends, and future directions in vertical seismic profiling and
crosswell seismic profiling: CSEG Recorder, September, p. 72–78.
Hardage, B. A., 2000, Vertical seismic profiling: principles: third updated and revised edition: New
York, Pergamon, Seismic Exploration, v. 14, 552 p.
Hardage, B. A., Pendleton, V. M., Major, R. P., Asquith, G. B., Schultz-Ela, D., and Lancaster, D. E.,
1999, Case history: using petrophysics and cross-section balancing to interpret complex structure
in a limited-quality 3-D seismic image: Geophysics, v. 64, no. 6, p. 1760–1773.
Hardage, B. A., and Remington, R. L., 1999, 3-D seismic stratal-surface concepts applied to the
interpretation of a fluvial channel system deposited in a high-accommodation environment:
Geophysics, v. 64, no. 2, p. 609–620.
Hardage, B. A., 1996, Combining P-wave and S-wave seismic data to improve prospect evaluation:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No.
237, 47 p.
Hardage, B. A., 1987, Seismic stratigraphy: Amsterdam, Elsevier, 432 p.