Science Rubric

Standards-Based Grading Rubric
Scoring Scale for: Explore reproduction and the transfer of genetic material in living things.
Score 4.0
In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and
applications that goes beyond what was taught.
Students will be able to…
Debate if genetic information can be altered to prevent diseases
and disorders
 Evaluate the method of reproduction (sexual or asexual) and the
impact on the diversity of an organism
 Explain why both methods of reproduction have been successful
over time
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inheritance of
 Argue if the government should create laws to regulate genetic
Score 3.5 In addition to score 4.0 performance, partial success at
inferences and applications that goes beyond what was
Score 3.0
No major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and/or
processes (simple or complex) that was explicitly taught.
Students will be able to…
Determine the different forms of a gene
Describe the differences between dominant and recessive traits
and provide examples
 Compare and contrast the different types of organisms
employing asexual reproduction
 Explain what occurs genetically during asexual and sexual
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inheritance of
 Interpret how an organism’s genotype relates to its phenotype
 After generating a Punnett square, provide genotypic and
phenotypic ratios (or percentages) of the offspring produced
Score 2.5
No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details
and/or processes and partial knowledge of the more complex
ideas and processes.
Score 2.0
No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes,
but major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and
Students will be able to…
Recognize and recall specific terminology (e.g. alleles, DNA,
chromosomes, dominant, recessive); and
 Perform basic processes, such as…
o Identify that traits pass from one generation to another
through genetic material
 Recognize and recall specific terminology (e.g. pollination,
fertilization, binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation,
sporulation, regeneration, mitosis, meiosis); and
 Perform basic processes, such as…
o Recognize that reproduction can result in greater or
lesser diversity in offspring
o List organisms that undergo sexual or asexual forms of
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inheritance of
 Recognize and recall specific terminology (e.g. Punnett squares,
homozygous, heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, hybrid,
purebred, co-dominance); and
 Perform basic processes, such as…
o Complete a Punnett square
o Identify genotypes and phenotypes
Score 1.5
Score 1.0
Score 0.0
Partial knowledge of the simpler details and processes, but
major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas
and processes.
With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and
processes but not the more complex ideas and processes.
Score .5
With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler
details and processes but not more complex ideas and
There is no evidence or demonstration of student learning.
Adapted from: Marzano (2004) Workshop materials. Centennial, CO: Marzano & Associates.