Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research

Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra,
Salisbury University (
"$33B To Address Science Education." TCE: The Chemical Engineer 795 (2007): 14. Academic
Search Complete. Web.
Abdul-alim, Jamaal. "Mentor Program Provides STEM Options." Education Week 30.17 (2011):
1,. ERIC. Web. 9 May 2012.
Abdul-alim, Jamaal. "NASA-MUST: Driving the STEM Agenda." Diverse: Issues In Higher
Education 28.25 (2012): 13-14. Academic Search Complete. Web.
ACT, Inc., Iowa City, IA. "Developing the STEM Education Pipeline." ACT, Inc (2006): ERIC. Web.
9 May 2012.
Adams, Stephanie G. "Building Successful Student Teams In The Engineering Classroom."
Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-6. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.
Adedokun, Omolola A., and Wilella D. Burgess. "Uncovering Students' Preconceptions Of
Undergraduate Research Experiences." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research
12.5-6 (2011): 12-22. ERIC. Web.
Afterschool Alliance, and Foundation MetLife. "Afterschool: Middle School And Science,
Technology, Engineering And Math (STEM). Metlife Foundation Afterschool Alert. Issue Brief
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Alan, C. (2000) “Constructivism: Science Education’s Grand Unifying Theory.” The Clearing
House 74(1): 9-12
Alexander C. McCormick, et al. "STEM/Non-STEM Differences In Engagement At US
Institutions." Peer Review 13.3 (2011): 23-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 May 2012.
"Aligning Higher Education STEM Production with Workforce Demand through Professional
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Almarode, John, et al. "Specialized Public High Schools Of Science, Mathematics, And
Technology And The STEM Pipeline: What Do We Know Now And What Will We Know In 5
Years?." Roeper Review 32.1 (2010): 7-16. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.
Alvarez, Charles Alex, Douglas Edwards, and Bonnie Harris. "STEM Specialty Programs: A
Pathway For Under-Represented Students Into STEM Fields." NCSSSMST Journal 16.1 (2010):
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Washington, DC. "Preparing STEM
Teachers: The Key To Global Competitiveness." American Association Of Colleges For Teacher
Education (2007): ERIC. Web.
Armario, Christine. "Florida Legislature Shifts Focus To Higher Education." Community College
Week 24.11 (2012): 8. Academic Search Complete. Web.
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Instruction In Mathematics (ACCLAIM) (2008): ERIC. Web.
Asunda, Paul A. "Open Courseware and STEM Initiatives in Career and Technicall Education."
Journal of STEM Teacher Education (2011): 6-37.
Athreya, K. S., and Michael T. Kalkhoff. "The Engineering Leadership Program: A Co-Curricular
Learning Environment By And For Students." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And
Research 11.3-4 (2010): 70-74. ERIC. Web.
Atkinson, Robert D. and Marrilea Mayo. “Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy.” Washington,
D.C.: Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010.
Atkinson, Robert and Merrilea Mayo. “Refueling the U.S. Innovation Economy: Fresh
Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Executive
Summary.” Washington, D.C.: Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, 2010.
Atman, Cynthia J., Jennifer Turns, and Sheri D. Sheppard. "Supporting Informed Decision
Making To Improve Engineering Education." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations &
Research 12.7 (2011): 5-14. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Augustine, N.R. and Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century. (2007)
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic
Future. National Academies Press.
Aung, K. and R. Underdown. (2009) “Teaching Engineering to High School Students in a Summer
Camp.” Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Baylor University.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
Page 2
Baird, Brian. "Role Of Community Colleges In Meeting Demand For Skilled Workers." FDCH
Congressional Testimony (n.d.): Military & Government Collection. Web.
Baker, Waren, and John Keller. "Science Teacher And Researcher (STAR) Program:
Strengthening STEM Education Through Authentic Research Experiences For Preservice And
Early Career Teachers." Peer Review 12.2 (2010): 22-26. Academic Search Complete.
Baldwin, Roger G. "Climate Change: Creating Conditions Conducive To Quality STEM
Undergraduate Education." New Directions For Teaching & Learning 2009.117 (2009): 97-101.
Academic Search Complete. Web.
Baldwin, Roger G. "The Climate For Undergraduate Teaching And Learning In STEM Fields." New
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May 2012.
Barth, Stephen. "STEM The Tide With Training, Education." Lodging Hospitality 57.14 (2001):
24. MasterFILE Premier. Web.
Basken, Paul. "NSF Seeks New Approach To Help Minority Students In Science." Chronicle Of
Higher Education 56.27 (2010): A22. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Becker, Kurt, and Kyungsuk Park. "Effects Of Integrative Approaches Among Science,
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23-37. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.
Becker, Kurt Henry and Kyungsuk Park. "Integrative Approaches among science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Subjects on Students’ Learning: A Meta-Analysis."
Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (2011): 23-37.
Beddow, Terry. "Understanding Engineering Bydesign Perceptions." Technology & Engineering
Teacher 70.4 (2010): 21-24. Professional Development Collection. Web. 10 May 2012.
Beede, David, et. al. “Education Supports Racial and Ethnic Equality in STEM.” Washington D.C.:
U.S. Department of Commerce: Economics and Statistice Administration, 2011.
Beede, David, Tiffany Julian, David Langdon, George McKittrick, Beethika Khan, Mark Doms, and
(DOC) Economics and Statistics Administration. 2011. "Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to
Innovation. ESA Issue Brief #04-11." US Department Of Commerce. ERIC. Web.
Bell, Philip. "Math And Science Education." FDCH Congressional Testimony (n.d.): Military &
Government Collection. Web.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
Page 3
Bell, Thomas P. "President's Message." Technology & Engineering Teacher 70.6 (2011): 29-31.
Academic Search Complete. Web.
Bevins, Scott. "STEM: Moving the Liberal Arts Education into the 21st Century." Technology &
Engineering Teacher (2011): 10-13.
Bischoff, P.J., D. Castendyk, H. Gallagher, J. Schaumloffel, and S. Labroo. (2008) A Science
Summer Camp as an Effective Way to Recruit High School Students to Major in the Physical
Sciences and Science Education. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education
3(3): 131-141.
Bonich, Robert, Joseph Merlina, and Andrew C. Porter. "Where Teachers Are Treated Like
Widgets, Education Suffers." Education Week 31.27 (2012): 20-21. Academic Search Complete.
Bradbury, E. E., et al. "Improving Student Learning In Calculus Through Applications."
International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science And Technology 42.5 (2011): 591604. ERIC. Web.
Bradley, Paul. "Creative Tension." Community College Week 24.12 (2012): 6-9. Academic Search
Complete. Web.
Brett, James T. "Toward a Federal STEM Policy." New England Journal of Higher Education June
2007: 30. Academic Search Complete. Web. 9 May 2012.
Brinkley, Alan. "Half A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste." Newsweek 154.21 (2009): 48.
Academic Search Complete. Web.
Brown, Chris J., Laura J. Hansen-Brown, and Richard Conte. "Engaging Millennial College-Age
Science And Engineering Students Through Experiential Learning Communities." Journal Of
Applied Global Research 4.10 (2011): 41-58. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Brown Cordelia M., et al. "The Effect Of Individual Learning Styles On Student GPA In
Engineering Education At Morgan State University." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations &
Research 9.3/4 (2008): 37-46. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Brown, Edward E., Jr. "A Multicontextual Model For Broadening Participation In STEM Related
Disciplines." Online Submission (2011): US-China Education Review , 323-332.
Brown, Ryan, Joshua Brown, Kristin Reardon, and Chris Merrill. "Understanding STEM: Current
Perceptions." Technology and Engineering Teacher (2011): 5-9.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
Page 4
Brown, Susan Ipri. "Rebranding Engineering." Mechanical Engineering 133.12 (2011): 42-45.
Academic Search Complete.
Budny, Dan D., and Cheryl A. Paul. "Working With Students And Parents To Improve The
Freshman Retention." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-9.
Academic Search Complete. Web.
Business-Higher Education, Forum. "The American Competitiveness Initiative: Addressing The
STEM Teacher Shortage And Improving Student Academic Readiness. BHEF Issue Brief."
Business-Higher Education Forum (2006): ERIC. Web.
Business-Higher Education Forum. “Confronting the STEM Challenge: A New Modeling Tool for
U.S. Education Policymakers.” Washington, D.C. Business-Higher Education Forum (2010).
Business-Higher Education Forum. (2011). Creating the Workforce of the Future: The STEM
Interest and Proficiency Challenge. . Washington, D.C.
Business-Higher Education Forum. "Increasing the Number of STEM Graduates: Insights from
the U.S. STEM Education & Modeling Project." (2011).
Business-Higher Education Forum. (2011). Meeting the STEM Workforce Demand: Accelerating
Math Learning Among Students Interested in STEM. Washington, D.C.
Business Higher Education Forum. "Meeting the STEM Workforce Challenge: Leveraging Higher
Education's Untapped Potential to Prepare Tomorrow's STEM Workforce." Business-Higher
Education Forum (2012).
Business Roundtable. "Gaining Momentum, Losing Ground. Progress Report, 2008." Business
Roundtable (2008): ERIC. Web.
Bybee, Rodger W. "Advancing STEM Education: A 2020 Vision." Technology And Engineering
Teacher 70.1 (2010): 30-35.
Bybee, Rodger W. "K-12 Engineering Education Standards: Opportunities And Barriers."
Technology And Engineering Teacher 70.5 (2011): 21-29. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.
Cantrell, Pamela, and Jacque Ewing-Taylor. "Exploring STEM Career Options Through
Collaborative High School Seminars." Journal Of Engineering Education 98.3 (2009): 295-303.
Academic Search Complete. Web.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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Caralee Adams, et al. "Science Learning Outside The Classroom." Education Week 30.27 (2011):
S1-S16. ERIC. Web.
Carnevale, A. Center on Education and the Workforce Georgetown University, et al. "STEM:
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Carnevale, Anthony P., Nicole Smith, and Michelle Melton. "STEM: Science Technology
Engineering Mathematics: State-Level Analysis." 2011.
Carr, Julie Palakovich. "Will Lawmakers Reform Immigration Rules For STEM Graduates?."
Bioscience 62.1 (2012): 15. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Cassata-Widera, A. J. "Rigorous Measures Of Implementation: A Methodological Framework For
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(2011): ERIC. Web. 10 May 2012.
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Professions: Summer Programs for Talented, Underrepresented Students in Science. School
Science and Mathematics 99(6): 294-301.
Chang, Mitchell J., et al. "Improving The Rate Of Success For Underrepresented Racial
Minorities In STEM Fields: Insights From A National Project." New Directions For Institutional
Research 2010.148 (2010): 5-15. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2012.
Chase, Darrell. "STEM And Career Exploratory Classes." Techniques: Connecting Education &
Careers 85.3 (2010): 34. MasterFILE Premier. Web.
Chen, Xianglei. “Students Who Study Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
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Education Statistics, 2009.
Chesney, Thom D. "Transforming Science Education Through Peer-Led Team Learning." Peer
Review 13.3 (2011): 8-10. Academic Search Complete. Web. 10 May 2012.
CHRISTIE, KATHY. "Middle And High Schoolers Get Hands-On STEM Experiences." Phi Delta
Kappan 90.1 (2008): 5-6.
Church, Al. "STEM Mentoring--Aspiration To Achievement." NCSSSMST Journal 16.1 (2010): 1314. ERIC. Web. 5 May 2012.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
Page 6
Clark, Aaron C., and Jeremy Ernst. "Gaming Research For Technology Education." Journal Of
STEM Education: Innovations And Research 10.1-2 (2009): 25-30. ERIC. Web.
Clark, Aaron C., and Jeremy V. Ernst. "STEM-Based Computational Modeling For Technology
Education." Journal Of Technology Studies 34.1 (2008): 20-27. ERIC. Web. 8 May 2012.
Claude E. P. Mayo, et al. "Investing In The Future: The Importance Of Faculty Mentoring In The
Development Of Students Of Color In STEM." New Directions For Institutional Research
2010.148 (2010): 95-103. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Colburn, Alan. "Constructivism: Science Education's 'Grand Unifying Theory.'." Clearing House
74.1 (2000): 9-12.
Clewett, Catherine F. M., and Hy D. Tran. "Macro Analog To MEMS: A Program To Teach 8 Th
And 9 Th Grade Students Science And Engineering." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations &
Research 4.3/4 (2003): 1-7. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Comp, David. "Germany As A Study Abroad Destination Of U.S. Students In The Science,
Technology, Engineering And Mathematics (STEM) Fields." Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary
Journal Of Study Abroad 19.(2010): 191-203. ERIC. Web. 6 May 2012.
Conaway, Carrie, and Education Massachusetts Department of. "Supply And Demand Of STEM
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Education Research Brief. Issue 2." Massachusetts Department Of Education (2007).
Connolly, Patrick E. "The Application Of An Engineering Design And Information Systems Case
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Innovations & Research 12.3/4 (2011): 35-45. Academic Search Complete. Web.
Cotton, K., and K.R. Wikelund. (2001) Parent Involvement in Education. School Improvement
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Covay, Elizabeth, and (SREE) Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. "Variation In
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Society For Research On Educational Effectiveness (2011): ERIC. Web. 9 May 2012.
Cozart, Sheryl Conrad, and Paula Groves Price. "Black Women, Identity And Schooling:
Reclaiming Our Work In Shifting Contexts." The Urban Review 37.3 (2005): 173-179. PsycINFO.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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Cox M, Cekic O, Adams S. Developing Leadership Skills of Undergraduate Engineering Students:
Perspectives from engineering faculty. Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations & Research
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Cox, Monica F., Carlotta A. Berry, and Karl A. Smith. "Development Of A Leadership, Policy, And
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Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations And Research 10.3-4 (2009): 9-16. ERIC.
Cullinane, Jenna, and Policy Institute for Higher Education. "Diversifying The STEM Pipeline: The
Model Replication Institutions Program." Institute For Higher Education Policy (2009): ERIC.
Danesi, Marcel. "A Conceptual Metaphor Framework For The Teaching Of Mathematics."
Studies In Philosophy And Education 26.3 (2007): 225-236. Philosopher's Index. Web.
Darnell Johnson, et al. "Building A Model Of Collaboration Between Historically Black And
Historically White Universities." Journal Of Higher Education Outreach And Engagement 15.2
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Daugherty, Jenny L., George C. Reese, and Chris Merrill. "Trajectories Of Mathematics And
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Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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DeWitt, Stephen. "America COMPETES Act: STEM Investment For U.S. Competitiveness."
Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers 86.1 (2011): 12. Academic Search Complete. Web.
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Dierking, Lynn D. "A Comprehensive Approach To Fostering The Next Generation Of Science,
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DiLisi, Gregory A., Keith A. McMillin, and Margaret E. Virostek. "Project WISE: Building STEMFocused Youth-Programs That Serve The Community." Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations
And Research 12.5-6 (2011): 38-45.
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Journal Of Experimental Education 80.1 (2012): 96-112. ERIC. Web.
Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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Echempati, Raghu. "Assessment Of Student Understanding Of Program Outcomes In Machine
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Academic Search Complete. Web.
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Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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Farenga, Stephen J., and Beverly A. Joyce. "Science-Related Attitudes And Science Course
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Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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Bibliography of STEM Education-Related Research
Developed by Karen Olmstead, Kristen Paul, and Mark DeMorra
Salisbury University (
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