TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL Sàrl, Rue de la Gare 29, CH-1110 Morges, , Switzerland belongs to the Agilent Technologies Group of Companies with ultimate parent Agilent Technologies Inc., the latter being a corporation formed and governed under the laws of the United States of America. AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL Sàrl, Rue de la Gare 29, CH-1110 Morges, Switzerland hereby certifies that after the 1999 split of Chemical Analysis, Test and Measurements and Medical Divisions of Hewlett-Packard from HewlettPackard, Inc. a new company was founded under a new brand name: Agilent Technologies Inc. The new Agilent Technologies, Inc. company keeps all the product lines of HewlettPackard Analytical Division products, as they are: gas chromatography (same series: 6890, 6850, 5890, 4890), liquid chromatography (same series: 1100, 1050, 1090), UVVis spectroscopy (same series: 8452, 8453), ICP-MS (same series: 4500, 7500), capillary electrophoresis. Morges dd/mm/yyyy AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL Sàrl Charles Malatesta IDO Support Manager Life Science Chemical Analysis Group HPAgilent_X.doc