Student Government Association Senate Meeting Tuesday, March 29, 2011 3:45pm BC Rooms Student Union I. Call to Order 3:52 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Invocation – Alyssa Foley IV. Roll Call – Secretary Danielle Brown V. Approval of Minutes VI. Approval of Agenda VII. Special Orders of the Day a. Representative of the Week “ROW” Award : awarded to Scott Hull for being an exemplary committee member VIII. Open Forum Gina has noticed an improvement in the wait time for student union food lines. Brandon encouraged students to let Ben or he know if the lines start to get longer again. Callie has gotten a lot of feedback about people feeling uncomfortable at SFC. She also noticed a lot of students applying for the desk aid/RA/peer mentor positions. We should try to find more jobs for students on campus. Kasey has an update on the bathroom trash cans. The people in charge of this are looking into costs for trashcans. Gina has heard complaints about elections. Emily says that you should open elections up in Firefox or Safari and you can e-mail Blackboard or call the help desk if you get locked out. Sarah Clark wants to know who plans Spring Break. She feels that we are always a week off of other schools. Ben states that that is decided 3 years in advance. It will be quite a wait before we will see change with this. The Lancer Cash machine did not have change on two separate occasions when Rosa Townes went. Ben talked to the lady who does the lancer card center. He is going to work with them and try to come up with a solution. IX. Orders of the Day a. Executive Report – President Benjamin Brittain For Elections use Firefox not Internet Explorer 8. The Constitutional Amendments were not posted and that will be going up next week sometime as well as Judicial Board Elections. Judicial Board Elections need to be separated. Some of those people are on DP and do not have the GPA. Board of Visitors was this weekend. Overall there were some really good things that came out of the meeting. There is a possible 6% increase in tuition. It will be about a $1000.00 increase per year. John Adams suggested that we go all the way up to 10-12% (roughly $2,000.00 increase), but that decision will be decided on in May following graduation. Brandon and Ben spoke out heavily about any tuition increase. Ben stated that we are a public university with private school feel and public school cost, but this is changing. This will turn some away from Longwood. Some faculty brought up endowments to take some things off of the students. Brandon told them that students will not go here if this tuition increases by that much. Kyle Pemberton states that if they are in a cost crunch they turn to the tuition of students to help. The three major ways to get funding for a school is tuition, endowments, and state funding. Gina talked to a faculty member and they think that it will not go any higher than 6%. Gina wants to know what we can do as student leaders. Ben wants to meet with John Adams to discuss this issue. “All we have is our voice and luckily we have a strong group of voices.” Callie thinks it is excluding students of a certain socio-economic status and first generation students. Ben and Callie discussed a cap on the tuition. Shannon wants to know if we can publicize the Board of Visitors Meetings for more students to go. Kyle wants to know if we could lobby to a senator or get the student body to write letters and call to express their opinions. Ben Tyree thinks this sounds a lot like “taxation without representation” and he thinks it’s time “we declare independence.” Emily thinks if students are passionate about this then you should call or talk to tell people how you are feeling. James Pinc thinks that their push to move the meeting on deciding the tuition was their way to dodge the students. Ben does not think that was their intention. Callie made a motion for someone on the senate to step up and take on the tuition issues for Longwood. Many senators raised their hands to join the efforts. Four were chosen. Donald thinks the main point is to make this known to the students. b. Committee Reportsi. Emily Van Daniker- VA 21: Senator Mark Warner wants to meet with students next Wednesday on a conference call at 3. Also she needs us to think of 3 questions to ask him on a federal level. Emily thinks we should definitely discuss financial issues with him. Callie wants to know if we can ask him about the housing issue. Emily stated financial aid now falls under national government. Elections: New member packets will be created for next year. She wants all senators to e-mail her “something you wish you would have known.” Callie wants to know if position duties could be included. Brandon urges the newly elected exec board to meet with old exec members. Emily says to keep voting. ii. Historian Hovey brings to senate Phi Mu Delta. He read their purpose. Callie states that IFC has accepted Phi Mu Delta. There are 6 gentlemen who have been extended bids and are ready to lead. Historian Hovey had a few questions about their constitution. James made a motion to table the vote of this constitution. There was some discussion and confusion. James Pinc resents his motion. Ben states that this constitution came in today and there are other constitutions ahead of this one. IFC president, Dane Summerell spoke on it not being fair to Phi Mu Delta. Callie wants to agree with what Dane says. Ben makes a motion to move on. Motion passes. Historian Hovey apologized greatly to the representatives of Phi Mu Delta for the confusion and this will be brought up next week. iii. Keenan Crump spoke on tabling session. Their next committee meeting will be next Wednesday and they will take a look at comments that were written down. iv. James’ committee will meet at 3 on Friday to talk about the Medical Amnesty Act of 2011. v. Alyssa’s committee does not have anything planned right now. X. Old Business XI. New Business a. SFC Report SFC moves to reallocate $1,260.00 from Security to Novelties for Senior Class. Callie wanted to say that they over budgeted for security and that is why they have asked for this. Motion passed. SFC moves to allocate $105.00 to the ballroom dance club for weekly lessons. They have had a high faculty turn out and this concerns Treasurer Hoyt. Gina believes that this is really a student thing and students are trying to promote this club. Alyssa thinks that if we make this clear to them that this is more for students then they will understand. Kyle wants to know if there is ways to pre-pay for this so it doesn’t come out of the student’s fees. Ben wants to know where this money is going. It is going toward instructors. Dane, from the gallery, talked to the young lady about this and they are hoping to learn all the dances so that they can teach them. It is just a onetime fee. Shannon wants to clarify that members have been paying and they need a boost to get it going. Emily called it to question. Motion passes. SFC moves to overturn the bylaws to allocate $2,000.00 to Honor Board, Judicial Board and SGA. Treasurer Hoyt decided to pay for these medallions and they will be stored in Elsie’s office. If HB, JB, or SGA members want to buy a medallion they can go to Elsie’s office and purchase one. Emily wants to know if we can vote on over turning the bylaws. Motion passes. There was a motion to allocate $2,000.00 to Honor Board, Judicial Board, and SGA for medallions. Emily wants to know how this happens. She thinks that these people should be held accountable for their mistake. For example start fundraising. Ben Brittain, Nick Sneed, and Allie Smith are the 3 exec members that they are referring to. Ben assumed that we paid for these out of the overhead account, but was later told that that was not the case. Dr. Pierson made it clear to Treasurer Hoyt that it will come back to us in the future if we do not take care of it now. Scott Hull asked for a point of clarification. James Pinc wants to know what we would do if it was another club and what if this happens in the future. Treasurer Hoyt stated this is exactly what happened with SEAL. You have to look at all the organizations. Callie thinks this is horrible PR for us and she thinks we should not use student funds for this. Emily Van Daniker stated that she has never been so furious in SGA in all her four years serving because this is completely irresponsible. Treasurer Hoyt stated that the medals will be billed to Dr. Chassey’s office and he will be looking for the funding from SGA which could not come if we don’t allocate this money. Sarah Clark asked President Brittain for a point of clarification on this issue. Emily states that regardless they should never have been funded because gifts are not in our bylaws. Erinn Larson states that we need to stop pointing fingers and come up with a resolution. Matt Jones believes we should take the hit now. Ben takes complete blame and he thinks Erinn has a great point that we need to not play the blame game. James states we are not spending the student’s money because the money will be put back in the account over time. Chloe, from the gallery, spoke about this saying that these people should hold a fundraiser. Dane, from the gallery, spoke about this. He states that none of this money should be spent from student funds. Nicole Dales states as a member of Judicial Board that they were sent an e-mail about paying for their medallions a month ago. Alyssa Foley asked if there will be an actual ramification for the consequences of these actions. Motion passed. Allocations are this Saturday and Sunday. Callie moves to move SFC report to Special Orders of the Day permanently as letter b. Motion passes. b. First Reading of the Medical Amnesty Act of 2011 They came here to give a resolution to students not calling medical help because they are afraid they will get in trouble. Callie encourages that it go in the student handbook. Lauren Smiley stated that it doesn’t state that you get off free. It states that there are programs that these students could go to. Gina wants to know how this will tell students that it is not ok to do drugs and consume alcoholic beverages under age. Lauren states that students will learn about this through peer mentors like her. XII. Announcements Senior Class Bowling Night tonight at 9:30-close. Spring Weekend Seniors will be selling a cup, a t-shirt, and a bracelet for $11. Bracelets and cups will be sold to other classes. XIII. Adjournment IF YOU READ THE MINUTES E-MAIL ME AND YOU WILL GET A TREAT!