Dengue fever/ Meningitis C Vaccine FF7

Dengue fever/ Meningitis C Vaccine FF7
22 yr old Jemima Paralysed down her left side. Medical Diagnosis Dystonia
Case History from her Mother
‘My daughter who is a beautiful girl with so much vivacity and sparkle, went through a tough
time when she was 18yrs old as she was just breaking up with her current boyfriend.
She had been under immense pressure because of her A levels and trying to get a place at the
university of her choice. She did achieve the grades and was accepted into the University. I
thought that the pressure was off. Jemima then decided to go to South America with a friend
for her gap year and was vaccinated accordingly. She was also given the Men C vaccine
because of advice from her university.
Shortly after this she went to Guatemala and during the first few weeks started to lose control
of her muscles. I was very concerned and I was devastated when she returned as she was in a
shocking state. Her speech was very bad and she seemed to be totally uncoordinated, she had
lost the use of her hands.
She struggled through University deteriorating all the time. I took her to every specialist
imaginable including an osteopath.
He was charming and reassuring and was convinced that she had suffered as a result of the
holiday vaccines. Sadly he could not help her. I then heard about Prof Mossop and took her to
The Integrated Medical Centre for a consultation.
The first thing she told me was that my daughter was suffering with dengue fever and the
second was that she appeared to have a heart murmur and that her condition was associated
with emotional trauma. This in fact was absolutely true as she had been diagnosed with a
bicuspid heart murmur when she was a baby. She explained that the Meningitis C vaccine
could cause vulnerability to people suffering with heart murmur and this would have made her
vulnerable to Dengue Fever. This gave me immense confidence as this was the first time that
any one had suggested that there could be a tropical condition and also that the heart murmur
could be implicated as well as her emotional state. I felt very confident and after the
consultation Jemima started on a course of Flower Formulas in particular FF 7 and some herbs
called wormwood. We went on holiday and very subtly she started to improve. At first it was
difficult to differentiate between hope and actuality.
Her second visit to Prof Mossop was a very important visit. She explained that until such time
as the Dengue Fever had been eliminated we may not see very much improvement in her
condition. However , this done she said that we could now make progress.
After this second consultation and some work called Podo Rhacidian. Jemima initially was
much worse for a short time. She had been warned that this would occur so she was prepared
and quite positive. Then the improvement started.
She is not completely better yet but I feel like crying every time I see her able to walk, talk
properly and write. Until you have a child suddenly struck down with something so shocking
you have no idea how much it hurts and how absolutely brave my daughter has been. I am so
impressed by this philosophy called Phytobiophysics and thank God that I heard about it in
Comment from The Institute.
Tropical Harmony one month supply for one person £45 [Inc VAT] £52
Gap years can be very exciting but they can also be very dangerous as well. Not only do
young people going on Gap year undergo a cocktail of vaccines but also there are
countless very aggressive tropical bacteria which are very debilitating. On the strength of
research into protection against tropical disorders The Institute has produced Tropical
Harmony a small pack of 11 formulas especially designed to support the tropical traveler
and also to antidote any possible side effects of the vaccine programme.
Flower Formula 7 Cool Calm is always recommended as an important formula to take as
a prophylactic.
Essential Oil Citronella is an extremely good natural mosquito repellant. Prevention is
always better than cure.
Note that FF7 for fulfillment of missions and ambitions is the antidote to Dengue Fever
and is also used to support at the time of the Men C Vaccine administration.