VGSC Inject 023 (3 Mar) FEMA ICS_209_Sitrep_02

VG South Carolina
Situation Status Summary ICS 209 (3 March 2015)
1. Incident Name
2. Incident Operational Period (Date / Time)
From: 020700 Mar 15 to 030700 Mar 15
3. Date Prepared:
03 Mar 15
4. Report No:
5. Type of Incident:
Hurricane Zephyr
5a. Description of Incident: Preparations for Hurricane Zephyr estimated landfall on 6 March 2015 as a Category 4 storm along
the southeastern South Carolina Coast.
6. Location:
Southeastern South Carolina Coast
7. Declaration Information:
Governor of SC issued a Declaration of State of Emergency on 2 March 2015.
State of SC Mandatory Medical Evacuation will be issued on 3 March 2015.
Anticipate Governor of SC issuing a Mandatory Evacuation Declaration for coastal counties on 5 March 2015.
Anticipate Governor of SC announcing implementation of Evacuation Shelter Plan on 5 March 2015.
State prepared and submitted request for a Presidential Pre-Landfall Disaster Declaration.
SCNG Warning Order for State activation.
8. Current Situation:
FEMA Alert order issued 1 March 2015.
Tropical Storm Zephyr is currently located southeast of South Carolina coast. The current track of the storm has it striking the
South Carolina coast somewhere between the GA-SC border and Charleston, SC the evening of March 6. Hurricane Zephyr is
currently about 235 miles southeast of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Max wind speed is 150 mph. Storm moving northwest at 15 mph.
Some reduction in forward speed is expected during the next 24 hours. Some weakening is expected as the storm crosses Puerto
Rico but Zephyr will remain a major hurricane. The National Hurricane Center has predicted that this storm has the potential to be
a Category 4 storm within the next 72 hours.
FEMA Region IV RRCC at a 24/7 Level in Atlanta, GA. The State Liaison Officers reported to their respective state EOCs and contact
the State Emergency Management Agency in South Carolina. All ESFs will be activated March 3, 2015.
Pre-designated FEMA county LNOs for South Carolina counties will deploy to their respective assignment locations NLT 0700
March 3, 2015.
9. Fatalities/Casualties:
Deaths: NA
Treated: NA
Hospitalized: NA
10. Extent of Damage: NA
11. Evacuation status. SC and NC are making preparations for mandatory evacuations of the coast. Number of counties impacted
is to be determined.
12. Significant Impacting Weather: Weather will not have any operational impact for the next 48 hours.
VG South Carolina
Situation Status Summary ICS 209 (3 March 2015)
13. Threats to Human Life: NA
14. Threats to Structures, Significance: Cell service will probably not be available. Power outages will also impact accessibility.
Power outages will also impact people’s ability to access the internet. It will be possible to keep AM/FM radio and TV on air (they
may need support for fuel and generators). These stations will be available for public broadcasts. Some bridges and roads may
sustain extensive damage. Many roads in the area may become clogged by abandoned vehicles or debris hampering first
responder efforts. Rail bridges may be weakened due to high winds.
15. Threats to Infrastructure: NA
16. Critical Resource Needs: The county emergency manager is coordinating with the State. Need for emergency route openings,
communications support, medical and mortuary support are other areas of concern to the state.
17. Operations – Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: The South Carolina Hurricane Response Plan calls for county emergency
managers to lead emergency preparedness and response. Under this "all disasters are local" approach, the governor and SCEMD
rely heavily on local leadership. This CONOPS is intended to provide maximum assistance to, support of, and co-ordination with
local disaster managers.
17a. Operations – Public Assistance: NA
17b. Operations – Individual Assistance: NA
17c. Operations – Hazard Mitigation: NA
17d. Operations – Tribal Relations: NA
17e. Operations – Air Operations: No impact. Air operations will cease when winds exceed 25mph.
17f. Operations – Marine Operations: Surge will impact heavily low lying areas along the coast and may impede evacuation if
evacuation is delayed. Wave height/surf will increase as TFW approach the coast.
18. Activated ESF #1: All commercial and military airports in SC and NC remain open and air traffic control is operating normally.
All rail traffic is normal. SC DOT is reporting all major highways open and traffic is normal.
18a, Activated ESF#2: Telecommunication providers expect significant damage to telephone (landline & cellular) and internet
communications facilities throughout any disaster area. Multiple cell towers damage may impede cell communications for up to
2 days or more. Local television and radio stations are keeping public informed of Hurricane projected path and impacts to States.
18a. Activated ESF #3: Water Utilities: Water is not to be considered potable for several counties along the coast. Loss of power
and contamination by flooding will cause water shortages.
18b. Activated ESF #4: No Report Available
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VG South Carolina
Situation Status Summary ICS 209 (3 March 2015)
18c. Activated ESF #6: NA
18d. Activated ESF #8: NA
18e. Activated ESF #9:
18f. Activated ESF #10:
18g. Activated ESF #11: No Report Available
18g. Activated ESF #12: No Report Available
18h. Activated ESF #13: NA
18i: Activated ESF #15: NA
18j. US Coast Guard: USCG assisting major ports in preparations. Stand-by to conduct SAR as TFW approach. Port Condition
Whiskey will be established for Ports of Charleston, Georgetown and Port Royal effective 1600 EDT, March 3, 2015.
18k. DOD: FEMA requested activation of DCOs/EPLOs. Working designation of Fort Jackson, SC as BSI. Expect confirmation on
March 3, 2015.
19. Finance and Administration – Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: Reviewing Stafford Act processes with States to address any
potential issues or questions.
19a. Finance: No Report Available
19b. Administration: No Report Available
20. Logistics - Issues, Concerns, Needs: FEMA will coordinate commodities planning with SC to provide possible support for
shelter management once evacuation begins and response operations post-landfall.
21. Planning - Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: On-going coordination with SC and NC.
22. External Affairs - Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: NA
23. Safety - Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: NA
24. Security - Actions, Issues, Concerns, Needs: NA
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VG South Carolina
Situation Status Summary ICS 209 (3 March 2015)
25. Other Notes or Issues: NA
26. Objectives for Next Operational Period:
1. Identify disaster facilities
2. Analyze models (USACE) and GAP
3. Identify state requirements for evacuation and other assistance
4. Coordinate with NRCC on strategic placement of team
5. USACE PRTs / US&R / Possibly ESF-4 hotshot teams
6. Publish Warning Order
7. Prepare activation Mission Assignments for selected ESFs
8. Implement ESF 2 Project Roll Call for pre-incident communications snapshot
9. Deploy county LNOs to coastal locations.
27. Prepared by:
28. Reviewed by:
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