NAGI S. EL SAGHIR, MD, FACP Curriculum Vitae, September 2009 1. Personal and Professional Information: Current appointments, activities, certifications and awards: Nagi S. El Saghir, MD, FACP Clinical Professor of Medicine Division of Hematology-Oncology Department of Internal Medicine American University of Beirut Medical Center P.O. Box: 11-0236, Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut - Lebanon Telephone: AUB: +961 1 350 000, Clinic: +961 1 347 911, +961 1 747 144 Fax: AUB: +961 1 351 706, Clinic: +961 1 747 144, Mobile: +9613827955 Email:; Webpage:,, Author: ABC of Breast Diseases from Prevention to Treatment, Arab Scientific Publishers, Beirut, Lebanon January 2005. (Bestseller list, Beirut International Book Fair, December 2004); second printing, January 2006 Specialty Editor: The Breast Consulting Editor: Lebanese Medical Journal: 1997-1999 International Editor: Journal of Clinical Oncology (Middle East and Northern Africa Editions) Editorial Board: International Journal of Surgery 2005-present Editorial Board: OncoTargets and Therapy: 2008-present Founding and Past-President: Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology LSMO (19972000) Past-President: Lebanese Society of Internal Medicine (2002-2004 Coordinator: Breast Tumor Clinic, American University of Beirut Medical Center Coordinator, Breast Cancer National Task Force, Ministry of Health, Lebanon (2005-Present) President: Arab Breast Cancer Research Group 2004-2006 ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) International Committee, member: 2002-2005 ASCO International Travel Grant Working Group, member, 2003-2004, 2004-2005 ASCO International Development and Education Award (I.D.E.A) working Group 2005-2006. EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer): Breast Cancer Group King Faisal International Prize for Medicine: Member, Selection Committee 20022003 1 Breast Cancer ESO Course Organizer and Co-Chairman (with C. van de Velde and Umberto Veronesi): European School of Oncology Advanced Course: Breast Cancer Special Issues in Young Women. September 2005 ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) Regional Representative-ME: 20062008 ESMO Developing Countries Task Force DTCF 2006-Present ASCO Highlights (LSMO) Chairman: 1997-2005 Best of ASCO 2006 (LSMO and ASCO) Chairman, November 17-18, 2006, Beirut, Lebanon Best of ASCO 2007 (LSMO and ASCO) Chairman, July 6-7, 2007, Cairo, Egypt Best of ASCO 2008 (LSMO and ASCO) Co-Chairman, July 11-12, 2008, Faraya, Lebanon Best of ASCO 2009 (LSMO and ASCO) Co-Chairman, July 11-12, 2008, Beirut, Lebanon Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, with Dr O Abulkhair, January 2006, 2007, 2008, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia AUB–Hopkins Breast Cancer Course, Co-Director with Dr N Khouri), MEMA, May 10-13, 2007 Pan Arab Cancer Congress PACC-4, Chairman, Scientific Committee, Arab Medical Association Against Cancer, April 2002, Beirut, Lebanon AMAAC-EASO: Arab-Medical Asociation Against Cancer – Euro-Arab School of Oncology Scientific Committee 2009- present Beirut Marathon Association 2009 Run Against Cancer: President, Medical Committee 2009 Terry Fox Marathon Steering Committee AUB Coordinator (19951997-2000) Breast Health Global Initiative: Panelist and Speaker Budapest, October 2007 Board of Trustees, Beirut International Marathon, Member (2007-present) Board of Trustees, Jabal Amel Women’s Association School of Nursing, 2008present Medical Degree and Certifications: 1978 Doctor of Medicine, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium 1978 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) 1979 Visa Qualifying Examination (VQE) 1980 Federal Licensing Examination (FLEX) 1981 American Board of Internal Medicine 1985 American Board of Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology Honors and Awards: Medal of Honor for Achievements (Wissam Al-Istihqaq), President of Lebanon, 2002 Terry Fox Medal of Appreciation of Canadian Embassy of Beirut/CAAL, 2000 Medal of Appreciation, Lebanese Order of Physicians, 2002 Medal of Appreciation and Pride, Lebanese Women’s Rights League, 2002 Medal of Appreciation, American Alumni Association of Lebanon, 2002 2 Medal of Appreciation, The Lebanese Health Society, 2002 Medal of the Bint Jbeil Cultural Association, 2002 Medal of the Municipality of Bint Jbeil, 2002 Pan Arab Oncology Congress Award of Appreciation, Damascus, 2003 Certificate of Appreciation, Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology, 2004 Medal of Recognition, Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology, Annual Meeting, November 2004 Jordan Oncology Society Award of Appreciation, April 2006 Best of ASCO 2006 in Lebanon Appreciation Award, November 2006 Cairo University Hospitals Medal of Acknowledgement for Contributions to Cancer Care in the Arab World, December 2006 Lions International: Beirut Freedom Club 2007, Philadelphia Club 2007 Medal of Appreciation: National Guard Medical Services, Saudi Arabia 2009 B. RESEARCH: 1) PUBLICATIONS: Original Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals. (PubMed search: www. and go for saghir n) 1. El Saghir NS. Facing the challenges of breast cancer in Egypt and other Arab countries (Editorial). Journal Egyptian National Cancer Institute (in press) 2. Abboud M, El-Saghir NS, Salame J, Geara FB. Complete response of HER2-overexpressive breast cancer brain metastases with concurrent radiation therapy with lapatinib and capecitabine. Breast J (in press). 3. Doumit MA, El Saghir N, Abu-Saad Huijer H, Kelley JH, Nassar N. Living with breast cancer, a Lebanese experience. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 2009 Oct 6. [Epub ahead of print] 4. Salim AM, El Saghir NS, Ammar W. Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening in Lebanon. Public Health Communication. J Med Liban 2009; 57 (2): 72-74. HA, Jamali FR, 5. Hatoum HA, Jamali FR, El-Saghir NS, Musallam KM, Seoud M, Dimassi H, Abbas J, Khalife M, Boulos FI, Tawil AN, Geara FB, Salem Z, Shamseddine AA, Al-Feghali K, Shamseddine AI. Ratio Between Positive Lymph Nodes and Total Excised Axillary Lymph Nodes as an Independent Prognostic Factor for Overall Survival in Patients with Nonmetastatic Lymph Node-Positive Breast Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2009 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print] 3 6. Musallam KM, Jamali FR, Hatoum HA, Seoud M, El-Saghir NS, Shamseddine AI. Axillary Lymph Node Ratio Revisited. J Clin Oncol. 2009 Jul 20 7. Salim EI, Moore MA, Al-Lawati JA, Al-Sayyad J, Bazawir A, Bener A, Corbex M, El-Saghir N, Habib OS, Maziak W, Mokhtar HC, Seif-Eldrin IA, Sobue T. Cancer epidemiology and control in the arab world - past, present and future. Asian Pac J Cancer Prevention 2009 Jan-Mar; 10 (1): 3-16 8. El Saghir NS and Hatoum HA. Tailoring Treatment Decision-making in Metastatic Breast Cancer. European Oncology 2008; Touch Briefings, Vol 2, Issue 4: pp 43-46. 9. Farhat MH, El Saghir NS, Shamseddine AI. Modified resistance to chemotherapy and trastuzumab by bevacizumab in locally recurrent breast cancer. Breast, 2008 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print] 10. El Saghir NS, Eniu A, Carlson RW, Aziz Z, Vorobiof D, Hortobagyi GN for the Breast Health Global Initiative (BHGI) Systemic Therapy Focus Group. Locally advanced breast cancer: treatment guidelines with particular attention to low- and middle-income countries. Cancer. 2008;113(8 suppl):2314-2323 11. Eniu A, Carlson RW, El Saghir NS, Bines J, Bese N, Vorobiof D, Anderson BO on behalf of the Breast Health Global Initiative. Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low- and middle income countries: treatment resource allocation. Cancer. 2008;113(8 suppl):2268-2280 12. Farhat MH, El-Saghir NS, Shamseddine AI. Hand-foot syndrome with docetaxel: a five-case series. Ann Saudi Med. 2008 Sep-Oct;28(5):374-7. 13. El-Saghir NS, Khalil M, Eid T, El Kinge AR, Charafeddine M, Geara F, Seoud M, Shamseddine A. Trends in epidemiology and management of breast cancer in developing Arab countries: a literature and registry analysis. Int J Surg. 2007 Aug;5(4):225-33. Epub 2006 Aug 24. 14. Geara F, Nasr E, Tucker S, Bikhazi K, Abbas J, Salem Z, Shamseddine A, Issa P, El Saghir N. Breast cancer patients with 10 or more involved axillary lymph nodes treated by multimodality therapy: Influence of clinical presentation on outcome. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Feb 24; [Epub ahead of print] 4 15. El-Saghir NS,.El-Hajj II,Makarem JA, Otrock ZK. Combined ovarian ablation and aromatase inhibition as first line therapy for hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer in premenopausal women: report of three cases. Anticancer Drugs. 2006 Sep;17(8):999-1002. 16. El Saghir NS, Seoud M, Khalil MK, Charafeddine M, Salem ZK, Geara FB, Shamseddine AI. Effects of young age at presentation on survival in breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2006 Jul 20;6(1):194 [Epub ahead of print] 17. Shamseddine AI, Otrock ZK, Khalifeh MJ, Yassine HR, Charafeddine M, Abdel-Khalek Z, Chehal A, Bitar N, Jalloul R, Dheiny M, Dandashi A, Wehbeh M, El-Saghir NS. A clinical phase II study of a nonanthracycline sequential combination of Cisplatin-Vinorelbine followed by Docetaxel as first line treatment in metastatic breast cancer. Oncology 2006;70:330-338 18. El-Zahabi LMN, Jamali FR, El-Hajj II, Naja MO, Salem Z, Shamseddine A, El Saghir NS, Zaatari G, Geara F, Soweid AM. The value of EUS in predicting the response of gastric MALT lymphoma to Helicobacter Pylori eradication Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Jan;65(1):89-96. 19. de Castro Junior G, Puglisi F, de Azambuja E, El Saghir NS, Awada A. Angiogenesis and cancer: A cross-talk between basic science and clinical trials (the "do ut des" paradigm). Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2006 Jul;59(1):40-50. Epub 2006 Apr 4. Review. 20. Shamseddine A, El-Saghir N, Chehal A, Saliba T, Taher A. Cisplatin and vinorelbine (PVn) for the treatment of advanced breast cancer: 10 years of experience. J Med Liban. 2004 Jul-Sep;52(3):126-30. PMID: 16432968 [PubMed - in process] 21. Otrock ZK, Hourani MH, Oghlakian GO, Nasrallah AT, El-Saghir NS. Renal cell carcinoma presenting as an isolated neck mass. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2005 Dec;17(8):665-6 22. El Saghir NS, Otrock ZK, Bleik JH. Anterior unilateral uveitis complicating zoledronic acid therapy. BMC Cancer BMC Cancer. 2005 Dec 6;5(1):156 [Epub ahead of print]. 23. El Saghir N, El-Hajj I, Geara F, Hourani M. Trauma-associated growth of suspected dormant micrometatasis. BMC Cancer 2005 Aug 4;5(1):94. 24. El-Saghir NS, Otrock Z, Bizri AR, Uwayda M, Oghlakian G. Erysipelas infections after loco-regional therapy for breast cancer. Breast. 2005 Oct;14(5):347-51. Epub 2005 Jun 28 Jun 27. 5 25. Choueiri MB, Otrock ZK, Tawil AN, El-Hajj I, El Saghir N. Inflammatory breast cancer in a male. New Zealand Med J. 2005 Jul 15; 118(1218):U1566. 26. El Saghir, Shamseddine AI, Geara F, Bikhazi K, Rahal B, Salem ZMK, Taher A, Tawil A, El Khatib Z, Abbas J, Ali Khalil. Hourani M, Seoud M. Breast Cancer in Lebanon: Increased percentages and age adjusted incidence rates in younger-aged groups at presentation: Implications for screening and for Arab-American ethnic groups . Ethnicity and Disease: Ethnicity and Disease, 2005 Winter; Vol 15(1 Suppl 1):S1-11-S1-12: p 110. 27. El Saghir NS. An Update on Recent Cancer Trends in Lebanon. Ethnicity and Disease, 2005 Winter Vol 15, Suppl. 1, S II p 11-17. 28. El-Hajj I, Chehal A, El Saghir N. Recurrent GI bleeding and surgery following initial response to imatinib therapy in GIST of the stomach. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2005 Jan;50(1):65-9. 29. Geara F, Nasr E, Tucker SL, Brihi E, Zaytoun G, Hadi U, Salem Z, El Saghir N, Issa P, Shamseddine A. Nasopharyngeal Cancer in the Middle East: Experience of The American University of Beirut Medical Center. International Journal Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2005 Apr 1;61(5):1408-15. 30. El Saghir NS. Screening for Breast Cancer in the Middle East (Editorial). British Medical Journal – Middle East 2004; 11: 6-8. 31. El Saghir NS, Otrock ZK, Mufarrij AA, Abou Mourad Y, Salem Z, Shamseddine AI, Abbas J. Dexrazoxane for anthracycline extravasation and GM-CSF for delayed skin ulceration and wound healing. Lancet Oncology 2004; 5 (5): 320-321 32. El Saghir NS and Otrock ZK Docetaxel extravasation into the normal breast during breast cancer treatment. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2004; 15 (4): 401-404. 33. Shamseddine AI, Sibai AM, Geahchan N, Rahhal B, El Saghir N, Ghosn M, Aftimos G, Chamseddine N, Seoud M. for The Lebanese Cancer Epidemiology Group. Cancer incidence in postwar Lebanon: findings from the first national population-based registry, 1998. Annals of Epidemiology 2004 Oct;14(9):663-8. 34. Shamseddine A, Saliba T, Aoun E, Chehal A, Saghir N, Salem Z, Bazarbachi A, Khalil M, Taher A. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: 6 24 years of experience at the American University of Beirut Medical Canter. Journal of Clinical Apheresis 2004; 19(3):119-124 35. Shamseddine AI, Chehal A, Usta I, Taher A, Salem Z, El-Saghir N, Taher A. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Pregnancy, report of 4 cases and review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Apheresis 2004; 19 (1): 510. 36. El Saghir, Shamseddine AI, Geara F, Bikhazi K, Rahal B, Salem ZMK, Taher A, Tawil A, El Khatib Z, Abbas J, Hourani M, Seoud M. Age Distribution of Breast Cancer in Lebanon: Increased Percentages and Age Adjusted Incidence Rates in Younger-Aged Groups at Presentation. Leb Med J 2002; 50 (1-2): 3-9. 37. Seoud M, El-Saghir N, Salem Z, Shamseddine Awwad J, Mudawwar W, Khalil A. Tamoxifen and Ovarian Cysts: A prospective study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. Dec 2001; 101: 77-80. 38. Mansour AM, Salti HI, Han DP, Khoury A, Friedman SM, Salem Z, Ibrahim K, Bazerbachi A, Saghir N. Ocular findings in aplastic anemia. Ophtalmologica 2000; 214 (6): 399-402. 39. Seoud M, Shamseddine AI, Khalil A, Salem Z, Saghir N, Bikhazi K, Bitar N, Azar G, Kaspar H. Tamoxifen and endometrial pathologies: A prospective study. Breast Diseases: Year Book Quarterly, June 2000. (Abstracted from Gynecologic Oncology; 1999: 75: 15-19). 40. Seoud M, Shamseddine AI, Khalil A, Salem Z, Saghir N, Bikhazi K, Bitar N, Azar G, Kaspar H. Tamoxifen and endometrial pathologies: A prospective study. Gynecologic Oncology; 1999: 75: 15-19. 41. Taher A, Shamseddine A, Saghir N, Seoud M, Mourad F, Dabajah B, Khalil A. Acquired protein C deficiency following Cisplatinum-Navelbine administration for locally advanced breast cancer: Case report. European Journal Gyneacological Oncology 1999; 4: 323-324. 42. Shamseddine AI, Taher A, Dabaja B, Dandashi A, Salem Z, El Saghir NS. Combination chemotherapy with cisplatinum-vinorelbine for relapsed and chemotherapy pretreated metastatic breast cancer. American Journal of Clinical Oncology (Cancer Clinical Trials) 1999; 22(5): 298-302. 43. El Saghir NS, Adib S, Mufarrij A, Taher A, Kahwaji S, Issa P, Shamseddine AI. Cancer in Lebanon: Analysis of 10220 cases from the American University of Beirut Medical Center. Lebanese Medical Journal 1998; 46: 4-11. 7 44. Shamseddine A, Khalil A, Abi-Nasr T, Kibbi AG. Seoud M, El Saghir NS. Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced cutaneous ulcers. European Journal of Gynecological Oncology 1998. 45. Adib S, Mufarrij A, Adib S, Shamseddine A, Kahwaji S, Issa Ph, El Saghir NS. Cancer in Lebanon: Tumor Registry at the American University of Beirut 1983-1994. Annals of Epidemiology 1998; 8: 46-51. 46. El Saghir NS, Bizri AR, Salem NS, Hussami T, Salem Z, Shamseddine AI. Pressure Ulcer Accelerated Wound Healing with Local Injections of Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor. Journal of Infection, 1997: 35: 179-182. 47. Saghir NS, Salem Z, Adib S, Bikhazi K, Issa Ph. Breast Cancer Screening: Recommendations and Controversies, with reference to Screening in Lebanon. Lebanese Medical Journal 1997; 45: 206-211. 48. El Saghir NS. Combination chemotherapy with tetracycline and aggressive supportive care for immunoproliferative small-intestinal disease lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology 1995; 13: 794 (Letter). 49. Saghir NS. Breast cancer: Guidelines for modern management. Lebanese Medical Journal 1994; 42: 17-22 50. Kyriacou C, Loewen RD, Gibbon K, Hafeez M, Stuart AE, Whorten G, Al-Faleh FZ, Al-Mofleh I, Jessen K, Mass RE, El Saghir NS, AlKhudairy N, Rifai MM, Qteishat W. Pathology and clinical features of Gastro-intestinal lymphoma in Saudi Arabia. Scottish Medical Journal 1991; 36: 68 - 74. 51. Ajarim DS, Santhosh-Kumar CR, Higgy KE, El Saghir NS, Al-Momen AK, Shipkey F. Granulocytic Sarcoma of the thymus in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Clinical & Laboratory Haematology (UK) 1990; 12: 97 - 99. 52. El Saghir NS, Jessen K, Al-Mofleh I, et at. Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma in the Middle East: analysis of 23 cases from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal 1990; 11: 95 - 98. 53. Zeitany RG, El Saghir NS, Santosh-Kumar CR, Sigmon MA. Increased aminoglycoside dosage requirements in patients with hematologic malignancy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1990: 34: 702 708. 8 54. El Saghir NS, Al-Hedaithy SSA, Hawass N, Fawzy E, Hall AD. Pulmonary aspergillosis due to Aspergillus Terreus var. Africanus in acute leukemia. Annals of Saudi Medicine 1989; 9: 497 - 501. 55. El Saghir NS, Ajarim DS, Hall AD, et al. Adult acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine 1989; 9: 158-164. 56. Santosh-Kumar CR, Al-Hedaithy SSA, El Saghir NS, Ajarim DS. Cavitating pneumonia due to Trichosporon Beigelii in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia. Journal of Infection (UK) 1989: 19: 65-68. 57. Jamjoom ZB, El Saghir NS, Sadiq S, Malabary T, Al-Khudairy N. Direct spread of medullobastoma in adjacent extrameningeal tissues. Acta Neurochirurgica 1989; 97: 171 - 176. 58. El Saghir NS, Hall AD, Santhosh-Kumar CR, Zeitany RG. Infectious complications during therapy of acute leukemia in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Hospital Infection (UK) 1989; 14: 209 - 215. 59. El Saghir NS, Jessen K, Mass RE, et al. Combination chemotherapy for primary small intestinal lymphoma in the Middle East. European Journal of Cancer & Clinical Oncology 1989; 25: 851 - 856 60. El Saghir NS, Geltman RL. Treatment of acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenic purpura with cyclophosphamide. American Journal of Medicine 1986; 81: 139-142. 61. El Saghir NS, Hawkins KA. Hepatotoxicity following vincristine therapy. Cancer 1984; 54: 2006-2008. 2), Books, Book Chapters, Invited Reviews, and International Panels: 1. Nagi Saghir, MD. ABC of Breast Diseases: From Prevention to Treatment. Arab Scientific Publishers 2005, Beirut, Lebanon; second printing: 2006. Reviewed in: An-nahar Daily Newspaper, December 6, 2004 (By Rola Muawad) Diyar Daily Newspaper, December 7, 2004 (By Suzanne Birbari). Future Television: Book of the WEEK (January 2005) Al-Hayat Pan arab daily newspaper, February 2005 (By Dr M Moghrabi) NBN Satellite Television: Morning Show and Book Reviews LBC Satellite TV: Tea Time Show, February 2005 ANB Satellite TV. Morning Show. March 2005 Assafir daily newspaper. April 2005 (by Madonna Semann) AUBulletin Today. AUB Publications, March 2005-06-02 9 NTV Special Health Program with Dr. Evelyne Aoun, April 2005 (x2) MainGate: AUB Quarterly Magazine, April-June 2005. Radio Lebanon: 2 sessions, June 16 and 18, 2005. Asharq-al-Awsat, March 2006 CancerWorld (Magazine of the European School of Oncology): Jan 2006. Second Printing: 2006. 2. MEMA 2006 Middle East Medical Assembly (Including LSMO-6 Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology 6th Annual Meeting) Abstracts and Presentations Book, Ghassan Hemadeh, Nagi El Saghir, Editors: 40th MEMA, May 11-14, 2006. 3. MEMA 2005 Middle East Medical Assembly Abstracts and Presentations Book, Nagi El Saghir, Chairman, Publications Committee, Aghiad Koutubi, Chairman, Scientific Committee, Ghassan Hamadeh, Chairman. 39th MEMA, May 12-15, 2005. 4. Ali Shamseddine, Editor, Nagi Saghir, Major Contributor. AUB Tumor Registry: 20 years of service,`webhcc/tumorregbook.htm, April 2004 5. Nagi El Saghir, Editor-in-Chief. Educational Book & Proceedings. Arab International Cancer Congress AICC 2001. Arab Medical Association Against Cancer. Beirut, Lebanon, September 6-9, 2001. 6. Nagi El Saghir, MD, Editor, Proceedings of the 3nd Annual Cancer Congress 2000: LSMO-3, Supplement, Lebanese Medical Journal, July 2001. 7. Nagi El Saghir, MD, Editor, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Cancer Congress LSMO-2, Supplement, Lebanese Medical Journal, January 2000. 8. Nabil Chamseddine, Nagi El Saghir, Marwane Ghosn, Editors. Educational and Abstract Book. Third Pan Arab Cancer Congress. PACC 3. Arab Council Against Cancer. April 2000. 9. Nagi El Saghir. Editor, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Cancer Congress of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology. LSMO-1. Lebanese Medical Journal 1999; 47 (6): 367-371. 10. Cardoso F, El Saghir NS, Bernard-Marty C, Piccart M. The Future of Systemic Breast Cancer Therapy. Indian Oncology Society Textbook. Elsevier Medical Science Publishers, USA. 10 11. Nagi Saghir, MD. Breast cancer in Lebanon: Recent Trends and Future Directions. Review, Proceedings of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology Annul Meeting: National Forum LSMO-5, November 18-20, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon 12. Ludwig H, Bartelink H, El-Saghir N, Jassem J, Khaled H, Tonato M. International Panel Highlights (Europe) of the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. New Orleans, LA, June 8, 2004. international panel discussion/Europe 13. El-Saghir N: ASCO Foundation International Travel Grants Program: A mentor’s perspective. ASCO News July 2004. 14. Nagi El Saghir. Breast Cancer in Lebanon and Worldwide: A global health priority. ASCO News Quarterly Magazine. April-June 2003. 15. Gader AMA, Al-Momen AK, Khudairy N, El Saghir NS, et al. Guidelines to blood transfusion therapy (Booklet). King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1988. 2) Peer –Reviewer for Medical Journals: The Breast Lebanese Medical Journal Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Future Oncology International Journal of Surgery Expert Opinion Investigational Drugs Acta Oncologica Annals of Oncology World Journal of Surgical Oncology 3) Invited Speaker/ Grand Rounds / Invited Reviewer / International conferences 1. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of breast cancer. Hamad Medical Corporation, Al-Amal Hospital. Doha, Qatar, October 18, 2009. 2. Breast Cancer Update: Together towards overcoming breast cancer (Public Lecture). Qatari breast cancer screening campaign. Grand Regency Hotel Conference Center. Doha, Qatar, October 17, 2009. 3. Targeting the ErbB2 receptor in breast cancer. Al-Amal Hospital Department of Oncology Invited Lecture, Doha, Qatar. October 17, 2009. 11 4. Breast Cancer. Principles of Medical Oncology Conference. August 6-7, 2009. Hamah, Syria. 5. Best of ASCO Breast Cancer abstract presentations. July 7-8, 2009. Beirut, LB 6. Breast cancer in Arab world. Pan Arab Cancer Congress PACC-9. May 79, 2009. Cairo, Egypt. 7. Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer: An Overview. 42nd Middle East Medical Assembly, Beirut, Lebanon, April 23-26, 2009 8. Update on Epidemiology and Management of Breast Cancer. South Lebanon Hospitals, Tyr, Lebanon, April 11, 2009. 9. Treatment of Breast Cancer. Alaeddine Hospital, Sarafand, South Lebanon, March 28, 2009 10. Breast Cancer Prevention and Management Update. AUB Department of OB/GYN Grand Rounds, Wednesday March 25, 2009. 11. Tailoring Therapy and Surgery for Breast Cancer. Grand Rounds. Department of Surgery. AUB. Monday, March 6, 2009. 12. Tailoring Therapy for Breast Cancer. Grand Rounds. Department of Internal Medicine. Tuesday, February 20, 2009. 13. Breast Cancer: Al-Amal Annual Cancer Conference, Doha, Qatar, February 2009 14. Breast Cancer Highlights, Best of SABCS, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, January 2009 15. Neo-adjuvant therapy in Breast Cancer. Lebanese Society of General Surgery. Lebanese Order of Physicians. January 31, 2009. 16. Epidemiology and Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Lebanon and Arab Countries. World Health Organization WHO EMRO Intercountry Meeting for Cancer Control. Cairo, December 15-18, 2008 17. Targeting HER2/neu Receptors: Issues and Toxicities. Contemporaray and New Advances in Oncology. Jordan Oncology Society and Arab Medical Association Against Cancer. Amman, Jordan, November 6-8, 2008. 12 18. Breast cancer early detection and prevention. 2nd Annual Meeting on Early detection of Cancer, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 21-23, 2008 19. Nagi El Saghir, Angelo Di Leo (Chairs). WHICH TOOLS CAN I USE IN DAILY CLINICAL PRACTICE TO IMPROVE TAILORING TREATMENT FOR BREAST CANCER. Breast Cancer Educational Session. 33rd European Society of Medical Oncology ESMO Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, September 12-16, 2008 20. Epidemiology and Prevention of Cancer in Arab Countries. 33rd European Society of Medical Oncology ESMO Annual Meeting. Stockholm, Sweden, September 12-16, 2008 21. 4th InterAmerican Breast Cancer Conference IABCC. Global Public Health and Epidemiology. Trends of Breast Cancer in Arabic Countries. Cancun, Mexico, July 24-26, 2008. 22. 3rd Best of ASCO in Lebanon. Highlights of the day and Early Breast Cancer. Selections and Highlights of ASCO 2008, Chicago, Il. Faraya, Lebanon, July 11-12, 2008 23. For Your Health, My Lady.! Treatment of Breast Cancer. Opening Ceremony, Launching of Kuwait Breast Health Awareness Website, Kuwait and Gulf Radiology Imaging Conference. Kuwait, Kuwait, February 10, 2008, with Nour-el-Huda Karmani (Early Detection) 24. Cancer du Sein de A a Z. Paradis d’Enfants Women’s Group Awareness Lecture; February 1, 2008, Dbayeh, Lebanon 25. Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Adjuvant therapy, Worldwide EBCTG Overview; Breast Cancer in Young Women in Arab Countries 26. Breast Cancer in Arab countries: Management and prospects. Princess Noora Oncology Center International Breast Cancer Syposium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, November 2007 27. Breast Cancer Panel Case Discussion, Breast Cancer Symposium, Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan, October 2007 28. Update on targeted therapy and management of GIST. Iraqi Oncology Symposium, Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan, October 2007. 29. Treatment of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in Countries with Limited Resources. Breast Global Health Initiative 3rd Global Summit, Budapest, Hungary, October 1-4, 2007 13 30. Breast Cancer in Arab countries: Trends of epidemiology and management. Johns Hopkins Cancer Center Tumor Board Conference, September 5, 2007 31. Breast Cancer presentations. Highlights of the Day presentations. Best of ASCO 2007, Cairo, Egypt . 32. Breast Cancer Awareness Campaigns and Novelties: LIONS Club International Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon. Amman, Jordan, June 15, 2007. 33. Breast Cancer in young women. MEMA-Hopkins Breast Cancer Course, May 12, 2007. 34. Nagi Saghir and Nagi Khoury: Breast Cancer worldwide and in Arab Countries. MEMA-Hopkins Breast Cancer Course, May 11, 2007. 35. Introduction to Breast Cancer. AUB Biology Student Society. West Hall, AUB, April 20, 2007. 36. Breast cancer in Arab Countries. Kuwait International Primary Breast Cancer Conference, March 31-April 2, 2007. 37. Breast Cancer in Young Women. Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, AUB, February 13, 2007 38. Best of San Antonio 2006 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Breast cancer, January 2007 39. Best of ASCO 2006 (Breast cancer), Beirut, Lebanon, November 2006 40. Nagi El Saghir, et al. Trends of epidemiology and care of breast cancer in Arab countries. UICC, July 8-12, 2006, Washington, DC. 41. Breast Cancer in Emerging Countries: Breast Cancer in the Arab World. European Breast Cancer Conference EBCC-5, Nice France, March 21-24, 2006. European Journal of Cancer supplement 2006, Vol 4 No 2 page 180 (abstract 444). 42. Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. Iraqi Oncology Workshop 2006, Le Bristol Hotel Conference Center, May 10, 2006, Beirut, Lebanon, 43. Breast Nodule, assessing risk. Breast Cancer for the General Practitioner in 2006. Fourth Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of General Practice, Lebanese Order of Physicians Headquarters, April 7-8, 2006, Beirut, Lebanon 14 44. Systemic Treatment of Breast Cancer: Adjuvant therapy. Euro Arab School of Oncology Course on Advances in Clinical Oncology. March 6-7, 2006, National Training Institute, Cairo, Egypt 45. Breast Cancer update. First Annual Internal Medicine Joint Review Course. American University of Beirut and Johns Hopkins University, Rotana Hotel Conference Center, February 1-4, 2006, Beirut, Lebanon 46. New choices for adjuvant chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer. Breast Cancer: Special Issues in Young Women. European School of Oncology Advanced Course, September 30 – October 1, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon. 47. Breast Cancer Screening in the Middle East. Breast Cancer: Special Issues in Young Women. European School of Oncology Advanced Course, September 30 – October 1, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon 48. Recent rise in the incidence of breast cancer in Lebanon. NCI-UICCAMAAC Conference: Cancer in the Developing World, March 21-25, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. 49. Trends in Breast Cancer in Lebanon: January 4, 2004. Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, AUBMC. 50. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. Faculty Research Club, American University of Beirut Medical Center, January 26, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon. 51. Screening for Breast and Prostate Cancers. Core Curriculum Lecture. AUBMC Department of Internal Medicine. February 3, 2004. 52. Breast Cancer in Lebanon data. Faculty Research Club. AUB Department of Internal Medicine. January 26, 2004. 53. Screening and treatment of breast cancer in Lebanon. Grand Rounds, Division of General Surgery, AUBMC, March 21, 2004. 54. Targeted therapy for cancer. Commentator for Grand Rounds by Buthaina Dabaja, MD. Department of Internal Medicine, AUBMC, Beirut, Lebanon, March 21, 2004. 55. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. Pan Arab Cancer Congress, April 4-8, 2004, Kuwait, Kuwait. 56. Screening for breast cancer in young women in Lebanon. Lebanese National Research Council - Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission – 15 International Atomic Energy Association conference on Tumor Markers in Cancer. April 25-28, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon. 57. Cancer Screening in Private Practice: First Annual Symposium of the Lebanese Society of Internal Medicine LSIM on Private Practice Patient Care: Pain Management and Cancer Screening in the private office, February 20, 2003. LSIM, Lebanese Order of Physicians Headquarters, Beirut, Lebanon. 58. Treatment of locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC lung cancer: Case presentation and interactice discussion. AUB Educational Symposium. March 15, 2003, Mzaar, Faraya, Lebanon. 59. Breast Cancer in Lebanon and Middle East: Jordanian Cancer Society Conference in Istanbul, August 29-30, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey. 60. Adjuvant therapy for early breast cancer in 2003. Pan Arab Cancer Congress, October 21, 2003, Damascus, Syria. 61. Evidence-Based Medicine Breast Cancer Symposium. Take home messages. Nagi Saghir, MD. Lebanese Cancer Society, November 2003. 62. Recent advances in targeting cancer: CML, GIST, and more. Medical Grand Rounds, March 25, 2003. Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center 63. Cancer Screening Update: 4th Annual Pan Arab Cancer Congress, Doha, Qatar, April 2002. 64. What’s new in breast cancer screening. AUB 3rd Educational Symposium. September 3, 2002. Mzaar, Faraya, Lebanon. 65. Current Recommendations for Cancer Screening. Special Lecture, American Alumni Association of Lebanon and Trad Hospital, Haigazian University. January 23, 2002 66. Breast Cancer: Recent Advances and Guidelines. Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, AUBMC Medical Center. Tuesday, January 9, 2001 67. Gastro-Intestinal Lymphoma: Treatment of Primary Small Intestinal Lymphoma. ASCO-PANARAB Lymphoma Conference. November 9, 1999, Cairo, Egypt. 68. Recent Update on Breast Cancer: American University of Beirut Medical Center – Department of Medicine: Medical Grand Rounds, March 1999. 16 69. Fever, Arthritis and Lymphadenopathy: AUBMC Medical Grand Rounds (Amer El-Sayyid, MD & Nagi Saghir, MD), November 1999. 70. Update on Lung Cancer: American University of Beirut: Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, March 1998 71. GM-CSF for Pressure Ulcer Accelerated Wound Healing. Hematology Conference, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Wayne State U., Detroit, MI, May 1997 72. Cancer care and statistics in Lebanon and the Arab World. Grand Rounds, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Karmanos Cancer Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, May 14, 1997 73. Recent Advances in Oncology: Update for the General Internist. American University Hospital-Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, April 1997 74. Treatment of Cancer of Salivary Glands: Lebanese ENT Society Spring Meting, Tripoli, Lebanon 1996 75. Interferon in Cancer Therapy. American University Hospital-Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, February 1996 76. Treatment of Pain in Cancer Patients: American University HospitalDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology Grand Rounds (with other speakers) February 1996 77. Lung Cancer Prevention and Therapy. American University HospitalDepartment of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, 1995 78. Treatment of Small Intestinal Lymphoma: 2nd Middle East Oncology Congress COMO II, May 1995 79. Blood Transfusion Indications: Annual Meeting of the Lebanese AIDS Society, Beirut, Lebanon 1995 80. Treatment of In-Situ Breast Cancer: American University of Beirut, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds, December 1995 81. Recent advances in breast cancer. 19th International Convention, National Arab American Medical Association, June 28-July1, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon 17 82. Shamseddine AI, Bitar N, Dheini M, Chehal A, Abou Mrad Y, Jalloul R, Dandashi A, Wehbe M, El Saghir N. Cisplatinum/ Navelbine followed by taxotere in metastatic breast cancer. Proceedings European Breast Cancer Conference EBCC-4, abstract # 27, 2004 Hamburg, Germany. 83. El Saghir N, Shamseddine A, Geara F, Rahhal B, Salem Z, Taher A, Abbas J, Bikhazi K, Khalil A, Hourani M, Charafeddine M, Seoud M. Breast Cancer: Increased age adjusted incidence rates in younger-aged groups at presentation in Lebanon and Arab countries. Implications for screening and for Europeans, Australians and Americans of Arabic origins. Abstract # 456, Proceedings European Breast Cancer Conference, Hamburg, Germany, March 14-20, 2004. 84. El Saghir N, Shamseddine A, Geara F, Rahhal B, Bikhazi K, Abbas J, Salem Z, Khalil A, Hourani M, Seoud M. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. Proceedings of the 3rd Arab American Health Conference, Detroit Michigan, October 25-27, 2003. 85. El Saghir N. Recent trends of cancer in Lebanon. Proceedings of the 3rd Arab American Health Conference, Detroit Michigan, October 25-27, 2003. 86. Nagi Saghir: Adjuvant therapy of early breast cancer in 2003. Proceedings of the Pan Arab Cancer Congress, Damascus, Syria, October 19-23, 2003. 87. Nagi El Saghir: PACC-4: Cancer Screening. General Principles and selected examples: Lung, Breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Proceedings of the 4th Pan Arab Cancer Congress, pages 51-56, Doha, Qatar, March 28-31, 2002 88. Nagi El Saghir. Gastro-Intestinal Lymphoma: Treatment of Primary Small Intestinal Lymphoma. Educational Book, American Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO-PANARAB Lymphoma Conference, November 1999, Cairo, Egypt. Pages: 119-122 4) Articles reviews of research, articles of service to the profession: General Reviews, Conference Highlights and Summaries, Medicine and Society: 1. Nagi Saghir, Medicine and Art. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians. March 2004. 2. N Saghir: Cooperation between University Hospitals and General Hospitals in Lebanon. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians. May 2004. 18 3. Nagi Saghir: Highlights and Summaries of European Breast Cancer Conferences, Brussels 2000 and Barcelona 2002. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians, December 2002. 4. Nagi Saghir: Highlights, Recommendations, and The Brussels Statement. European Breast Cancer Congress EBCC-2 (Brussels) and EBCC-3 (Barcelona). Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians, December 2002, Beirut, Lebanon). 5. Nagi S Saghir: Summary of the Highlights from the American Society of Hematology Meeting 2001. Letter from Orlando: The Cancer Letter of the Lebanese Cancer Society 6. Nagi Saghir. History of Medicine throughout Milleniums and Ages. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians 2000; 10: 54-56 7. Nagi Saghir: “Marathon of Hope” and Cancer Research: Hopes for Progress. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians: August 2000; 12 (pp32-33) 8. Nagi Saghir. Cancer in Lebanon: Lung cancer is first in men and Breast Cancer is first in women: The First Annual Conference of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology in Tyr, Lebanon, warns against smoking in Lebanon and calls for a National Cancer Registry. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians, Issue number 5, pages 38-40, January 1999 9. Nagi Saghir. LSMO-2 Cancer Congress: Highlights and Recommendations, including Cancer Registry, and Health Education in Lebanon. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians, Issue number 9, pages 42-43, December 1999. 10. Nagi Saghir. Highlights from the American Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO 1999 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Magazine of the Lebanese Order of Physicians, Issue number 9, pages 38-39, December 1999. 5) Other Conference presentations and Local & Regional Meetings abstracts 1. See Invited Speaker section for updates 2. N Saghir, et al. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. Pan Arab Cancer Congress, Kuwait, Kuwait, April 2004. 3. N Saghir, et al. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. AUB Cancer Program Symposium Jordanian Oncology Meeting. April 2004. 19 4. N Saghir, et al. Breast Cancer in Lebanon. Pan Arab Cancer Congress, Damascus, Syria, October 2003 5. N Saghir. Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer. Pan Arab Cancer Congress, Damascus, Syria, October 2003 6. Shamesddine A, Taher A, El Saghir N, Salem S, Chehal A, Jalloul R, Bitar N, Dandashi A, Abbas J, Khalifeh M. Cisplatin and Vinorelbine Combination chemotherapy for breast cancer. Education and Abstracts Book, Arab International Cancer Conference. September 6-9, 2001, Beirut, Lebanon. 7. Saghir N, et al. Patterns of Lymphoma in Lebanon. Proceedings, LSMO 3, Leb Med J, July 2001 8. Shamseddine AI, Nabulsi M, Seoud M, El Saghir NS. The most frequent cancer cases in Pediatrics at AUBMC. Educational Book and Proceedings, page 85, 3rd Pan Arab Cancer Congress PACC-3, April 27-30, Beirut, Lebanon 9. Geara F, Nasr E, Tucker L, Zaytoun G, Brihi E, Salem Z, El Saghir N, Shamseddine A, Issa P. Nasopharyngeal Cancer in the Middle East: Experience of the American University of Beirut Medical Center. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology (LSMO-2), October 1999, Beirut, Lebanon. Lebanese Medical Journal 1999; 47 (6): 369. 10. El Saghir NS, Shamseddine A, Taher A, Tawil A, Salem Z, Khalil A, Seoud M. Epidemiology of Breast Cancer at the American University of Beirut Tumor Registry. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology (LSMO-2), October 1999, Beirut, Lebanon. Lebanese Medical Journal 1999; 47 (6): 371. 11. Shamseddine AI, El Saghir NS, Seoud M, Taher A: The AUBMC Experience on Epidemiology of Cancer in Lebanon: Towards a National Cancer Registry. First Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology (LSMO-1), Sept.1998. 12. Seoud M, Shamseddine A, Salem Z, El Saghir NS, Khalil A. Gynecological Cancer in Lebanon: Experience at AUBMC. Makassed Hospital Annual Congress, September 1998. 13. Seoud M, Shamseddine AI, Khalil A, Salem Z, Saghir N, Bikhazi K, Bitar N, Azar G, Kaspar H. Tamoxifen and gynecological pathologies: A 20 prospective study. Third Middle East Oncology Congress COMO III, May 1-3, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon. 14. Shamseddine AI, Taher A, Dabaja B, Dandashi A, Salem Z, El Saghir NS. Cisplatinum-Vinorelbine (PVn) combination chemotherapy for relapsed and pretreated metastatic breast cancer. Automn Pan-Arab Cancer Meeting, November 1997, Cairo, Egypt. 15. El Saghir NS. Breast cancer: Ages, stages, and implications for the Arab World. First Pan-Arab Oncology Conference. Cairo, Egypt, April 20-22, 1996. 16. El Saghir NS. Smoking and Lung Cancer prevention in Lebanon. Second Middle East Oncology Congress (COMO II). Lebanese Cancer Society and UICC, Beirut, Lebanon, April 1995. 17. El Saghir NS. Treatment of Small Intestinal Lymphoma. Second Middle East Oncology Congress (COMO II), Lebanese Cancer Society and UICC, Beirut, Lebanon, April 1995. 18. El Saghir NS. Blood Transfusions: To Tranfuse or not to Transfuse. First Annual AIDS meeting. American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. 1995 19. El Saghir NS, Role of chemotherapy in the treatment of gastro-intestinal lymphoma. Proceedings First Middle East Oncology Congress. Lebanese Cancer Society and UICC. June 23-27, 1993, Beirut. 20. El Saghir NS, Hall AD, Ajarim DS, et al. Patterns of infection during induction chemotherapy of patients with acute leukemia at KKUH. Proceedings of Symposium on " Hematological Malignancies". January 17-18,1988. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 21. El Saghir NS, Ajarim DS, Hall AD, et al. Acute leukemia in adults at KKUH: Increased ratios of monocytic leukemias and high rate of septic complications. Proceedings of symposium on " Hematological Malignancies". January 17-18, 1988. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 22. El Saghir NS, Fawzy E. Al-Mofleh IA, et al. Results of chemotherapy for small intestinal lymphoma at KKUH. Proceedings of Symposium on "Gastro-enterology and hepatology in Saudi Arabia" February 22 -24, 1987, Riyadh, Annals of Saudi Medicine 1988: volume 8: 80 (A). 23. Al-Mofleh IA, Jessen K, Al-Faleh FZ, El Saghir NS, et al. Gastrointestinal lymphoma. Proceedings of Symposium on "Gastro- 21 enterology and hepatology in Saudi Arabia and the recent advances in the discipline". February 22-24, 1987, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 24. Qteishat WA, Al-Mofleh IA, Al-Faleh FZ, Al-Aska AK, El Saghir NS, Laajam MA. The role of radiology in primary gastro-intestinal lymphoma. Proceedings of Symposium on "Gastro-enterology and hepatology in Saudi Arabia", February 22-24, 1987, Riyadh, Annals of Saudi Medicine 1988; volume 8: 80 (A). 25. El Saghir NS. Breast Cancer: Clinical staging and its relevance to treatment. Proceedings of Symposium on "Cancer in Saudi Arabia", March 2-3, 1986, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Lectures and Summaries of International Meetings 1. Best of ASCO 2009: Beirut, Lebanon, July 2009 (Breast Cancer) 2. Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2009. 3. Best of ASCO 2008: Beirut, Lebanon, July 2008 (Breast Cancer) 4. Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2008. 5. Best of ASCO 2007: ASCO 2007 Overview (With Dr. Ahmad Awada), Cairo, Egypt, July 2007 6. Best of ASCO 2007: ASCO 2007 Breast Cancer abstracts; Cairo, Egypt, July 2007 7. Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2008 8. Best of ASCO 2006: Update on adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer (CALGB 9344: HER2 positivity as predictor of response to anthracyclines and taxanes) 9. Best of ASCO 2006: Update on HERA trial of adjuvant Trastuzumab targeted therapy for HER2/neu positive primary breast cancer) 10. Best of ASCO 2006: Results of STAR trial chemoprevention of breast cancer comparing tamoxifen and raloxifen in post menopausal women 11. Best of San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2006 22 12. ASCO 2005 Highlights- Coordinator. Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology. Speaker, Breast Cancer Session II, speaker, ASCO Awards and Grants and International session Cancer Around the World. 9th Annual ASCO Highlights Meeting, July 23, 2005, Beirut, Lebanon. 13. ASCO 2004 Highlights- Coordinator. Speaker Session I: ASCO – Glioblastoma. LSMO 8th Annual ASCO Highlights Meeting, July 14, 2004, Beirut, Lebanon. 14. ASCO 2004 Highlights- Session II: Early Breast Cancer. LSMO 8th Annual ASCO Highlights Meeting, July 29, 2004, Jbeil, Lebanon. 15. SABCS Highlights: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: Coordinator. Speaker: Adjuvant Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer. CME Meeting of the LSMO. February 19, 2003, Beirut, Lebanon. 16. ASCO 2003 Highlights- Coordinator and Speaker: Session I: July 24, 2003, Beirut, lebanon: Tobacco, May 31 Smoke-Out Day, New advances in Spinal Cord Compression Therapy. LSMO 7th Annual ASCO Highlights Meeting, July 24, 2003, Beirut, Lebanon. 17. ASCO 2003 Highlights- Coordinator and Speaker: Session II: Breast Cancer highlights. LSMO 7th Annual ASCO Highlights Meeting, July 31, 2003, Beirut, Lebanon. 18. ASCO 2002 Highlights: Coordinator and Speaker: New advances in Breast Cancer.. LSMO CME Annual Meeting, July 18, 2002, Beirut, Lebanon. 19. ASH Highlights 2001 Lymphomas, AML, CML. Annual CME conference of the Lebanese Society of Hematology ASH. January 2002, Beirut, Lebanon 20. ASCO 2001 Highlights: Coordinator and Speaker: Breast Cancer. Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology CME meeting. July 2001, Beirut, Lebanon 21. ASH Highlights 2000 CML, STI571 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor. Annual CME conferences of the Lebanese Society of Hematology ASH. January 2001, Beirut, Lebanon 22. ASCO 2000 Highlights, Coordinator and Speaker: Breast Cancer: Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology CME meeting. June 2000, Beirut, Lebanon 23 23. ASH Highlights 1999. Annual CME conferences of the Lebanese Society of Hematology ASH. January 2000, Beirut, Lebanon 24. ASCO 1999 Highlights: Coordinator and Speaker: Breast Cancer and Lymphomas. Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology CME meeting. June 1999, Beirut, Lebanon 25. ASH Highlights 1998. Coordinator and Speaker. Annual CME conferences of the Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology. January 1999, Beirut, Lebanon 26. ASCO 1998 Highlights: Coordinator and Speaker: Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology CME Oncology CME Meeting, June 1998 27. LSMO-1: Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy: Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology LSMO–1: First Annual Cancer Conference, September 1-2, 1998 28. ASCO 1997 (American Society of Clinical Oncology) Highlights: Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology CME Oncology Club Meeting June 5, 1997. 24