Mostra Convegno sulle Fonti Rinnovabili e l`Efficienza Energetica

Mostra Convegno sulle Fonti Rinnovabili e l’Efficienza Energetica nel Mediterraneo
Napoli – Mostra d’Oltremare – 11/12/13 aprile 2013
Energy Saving in the Home and Daily Life at the Centre
of the Sixth Edition of EnergyMed
In the first two days of the Exhibition visitors have shown great interest in products with ‘total green’
solutions to apply in everyday life in order to contain both management costs and pollution
Naples, 12 April – From bioclimatic architecture to organic deodorants for rubbish bins, from
sophisticated lead batteries to the mini-backpack that charges computers and mobiles: all this on display at the
sixth edition of EnergyMed, the ConferenceExhibition on Renewable Sources and Energy Efficiency in the
Mediterranean, organized by the Naples Agency for Energy and the Environment (Anea) to be held at the Mostra
d’Oltremare in Naples until 13 April.
At the ConferenceExhibition there is room for everything that can make daily life more ecological and
sustainable. Virtuous homes with zero running costs, inspired by personal well-being and the pleasure of living
freely at home, such as for example, the ‘active’ house promoted by Sonepar: zero emission energy, water and
solarization to optimise the relationship between energy and the natural local environment. And then - under
production - the Promo EcoLiving initiative, a house built almost entirely of wood (the Promo ActiveHome),
which has a healthy microclimate, humidity rates of between 40% and 60% and excellent sound-proofing.
But domestic needs, too: for those who forget to turn off the TV or the light, or to turn on the oven, the
solution is KNX, the kit for home use proposed by Schneider Electric, a system able to control and manage all
the appliances that normally function separately and independently. Just touch the Apple devices to ensure
energy-saving, simple management and safety in your own home.
Room too for the new high-performance (17%) solar panels with cells in poly-crystalline silicon and
prismatic glass which can also be used with inclinations of not quite 30 degrees, or not completely south-facing.
And for waste products from electric appliances, tyres, oils, batteries and various products which, once used up,
cannot be generally sorted in domestic rubbish bins. Thanks to an innovative maintenance process, one company
regenerates all types of lead batteries, re-suppying them with an efficiency ranging from 75% to 100%.
At EnergyMed there are also lots of total green solutions to apply to everyday life. Among these, for
example, the photovoltaic backpack to recharge mobiles and computers and the electric or partly-electric bicycle.
Soaps and detergents on tap - with Detersfuso which this year is adding new fragrances and all of 70 more
outlets in Campania - confirm the trend towards intelligent consumption. To make refuse more sustainable and
scented, here is Deotrash, a patented device from Biomeco: no battery, no electricity. It is enough just to lower
the lids of the bins - at home or elsewhere – to activate the spray that disinfects the contents, preventing the
spread of germs.
S T A M P A:
ENERGYMED - Kühne & Kühne ass.ti tel. 081-761.42.23 – e-mail
ANEA – Simone Ascione tel. 081-40.94.59 – e mail -
Mostra Convegno sulle Fonti Rinnovabili e l’Efficienza Energetica nel Mediterraneo
Napoli – Mostra d’Oltremare – 11/12/13 aprile 2013
The ExhibitionConference, divided into three display areas: EcoBuilding for efficient building, Recycle for the
recycling of materials and MobilityMed for sustainable mobility, also offers many workshops and conferences
for experts in the sector where eco-sustainable issues can be discussed.
“At times of recession and spending reviews the green economy – says the Director of Anea, Michele Macaluso
– can really become a spur to invest across the board in most human activities. Putting efficiency and energysaving in first place means achieving a virtuous use of energy and materials and drastically reducing
environmental impacts”.
S T A M P A:
ENERGYMED - Kühne & Kühne ass.ti tel. 081-761.42.23 – e-mail
ANEA – Simone Ascione tel. 081-40.94.59 – e mail -