Files that are provided to the editorial board shall include the

Files that are provided to the editorial board shall include the following:
confirmation that the article is intended for publication in the ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures
International Analytical Review magazine, that it has not been published before, and that it has not been
offered to other publications until the present time (in an e-mail);
contact data: postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and signed photos of the authors in JPG
manuscript of the article in electronic form.
Requirements to the contents of articles:
data on the authors in the Russian and English languages: full last name and first letters of the first and
patronymic names of the author(s), data on the authors: academic title, academic degree, job title, place
of work/studies, city, country;
the last name of the key author shall be put first; the last names of the author or co-authors whose
photos will be published shall be marked with an asterisk (*);
name of the article in the Russian and English languages;
abstract in the Russian and English languages;
key words (3-7) in the Russian and English languages;
UDC codes;
text of the article, which shall contain an introduction, the main part, and conclusion(s); the main part
may contain subheadings;
list of references.
Requirements to the article format (see example below):
text files are accepted in (.doc) or (.rtf) formats;
Font: Calibri, 10pt; alignment: last names, left; TITLE, center, in capital letters; abstract, text of the article,
and list of references: justified;
ubheadings (Introduction, Conclusions, Abstracts) shall be in bold and aligned left; names of the
subheadings in the main part (if any) shall be numbered (1 … 2.1 … 2.2), put in bold, and also aligned left;
all drawings and illustrations shall be placed in tables;
drawings , charts, diagrams, and tables shall be numbered, and signed; illustrations shall be provided
separately in (.tif), (.jpg), (.eps), (.ai) or (.cdr) formats;
captions to drawings and tables shall be aligned left;
any references to drawings and tables in the text shall be in bold (fig. 5a, table 4);
headings of table columns and lines shall be named; the name shall begin with a capital letter;
measurement units shall be separated with commas (,);
the list of references shall be numbered; the references in the text shall be enclose in square brackets [1].
*Lapko K.N., Cand. Chem. Sc., Associate Professor; Apanasevich N.S., junior researcher trainee; Shulga T.N.,
engineer; Kudlash A.N., senior lecturer; Galeeva N.N., Reseacher; Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
In order to improve the preparation method of thermostable composite materials based on phosphate
binders the possibility of using of solid magnesium phosphate Mg(H 2PO4)2·4H2O and solid calcium phosphate
Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O as binders was studied. In present communication we report on studying of mechanical properties
and thermal stability of phosphate composites. The thermal treatment of the composites based on solid
phosphate binders up to 1000 oC leads to the 3 times successive increase of the composites strength. Thermal
behavior of phosphate matrix demonstrates its good performance for designing of thermostable composite
Key words: thermostable composite material; solid phosphate binder; dry building mixture; microwave
The beams with depth of 400 mm were loaded in four point bending test by 2 jacks located 0.8 m from the
midspan. The total camber of the UHPC beam before the test was about 120 mm, the deflection was 310 mm and
when loads were removed, the remaining plastic deflection of just 15 mm was measured (Fig.1).
Fig. 1. Deflection of the pretensioned UHPC beam under testing load, unloaded UHPC beam with camber due to
prestressing is nearby
Comparison of prestressed concrete, UHPC and steel beams for the span of 12 m is shown in the
Table 1 as follows. The beams with depth of 400 mm were loaded in four point bending test by 2 jacks
located 0.8 m from the midspan. The total camber of the UHPC beam before the test was about 120
mm, the deflection was 310 mm and when loads were removed, the remaining plastic deflection of just
15 mm was measured.
Table 1. Comparison of beam basic properties related to different materials
Material of beam
PC (prestressed
Depth, mm
Max. load, kN
deflection, mm
Weight, t
Cost, %
110 mm
4,9 t
310 mm
700 mm
2,7 t
1,8 t
Among another applications tested by Skanska were UHPC columns for anti-noise barriers and lost
permanent UHPC formwork for the bridge deck… [1].
7. Conclusions
В работе получены и исследованы термостойкие композиционные материалы на основе твердых
фосфатных связующих. Показано, что характер термического поведения исходной фосфатной композиции
свидетельствует о перспективности её использования в качестве термостойкой матрицы для получения
композиционных материалов.
References // Литература
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Ding J.T., Li Z.J. Effects of metakaolin and silica fume on properties of concrete// ACI Materials Journal.
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Siddique R., Klaus J. Influence of metakaolin on the properties of mortar and concrete (a review)// Applied
Clay Science. 2009. Vol. 43. N 3–4. Р. 392–400.