t4 DIRTOIS UNIVERSITE Eric WRQUIN - Professorin Civil Engineering Artois UniverciQ:- Bdthune- France (LGCgE) LABOMTOIRE GENIE CIWL et GEO-ENVIRONNEMENT ..Influence of Mix Design and Technology on Report on the PhD thesis entitled Mechanical Properties of ultra High Performance concrete (UHPC)", prepared by Ms Emanuela Emanuilova Manolova, MSc. Civ. Eng., in order to obtain the scientific and educational grade "Doctor" 1. Generalissues hasbeenpreparedaccordingto a decisionof the Scientificjury, appointedby The presentstatement relatedto the defenceprocedure No 135dated18.02.2014, the Rectorof UACEGby his Ordinance of a PhD thesisentitled"Influenceof Mix Designand Technologyon MechanicalPropertiesof concrete(UHPC)",preparedby Ms EmanuelaEmanuilovaManolova. Ulha High Performance Ms Manolovahas completeda masterdegreein civil engineeringin 2009 from the Universityof Architecture,Civil EngineeringandGeodesyin Sofia- UASEG(Bulgaria).In 2010,shewasgiven a Statescholarshipfor 3 yearsto prepareher PhD thesisin the departmentof "Building Materials and Insulations"-UAcBc,whereher scientificsupervisorwas assoc.prof. RoumianaZahateva' PhD, MSc Civ. Eng. In 2071, basedon a bilateral agreementbetweenUACEG and Artois University, B6thune(France),Ms Manolovawasinscribedasa PhD studentin Laboratoryof Civil - Artois University,underthe supervisionof both Professor Engineeringand geo-Environnement Eric Wirquin,andAssoc.prof. RoumianaZaharieva. 2. AnalyseofPhD thesis The work of Ms Manolova aims to study the influenceof Mix Design and Techlology on Concrete(UHPC)' of Ultra High Performance MechanicalProperties providesa body text of 308 pagesstructuredaroundeight chapterswith a large The dissertation numberof referencesgiven at the endof eachchapter. The first chapterreviewsthe studieson UHPC. Ms Manolovaanalysesthe peculiaritiesin their properties. andtheir mechanical features,macro-andmicrostructure manifacturing composition, The secondchapter,quite short,highlightsthe purposesof the PhD thesis.The aim is to studythe main factorshaving impact on composition,structureand propertiesof UHPC. The thesis is organizedaroundfive mainpurposes. Ms Manolovadefinesthe appliedapproaches The third chapterpresentsthe adoptedmethodology. of studies,describesusedmaterialsand testingmethodsof freshand hardenedconcrete.Special investigationand theoryof plaruredexperiment,microstructure's attentionis paid on mathematical tests,particularlyinterestingfor this typeof concrete. mechanical i,(N'y The fourth chapteraimsto optimizethe compositionof UHPC by achievinga maximumcompact suchastypeof superplasticizer to reduce matrixwith fiber reinforcement inside.Severalparameters the WC ratio, mix designof a compactmatrix by using two methodsand varioustypes and with differentlengths)havebeenstudied. combinations offibers (steelandpolypropylene The fifth chapter examines tlre structure of UHPC. Ms Manolova has tried to characterize fundamentalrheologicalparameters of UHPC using a Universityof Artois' device.The special workability of this type of concretepreventsthe using of existing concreterheometersand she should come back to basic tests. The kinetics of hydration has been studied at different temperatures, usingan isothermalcalorimeter.Peculiaritiesof UHPC compositionimply that the processof hydrationwill be differentthan in ordinaryconcrete.The usingof differentmethodsto analyze the microstructure in time highlights the effects of curing and thermal treatment as autoclaving. The sixth chapteris very interestingas it's focusedon the mechanicalproperties.The influenceof ratio,maximum importantparameters of the mix designandof the curingconditions(water-cement size of aggregate,fibers, time, curing, thermal treatment..)on compressivestrengthis well evaluated,as well as on the modulusof elasticity and the flexural strength.A particularregardhas beengiven to bendingdiagramsin order to chancterizeUHPC' fracturetoughness,different zones ofmechanicalbehaviorandto assess the influenceof thetlpe offiber reinforcement. The dissertationconcludeswith a summaryof the main resultsof the work on PhD thesisand with research applicationperspectives. 3. Assessment/Evaluation of scientificcontributionsof the thesis. Basedon a detailedstudyof the thesis,scientificand appliedresults,the following scientific contributions ofthe thesiscanbeoutlined: while optimizingthe UHPC matrix - optimumgrain size 1. Combinationof two approaches theoryof plannedexperiment, which distributionaccordingto a referencecurve,with mathematical of the allowsthe assessment of individualand complexeffect of the most importantparameters and quantityof superplasticizer), on mix design(water-cement ratio, maximumsizeof aggregate propertiesof thematrix. the mechanical 2. It has beenpointed out that, by applying different methodsof mixing, curing and thermal treatrnentof UHPC, its microsturucture can be intentionallymodified,in orderto achievedesired propertiesofboth freshandhardened concrete. 3. Themethodof isothermiccalorimetry,which hasbeenappliedfor the first time to measure of hydrationprocessofUHPC - a longer the heatreleaseofUHPC, canbeusedfor characterization 'dormantperiod'has beenidentified,while the heatreleaseand ambienttemperatuedependence are similar,or evenlower, comparedto that of ordinaryconcrete,despiteof muchhighercement contentin UHPC. 4. Calculationof relevantparameters, relatedto fracturetoughless,seemsto be a reliable peculiarities of UHPC mechanicalbehavior,as well as for method for characterization of distinguishingthe effect of different types of fibers and for choosingof appropriatefiber reinforcement of UHPC. for variousapplications 5. The detailedstudy of main physicaland mechanicalpropertiesof UHPC gives to the engineersthe requireddatafor calculationsand dimensioningof UHPC-based structuresand thus createsgoodpre-conditions for its usein construction. +,//!'u- --t' work implemented duringthis thesis. In conclusion,I wantto welcomethe quantityof experimental techniques undera comprehensive this studyby usingmanyexperimental Ms Manolovaconducted approach.Shehashelpedto improvethe researchon this tlpe of concreteandhasprovidedbases for the formulationof UHPC in a futureusein Bulsaria. 4. Personalimpressions Ms Manolovahas showna greatmotivation during her PhD and the ability to work independently. Shedid not hesitateto be involvedin a rigorouslydesignedresearch,on a difficult and complex allowedher to performpart of her sudiesin a Frenchlaboratory subject.The bilatenalagreement techniques. andto discoverotherexperimental 5. Conclusion presentedabove,and consideringart. 6 (3) of Bulgarian Basedon the analysesand assessments Law for AcademicStaff Developmentandart.27of Regulationsfor its application,I estimatethat the PhD thesis,entitled"Influenceof Mix Designand Technologyon MechanicalPropertiesof Ultra High PerformanceConcrete(UHPC)", meetstheir requirementsand I can suggestto the ScientificJuryto conferto Ms EmanuelaEmanuilovaManolova,MSc Civ. Eng.,the scientificand Civil Engineeringand educationalgrade"Doctor" in the professionaldirection5.7."Architecture, Geodesy",scientific specialisation"Building materialsand productsand technologiesfor their (code02.15.05). manufacturing" the bilateralagreementstipulatingthat a successful In additionto that, taking into consideration by Artois University- France,and procedureof PhD thesisdefencein Bulgariawill be recognised I give my positiveopinionthat Ms Manolovais to be allowed respecting the Frenchrequirements, to defendher PhD thesisat UASEG in order to obtain as well the degree"Doctor" of Artois Universitv"France. B6thune, 15thMarch2014 pror. Eric wirquin illtl* -Y