State of Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Division INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE _ COUNTY IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: If you are evacuated or your home has been destroyed: Contact Your Local Red Cross Office or the Montana Chapter at 1-800-ARC-MONT (1-800-272-6668) Website: A Trained Red Cross Worker will help identify if you are eligible for assistance, which may include: Money for groceries, clothes, rent and deposit, emergency home repairs, or medicine. Medical needs for prescription medicines, medical supplies or prescription eyeglasses. Mental health services to help you deal with the impacts the disaster created for you or your family members. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS: If you have questions about the following: Haying/Grazing of CRP Livestock Feed Assistance Livestock Indemnity – potential reimbursement for livestock losses Emergency Conservation Program - rehabilitating farm land, fence repair and other cost share programs. Emergency Loan Program – for production and physical losses due to natural disasters. EQUIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) – possible funds for post-disaster restoration. Contact Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Bozeman Office (406-587-6813) Contact Your Local Farm Service Agency Office (FSA) at (406- ) HOMEOWNERS: If Your Primary or Secondary Residence Suffered a Loss Contact your insurance carrier to file a claim. Concerns about questionable insurance policy coverage, contact State Auditor’s Office, (1-800-332-6148) – ask for Policyholder Services For more information see the web-site of the State Auditor’s office: If you are uninsured or underinsured, contact your local DES Coordinator at (406- ) The DES Coordinator will submit a list of individual needs to the State Individual Assistance Officer who will contact the non-profit VOAD organization for assistance for individuals who do not have insurance or are underinsured. PRIVATE FOREST LAND OWNERS: Land Rehabilitation Program & Technical Assistance Montana DNRC Forestry Division Field Office in Missoula for Disasters in Fires and Floods regarding issues or concerns associated with the management of forest land. Such as tree salvage, reforest, erosion control, etc; Call (406-542-4300) to find the office nearest you. 2/12/2016 1 Website: USDA SERVICE CENTER (FSA): For Disasters in Fires, Floods, and Earthquakes etc. USDA Service Center (FSA) for the office nearest you; - Call (406-) County Resource Conservation & Development Area Office (RC&D) – Call (David White) Bozeman (406-587-6813) Natural Resource Conservation Service; - Call (Clark Johnson) Bozeman (406-585-2580 ) for Rural Development to find the office nearest you. For More Information Check Out The Following Web-Sites: o - DNRC Forestry Assistance o - Range, Forestry & Horticulture Assistance o - Watershed Protection BUSINESSES If your business has suffered an economic decline because of the event, please fill out the (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program Worksheet called (EIDL). The purpose of the EIDL is to assist for-profit, small businesses by providing working capital. Non-profit organizations do not qualify for EIDL loans. This form is available through your local DES Coordinator at: (406- ) SOCIAL SERVICES Disasters have a wide range of effects because daily life and normal routines are interrupted and sometimes that drastic change is emotionally upsetting. If you feel the need to speak with someone that can simply lend an ear or find other available assistance, please contact: Mental Health Services: (406-) TAX RELIEF Property owners may be eligible for property tax relief due to damages caused by a disaster Contact the Local Property Assessment Office: (406- ) Contact your Accountant or the MT Department of Revenue for questions regarding income tax filing extensions: (406-444-6900) o For more information see the web-site of the Montana Department of Revenue o UNEMPLOYED DUE TO THE EVENT: Employed by a Business For those who are relieved of work by their employer, contact your local job service about filing for unemployment benefits. (406- ) WEED CONTROL Affected areas can be especially susceptible to invasion of noxious weeds. For more information contact: Your County Weed District Office: (406-) The Montana Department of Agriculture: (406-444-5400) If you have any Individual Assistance questions, please call Jan Traynor at Montana Disaster & Emergency Services (406-324-4777) Return to the Table of Contents 2/12/2016 2