State Of Montana Disaster & Emergency Services Preliminary Damage Assessment Guidance For Individual Assistance (IA) *Although there is no state funded Individual Assistance program this information is needed to at the state level to possibly attain a federal declaration. * What is Individual Assistance? Disaster assistance is direct assistance to individuals, families and businesses in an area whose property has been damaged or destroyed and whose losses are not covered by insurance. It is meant to help you with critical expenses that cannot be covered in other ways. This assistance is not intended to restore your damaged property to its condition before the disaster. What is a Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) for IA? The PDA process is a mechanism used to determine the impact and magnitude of damage caused by a disaster to individuals, families and businesses. Disaster assistance is direct assistance to individuals, families and businesses in an area whose property has been damaged or destroyed and whose losses are not covered by insurance. It is meant to help you with critical expenses that cannot be covered in other ways. This assistance is not intended to restore your damaged property to its condition before the disaster. Additional data from the Red Cross or other local voluntary agencies may also be reviewed. During the assessments, the team will collect estimates of the expenses and damages. *Although there is no state funded Individual Assistance program this information is needed to at the state level to possibly attain a federal declaration. * Who is on the PDA team? PDA teams are comprised of personnel from the State DES agency, the county and local officials. (sometimes the SBA might come in to assist the PDA team) How is the PDA data compiled? The State of Montana takes their guidance from FEMA Region VII for categories of Damages. The following guidelines are to be used by FEMA/State Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) Teams while evaluating damages for Individual Assistance as the result of a disaster event. Please note that these guidelines are not absolute and damages are to be evaluated on an individual basis regarding the impacts to the home and the probable assistance necessary to address those impacts. Insurance cannot be duplicated by any federal programs so for those events where homeowners insurance may be applicable, particular attention to insurance coverage is important. Please also note your best estimate of owner occupied vs. renter occupied homes. *Although there is no state funded Individual Assistance program this information is needed to at the state level to possibly attain a federal declaration. * Categories of Damage Destroyed: Destroyed is used when there is a total loss or damage to such an extent that repairs are not economically feasible. Any one of the following may constitute a status of destroyed: Structure is not economically feasible to repair. Structure is permanently uninhabitable. Complete failures to most major components of structure (e.g. basement walls/foundation, walls, roof, etc.) Major: Major damage is when the home has sustained structural or significant damages, is uninhabitable and requires extensive repairs. (e.g. substantial failures to structural elements of the residence, repairs will take more than 30 days, has more than 50% damage, etc.) Minor: Minor damage is used when the home is damaged and may only be used under limited conditions, but can be restored with minor repairs (e.g. can be repaired in less than 30 days for only a few thousand dollars). Affected: Affected damage is if the living unit, porch, carport, garage, etc., was damaged but the living unit can still be occupied safely. Secondary residences would not be covered by federal disaster assistance programs and as such would be counted separate from primary residences. *Although there is no state funded Individual Assistance program this information is needed to at the state level to possibly attain a federal declaration. * State of Montana DES Individual Assistance Forms ESTIMATED DAMAGES INCURRED BY INDIVIDUAL HOMEOWNERS Local Jurisdiction Name: __________________________ DATE: ________________ Completion of this document will help determine if Federal Assistance is possibly available for individual Homeowners. Please complete this document as thoroughly as possible. If additional information is needed you may be contacted for clarification. LAST NAME:_______________________________________________________ FIRST NAME:________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________ WORK PHONE:____________________ CITY___________ ST________ ZIP_______ HOME PHONE:____________________ CELL PHONE:_______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________________ Please provide a brief description of the damages to your residence from flooding. Level of home affected? Basement/Main /Upper _____________________________________ Amount of water in home? Inches ___________Feet__________ Septic Systems? Operational? YES______ NO________ YES______ NO________ Mold Issues? YES______ NO________ Is this your primary residence? YES______ NO________ Is the Home inaccessible due to flood waters? YES______ NO________ Family Displaced? If Yes: Do you have a place to stay until repaired? Hotel/ with Family? YES______ NO________ YES______ NO________ Do you have Homeowners Insurance that will cover these damages? YES______ NO________ Do you have flood insurance that will cover these damages? YES______ NO________ Is your home habitable? Was your furnace destroyed by the storm? YES______ NO________ YES______ NO________ Was your hot water heater destroyed by the storm? YES______ NO________ INITIAL DAMAGE ASSESSMENT SURVEY Date: _____________ Jurisdiction: ______________ Incident Name: ____________ Please answer these questions specific to the “Incident Name” above, and return to Montana Disaster & Emergency Services. At this time: 1. How many private structures in your jurisdiction were damaged or destroyed by this incident? _________ A. How many of these structures are primary residences? _____ B. How many of these structures are not insured? _____ 3. Have five (5) or more businesses in your jurisdiction noticed a decline in revenue because of this incident? ____no_____ 4. Have agricultural producers in your jurisdiction incurred grazing, feed, livestock, or fencing losses due to this incident? _____Yes ______ No 5. Have self-employed individuals in your jurisdiction not been able to perform their work because of this incident? If yes, How many? ______ If you have questions please call Jan Traynor at 324-4777. E-mail completed survey to or fax the survey to: 406-324-4790 to my attention. State of Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Division INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE _ COUNTY IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE: If you are evacuated or your home has been destroyed: Contact Your Local Red Cross Office or the Montana Chapter at 1-800-ARC-MONT (1-800-272-6668) Website: A Trained Red Cross Worker will help identify if you are eligible for assistance, which may include: Money for groceries, clothes, rent and deposit, emergency home repairs, or medicine. Medical needs for prescription medicines, medical supplies or prescription eyeglasses. Mental health services to help you deal with the impacts the disaster created for you or your family members. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS: If you have questions about the following: Haying/Grazing of CRP Livestock Feed Assistance Livestock Indemnity – potential reimbursement for livestock losses Emergency Conservation Program - rehabilitating farm land, fence repair and other cost share programs. Emergency Loan Program – for production and physical losses due to natural disasters. EQUIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) – possible funds for postdisaster restoration. Contact Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Bozeman Office (406-5876813) Contact Your Local Farm Service Agency Office (FSA) at (406- ) HOMEOWNERS: If Your Primary or Secondary Residence Suffered a Loss Contact your insurance carrier to file a claim. Concerns about questionable insurance policy coverage, contact State Auditor’s Office, (1-800-332-6148) – ask for Policyholder Services For more information see the web-site of the State Auditor’s office: If you are uninsured or underinsured, contact your local DES Coordinator at (406- ) The DES Coordinator will submit a list of individual needs to the State Individual Assistance Officer who will contact the non-profit VOAD organization for assistance for individuals who do not have insurance or are underinsured. PRIVATE FOREST LAND OWNERS: Land Rehabilitation Program & Technical Assistance Montana DNRC Forestry Division Field Office in Missoula for Disasters in Fires and Floods regarding issues or concerns associated with the management of forest land. Such as tree salvage, reforest, erosion control, etc; Call (406-5424300) to find the office nearest you. Website: USDA SERVICE CENTER (FSA): For Disasters in Fires, Floods, and Earthquakes etc. USDA Service Center (FSA) for the office nearest you; - Call (406-) County Resource Conservation & Development Area Office (RC&D) – Call (David White) Bozeman (406-587-6813) Natural Resource Conservation Service; - Call (Clark Johnson) Bozeman (406585-2580 ) for Rural Development to find the office nearest you. For More Information Check Out The Following Web-Sites: o - DNRC Forestry Assistance o - Range, Forestry & Horticulture Assistance o - Watershed Protection BUSINESSES If your business has suffered an economic decline because of the event, please fill out the (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program Worksheet called (EIDL). The purpose of the EIDL is to assist for-profit, small businesses by providing working capital. Non-profit organizations do not qualify for EIDL loans. This form is available through your local DES Coordinator at: (406- ) SOCIAL SERVICES Disasters have a wide range of effects because daily life and normal routines are interrupted and sometimes that drastic change is emotionally upsetting. If you feel the need to speak with someone that can simply lend an ear or find other available assistance, please contact: Mental Health Services: (406-) TAX RELIEF Property owners may be eligible for property tax relief due to damages caused by a disaster Contact the Local Property Assessment Office: (406- ) Contact your Accountant or the MT Department of Revenue for questions regarding income tax filing extensions: (406-444-6900) o For more information see the web-site of the Montana Department of Revenue o UNEMPLOYED DUE TO THE EVENT: Employed by a Business For those who are relieved of work by their employer, contact your local job service about filing for unemployment benefits. (406- ) WEED CONTROL Affected areas can be especially susceptible to invasion of noxious weeds. For more information contact: Your County Weed District Office: (406-) The Montana Department of Agriculture: (406-444-5400) If you have any Individual Assistance questions, please call Jan Traynor at Montana Disaster & Emergency Services (406-324-4777) Return to the Table of Contents