Engineering Disciplines (Fields) - PowerPoint Presentation (ppt) - Rubric = 38 points x 2 Your assignment is to teach the class about one of the engineering disciplines. You need to present a detailed explanation of the discipline (field) through a combination of an oral presentation supported by a PowerPoint presentation. The following is rubric to assist you in preparing your presentation. The presenter: -Definition/Description -Defined/described what this engineering discipline did. 2 points _____ -Projects 8 points _____ -Provided at least four examples of the kinds of projects this engineer would be involved with (pictures). -Tools or equipment 4 points _____ -Described at least two types of tools or equipment that this engineer would use in their job (pictures). -A company and their product/project 2 points _____ -Identified one company that employed this engineer and the product/project that they created (pictures). -Interesting Images -Provided visually interesting images (pictures, charts, etc…). 2 points _____ -Proper number of slides (ten minimum) -Had a minimum of 10 slides as part of the PowerPoint Presentation (ppt). 2 points _____ -Organization and flow 2 points _____ -Was well-organized in presenting the information. (There should be a good flow in the presentation where the information is in a logical order that is easy for the audience to follow). -Most interesting fact 2 points _____ -Answered the question: “What aspect of this discipline is the most fascinating/interesting to them?” -Use of text -Included an appropriate amount of text (words) on the ppt to support the overall presentation -Large blocks of text will result in a loss of points -Font that is too small (or too difficult) to read will result in a loss of points 4 points _____ -Additional information 4 points _____ -Provided “spoken” information that was not included as text within the ppt. (You should be able to explain your slides without reading your ppt word for word. This added spoken information makes the presentation more interesting to the audience – avoid just reading the text that you have written within the ppt.) -Oral presentation -Spoke clearly with minimal errors and loud enough for everyone to hear. 2 points _____ -Prepared and rehearsed 4 points _____ -Provided evidence that they had rehearsed this presentation prior to the time of their presentation. (Evidence can be a copy of this rubric that a friend or classmate has filled out while observing you perform this presentation. The evidence should also include some form of written feedback or assessment of your presentation.) Engineering Disciplines (Fields) – PowerPoint Presentation Sign up sheet -- Chapter 5: Engineering Disciplines Acoustical Engineer ______________________ Automotive Engineer ______________________ Aerospace Engineer ______________________ Agricultural Engineer ______________________ Bio-Engineer ______________________ Chemical Engineer ______________________ Civil Engineer ______________________ Computer Engineer ______________________ Construction Engineer______________________ Electrical Engineer ______________________ Environmental Engineer_____________________ Fire Protection Engineer______________________ Food Process Engineer______________________ Genetic Engineer ______________________ Geological Engineer ______________________ Industrial Engineer ______________________ Manufacturing Engineer______________________ Marine & Ocean Engineer______________________ Materials Science Engineer______________________ Mechanical Engineer ______________________ Mineral and Mining Engineer______________________ Nuclear Engineer ______________________ Petroleum Engineer ______________________ Robotics Engineer ______________________ Software Engineer ______________________ Structural Engineer ______________________ Other ____________________ Intro to Engineering – Homework due on 9/8 Read chapter 4 “What is Engineering?” (pages 47-69) in the “Engineering Your Future textbook.” You need to take notes on this chapter for a discussion that we will be having during the next class (Tue 9/8). You will be graded on both your notes and your participation in the class discussion. You will need to write at least three items comments, statements, facts, thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. based on each bolded section within this chapter. Starting on page 47, look at the bold heading titled Introduction. Introduction. (pg 47) 1) At least three comments, statements, facts, 2) thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. 3) The Engineer and the Scientist (pg 48) 1) At least three comments, statements, facts, 2) thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. 3) The Engineer and the Engineering Technologist (pg 48) 1) At least three comments, statements, facts, 2) thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. 3) Continue writing at least three items for each bolded heading in this chapter stopping after Example 2 (pg 58). There are approximately 20 bolded sections that you need to write three items for (20 sections x 3 written items each = a total of 60 written items). You can omit (skip) the three items for the Learning Activity (Case Study) on page 59. Please bring this long 60 item list written (or typed) notes to class on Tuesday 9/8 to be turned in at the beginning of the class period. After I look them over, I will return them to you for the discussion part of the class. You will earn points for the completion of your 60 items of notes and your participation in the class discussion.