Thor Whalen Metron, Inc. Research Notes Subject: Bayesian Networks The purpose of this research is to investigate problems that arise in designing the Decision Architecture (DA) being developed for MDA within project Hercules. This is the second phase of the project. Prior work: Final report for Phase I Proposal for Phase II Directions: Find ways to integrate evidence in distributed Bayesian networks (connect or reconnect a subnet to rest of the decision architecture in such a manner that information from the subnet is correctly and optimally integrated into the Bayes’ net representing the rest of the DA) Dynamically reconfigure the net to account for new targets Incorporate Gaussian and non-Gaussian, continuous measurement information at leaf nodes Key words: Distributed Bayesian networks Websites: Papers: Causal Decomposition “A Factorized Representation of Independence of Causal Influence and Lazy Propagation” (Anders L. Madsen, et al.(1999)) Abstract: The efficiency of algorithms for probabilistic inference in Bayesian networks can be improved by exploiting independence of causal influence. The factorized representation of independence of causal influence offers a factorized decomposition of certain independence of causal influence models. We describe how lazy propagation - a junction tree based inference algorithm - easily can be extended to take advantage of the decomposition offered by the factorized representation. We introduce two extensions to the factorized representation easing the knowledge acquisition task and reducing the space complexity of the representation exponentially in the state space size of the effect variable of an independence of causal influence model. Finally, we describe how the factorized representation can be used to solve tasks such as calculating the maximum a posteriori hypothesis, the maximum expected utility, and the most probable configuration. “Exploiting Functional Dependence in Bayesian Network Inference” (Anders L. Madsen, et al.(2002)) Abstract: This paper explores the role of independence of causal influence (ICI) in Bayesian network inference. ICI allows one to factorize a conditional probability table into smaller pieces. We describe a method for exploiting the factorization in clique tree propagation (CTP) --- the state-of-the-art exact inference algorithm for Bayesian networks. We also present empirical results showing that the resulting algorithm is significantly more efficient than the combination of CTP and previous techniques for exploiting ICI. “Exploiting Causal Independence in Bayesian Network Inference” (Zhang and Poole (1996)) Abstract: A new method is proposed for exploiting causal independencies in exact Bayesian network inference. A Bayesian network can be viewed as representing a factorization of a joint probability into the multiplication of a set of conditional probabilities. We present a notion of causal independence that enables one to further factorize the conditional probabilities into a combination of even smaller factors and consequently obtain a finer-grain factorization of the joint probability. The new formulation of causal independence lets us specify the conditional probability of a variable given its parents in terms of an associative and commutative operator, such as ``or'', ``sum'' or ``max'', on the contribution of each parent. We start with a simple algorithm VE for Bayesian network inference that, given evidence and a query variable, uses the factorization to find the posterior distribution of the query. We show how this algorithm can be extended to exploit causal independence. Empirical studies, based on the CPCS networks for medical diagnosis, show that this method is more efficient than previous methods and allows for inference in larger networks than previous algorithms. “Intercausal independence and heterogeneous factorization” (Zhang and Poole (1994)) Abstract: A constructive definition of intercausal independence is given. It is well known that conditional independence implies factorization of joint probability. Under the constructive definition, intercausal independence implies factorization of conditional probability. An inference algorithm is developed, which makes use of both conditional independence and intercausal independence to reduce inference complexity in Bayesian networks. “Partition-based Anytime Approximation for Belief Updating” (Mateescu, Dechter, Kask (2001)) Abstract: The paper presents a parameterized approximation scheme for probabilistic inference. The scheme, called Mini-Clustering (MC), extends the partition-based approximation offered by mini-bucket elimination, to tree decompositions. The benefit of this extension is that all single-variable beliefs are computed (approximately) at once, using a two-phase message-passing process along the cluster tree. The resulting approximation scheme allows adjustable levels of accuracy and efficiency, in anytime style. Empirical evaluation against competing algorithms such as iterative belief propagation and Gibbs sampling demonstrates the potential of the MC approximation scheme for several classes of problems. “On the impact of causal independence” (Rish and Dechter (1998)) Abstract: Reasoning in Bayesian networks is exponential in a graph parameter called induced-width (also known as tree-width and max-clique size). In this paper, we investigate how a property called causal independence can improve this performance. We show that the "effective" induced-width of algorithms exploiting this property can be significantly reduced: it can be as small as the induced width of the unmoralized network's graph, and will never exceed the induced-width of the network's moral graph. For example, for poly- trees, causal independence reduces complexity from exponential to linear in the family size. Our analysis is presented for belief updating first, and is then extended to three other tasks: finding a most probable explanation (MPE), finding the maximum a posteriori hypothesis (MAP) and finding the max- imum expected utility (MEU). We show that, while causal independence can considerably reduce the complexity of belief updating, MAP and MEU, it may have no effect on MPE. For the first three tasks, we present variable-elimination algorithm that exploit causal independence. “” (()) Abstract: The paper, in anytime style. Empirical evaluation against competing algorithms such as iterative belief propagation and Gibbs sampling demonstrates the potential of the MC approximation scheme for several classes of problems. Non-technical articles: Presentations: “Advances in Approximate and Hybrid Reasoning for Decision Making Under Uncertainty” (Dechter (Muri progress report, 2001)) Abstract: Mini-clustering: a universal anytime approximation scheme. Applied to probabilistic inference and to Optimization, decision making tasks Hybrid processing of beliefs and constraints REES: Reasoning Engine Evaluation Shell. Online algorithms (S. Irani) . Contacts: Nevin Lianwen Zhang Department of Computer Science, University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong David Poole Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, 2366 Main Mall, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1Z4 Irina Rish and Rina Dechter Department of Information and Computer Science University of California, Irvine firinar,