Consensus Statement of the WRIA 1 Watershed Management Project Instream Flow and Fish Habitat Technical Teams March 15, 2006 The Instream Flow and Fish Habitat technical team’s technical work products include substantial field data and analyses and reflect the results of a large number of consensus decisions that have been made over the 1999 through 2006 period. These consensus decisions include the following: 1) The most appropriate methods to be used to quantify the relationship between flow and the quality and quantity of fish habitat for various species and life stages throughout WRIA 1. 2) The science team that will apply the selected methods. 3) The locations in WRIA 1 where the selected methods will be applied by the science team. 4) The habitat suitability criteria that will be used. 5) WRIA 1 fish periodicity and distribution. 6) The habitat models that will be used. 7) How the hydraulic and habitat model results will be presented. 8) The appropriate dissolved oxygen and temperature thresholds. 9) Stratification and extrapolation approaches. 10) Peer review panel composition. 11) The fish species and life stage prioritization throughout WRIA 1. 12) How the model results should be summarized for decision makers. The technical work products that we are seeking consensus on during the March 15, 2006 meeting of the Instream Flow and Fish Habitat technical teams combine the estimated relationship between stream flows and fish habitat at the locations where field data were collected (i.e., intensive and rapid assessment sites), the fish species and life stage prioritization that was previously agreed to, and the estimated hydrology at these locations. The flows derived from this process at each site or extrapolated site are preliminary scientific inputs to the approved WRIA 1 Instream Flow Selection and Adoption Action Plan. The technical teams have identified flows that are optimal for priority WRIA 1 fish species and life stages subject to current hydrologic model constraints and fish habitat model limitations (see These technical recommendations, along with other technical, policy, and legal considerations, including beneficial out-of-stream water needs and existing and future hydrologic constraints, will be used to negotiate a flow regime that is acceptable to the parties and is then adopted. The recommended initial flows from the technical teams are not to be confused with the instream flows that are to result from the implementation of the Instream Flow Selection and Adoption Action Plan. Instream Flow/ Fish Habitat Technical team members and observers present: Jeremy Freimund Bob Vadas John Thompson Ned Currence Treva Coe Llyn Doremus Tom Anderson Rebecca Schlotterback D:\106738163.doc Technical Team Members Lummi Nation Clare Fogelsong WDFW Paul Schlenger Whatcom County Doug Allen Nooksack Tribe Steve Seymour Nooksack Tribe Chris Fairbanks Nooksack Tribe Thom Hardy Observers Whatcom PUD Bruce Roll Whatcom PUD Stacy Fawell City of Bellingham City of Bellingham WDOE WDFW Whatcom PUD USU Whatcom County Lummi Nation