Emotion Focused Therapy Training with

Emotion Focused Therapy Training with
Dr. Les Greenberg
Summer Institutes 2010
The 13th Annual Toronto Summer EFT Institutes with Dr. Greenberg will be held in
Toronto from July 19 - 22, 2010 (level one) and July 26 - 29, 2010 (level two). For the
first time these training sessions will be held at York University Psychology Clinic
(YUPC), home to the new Emotion Focused Training Clinic.
Level One (July 19 – 22, 2010): This intensive 4 day training Institute provides
participants with solid grounding in the skills required to work more directly with
emotions in psychotherapy. The focus of the program will be experiential, learning how
to produce change in core emotional structures. Participants receive in depth skill
training through a combination of brief lectures, video demonstrations, live modeling,
case discussions and extensive supervised role-playing practice. Please note the dates
for this session as enrollment is strictly limited to 32 participants.
Registration Fee: $1295.00
Level Two (July 26 – 29, 2010): This is a small group training experience and
enrollment is limited to 16. It provides registrants with more in-depth skill training over
the 4 day Institute and enables discussion of challenges that have emerged in using
EFT in each registrant’s own clinical practice.
Prerequisite: EFT Institute, level one (or equivalent, details of prior training experiences
would need to be included with application).
Registration Fee: $1849.00
To register for either of these training institutes, go to the York University Psychology
Clinic website, www.yupc.org, and click on the continuing education tab.
If you have questions about this event or other training opportunities, please call 416650-8488 or send an e-mail to yupc@yorku.ca.
Level One Emotion focused Training – Topics
Emotion theory, Assessment and principles of change
Empathy, Validation and focusing on Feeling
Creating an alliance ∙ Empathic attunement ∙ Evocation ∙Conjecture ∙Focusing
Process formulation, Developing a Collaborative Focus
Identifying markers of underlying affective/cognitive problems
Evocation, Arousal and Exploration
Focusing ∙ Evocative unfolding ∙ Two chair dialogue and splits
Accessing Primary Adaptive Emotions and Core Maladaptive Schemes
Empty chair dialogue and unfinished business
Restructuring Core Schemes
Supporting the emergence of primary needs ∙ Letting go of unmet needs ∙ Tapping positive emotional
resources ∙ Provision of new experiences
Continued Skill Training in Evocative Methods
Supporting a self-affirming stance ∙ Promoting new narrative constructions
Skill Training & Applications
Depression ∙ Post-traumatic stress disorder ∙Addictions ∙ Contraindications
Level Two Emotion Focused Training – Topics
Advanced Empathy
Moment by Moment tracking of affect
Marker Identification
Issues in identifying markers of Splits & Unfinished business ∙Additional markers: self-interruption,
vulnerability, trauma, alliance ruptures
Advanced Work with Two Chair Dialogue – The Process
Sensing the opposed forces ∙ Following & leading ∙ Dealing with collapsing & impasses
Advanced work with Two Chair Dialogue – Variants
Self interruptive dialogues ∙ Self soothing dialogues
Advanced Work with Unfinished Business – The Process & Variants
Evocation of emotion ∙ The interruptive process ∙ The letting go process ∙ Forgiveness ∙ Imaginal
Continued Practice and Supervision
Difficult clients & processes ∙ Applications to specific populations & problems