Explanation for SOC 100%

Explanation for SOC 100%
For EV including BEV and PHEV, the battery usually will be fully charged
during the night with 100% of SOC. During the daytime, the battery will also be
charged frequently, and there is high probability for SOC to reach 100%.
In China, The electricity indication on the EV dash board is normally the
same with the electricity of the battery system for the design of on-board
traction battery system, which means SOC of the battery system will be 100%
when the dash board shows full energy. The energy of the cells should be full
with the full-charged battery system.
Considering the safety issue, accidents will be most serious under the
condition of full energy. In use of EV, battery will be easily charged with full
energy every day. Therefore, the battery system (cell/module) should be
tested with 100% of SOC to simulate the real safety condition.