Factsheet summarizing information on lithology, depositional environment and bio- and lithostratigraphy of studied sections and outcrops in central Crete. Explanation of terms/abbreviations/definitions: Pf = planktonic foraminifers ADT = Age Diagnostic Taxa Time stratigraphic distribution for upper Miocene ADT is to be found in SI, Items 3 and 4 Description and definition of biozones is given in SI, Item 5 Bf= benthic foraminifers LBWO species = Low Bottom Water Oxygen species Bathymetry of benthic foraminiferal depth markers is given in Figure 10 in van Hinsbergen et al., 2005b. Bedding plane orientation is given as direction and angle of dip. Neritic refers to water depths between mean low water down to 200 m Shallow marine = inner neritic: < 100 m Bathyal refers to water depths of 200–2000 m. Upper bathyal: 200-600 m Middle bathyal: 600-1000m Deep marine: outer neritic + bathyal Area I (arranged from east to west) Location 1: Five sections have been studied in fresh road outcrops along the road between Martha and Ano Viannos with section 1 being located 1 km before and section 5 at the exit to the hamlet of Mesi. The assembly of sediments is characteristic of the Viannos Fm. Section 1 is a 17 m thick succession dominated by green to dark grey clays and silts including three up to 80 cm thick platy limestones including Theodoxus and operculae of land snails. Minor intervals of lignitic clays or thin-bedded sandstones are present. Section 2 measures 35 m is characterized by a higher amount of sandstones and a lack of platy limestones. Middle part consists of 6 m of thick-bedded, medium grained and well-sorted, almost structureless sandstone. Individual beds are elongatelenticular. Clayey intervals vary in colour from green to violet. Gravel pockets in clays above the sandstone level are rich in red cherts derived from the Uppermost Unit. Section 3 measures 20 m showing an upward increase of bed thickness culminating in a sandstone bed of 8 m at top. This sandstone is rich in scour-and-fill structures, indicating SW-W oriented paleocurrents. Clays in basal part include shell fragments and smooth ostracods. Section 4 is 16 m thick and characterized by the presence of several up to 1 m thick conglomerate beds passing into clayey strata including minor amounts of thin-bedded sandstone. 4 m above base is an up to 2 m thick, channelling and mega cross-bedded sandstone present interpreted as deposited by a laterally migrating sand bar. It is followed by 5 m of clays, silty clays and thin sandstone beds at the level of 10 m cut by an up to 1 m thick scouring conglomerate bed with material derived from the Uppermost Unit. Orientation of scour indicates a roughly W-E directed channel axis. Top of section consists of clay and thin lignitic clay drapes alternating with several thin clayey limestones including Chara gyrogonites and Bithynia and capped by a channelling sandstone unit showing an interval with wave ripple cross bedding. Section 5 (at topographically highest point along this road) measures 22 m. Also this interval is coarser at top than at the base. The basal half is rich in black clays with some levels rich in shell fragments (a.o. Planorbis), Bithynia operculea, and gyrogonites of charaphytes. Several horizons are lignitic. The upper half of section comprises several up to 2 m thick fining upward sequences consisting of sandstone-clay transitions. The top 10 m consists of a fining upward sequence which starts with a 3 m thick conglomerate passing into a thin silt and clay interbed and followed by 3 ca 1 m thick conglomerate beds. The topmost sandstone bed is 2m thick and well-sorted. The abundant red and green cherts in the conglomerates are derived from the Uppermost Unit. The assembly of sediments in these 5 sections is interpreted to have been deposited in a channel belt and adjacent flood basin environment. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photos 1-2. Location 2: 14 m of silty clays and few N-dipping sandy turbidites are exposed along the road to Viannos, just above the cemetery of the village of Martha (Skinias Formation). ca 50 m further in the direction of Viannos and ca 10 m lower in the stratigraphy: 40 m of silty clays, silts and sandy to gravelly turbidites of the Skinias Formation. (360N-030). Sand-mud ratio is >2:1. Gravelly interbeds are made up of Tripolitza limestone and Uppermost Unit debris. Several turbidites show Bouma Ta-b intervals. Imbrication of pebbles in a ripped -off 1 clay-layer point to 140 SE transport. Lithology compares well with that of the older part of the Makrilia Formation in the Ierapetra Basin. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 14. Gr 9544: acostaensis 29d +2s and scitula types. Bf: Cibicides pachydermis, Siphonina reticulata, Uvigerina, Gyroidina, Karreriella, + 1x C. wuellerstorf in 1 tray. Gr 9545 (+ 3m): acostaensis 16d. Bf: C. wuellerstorfi, Karreriella, Gyroidina, Uvigerina, C. kullenbergi, C. pachydermis Gr 9546 (+ 3m): acostaensis 39d and scitula types. Bf: idem Gr 9547 (+ 5m): acostaensis 40d + 1s and scitula types. Bf: idem Gr 9548 (+ 3m): acostaensis 15d + 1s and scitula types. Bf: idem Biozonal assignment: joint presence of dextral acostaensis and scitula types is indicative of biozone 6. Depositional depth: 750–830 m Location 3: Gully complex east of village of Skinias. Exposed is ca 35 m of northward dipping silty clays of the Skinias Fm. Several intercalated calcisiltites resemble those of the Kalamavka Formation in the Ierapetra basin. Inconsistent bedding suggests that the section is disturbed and not suitable for detailed biostratigraphic analysis. We sampled this outcrop at roughly 2 m intervals (samples Gr 13603-13620) to ascertain the biostratigraphic age and particularly the presence of biozone 5. In a nearby small outcrop several groove casts in a turbidite sole indicate transport oriented 90°-70° E, whereas a Tc interval indicates S directed transport. A debris flow of coarse sand with fragments of corals and sirenian bones at 12 m and a sandy turbidite at ca 18 m from the base a little more to the west (observed in April and June 1993) are no longer exposed due to construction of a water basin. Gr 13603: acostaensis 3s in 18, few scitula gr (lengua type), falconarae (incl ls). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 13604: acostaensis 27s + 18 altispira in 18, few scitula gr (lengua type), falconarae (incl ls). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus + amphistegina Gr 13605: no ADT. Bf: idem minus amphistegina Gr 13606: acostaensis 2s in 18, few scitula gr (lengua type), falconarae (incl ls). Bf: idem + oridorsalis Gr 13607: acostaensis 21s + 1d in 27. Bf: dominant low oxygen bf + fish remains Gr 13608: acostaensis 22s + 1d in 27, falconarae (incl ls). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis + low-oygen taxa + fish remains Gr 13609: few scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 13610: acostaensis 22s + 1d in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13611: acostaensis 3s + 1d in 18, scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: idem + pseudoungarianus, oridorsalis Gr 13612: few scitula gr (s lengua type). Bf: idem + karreriella Gr 13613: acostaensis 29s + 5d, few scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: idem minus karreriella -----------------------Gr 13614: acostaensis 13d + 1s in tray, falconarae (incl ls), scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: idem + karreriella Gr 13615: acostaensis 5d in tray, falconarae (incl ls), few scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: idem minus karreriella Gr 13616: partimlabiata, few scitula gr (s, lengua type). Bf: idem Gr 13617: falconarae (incl ls). Bf: idem Gr 13618: partimlabiata 6x in 18, falconarae (incl ls). Bf: idem minus pseudoungarianus Gr 13619: acostaensis 2d in 18. Bf: idem + pseudoungarianus + kullenbergi Gr 13620: acostaensis 23d + 1s. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus + high % low-oxygen taxa + fish remains Biozonal assignment: The sampling traject seems to cross a steep normal fault in between Gr 13613 and 13614. The upper part (Gr 13614-13620) is correlated to biozone 4 and lower part to biozone 5. Depositional depth: 500/600-750 m Location 4: Small hillside outcrop bordering the football ground of the village of Skinias. Exposed is a 10 m thick alternation of marly clays and turbidite sands of Skinias Formation. The basal 2.5 m consist exclusively of silty marls (Gr 10296-10301), whereas the remaining part of the section includes a number of thick, partly amalgamated, crudely graded and laminated coarse sandstone beds, plus several thin turbidites (mainly Tc intervals) and intercalated basinal muds (Gr 10302 – 10305). Flute casts indicate transport to 160S. See also Figure 3. Gr 10296: acostaensis 24d+ 6s (80%) Gr 10297: acostaensis 26d + 5s (84%) Gr 10298: acostaensis 23d + 2s (92%). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus + few Amphistegina Gr 10299: acostaensis 22d + 1s (96%) Gr 10300: acostaensis 4d Gr 10301: acostaensis 20d + 3s (87%). Bf: uvigerina, pseudoungarianus, gyroidina Gr 10302: acostaensis 1d 2 Gr 10303: acostaensis 1d + 1s Gr 10304: acostaensis 20d + 4s (83%). Bf: idem + Amphistegina Gr 10305: acostaensis 4d + 2s. Bf: idem minus Amphistegina Biozonal assignment: section probably belongs to biozone 6 but a biozonal 4 age cannot be excluded (no representatives of scitula group present). Depositional depth: 200-350 m Location 5a: Middle part of a 300 m long outcrop along the new road from Arkalochorio-Martha (opened May 2009) at N 35° 04,861/E 25° 18,981exposes W-dipping sandy to gravelly turbidites, gravel beds and slumps. Slumped sections are up to 3m thick and made up of ripped clay and sandstone beds mixed with gravels or mollusc-rich sands. Gravel beds are up to 1.5 m thick and fine upward. Components are floating and derived from the UN (Uppermost unit, Tripolitza limestone and flysch). The upper part of the outcrop consists of silty clays, silts and sandy turbidites of at least 40 m thick. Lower part of outcrop is clayey with locally many slickensides (Gr 13873-13870). This series belongs to the Skinias Fm. See also SI 8: photo 15. Gr 13873: acostaensis 4d in 18. Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13872: no ADT Gr 13871: acostaensis 20d + 2s. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13870: no ADT. Bf: uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13795: acostaensis 17d + 1s, 2x scitula gr (d) in 2 trays. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 13796: acostaensis 4d + 3s in total residue; 2x scitula gr (s) + 3x falconarae (ls) + 14x menardii 4 in 1 tray. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13797: acostaensis 3s in total residue. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina + 1x amphistegina + 1x borelis. Gr 13798: acostaensis 1d in 1 tray. Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13799: acostaensis 17d + 7s in 2 trays. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 13800: acostaensis 1d + common altispira in total residue. Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Biozonal assignment: probably biozone 5 (based on high proportion sinistral acostaensis + presence of menardii 4 and altispira). Depositional depth: 350-500 m Location 5b: Next road outcrop is 200 m long and exposes silty bluish clays with occasionally horizons with shells (a.o. Cerithium) and calcrete paleosols (Kasteliana Formation). Dip of strata is less than at location 5a. Location 5c: Next road outcrop is 200 m long (N 35º 06,479/E 25º 17,471) exposing bluish-gray silty marls with washed shells on surface (a.o. Thatcheria, Ancilla glandiformis and scaphopods). No bedding but regional dip is to NW. These sediments are assigned to the upper member of the Moulia Formation (Gr 13801-13808 and Gr 13863-13869 [lower part]). Further northwestward along the new road (in between N35° 05,539/E 25°18,209 and N35° 06,941/E 25°17,377) are several outcrops in the Kasteliana Fm. Gr 13863: frequent menardii 4; acostaensis 3d + 20s (13%d). Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13864: frequent menardii 4; acostaensis 4d + 20s (17%d). Bf: idem Gr 13865: rare menardii 4. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina Gr 13866: common menardii 4. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 13867: frequent menardii 4. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 13868: frequent menardii 4 + 1x ss falconarae. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 13869: frequent menardii 4, acostaensis 2d + 4s, 1x ss falconarae. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 13801: frequent menardii 4; 2x falconarae (ss) in 1 tray. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13802: frequent menardii 4; acostaensis 3d in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13803: frequent menardii 4; acostaensis 1d + 2s in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13804: frequent menardii 4; 3x falconarae (ss) in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13805: frequent menardii 4; acostaensis 1xd + 2x falconarae (ss) in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13806: menardii 4 (5x) in 18. Bf: idem Gr 13807: menardii 4 (2x) in 9; scitula gr (ca suterae types); acostaensis 12d in 1.5 trays. Gr 13808: menardii 4 absent; 4x falconarae (ss) in 1 tray; acostaensis 7d + 17s in 2 trays. Biozonal assignment: biozonal interval 8 -9 but most likely bizone 8 because of high % dextral acostaensis. 3 Depositional depth: 350-500 m Location 6a: Along road from Demati to Faviana, just west of Demati. The section exposes 50 m of shallowmarine silty clays with sandy interbeds, sometimes with a pebbly base (Gr 9455-9469). The uppermost 6 m represents a coarsening upward sequence from bioturbated mudstone (Skolithos burrows) to bioturbated, poorly lithified and poorly bedded sandstones including shell pockets at the top. An erosional surface separates this sequence from the next 20 m (Gr 9470-9472). This essentially upward fining sequence starts with a gravelly lag deposit rich in shell debris and overlain by several m of massive sandstone ending upwards in a mega cross-bed, interpreted as a NW-ward prograding sandbar, possibly a wash-over fan. Via 1.5 m of small-scale, cross-bedded flaser-rich sandstones the sequence ends with a terrestrial sequence of thin-bedded bluish clays, silts and sand, rich in plant fragments. A sandstone bed showing wave ripples is present near the top. After a non-exposed interval of 10 m another 10 m of non-marine sediments is exposed including a lignitic clay bed and several levels with gyrogonites of charaphytes (Gr 9473). Lithostratigraphically, the sequence represents the transition from the shallow marine upper Skinias Fm (0-50 m) to the paralic Kasteliana Fm (50-93 m). 12 paleomagnetic samples from the interval between 20 and 50 m (upper Skinias Fm) show normal polarities (Duermeijer, et al., 1998). See also Figure 3. Gr 9455-9469: few pf (no ADT). Bf is diverse with representatives of Ammonia, Cancris, Heterolepa dutemplei, Textularia, Nonion, Elphidium, Robulus, miliolids and some Bulimina indicating a middle shelf depth (ca 100 m). Gr 9470: no pf. Bf: few Ammonia (intertidal to lagoonal conditions) Gr 9471-9472: no forams Gr 9473: many gyrogonites of charaphytes Age: The interval between 20 and 50 m belongs to the upper Skinias Fm and shows normal polarities (see in Duermeijer et al., 1998). Since the upper Skinias extends into biozone 6, the interval with normal polarities can neither be correlated to Chron 5n.1n nor to Chron 4Ar.1n (see Figure 4). Therefore, the most likely correlation of this interval with normal polarities is with Chron 4Ar.2n. Depositional environment: Upward trend from middle neritic to fluvial-lacustrine. Location 6b: Cemented sandstones and clast-supported conglomerates of the Viannos Fm are exposed in various outcrops above the village of Demati along main road to Martha (and east of location 6a). Conglomerates are made up of poorly sorted, (sub) rounded pebbles of the Uppermost Unit. Some of the conglomerate beds have an erosional base. One of the outcrops shows silty clays with two lenticular conglomerate beds representing E-W oriented braided channels. Location 7: Directly south of Kalo Chorio: exposures of bioturbated fine sandstones rich in Heterostegina. Also village itself sits on top of ca 10 m of coarse and fine bioturbated sandstones with occasional Heterostegina and Lithothamnion oncoliths belonging to lower member of the Moulia Formation. Sandstones are underlain by > 4m conglomerates of Kasteliana Formation. Location 8: The classical Kastellios Hill section described and figured in de Bruin et al. (1971) is the type section of the Kasteliana Formation. In 2008 we observed 2 m pebbly sandstones with scour-and-fill structures at the very base of this section. The importance of this section for the calibration between continental and marine stages has spurred a number of follow-up studies (Sissingh, 1974, de Bruin and Zachariasse, 1979, van der Weerd, 1983, Sen et al., 1986, Aguilar et al., 2004). The lower part of the section (up to highest level with mammal remains [K5] is still well exposed [105ESE-12/100ESE-10]. The degree of exposure of the upper part (up to the base of cliff that forms top of Kastellios Hill) remains poor and is mainly fine grained with numerous washed oysters. The cliff section measured in detail in 2007 consists of shallow marine sands and sandstones, a few unsorted, clast-supported conglomerates with occasionally silty clays and oyster beds. This 25 m thick clastic series is overlain by 13 m (partly exposed) bioclastic calcarenites containing Lithothamnion and Heterostegina (120SE-35). These calcarenites seem to have derived from bioherms. Three of such bioherms measuring 10, 6 and 3 m are present and consist of Porites and large Tabellastrea buildups in a calcareous matrix. These bioherms and their debris cones probably mark a level within the Kasteliana Fm Samples T151-1 to 12 taken in 1967 and restudied in 1993 (with samples 4 to 9 from interval in between 2 lignitic layers containing marine shells, a.o. Polinices, Murex. Residues treated with carbon tetrachloride. 01: acostaensis 7d/3s. Bf: dominant Ammonia/miliolids + few Gyroidina 02: very few pf. Bf: dominant Ammonia/miliolids + Elphidium/Nonion 03: no pf. Bf: dominant Ammonia/miliolids + idem 04: few pf. Bf: dominant Ammonia/miliolids + Elphidium/Nonion/Reusella/Bolivina 05: acostaensis 23d/7s (77%). Bf: idem + Borelis/Pullenia 4 06: acostaensis 1d. Bf: idem as 04 + few Gyroidina 07: few pf. Bf: idem as 04 + Borelis/Pullenia/Rectouvigerina 08: few pf. Bf: idem as 04 but no Reusella 09: acostaensis 15d/2s (88%). Bf: idem as 04 + biconvex Cibicides/Uvigerina/Rectouvigerina 10: no forams; wood fragments 11: 100% Ammonia 12: no pf. Bf: dominant Ammonia/miliolids + few Nonion Samples KH/A to G taken in summer 1994 (KH A to D from interval in between 2 lignitic layers and KH E,F,G from interval below K3). KH D: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): few Ammonia/Nonionella and reworked? specimens of Bulimina costata, Rectouvigerina, Uvigerina hispida, Pullenia, biconvex Cicibides, Discorbis, Oridorsalis, Gyroidina, Globobulimina, and of Orbulina, trilobus, nepenthes, menardii 4, falconarae (ls), falconensis. KH C: few pf next to dominant Ammonia and miliolids, and few Nonion, Elphidium and Borelis and single specimens of Bolivina, Uvigerina and Marginulina. KH B: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): frequent Quinqueloculina and Ammonia and few Nonion and Elphidium. KH A: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): frequent Ammonia and few Elphidium and Nonion. Many wood fragments. ----------------------KH E and F: frequent Ammonia and few Nonion. KH G: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): Ammonia and gyrogonites of Charophyta together with many wood fragments + (reworked?) Bulimina costata and exilis, Rectouvigerina , Globobulimina, Cibides dutemplei, Gyroidina, Robulus, Hanzawaia, Bolivina dilatata, Pullenia and (reworked?) acostaensis d, falconensis, falconarae, orbulina, siphonifera Samples KH 1 to 24 taken in spring 1994 with W. Krijgsman and F. Hilgen (KH 1- 8 from interval in between upper lignitic layer at base and conglomerate at top; KH 9-14 from exposures on ledge above K5; KH 15-22 from several levels along poorly exposed upper slope above K5; KH 24 is from upper lignitic layer). KH 1: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): frequent Ammonia and smooth ostracods and many wood fragments. Few pf + 1x Robulus and 1x Bulimina costata (reworked?) KH 2: many high spired gastropod fragments and Ammonia KH 3: dominant Ammonia and few Nonion + high spired gastropod fragments. Few pf and single specimens of Bolivina, Reusella and Robulus (reworked?) KH 4: dominant Ammonia and few Nonion + mollusc fragments. Few pf and single specimens of Bolivina, Discorbis and Uvigerina (reworked?) KH 6: dominant Ammonia and few Nonion and miliolids. Few pf and single specimens of Bolivina and Bulimina (reworked?) KH 7: Ammonia and few Nonion. KH 8: frequent Ammonia and gyrogonites of charophytes. Few pf and single specimens of Bulimina costata and Cancris (reworked?) -------------------------------------KH 9: frequent operculae of land snails and shell fragments. 1x pf (reworked?) KH 10: few Ammonia KH 11 (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): frequent Ammonia. Few falconensis and Rectouvigerina and Bulimina costata (reworked?) KH 12: frequent Ammonia. Robulus (1x), Uvigerina (3x) and Bulimina (1x) KH 13: few Ammonia and high spired gastropods KH 14: few Ammonia. Few pf and Uvigerina (3x), pseudoungarianus (1x), Bulimina (3x), and Bolivina (2x) --------------------------KH 15: (after carbon tetrachloride treatment): frequent smooth ostracods KH 16: frequent Ammonia KH 17: frequent Ammonia KH 18: few Ammonia and many shell fragments. One single specimen of pseudoungarianus (reworked?) KH 19: few pf and single specimens of Bolivina, Cibicides and Bulimina (reworked?) KH 20: frequent Ammonia and shell fragments. Also gyrogonites of Charaphytes KH 21: frequent Ammonia and shell fragments KH 22: frequent Ammonia and shell fragments Samples Gr 10341 – 10344 taken in 1999 for W. A. Berggen and M. P. Aubry (results discussed in Aguilar et al., 2004) Gr 10341: (ca 8m below upper and ca 4 m above lower lignite): Ammonia, few Nonion and echinid spines, and many smooth (?) ostracods, few pf, bryozoa fragments, and 1x Bulimina (reworked?) Gr 10342: (ca 3m below upper lignite): Ammonia, miliolids and ostracods. Few pf and Elphidium and 1x Borelis (reworked?) 5 Gr 10343: (from upper lignite): no forams Gr 10344: (ca 4 m above upper lignite): Ammonia, ostracods and few Nonion. 2x pf (reworked?). Age and depositional environment: Most samples from the (lower part of the) Kastellios Hill section contain abundant Ammonia beccarii sometimes with varying additions of Quinqueloculina longirosta and/or shell fragments indicating that the majority of the sediments of Kastellios Hill was deposited in a brackish water (lagoonal) environment. A few samples with Hydrobia, gyrogonites of charaphytes, and/or operculae of land snails indicate that the prevailing lagoonal conditions were occasionally replaced by non-marine conditions, which is in line with the occurrence of mammal remains in several strata, the presence of two lignite beds and several calcrete paleosols. Open marine benthic and planktonic foraminifers found in many of the samples from these lagoonal to non-marine sediments should be interpreted as reworked elements derived from the underlying Skinias Fm which at the time of deposition of the Kasteliana Fm was subject to erosion in the north. Also Sissingh (pers. comm., May 1995) now holds the opinion that the ostracod fauna (which he described in 1974) actually consists of an autochtonous fresh to brackish water component (exemplified by representatives of Cyprideis and Ilyocypris) and an allochtonous open marine component represented by a suite of ornate species such as Cytherella. Marine shells in part of the interval in between the 2 lignites, however, are suggestive of truly (shallow) marine conditions. Some concentrated residues (using carbon tetrachloride) from this interval (T151-05 and 09) yielded a relatively rich planktonic foraminiferal fauna including dominantly right coiled Neogloboquadrina acostaensis. These planktonic foraminifers have been described and partly figured in de Bruin et al., 1971. The presence of Gyroidina and Uvigerina in sample 151-06 suggests outer shelf conditions for this interval unless these depth markers are reworked as well, along with the right coiled Neogloboquadrina acostaensis. Considering the overall lagoonal environment, we consider reworking very likely. It is concluded that most of the sediments of the classical Kastellios Hill section were deposited in a brackish lagoon with short term changes to non-marine and restricted marine conditions. Planktonic foraminifers are considered to be reworked implying that the Kastellios Hill section does not provide a direct correlation between mammal stages and planktonic foraminiferal biozones. 16 new paleomagnetic samples from the lower part of the Kastellios Hill section (taken by Wout Krijgsman and WJZ in 1996) are all of reversed polarity (see in Duermeijer et al., 1998) and basically confirm the data presented by Sen et al. (1986), who on the basis of two very short intervals of normal polarity correlated the lower part of the Kastellios Hill section to chron C5r. We now know that the underlying Skinias Fm extends up into biozone 6 and therefore the classical Kastellios Hill section cannot be older than 9.8 Ma (age for top biozone 5, see SI 6) thereby invalidating correlation of this section to Chron C5r. Moreover, the 2 very short intervals of normal polarities recorded by Sen et al., 1986 either represent so-called cryptochrons or normal overprinting. In view of the reversed polarities and the notion that the mammal fauna correlates with that of MN10 (de Bruin et al., 1992) the lower part of the Kastellios Hill section can be correlated either to Chron C4Ar.2r or to C4Ar.1r (Krijgsman et al., 1996, Garces et al., 1996). An updated classification of the rodents from Plakias on western Crete (de Bruin and Meulenkamp, 1972) and Kastellios Hill - with Cricetulodon in Plakias and 2 species of Progonomys in Kastellios Hill - suggests an older age for the Plakias rodent faunule (Hans de Bruin, 2009, personal communication). The non-marine deposits at Plakias belong to the Pandanassa Formation (Meulenkamp, 1969). This unit correlates with the Kasteliana Formation of central Crete and since the base of this unit is dated at 9.6 Ma (this study), a correlation of the lower Kastellios Hill section to Chron 4Ar.1r is the most likely. This correlation allows the Plakias faunule to be older (9.6 - 9.3 Ma) than the Kastellios Hill (9.3 9.1 Ma). Location 9: A partly exposed section along dirt road to the hamlet of Vitsilia (located ca 1 km northeast of Partira). Succession begins with 4 m conglomerates, sands and silty clays with probably a paleosol at 2m (270W10) followed by 1 m sandstone with pebbly base. This series belongs to Kasteliana Fm and is overlain by 6 m poorly exposed fine sands with few marine fossils and at top indurated and rich in Heterostegina. Then, 1 m fine sand and 4 m poorly exposed fine sands with shell fragments and few burrows and at the top bioturbated with Pecten. Then, a 2 m non-exposed interval followed by 20 cm bioturbated sand with Heterostegina, and 4 m fine sands showing poorly pronounced cycles of cemented and bioturbated sands with fossils and non-fossiliferous less cemented sands. This shallow marine series belongs to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Then, follow 1.5 m silty marls (samples Gr 13565-13570), a non-exposed interval of 8 m and 5 m (silty) marls (Gr 1357113585) (= upper member of Moulia Fm). This series is in faulted contact with Pliocene beige marls (Gr 13774). Below the base of section along an agricultural track branching off from road to Vitsilia in a northern direction are marine clays exposed (Gr 13587 + Gr 13777-13778) and a little further in an olive grove we sampled chunks 6 of ploughed fresh clay (Gr 13586). Halfway slope of hill east of Vitsilia we sampled a small clayey outcrop (Gr 13588). See also Figure 3. Gr 13586: few ammonia and textularia Gr 13588: some ammonia and smooth ostracods Gr 13587: some pf (no ADT). Bf: dominant dutemplei and Ammonia with additions of robulus, cassidinulina, textularia, valvulineria, nonionella, bouanum, bolivina, uvigerina, gyroidina, cancris, pullenia. Pf and some bf taxa reworked? Gr 13777-13778: few pf (no ADT). Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis, gyroidina. Lithostratigraphic assignment: Gr 13586-13588: probably Kasteliana Fm (intertidal-brackish) Gr 13777 and 13778: probably Skinias Fm (350-500 m) ---------------Gr 13565: no ADT Gr 13566: menardii 4 (4x) in 9. Bf: pseudoungarianus Gr 13567: menardii 4 (11x) + acost 1s in 9. Bf: pseudoungarianus, oridorsalis Gr 13568: menardii 4 (11x) in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13569: menardii 4 (8x) in 9. Bf: idem + gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 13570: menardii 4 (11x) in 9. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 13571: few pf Gr 13572: menardii 4 (2x), seminulina (5x), falconarae (1x) in 1 tray. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 13573: few pf. Bf: uvigerina Gr 13574: menardii 4 (1x), acostaensis 1s, seminulina (2x), falconarae (1x) in 18. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 13575: menardii 4 (1x), acost 1s in 9; falconarae (1x), seminulina (1x) in 18. Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 13576: seminulina (3x), falconarae (4x incl 1x ls) in 18. Bf: gyroidina Gr 13577: menardii 4 (1x), seminulina (2x), falconarae (3x) in 27. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 13578: seminulina (4x), acostaensis 2s in 18; falconarae (5x incl ls) in 2 trays. Bf: idem + uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13579: semimulina (1x) in 27. Bf: oridorsalis Gr 13580: seminulina (3x), acostaensis 1s, menardii 4 (3x), falconarae (2x incl ls) in 9. Bf: oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus, gyroidina Gr 13581: seminulina (1x), menardii 4 (1x), acostaensis 1s, falconarae (1x) in 18. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 13582: menardii 4 (3x), acostaensis 11s + 1d in 1 tray. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13583: seminulina (1x), menardii 4 (2x) in 1 tray. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13584: menardii 4 (2x), falconarae (1x), acostaensis 4s in 1 tray. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13585: menardii 4 (3x), falconarae (2x), acostaensis 4s in 1 tray. Bf: idem Biozonal assignment of deep marine member of Moulia Fm: top biozone 8 to basal biozone 9 Depositional depth of deep marine member: 350-500 m and not far from coast. In all samples (particularly Gr 13576-13579) significant amounts of shallow water elements, such as: epifytes, heavily ornamented ostracods, shell fragments, Ammonia and bryozoa (and even some Heterostegina in Gr 13579). Most samples contain significant admixtures of clastic debris. Location 10: An upward coarsening and only partly exposed succession located SSE of the monastery of Panagia Kera, S of the village of Partira. Massive silty clays at the base gradually pass upward into 35 m of sandy clays with thin layers of medium sand and followed upward by 15 m of bioturbated and more lithified sands with pebbly levels in upper 4 m, forming an inaccessible cliff. Several oyster fragments were found in sandstone blocks fallen from the cliff. This section represents the upper part of the Skinias Fm, which is further to the northeast conformably overlain by nonmarine to restricted-marine deposits of the Kasteliana Fm. We sampled 3 short intervals below the bioturbated sandstones. The lower one measures 2.2 m (Gr 10323 – 10329), the middle section measures 2.5 m (Gr 10317 -10322) and the upper one 5 m (Gr 10306 – 10315). Samples are sandy and poor in forams; several have been treated with carbon tetrachloride. Gr 10323 (CCl4): acostaensis 12d +4s (75%d) Gr 10324 (CCl4): acostaensis 13d + 3s (81%). Bf: dominant Ammonia, trilculina, elphidium, textularia and admixtures of other species (o.a. Amphistegina). Trace of pseudoungarianus Gr 10325: 2x ls falconarae and acostaensis 20d + 7s (74%) in 2 trays Gr 10326: acostaensis 20d + 4s (83%) in 1 tray Gr 10327: acostaensis 24d + 5s (83%) in 1 tray Gr 10328 (CCl4): acostaensis 7d + 2s Gr 10329 (CCl4): acostaensis 15d + 3s (83%). Bf: idem + Borelis, Amphistegina. Trace of oridorsalis ------------------------Gr 10317: 1x ls falconarae, acostaensis 19d + 3s (86%) and 1x altispira in 2 trays Gr 10318: acostaensis 22d + 2s (92%) in 1 tray. Bf: dominant triloculina, textularia, ammonia, dutemplei, bolivina and admixtures of other species (a.o. Amphistegina). Traces of uvigerina, gyroidina 7 Gr 10319: acostaensis 32d + 6s (84%) in 2 trays Gr 10320: acostaensis 21d + 4s (84%) in 1 tray. Bf: dominant Ammonia, triloculina, bolivina and admixtures of other species (a.o. Amphistegina). Gr 10321: 24d + 6s (80%) in 2 trays Gr 10322: 17d + 7s (71%) in 3 trays ------------------Gr 10306 (CCl4): acostaensis 21d + 6s (78%) and 1x altispira Gr 10307 (CCl4): acostaensis 5d + 5s. Bf: dominant Ammonia, Nonionella, epifytes + trace occurrences of gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 10308 (CCl4): acostaensis 18d + 6s (75%) Gr 10309 (CCl4): acostaensis 6d + 2s Gr 10310 (CCl4): acostaensis 4d + 1s. Bf: idem minus uvigerina Gr 10311 (CCl4): acostaensis 21d + 11 d (66%). Bf: dominant: Ammonia, Nonionella, elphidium, bolivina, rectotouvigerina/peregrina + admixtures of many other species. Trace occurrences of oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 10312 (CCl4): acostaensis 4d + 2s Gr 10313 (CCl4): acostaensis 2d + 2s. Bf: idem Gr 10314 (CCl4): acostaensis 11d (100%) Gr 10315 (CCl4): acostaensis 28d + 5s (85%). Bf: idem Biozonal assignment: dominant dextral acostaensis suggests correlation to biozone 4 or 6. Since the shallow marine top of Skinias Fm at Tefeli (location 15) and the Piratijanni Kefala (location 12) belongs to biozone 6 we infer an equal position for the Panagia Kera section. The % dextral acostaensis is somewhat lower and more variable than observed in biozone 6 of Gibliscemi and Metochia (see SI, Items 3 and 4) and suggestive for some reworking from biozone 5. Traces of altispira may have been reworked as well. Depositional depth: shell fragments, large ornamented ostracods, and benthic foram fauna dominated by Ammonia, large miliolids, Elphidium, Textularia, epifytes + admixtures of many other species (o.a. Amphistegina and Borelis) and traces of gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis (reworked?) point to a middle neritic environment (ca 100 m). Location 11: Hill with ruined church on top ca 0.75 km north of Partira and south of summit 529 m. Poorly exposed interval of 10 m showing sandstones with lenticular gravel beds and large-scale cross bedding and silty clays (Kasteliana Fm) is overlain by bioherm dominated by Porites (2m) and strongly bioturbated sandstones including Lithothamnion, Heterostegina and shells (5 m). Shallow marine sediments belong to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Location 12: S-dipping transect from Amourgelles to the top of Piratijanni Kefala (502 m) begins in nonmarine sediments of the Viannos Fm of which at least 150 m are partly exposed. The older part of the overlying Skinias Fm (Gr 10742-10743 and 10745) is shallow marine (< 50 m). The Skinias deposits become deeper marine (50-250 m) along the northern slope of the Piratijanni (Gr 10744 - 107751) but the deepest marine sediments (170-670 m) are exposed along the eastern slope. Here, freshly bulldozed marls with loose blocks of calcisiltites (comparable with those found in the Kalamavka Fm of the Ieraptera area) have been sampled (Gr 10752-761). The uppermost 35 m of the Skinias Fm is measured along southern slope of the Piratijanni Kefala (Gr 10765-107774). This part of the sequence shows an upward increase in malacofauna and in the sand fraction (and decreasing depositional depth from ca 600 to 150 m) and is overlain by fine-grained clastics with calcretes of the Kasteliana Fm passing upward into conglomerates and topped by a Porites bioherm. Contact between upper Skinias and Kasteliana Fm is disturbed by landsliding and faulting but seems conformable. Gr 10745: few pf (%pf <1) Gr 10746: few pf (%pf =4) Gr 10747: more pf but no ADT (%pf=15) Gr 10744: acostaensis 1d in 27 (%pf=18) Gr 10748: ls falconarae; scitula gr (lenguaensis types); 4x partimlabiata in 27 (%pf=45) Gr 10749: acostaensis 25d in 18; 10 x lenguaensis types in 27 Gr 10750: ls falconarae; 7x lenguaensis types in 27 (%pf=58). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis, cf kullenbergi Gr 10751: ls falconarae; 11x lenguaensis types in 18 (%pf=54) ---------Gr 10762: acostaensis 24s + 1d; ls falconarae; 2x lenguaensis type in 9 (%pf=45). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 10763: acostaensis 2s in 27; ls falconarea; 2x lenguaensis type in 27. Bf: idem Gr 10764: acostaensis 23s + 5d; few altispira; ls falconarae (%pf=74). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, cf kullenbergi Gr 10757: acostaensis 27s + 3d; ls falconarae; lenguaensis types frequent (%pf=83). Bf: idem Gr 10758: acostaensis 21s + 2d; 16x lenguaensis types in 18. Bf: uvigerina, oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 10759: acostaensis 26s + 1d; ls falconarae; 12x lenguaensis and 5x scitula type in 18. Bf: idem Gr 10760: acostaensis 19d + 11s; ls falconarae; 3x lenguaensis type in 9. Bf: idem + 1x karreriella Gr 10761: acostaensis 20d; ls falconarae; 3x lenguaensis type in 9 (%pf=79). Bf: idem + 2x cf kullenbergi (minus karreriella) 8 Gr 10752: acostaensis 12s; ls falconarae; 11x lenguaensis types in 9 (%pf=49) Gr 10753: acostaensis 2d + 1s; ls falconarae; 11x lenguaensis types in 9 Gr 10754: ls falconarae; frequent lenguaensis types. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 10755: acostaensis 13s + 2d; 3x lenguaensis type in 9 (%pf=51) Gr 10756: acostaensis 16s; ls falconarae (%pf=44). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina ------------Gr 10765: acostaensis 18s in 1 tray; rare altispira Gr 10766: acostaensis 4d + 2s in 1 tray (%pf=63) Gr 10767: acostaensis 24d + 1s; 4x seminulina in 9; 9x scitula type in 9. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 10768: acostaensis 21d; 6x scitula type in 9 (%pf=70). Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 10769: acostaensis 22d + 1s (%pf=59) Gr 10770: acostaensis 22d; 2x scitula type in 27 Gr 10771: acostaensis 1d + 1s in 1 tray (%pf=67) Gr 10772: acostaensis 11d + 1s in 3 trays; few lenguaensis types; ls falconarae (%pf=39) Gr 10773: acostaensis 17d + 7s in 4 trays; few lenguaensis and scitula types (%pf=45) Gr 10774: acostaensis 8d in 1 tray; 3x altispira in 1 tray; ls falconarae (%pf=40 Biozonal assignment of Skinias Fm: Gr 10748-10751: biozone 4 Gr 10762 up to Gr 10765: biozone 5 Gr 10767 up to Gr 10774: uppermost biozone 5 - basal part biozone 6 (if altispira and seminulina are in situ) and biozone 6 (if altispira and semimulina are reworked). Depositional depth of Skinias Fm: Lower Skinias Fm: interval up to Gr 107748: inner neritic Middle Skinias Fm (Gr 10748 up to 10771): possibly 500– 630 m Upper Skinias (Gr 10772-10774): outer neritic Location 13: The new road in between Tefeli and Ligortinos exposes a 10 m high coral limestone (Porites and Tarbellastrea). Coarse sand below reef with pebbles at base and marine shells pass upward into coral buildups in a fossiliferous sandy matrix with Heterostegina. The reef is underlain by sediments characteristic of the Kasteliana Fm. The top part is massive and lithified and overlain by 16 m of silty marls rich in marine shells (Gr 13539-13543 from lower 4 m and Gr 13624: 8 m above base; Gr 13625: 12 m above base just below a level extremely rich in shells Gr 13626 is 16 m above base). Reefal limestone is assigned to the lower member of Moulia Fm. Overlying silty marls belong to the upper member of Moulia Fm. Gr 13539: acostaensis 1d + 7s, 1x men 4 in total residue. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13540: scitula gr (2xs) in total residue. Bf: idem Gr 13541: scitula gr (6xs) in 2 trays. Bf: idem Gr 13542: acostaensis 1s + 1x men 4 in 2 trays, scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13543: menarsii 4 (7x) in 1 tray, scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13624: acostaensis 20s + scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13625: few scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13626: no ADT. Bf: idem Biozonal assignment basal part of deep marine Moulia Fm: biozone 8 (left acostaensis + menardii 4) Depositional depth of idem: 350-630 m Location 14: Along southern slope of Parathamna Kefala (south of Tefeli). Exposed are 20 m of varicoloured silty clays and silts with calcrete paleosols topped by a sandstone bed with scouring gravels of 1m. Then silt and sandstones with few silty clay beds of 3 m followed by 3 m bedded sandstones and conglomerates with largescale cross-bedding (indicating transport to N140S) and an oyster bed. Then, alternating silty clays, siltstones and sandstones with few washed Cerithium of 4 m topped by an oyster bed. Then 6 m partly exposed interval dominated by silty clays with few levels rich in Cerithium or Theodoxus and a 2 m sandstone bed with unsorted pebble-supported gravels and some oysters. Then follows 1 m sandstone with gravel horizons (indicative of beach deposits), which passes upward into bioturbated sandstones with increasingly more Heterostegina. These shallow marine sandstones are overlain by ca 50 m of partly exposed silty marls with washed marine shells in the lower part and topped by a 15 m thick slump bed containing algal limestone olistoliths. Above this slump follows a partly exposed series of alternating homogeneous and sapropelitic marls of ca 15 m followed by whitish calcareous marls and sapropels with turbidites of bioclastic calcarenites at the top of the Parathamna Kefala. The sediments up to the shallow marine sandstone are typically for the Kasteliana Fm. The shallow marine sands belong to the lower member of the Moulia Fm and the overlying deep marine sediments to the upper member and the MUM unit (see SI 7). The lower 18 m of the upper member of the Moulia Fm has been 9 sampled in some detail: Gr 9897 – 9901 from the top of the Heterostegina sandstone to + 4 m and Gr 9884 – 9896 from + 8 to + 18 m (interval from + 4 to + 8 m is not exposed). See also Figure 3. Gr 9897: menardii 4 (2x) in 1 tray. Bf: pseudoungarianus, gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 9898: menardii 4 (3x) in 1 tray Gr 9899: menardii 4 (1x) + acost 17s + scitula gr (s) in 1 tray Gr 9900: acostaensis 24s in 1 tray Gr 9901: acostaensis 19s + 2d in 1 tray Gr 9884: acostaensis 15s, menardii 4 (9x) in 1 tray. Bf: gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 9885 - 9887: scitula gr (s) Gr 9888: menardii 4 (17x) in 12 fields + scitula gr (s) Gr 9889: menardii 4 (16x) in 12 + scitula gr (s) Gr 9890: menardii 4 (6x) in 27 + scitula gr (s). Bf: pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 9891: acostaensis 3s + menardii 4 (6x) in 1 tray Gr 9892: menardii 4 (1x) + scitula gr (s) in 1 tray Gr 9893: acostaensis 3s + scitula gr (s) in 1 tray. Bf: pseudoungarianus, gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 9894: acostaensis 8s + scitula gr (s) in 1 tray Gr 9895: acostaensis 6s + menardii 4 (1x) + scitula gr (s) in 1 tray. Bf: pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 9896: acostaensis 14s + menardii 4 (1x) + scitula gr in 1 tray Biozonal assignment lower part of upper member of Moulia Fm: biozone 8 (left acostaensis + menardii 4) Depositional depth of idem: 350-630 m Location 15: Exposures along new road above the village of Tefeli. Section 1measures 68 m and consists of deep marine clays with a few sandy turbidites of the Skinias Fm (Gr 13498-13528). Section 3 measures ca 20 m. Sandfraction clearly increases in an upward direction from silty clays at base to silt at top (Gr 13529-13537). Section 4 is also a coarsening upward sequence of ca 37 m with the shallow marine deposits of the upper Skinias Fm passing upward into (between 22 and 24 m) continental deposits of the Kasteliana Fm (sample Gr 13563 is from fossiliferous sandy marls between 14 and 22 m). Section 5 measures 18 m and is equivalent to interval 5.5– 22.5 m in section 4 with sample Gr13538 from the same fossiliferous sandy marls as Gr 13563. Section 6 consists of 35-40 m of silty clays to silt showing regular grey and brownish colour cycles. Reddish coloured silts contain calcrete paleosols. Section 6 belongs to Kasteliana Fm. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 16. Gr 13498: no ADT; bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13499: no ADT in 18; bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 13500: no ADT; bf: idem Gr 13501: falconarae (1x) in 18; bf: idem Gr 13502: acostaensis 2d in 18 fields; scitula gr (lenguaensis and inflated types); bf: idem + oridorsalis Gr 13503: acostaensis 3d in 9; dominant low-oxygen bf + fish remains Gr 13504: acostaensis 14d in 18; idem Gr 13505: acostaensis 3d in 9; idem Gr 13506: acostaensis 18d +1s in 18; idem Gr 13507: acostaensis 6d in 18; idem Gr 13508: acostaensis 7d in 18 + 1x altispira; bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13509: acostaensis 1d in 1 tray; bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus, cf kullenbergi Gr 13510: acostaensis 15d in 18; bf: idem minus oridorsalis + amphistegina Gr 13512: few falconarae; idem Gr 13513: few falconarae; bf: idem plus oridorsalis + cf kullenbergi (2x) Gr 13514: acostaensis 14d + 1s in 27; idem + oridorsalis minus amph Gr 13515: acostaensis 1d + falconarae (4x) + lenguaensis type (3s) in 18; bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13516: few falconarae; idem Gr 13517: acostaensis 12d + 1s in 18; bf: idem + oridorsalis + 1x karreriella Gr 13518: acostaensis 22d +3s in 18; idem Gr 13519: acostaensis 12d +1s in 9; dominant low-oxygen bf + fish remains Gr 13520: acostaensis 18d in 18; idem Gr 13521: acostaensis 8d in 9; idem Gr 13522: acostaensis 22d + altispira (9x) in 18; bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus + amph Gr 13523: no ADT; dominant low-oxygen bf + fish remains Gr 13524: no ADT; idem Gr 13525: no ADT; idem Gr 13526: acostaensis 21d in 7; bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13527: falconarae (1x) in 18; bf: idem + cf kullenbergi (2x) Gr 13528: few falconarae; bf: idem -----------------Gr 13529: acostaensis 20d + scitula type (3d +1s) in 18; bf: idem 10 Gr 13530: acostaensis 2d + falconarae (incl large sized) in 18; bf: idem Gr 13531: acostaensis 12d + scitula type (3d) in 18; bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina + Amph + LBWOxygen species Gr 13532: acostaensis 2d in 27; bf: gyroidina > uvigerina Gr 13533: no ADT. Bf: gyroidina > uvigerina Gr 13534: acostaensis 15d + 1s in 1 tray; little bf (high proportion of Ammonia) Gr 13535: acostaensis 15d + 2s in 1 tray; bf: gyroidina, uvigerina. Gr 13536: acostaensis 15d + 1s in 27; bf: gyroidina + few uvigerina, oridorsalis + high proportion dutemplei Gr 13537: acostaensis 1d in 27; high proportion Ammonia, Elphidium, dutemplei + few (reworked?) uvigerina, oridorsalis and gyroidina -----------------Gr 13538: no pf; bf: miliolids, Elphidium, Ammonia, Textularia, Asterigerina Gr 13563: idem (few uvigerina and aculeata reworked?) Biozonal assignment section 1 and 3: dextral acostaensis without partimlabiata, seminulina and rare altispira in 1 sample + scitula types in 2 samples from section 3 assigns both sections most likely to biozone 6 Depositional depth: Section 1: possibly 500 - 630 m Section 3: shoaling from 500-630 m to middle neritic if few Uvigerina etc in uppermost sample are reworked Section 4: ca inner neritic Location 16: A little NW of the village of Plakiotissa along a valley to the dammed water basin are at least 14 cycles of poorly lithified gravels/conglomerates and muddy to gravelly sandstones with scattered oysters and Clypeaster exposed. Pebbles are well rounded and if concentrated in levels then they tend to be flattened, as often observed in beach gravels. Pebbles consist of greenstones and red chert (uppermost unit), and Tripolitza limestones/flysch. A few pebbles of green-greyish quartzite, silex, and grey-bluish crystalline limestone may be derived from the LN. The series measures at least 100 m and belongs to the Kasteliana Fm. In case this cyclicity is precession-driven then this series would span some 300 kyr indicating a SR of 33 cm/kyr. Closer inspection of the surroundings indicates that the angular unconformity separating this unit from the underlying Skinias Fm, as suggested by ten Veen and Postma (1999a), actually represents the contact between a (sub) recent river terrace and tilted silty marls of the Skinias Fm. Location 17: Along road north of Xaraki (17a) and near Made (17b) showing fluvial sandstones alternating with silts and clays assigned to the Viannos Fm. Paleocurrent readings from tabular sets indicate W to SWdirected drainage (245W and 260W). Location 18: Transect along road from Vorias via Tsifout Kastelli to Ano Akria measured in 2007 with additions made in 2008 and incorporating samples taken in 1993 (Z54) and 2000 (Gr 10779). Silty clays of the Skinias Fm are in faulted contact with Tripolitza flysch (Z54). These marine clays underly south dipping sediments of the upper Skinias and Kasteliana Fm (195SSW-15; 210SSW-08; 210SSW-10), which are best studied along the road from Vorias to Ano Akria via Tsifout Kastelli. The transect from the bridge across a dry river directly north of Vorias to the entrance of Tsifout Kastelli shows a series of road outcrops with dominantly fine-grained sediments. The first one is at the bridge and exposes 8 m silty clay with many thin sandy turbidites (Gr 13559-13560; this outcrop was earlier sampled in 2000: Gr 10779). Then ca 40 m not exposed followed by 6m alternating silty clay, silt and fine sand (Gr 13561-13562). Ca 5 m non-exposed followed by 4 m of nonfossiliferous coarse sandstones with hardgrounds (paleosols?). Then again a non-exposed interval of 5 m followed by a series of 10-20 m dominated by sandstones with pebble levels and hardgrounds (paleosols?) with some silty clayey interbeds. After a non-exposed interval of 60-70 m follow 20 m sandstones with gravels and hardgrounds. Then again 30 m not exposed followed by an alternation of silty clay, silt and sand of 10 m and 8 m sandstones with gravels and hardgrounds with a few burrows. The next 20 m remains sandy followed by poorly exposed hill slope with at the foot the modern village of Tsifout Kastelli and on top the ruined old village. This slope section measures 40-50m and contains 2 or 3 coral reefs of 10 m each with sandstones with gravels and hardgrounds in between. The next 80 m is poorly exposed with generally fine-grained clastics with many oyster reefs. The sediments of the Kasteliana Fm are overlain by deep marine sediments of the Moulia Fm but the contact is not exposed. Ca 10 m of fine sandstones with many marine shells and hardgrounds and a few large burrows of ca 10 m (no Heterostegina) might represent the lower member of the Moulia Fm and seems in faulted contact with the deep marine sediments of the upper member represented by 8 cycles of carbonate-rich and carbonate-poor marls measuring 10 m. We sampled the carbonate poor intervals of these 8 cycles (Gr 13552 – 13558). The calculated thickness from bridge to base Moulia Fm is ca 350m. If all these sediments belong to Kasteliana Fm then this formation measures here some 350 m. The lithostratigraphic position of the lower 50 m of fine-grained sediments (Gr 13559-13562 + Gr 10779), however, is uncertain: it belongs either to Kasteliana Fm or upper Skinias Fm (but: see below). 11 Z 54: acostaensis 16d + 1s (biozone 4 or 6) --------------Gr 10779: few pf (acostaensis 1d + 9s). Bf is dominated by Ammonia with minor additions of Nonionella, Elphidium, miliolids, Textularia and Robulus (2x), ribbed Nodosaria (3x), Bolivina (1x) and Cancris (2x). Gr 13559: few pf (1x reworked (?) menardii 4). Bf dominated by ammonia and nonionella with additions of: robulus, aculeata, ribbed nodosaria, cassidulina, asterigerina, triloculina, cribrononion, 1x gyroidina Gr 13560: few pf (no ADT). Bf dominated by ammonia, asterigerina, nonionella, cribrononion with additions of globulina, triloculina, dutemplei, robulus, elphidium and amphistegina + ostracods + echinid spines. Gr 13561: few pf (acostaensis 7s in total residue). Few bf with strong dominance of ammonia and traces of: nonionella, textularia, dutemplei, cribroelphidium, robulus, asterigerina and some ostracods Gr 13562: few pf (acostaensis 4s in total residue). Little bf: idem + elphidium -------------------Gr 13552: menardii 4 (10x) in 9 + scitula gr (s). Bf: oridorsalis, psungarianus, gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 13553: menardii 4 (21x) in 4. Bf: idem + planulina Gr 13554: menardii 4 (20x) in 2. Bf: idem Gr 13555: menardii 4 (20x) in 3. Bf: idem Gr 13556: menardii 4 (9x) in 9 + few scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13557: menardii 4 (3x) in 9 + some scitula gr (s). Bf: idem Gr 13558: menardii 4 (21x) in 4. Bf: idem Age and depositional environment of interval with Gr 10779+ Gr13559-13562: inner neritic with left acostaensis being reworked from biozone 5. If left specimens of acostaensis and one single specimen of menardii 4 are washed in contemporaneously (during storms), then this interval may correlate to biozone 7.2. If this interval is upper Skinias Fm then the Skinias Fm would extend up into biozone 7.2 which is at odd compared to biozonal assignment of upper Skinias Fm at Tefeli and Piratijanni Kefala. Biozonal assignment lower part of upper member Moulia Fm: 8 cycles + continuous presence of menardii 4 indicates upper biozone 8 Depositional depth of idem: 350–630m Location 19: Three different outcrops in the Skinias Fm ca 400-500 m to the northeast of Douli near the chapel of Agios Georgios (sampled in 1999, 2000, 2007 and 2008) of which the relative stratigraphic position is known. Outcrop C is an isolated gully in marine clays of the Skinias Fm (Gr 10735 – 10741). It is the northernmost outcrop and certainly the oldest. Outcrop B is at the end of a cornfield and close to base of the scarp made up of bioclastic calcarenites of the Moulia Fm. Exposed are NNW dipping silty clays over a horizontal distance of 15 m. Sampled in 1999 (Gr 10259 and 10260) and in 2000 (Gr 10730 – 10734). In 2008: 2 samples from older part (Gr 13666-13667) and 5 samples from younger part of B (Gr 13669-13670; Gr 13838-13840). Outcrop A is again at end of a cornfield (to the south of B) and consists of two parts separated by ca 30 m covered interval. Lower part exposes marine clays and measures 3 m (Gr 13544 - 13545 and 13551). In 2008 we took 1 sample between B and A (Gr 13671) and 1 sample below Gr 13551. Upper part consists of silty clays, silts and fine sands (Gr 13546–13548). Then ca 10 m not exposed followed by outcrop AA of 4 m of silt and silty clay (Gr 13549-13550) and 4 m sandstones with occasionally pebbles and hardgrounds. Then - after a non-exposed interval of 15-20 m- follow sandstones (sometimes pebbly) with some oysters and irregular hardgrounds, and few silty clay and silt beds. Then 5 m not exposed followed by 3 m silt, fine to medium sand with few burrows passing upward into 1 m clast-supported conglomerate (300NW-15). The sequence in outcrop A and AA describes the transition from shallow marine upper Skinias to Kasteliana Fm. The Skinias and Kasteliana Fm are unconformably overlain by 25 m of W-dipping bioclastic calcarenites (Gr 13668) and calcisiltites (Gr 13678) of the Moulia Fm (lower member). Calcarenites contain bryozoa, Lithothamnion, few Pecten latissima and Clypeaster, and at some levels abundant Heterostegina. Calcisiltites have less bioclasts. Outcrop C (Gr 10735 -10741): no pf; bf in all samples dominated by Ammonia, Triloculina and Sigmoilopsis with admixtures of Cancris, Textularia, Cribrononion, Nonionella and rarely Cibicides ungarianus, Bulimina aculeate, and Reusella. Common: echinid spines, fish remains and mollusc fragments. Environment: inner neritic with shallow in-sediment redox level (frequent pyrite) and variable salinity (cf shallow marine fauna of Hageman, 1979). Interval belongs to lower Skinias Fm (comparable with Turritella clay at Vathypetron). Outcrop B (middle Skinias Fm) Gr 13666: acostaensis 11xd + 1x juvenile altispira in total residue. Bf: frequent Ammonia, Nonionella, Textularia, dutemplei. Also Robulus, Elphidium, Cancris, Pullenia, Quinqueloculina, ribbed Nodosaria. Gr 13667: Few pf (no ADT). Bf: idem as in 13666 + 1x Amphistegina. Gr 10734: acostaensis 23d and 1x cf partimlabiata Gr 10733: acostaensis 4d Gr 10732: acostaensis 16d and 1x cf altispira. Bf: diverse but no depth markers 12 Gr 10731: acostaensis 5d. Bf: diverse but no depth markers Gr 10730: acostaensis 4d and 2x partimlabiata. Bf: diverse but no depth markers Gr 10259: acostaensis 6d. Bf: diverse + 3x gyroidina + 1x uvigerina Gr 10260: acostaensis 4d + 1s and 6x partimlabiata. Bf: diverse but no depth markers Gr 13669: acostaensis 20x d in total residue. Bf: diverse + Gyroidina Gr 13670: acostaensis 20xd in total residue. Bf: diverse + Gyroidna. Gr 13838: acostaensis 2d + 2s in total residue. Bf: diverse with rel frequent ammonia Gr 13839: acostaensis 14d + 1s in total residue. Bf: idem with rel. frequent ammonia Gr 13840: acosatensis 24d in 36. Bf: idem + gyroidina Biozonal assignment: probably biozone 4 Depositional depth: diverse bf with rare Gyroidina + trace of Uvigerina indicates middle to outer neritic Older part of outcrop A (middle Skinias Fm) Gr 13671: no ADT in total residue. Bf: Uvigerina, Oridorsalis, Gyroidna, pseudoungarianus. Gr 13672: acostaensis 20xd + 1x lenguaensis type (s) in total residue. Bf: Oridorsalis, Uvigerina, Gyroidina Gr 13544: acostaensis 8d in total residue Gr 13545: acostaensis 1d in total residue Gr 13551: acostaensis 14d and 1s + 1x lenguaensis type in total residue Younger part of outcrop A and outcrop AA (= transition from upper Skinias to Kasteliana Fm) Gr 13546 - 13548: few forams; no ADT Gr 13549 - 13550: no pf Biozonal assignment older part A: probably biozone 6 Depositional depth older part A: 350-630m. Depostional depth younger part A: bf dominated by Ammonia, Textularia, H. dutemplei, Triloculina, Elphidium and few pf point to inner neritic environment. Depositional depth AA: no pf and dominant Ammonia: inner neritic Location 20: Above Douli along dirt road to Kalos is a new (2008) and tectonically complicated outcrop with N-dipping series of bluish to dark-gray clays and sands with some fragile shell fragments (unit B) overlain by also a N-dipping series of beige coloured marls with mass transported beds made up of blocks of bioclastic calcarenites and coral limestones (Unit C). Contact surface between both units is undulating but sharp and subhorizontal.The sequence is likely in faulted contact with calcarenites of the lower member of the Moulia Fm, which become thicker in direction of Douli. We sampled across the contact surface with Gr 13683-13686 in upper 1.5 m of unit B which most likely belongs to Kasteliana Fm. Samples Gr 13687-13691 are from three successive marls beds in between the mass flow beds and Gr 13692 from marls within youngest mass flow of unit C. Samples Gr 13693-13694 are from younger marl levels exposed along a track uphill branching off from dirt road to Kalos. Unit C belongs to the upper member of the Moulia Fm and is overlain by whitish and calcareous marls and laminated marls of the MUM unit (Gr 13673). It seems that units B and C are separated by a normal fault and that the entire sequence has been tilted to the north in post-upper Messinian time. There is not much of an angular unconformity between Kasteliana and Moulia Fm in contrast to the configuration at Douli. Gr 13683: very few pf. Bf: ammonia and textularia with traces of Robulus, Nonionella. Also smooth ostracods Gr 13684: idem Gr 13685: idem + few Cancris, Valvulineria, C. dutemplei, Elphidium and miliolids Gr 13686: no pf. Bf: Ammonia + C. dutemplei + smooth and weakly ornamented ostracods. ----------Gr 13687: miotumida gr (6x) + acostaensis 6s in 27. Bf: oridorsalis, siphonina, planulina, gyroidina, kullenbergi, pseudoungarianus Gr 13688: miotumida gr (5x) in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13689: miotumida gr (10x) in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13690: miotumida gr (common). Bf: idem Gr 13691: few miotumida gr + some scitula gr (d). Bf: idem minus kullenbergi Gr 13692: miotumida gr (13x) in 18 + some scitula gr (d). Bf: idem plus karreriella Gr 13693: miotumida gr (11x) in 27 + some scitula gr (d). Bf: idem Gr 13694: miotumida gr (4x) in 27 + some scitula gr (d). Bf: idem ------------Gr 13673: acostaensis 20s. Bf: frequent low-oxygen species Depositional environment Kasteliana Fm: inner neritic 13 Biozonal assignment of upper member of Moulia Fm: biozone 11 Depositional depth of idem: 600-750 m Location 21: Across the valley west of Douli and along eastern slope of the Plakoura hill: SW-tilted and partly exposed series made up of sands and conglomerates with a few clayey intervals and an oyster bed of ca 70 m. The series belongs to the Kasteliana Fm and is overlain by ca 30 m W-dipping bioclastic calcarenites of the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Samples Gr 10722-10725 from clays at base of outcrop; Gr 10726-10728 from clays in middle part and Gr 10729 from clays with Cardita from upper part. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 20. Gr 10722: few pf. Bf: ammonia, textularia + dutemplei and traces of cancris, robulus, bolivina, nonionella, aculeata Gr 10723: idem Gr 10724: few more pf. Bf: ammonia, elphidium + textularia and traces of sigmoilopsis, cassidulina, triloculina, epifytes, valvulineria + 1x gyroidina. Gr 10725: many sponge spicules! Few pf. Bf: ammonia, textularia, dutemplei and traces of nonionella, cancris, bolivina, nonion Gr 10726: few pf. Bf: ammonia, dutemplei, elphidium, textularia and traces of cancris, 1x reusella. Gr 10727: no pf. Bf: ammonia and traces of triloculina, textularia, elphidium, cancris + echinid spines. Gr 10728: few pf (acost 1d). Bf: ammonia, elphidium, dutemplei and traces of cancris, robulus, bolivina, ribbed nodosaria. Gr 10729: few pf and otoliths. Bf: ammonia, dutemplei, cribrononion and traces of textularia, cancris, nonionella, robulus, bolivina. Depositional environment of clayey intervals: inner neritic Location 22: Eastern scarp of the Mikro Oros (ca 2 km southeast of Agios Thomas) just below the triangulation point that marks the highest point on the Mikro Oros. Exposed in a down-faulted block are ca 10 m calcarenites and reefal limestones assigned to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Basal 2 m consist of irregular coral buildups mainly of Tarbellastrea. Next 1 m is made up mainly of Porites buildups in upright position. Then 3 m calcarenite with Lithothamnion and scattered Porites and Clypeaster with coral blocks at base and topped by layer of Lithothamnion oncoliths. Then follow 4 m indistinctly bedded calcarenites with Heterostegina, broyzoa and few Clypeaster and Pecten latissima. After a non-exposed interval of 2 m follows a poorly exposed series of 30 m made up of silty marls and mass transported bioclastic calcarenites of the upper member of the Moulia Fm (Gr 9822-9844). Mass transported calcarenites contain Lithothamnion, bryozoa, and Heterostegina and some show normal grading (200SW-13; n=3). The Moulia Fm is unconformably underlain by poorly exposed silty clays, sandstones and conglomerates of the Kasteliana Fm (270W-25). See also Figure 3. Gr 9822: menardii 4 (14x) in 27. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus, oridorsalis Gr 9823: menardii 4 (12x) + acostaensis 4s in 27 Gr 9824: menardii 4 (20x) + acostaensis 5s in 27 Gr 9825: menardii 4 (10x) in 27 Gr 9826: menardii 4 (16x) in 27 Gr 9827: menardii 4 (6x) in 27 + acostaensis s Gr 9828: menardii 4 (5x) in 27 + acostaensis s Gr 9829: menardii 4 (9x) in 27 + acostaensis s Gr 9830: menardii 4 (7x) + 3 falconarae in 27 + acostaensis s. Bf: pseudoungarianus, gyroidina, uvigerina Gr 9831: menardii 4 (5x) + 1 falconarae in 27 + few seminulina Gr 9832: menardii 4 (4x) + 2 falconarae in 27 + some seminulina Gr 9833: menardii 4 + acostaensis s + few seminulina Gr 9834: menardii 4 +1x falconarae + some seminulina Gr 9835: seminulina (rare) + altispira. Bf: dominant shallow elements (epifytes, elphidium) + pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina. Bryozoa Gr 9836: altispira (1x) + menardii 4 (1x) in 27. Bf: pseudoungarianus, gyroidina Gr 9837: menardii 4 (common and incl miotumida types) + few seminulina Gr 9838: menardii 4 (common and incl miotumida types) + some seminulina Gr 9839: menardii 4 (rare) + few seminulina Gr 9840: no ADT Gr 9841: altispira + some seminulina + acostaensis s. Bf: uvigerina, planulina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 9842: altispira + some seminulina + 1x menardii 4 Gr 9843: some altispira + seminulina Gr 9844: menardii 4 (rare) Biozonal assignment of upper member of Moulia Fm: lower part biozone 9 Depositional depth of idem: 350-500 m 14 Location 23: Steep valley slope directly east of Preveliana in Moulia Fm overlying the Kasteliana Fm. The Kasteliana Fm is studied in a transverse section parallel to, but south of road from Larani to Agios Thomas and measures some 330 m. The transverse section begins at hill top 594 m to the northwest of Larani not far above the base of the Kasteliana Fm. The underlying Skinias Fm is in faulted contact with Pindos flysch in the valley just ENE of Larani (Gr 10777: close to contact and Gr 10778 closer to base Kasteliana Fm). The Kasteliana Fm essentially shows repetitions of coarsening up sequences and ends with a reddish coloured continental interval of ca 80 m comprising both muds and coarser clastics. The actual transition from Kastelliana to Moulia Fm is hidden in blackberry bushes and reed accompanying a hillside spring horizon at the foot of a steep slope to the east of Preveliana. The oldest outcrop in the Moulia Fm is a few meters above the black-berry bushes and exposes 2 m of fine sandstone with irregular hardgrounds and few shell fragments. Then 3 m covered with a small outcrop of silty marl directly below dirt road (Gr 13479) followed by 3 m medium/coarse bioturbated sandstones with abundant Heterostegina in upper 1 m. Then 1 m covered followed by 1 m sandstone with hardgrounds full of Heterostegina. After olive grove follows 1 m fine sandstone and 1 m covered. Then 1 m coarse sandstones with shell fragments, basement pebbles, and burrows and 2 m covered interval followed by 3 m bioturbated, fine sandstones with shells and Heterostegina. Then 2 m not exposed and 1 m fine sandstones with hardgrounds followed by 1.5 m bioturbated sandstone with hardgrounds and abundant Heterostegina. Then, after a olive grove, follow 1.5 m silt and fine sands with some large bivalves (Gr 13738) followed by 1 m bioturbated bioclastic sandstone. The next 2 m is covered by olive grove and is followed by a 4 m thick coarsening upward sequence beginning with 2 m silty clay to silt (Gr 13739) passing up into 2 m fine sandstones with several strongly bioturbated bioclastic intervals with abundant Heterostegina. Then 2 m covered (olive grove) followed by 2.5 m poorly exposed silty clays, silts and fine sands with some oysters and shell fragments (Gr 13740 at base). Then 3 m not exposed up to a small asphalted road above which 6 m of silty marls with some 4 intervening sandy turbidites of 20-30cm (Gr 13741- 13743; Gr 13841-13844; Gr 10080). One of the turbidites is lenticular indicating a roughly NW-SE directed channel axis. Then a 10-12 m overgrown slope ending with a small outcrop of 1 m silty marls (Gr 13744). The overgrown slope continues another 15-20m followed by silty marls and bioclastic calcarenites of ca 9m (Gr 13745-13748). Several of these calcarenites show normal grading and contain (at base) Lithothamnion, bryozoa and Heterostegina. The series is topped by the MUM unit (see SI, Item 7) made up of laminated marls and calcareous limestones. Contact is sharp without paleosol. See also Figure 3. Gr 13479: few pf (no ADT). Bf: diverse with ammonia, textularia, elphidium, C. dutemplei, Nonionella Gr 13738: few pf (no ADT). Bf: idem + epifytes, cancris, bolivina --------Gr 13739: acostaensis 7s +1d + menardii 4 (2x) in 18. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13740: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10080: acostaensis s and altispira (common). Bf: idem + planulina Gr 13841: acostaensis 2s + menardii 4 (2x) in 27. Bf: idem + oridorsalis Gr 13741: acostaensis 2s + menardii 4 ((1x) in 27. Bf: idem minus oridorsalis Gr 13743: acostaensis 2s + scitula gr s. Bf: idem Gr 13742: acostaensis 1s + menardii 4 (3x) + falconarae (1x ss) in 27. Bf: idem + oridorsalis Gr 13842: scitula gr s. Bf: idem Gr 13843: scitula gr s. Bf: idem Gr 13744: menardii 4 (frequent). Bf: idem --------Gr 13745: scitula gr s (cf suterae types) + no falconarae in 18. Bf: idem + siphonina Gr 13746: scitula gr s (idem) + acostaensis 11s + no falconarae in 18 Gr 13747: scitula gr s (idem) + acostaensis 15s + no falconarae in 18 Gr 13748: scitula gr s (idem) + no falconarae in 18. Bf: idem Depositional depth Skinias Fm: 350-500 m Depositional depth lower member of Moulia Fm (Gr 13479 and Gr 13738): inner neritic Biozonal assignment upper member of Moulia Fm: probably upper biozone 8 (because of altispira) Depositional depth of idem: 350-500 m Location 24: Western slope and scarp of the Kuies hill located east of the road Herakion -Agia Varvara, 1 km N of the latter village. The slope below the scarp is heavily overgrown. Several isolated outcrops were sampled. In approximate stratigraphic order these are: 1) Weathered clays including few molluscs (Gr 13598) sampled along the new road Heraklion-Agia Varvara directly south of the exit to Agios Thomas and located 20-25 m below the scarp. 2) Several chunks of clay derived from a water drilling (Gr 10030-10031) 3) A freshly bulldozed outcrop at a building site (in 2008) east of the road Heraklion-Agia Varvara and directly south of the new exit to Agios Thomas exposing 15 m of sands and dark to blue grey clays. These clays 15 occasionally are pebbly and contain freshwater molluscs (165SE-23). Several calcrete paleosols are present and one interval with slumped sandstones and clays with a large (2 x 1 m) basement boulder. 4) Halfway the slope and a little closer to Agia Varvara is a small outcrop of 2 m sands and a pebble bed of 20 cm and many oysters at surface 5) a little higher up the slope and further in the direction to Agia Varvara is a small outcrop exposing clays, silt and fine sands 6) Directly below the scarp at the E-side of Kuies hill are silty clays exposed which are locally rich in shells, such as Thatcheria, Turritella, Cerithium, and small oysters (Gr 13628 and 13629) The poorly exposed clays, sands and occasional conglomerate in these 6 outcrops from below the scarp are assigned to the Kasteliana Fm. The scarp begins with massive bioturbated calcirudites of 10 m containing abundant Lithothamnion oncoliths and few Heterostegina and Clypeaster. This unit belongs to lower member of the Moulia Fm. The very base is hidden in reed and blackberry bushes. Then 1m bioturbated sand with lithified top is followed by 1.5 m silty marl (Gr 10093 and Gr 13599-13601), two stacked sandstone beds of 3 m and 3 m massive sandstone with a scoured pebbly base. This series belongs to upper member of Moulia Fm and continues to the top of the scarp but is poorly exposed (ca 7 m) and is - at the SE flank of Kuies hill- overlain by poorly exposed calcareous sediments (including a layer of angular flysch components) of the MUM unit (see SI 7). The Kasteliana and Moulia Fm are separated by an angular unconformity as shown by SI 8: photo 21. Gr 10030: little pf (no ADT). Diverse bf: ammonia, dutemplei, textularia, bolivina, marginulina, cancris, uvigerina, oridorsalis, marginulina, gyroidina, ungarianus, cassidulina, trifarina, robulus Gr 10031: little pf (no ADT). Bf: idem + many triloculina -----------------Gr 13598: many smooth shell fragments and ammonia + few smooth ostracods. -----------------------Gr 13628-13629: no pf. Bf: dominant ammonia, elphidium, dutemplei, textularia and traces of cancris, aculeata, miliolids, bouanum + ostracods and echinid spines -----------------Gr 10093: acostaensis 4s + 1x falconarae + 2 seminulina Gr 13599: acostaensis 2s in 1 tray + 5 seminulina in 2 trays. Bf: many shallow taxa (e.g. large ammonia, elphidium) Gr 13600: acostaensis 2s + 3 seminulina in 2 trays. Bf: idem + pseudoungarianus Gr 13601: seminulina (2x) in 1 tray. Bf: idem as in 13599 Depositional environment of Gr 13598 and Gr 13628-13629: brackish lagoon to vegetated inner shelf. Depositional depth of Gr 10030-10031: upper bathyal indicating that these clays belong to Skinias Fm unless deep markers are reworked. Biozonal assignment upper member of Moulia Fm: biozone 9 (presence acostaensis s + seminulina) Depositional depth of idem: probably upper bathyal with significant down slope transport of shallow bf Location 25: Series of outcrops along road to Ano Moulia from the exit of the main road to the Messara up to village. Below the exit is a coral reef exposed of ca 6 m high made up of irregular buildups of Tarbellastrea and Porites. Reef is underlain (from top to bottom) by 3 m sandstones and conglomerates and by 6 m of fine sandstones and silts rich in washed shells (Gr 13750) of Kasteliana Fm. Reef and overlying ca 10 m well-sorted, bioturbated sandstones with irregular hardgrounds and few pebble horizons are assigned to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Then 4 m of silty marl with many washed shells in basal 2 m (Gr 13781) followed by 3 m silty marl with a few shells (Gr 13782) passing upward into 2 m presumably bioturbated fine sands with shells (Gr 13783) and 6 m of silty marls with shells (Gr 13784 and GR 13752). Then the very poorly exposed slope to the village of Ano Moulia. Along the road before the village (at place of a scrapped Ford truck) are, in a freshly bulldozed outcrop, 4 m bluish-gray silty marls with a sandy turbidite of 60 cm exposed (Gr 13753-13755). These 4 m interval is followed by a partly exposed 12 m thick interval of marls and another 4 sandy turbidites (Gr 13756-13757) showing normal grading. The fourth one is a stack of 3 sandy turbidites topped by a stack of several calcarenites of 1.3 m. Higher up along the road (closer to village) is a chaotic mixture of contorted strata of marls and calcarenites of 4 m (Gr 13758-13759) topped by the calcareous MUM unit (see SI 7). In between abandoned truck and slump are several small road outcrops showing silty marls and fine sandy turbidites. We estimate the thickness of the upper member of the Moulia Fm at 60 m. See also Figure 3. Gr 13750: no pf. Bf: ammonia and textularia with rare cribrononion and nonionella. Many smooth ostracods ---------Gr 13781: few pf (no ADT). Bf: diverse with miliolids and epifytes Gr 13782: idem. Bf: C. dutemplei, textularia, elphidium, ammonia + traces of cancris and bolivina Gr 13783: more pf (no ADT). Bf: diverse with pseudoungarianus Gr 13784: idem. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus 16 Gr 13752: menardii 4 (7x) in 27. Bf: idem --------Gr 13753: menardii 4 (21x) in 3 + acostaensis 3s + scitula gr s. Bf: idem + planulina and oridorsalis Gr 13754: menardii 4 (22x) in 2. Bf: idem Gr 13755: menardii 4 (26x) in 2 + some scitula gr s. Bf: idem Gr 13756: acaostaensis 9s + no falconarae in 9. Bf: idem + siphonina Gr 13757: acostaensis 21 s + no falconarae in 18 + scitula gr s (incl suterae types). --------Gr 13758: poor preservation; miotumida gr present Gr 13759: miotumida gr (8x in 9) + scitula gr d. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, planulina Depositional environment Gr 13750: inner neritic Depositional depth lower part of upper member of Moulia Fm: from outer neritic to upper bathyal (100-350m) Depositional depth upper part of idem: 350-500m Biozonal assignment of upper member of Moulia Fm: uppermost biozone 9/lower part biozone 10 up into biozone 11 Area II (arranged from east to west): Location 26: Slope and scarp east of new road from Arkalochorio to Martha and NW of Avli. Overgrown slope up to base scarp exposes some small outcrops of mature sandstones and marine silty clays (120SE-20) of the Skinias Fm. These marine silty clays extend up to ca 2 m below base of scarp (Gr 13830). Scarp exposes 1 m of bioturbated fine sands (Gr 13831) followed by 1 m poorly sorted pebbly and bioturbated sandstone including Lithothamnion, Spondylus and other marine shells and passing upward into 10-15 m of Lithothamnion dominated bioclastic calcarenites with poorly pronounced lithified and non-lithified cycles (040NE-15). Sequence exposed in scarp belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13830: menardii 4 (5x and acostaensis (12d +1s) in 1 tray. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus. Age of Skinias Fm: probably biozone 4 (because of menardii 4) Depth: 350-500 m Gr 13831: few pf (a.o. acostaensis 1d +1s in 27; reworked?). Bf: ammonia, dutemplei, aculeata Depth: inner neritic. Location 27: Ca 6 m of mature sandstones alternating with silts and clays characteristic for the Viannos Fm at N 35º 08,768/E 25º 17,380 (SW of Rousochorio at newly build party hall). Some of the sandstones are coarse grained with pebbles derived from the Uppermost (basement) unit. Orientation of scour indicates a roughly W-E directed small channel axis. At the back of the hall 15-20 m of sandstones alternating with silts and clays are exposed. Bedding plane varies from 25ºNE-30 to 36º NE-40. This series is overlain by subhorizontal pebbly and chanelling sandstones with small-scale cross-bedding. Contact not exposed. Higher up the slope, poorly exposed sandstones with a recrystalized calcareous sandstone or grainstone on top containing miliolids. Similar lithologies and reddish coloured sands and channelling unsorted conglomerates at Rousochorio are interpreted as Lago Mare deposits because they are overlain by an early Pliocene mass wasting deposit. Location 28: Ca 0.5 km north of Kalo Chorio and west of the new road Arkalochorio-Martha (opened in May 2009) at N 35º 07,648/E 25º 17,034: ca 5 m marine silty clays (Gr 13809-13813) of the Skinias Fm (28a). The top of the hill at ca 15 m above the marine clays exposes 2m coarse sandstones (no fossils) followed by pebble floor and 6 m of bioclastic calcarenites with Lithothamnion and poorly pronounced cyclicity representing the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Skinias clays (Gr 13818) with irregular pockets of coarse sand and gravel immediately below these shallow marine deposits probably represent load structures into water soaked sediments of Skinias Fm during transgression. A little to the southwest and immediately north of cemetery of Kalo Chorio at N 35º 07,431/E 25º 16,584: fine sands with floating pebbles (1m) pass upward into bioturbated sandstones and occasionally a pebble horizon and some marine shells and echinoid spines (8-10m) belonging to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm (28b). This shallow marine series is in sharp contact with underlying Skinias clays of 2 m (Gr 13832 and Gr 13857-13860). Large burrows filled with sand extend into Skinias clay. No paleosol in between the two units. Gr 13809: acostaensis 1d + lenguaensis type (7s) in 27; few falconarae (incl ls). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, oridorsalis Gr 13810: lenguaensis types + falconarae (incl ls). Bf: idem Gr 13811: few lenguaensis types. Bf: idem 17 Gr 13812: lenguaensis types (s) + few falconarae (incl ls). Bf: idem + pseudoungarianus Gr 13813: few falconarae + 2x partimlabiata in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13832: acostaensis (21s + 2d). Bf: gyroidina + frequent low bottom water oxygen species Gr 13857: acostaensis 23s + 1d. Bf: gyroidina Gr 13858: acostaensis 20s + 7d. Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 13859: acostaensis 20s + 1d. Bf: idem Gr 13860: shallow forams reworked from Agios Miron Fm by bioturbation with few in situ forams Biozonal assignment of Skinias Fm: probably biozone 4 for 28a and biozone 5 for 28b. Depositional depth: 350-500 m Location 29: Along new road Arkalochorio-Martha, above the village of Gasi at N 35° 08,091/E 25° 16,107: marine clays of the Skinias Fm (Gr 13814-13817) are in contact with overlying lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13814: acostaensis 16d + menardii 4 (1x) in 27. Bf: gyroidina + frequent low bottom water oxygen species Gr 13815: altispira 2x in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13816: acostaensis 1d in 18. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina Gr 13817: acostaensis 1d in 27. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina Biozonal assignment Skinias Fm: biozone 4 or 6 (possibly basal 6). Depositional depth: 350-500 m Location 30: 3 m thick conglomerate made up of several finer and coarser units is exposed high in the overgrown valley slope east of the old road from Arkalochorio to Heraklion at N 35° 10,383/E 25° 14,656 (north of Houmeri) ( 30a). The clast-supported conglomerate is topped by coarse grained sand. The pebbles are unsorted and (sub) rounded and derived mainly from Tripolitza limestones with minor admixtures of flysch and uppermost (basement) unit. Conglomerate represents a channel fill. A sandstone bed – 7-8 m below conglomerate – is locally coarse grained [with clasts derived from Uppermost Unit] and shows small-scale crossbedding and small-scale channel fills (orientation 60ºNE-240ºSW). 3 m of (pebbly) sandstones with a few discontinuous pebble levels alternating with thinly bedded silt and clay sometimes filling up symmetrical ripples are exposed 12-14 m below conglomerate. An exposure to the south and topographically above the conglomerate bed shows cemented sandstones with parallel lamination. The weathered clays on top of these sandstones include an oysterbed and probably belong to the lowermost Skinias Fm. The series below should then belong to uppermost Viannos Fm. Similar Tripolitza-rich conglomerates are exposed along road from Galatas to Voni at N 35º 11,149/E 25º 14,740 (30b). The conglomerates are intercalated in a faulted series of non-marine (devoid of foraminifers) and sandstones belonging to (uppermost) Viannos Fm. The lower member of the Agios Miron Fm unconformably overlies the sediments of the Viannos and the Skinias Fm. Location 31: Directly north of location 11 are marine silty clays (Gr 13776) and sandstones of Skinias Fm exposed. Some of these sandstones are coarse sandy including few oysters at base and show normal grading (90E-10). The Skinias Fm is unconformably overlain by subhorizontally-bedded, fine sandstones rich in Lithothamnion including burrows and stongly karstified bioclastic sandstones to calcarenites locally rich in Heterostegina at hill top 529 m assigned to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13776: acostaensis 20d + ls falconarae (biozone 4 or 6). Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus (350-500 m). Location 32: Topographically some 10 m below an abandoned house directly north of Mikra Episkopi (and ca 60 m below hill top), an exposure of silty clays with many washed shells (Gr 13764). Samples Gr 13767 and Gr 13773) are from small outcrops of silty clays ca 5 m and 10 m below Gr 13764. Across a gully we sampled silty clay with a.o. washed Turritella ca 5 (Gr 13765) and 10 m (Gr 13766) above Gr 13764. In between both samples some sandstone beds with parallel lamination and burrows. From Gr 13764 we follow a path upslope to a newly built house not far below the top of the hill. Topographically at the same position as the location of sample Gr 13767, we take Gr 13768 from massive silty clays. Slightly higher a freshly dug rainwater collecting basin exposes marine silty clays alternating with fine sandstones and silts (Gr 13769). An exposure near the house shows ca 6 m thinly bedded fine sandstones with some burrows and channel-fills followed by marine silty clays (Gr 13770). Ca 15 m below hilltop are silty clays with calcisiltites exposed (Gr 13771). Series in between Gr 13771 and caprock is sandy with several pebble levels (Gr 13772: silty clay ca 8 m below caprock). Caprock consists of sub-horizontally bedded Lithothamnion-rich calcarenites of the lower member of the Agios Miron 18 Fm and unconformably overlies Skinias Fm. The irregular topography of the slope with Skinias exposures is likely due to landsliding. Reconstructed stratigraphy suggests that we sampled twice a (discontinuous) succession of middle to upper Skinias Fm. First succession includes samples Gr 13773, 13767, 13764 (middle Skinias Fm) to Gr 13765, 13766, 137668 (upper Skinias Fm). A second one includes samples Gr 13769 (middle Skinias Fm) to Gr 13770-13772 (upper Skinias Fm). Gr 13773: few pf; no ADT. Gr 13767: seminulina + few altispira. Bf: oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus Gr 13764: acostaensis 1d in 18. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, pseudoungarianus --------Gr 13765: few pf. Bf: diverse but dominated by ammonia Gr 13766: few forams; many mollusc fragments Gr 13768: no pf. Bf: dominant ammonia; many sea urchin spines. --------Gr 13769: acostaensis 21d in 27 (incl few atlantica types). Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina ------Gr 13770: no pf. Bf: diverse but dominanted by ammonia Gr 13771: idem Gr 13772: no pf. Bf: diverse but dominated by ammonia + nonionella. Biostratigraphic assignment Gr 13767: biozone 4 and that may hold also for Gr 13769 (few atlantica types) Depositional depth of Gr 13764, Gr 13767, and Gr 136769: upper bathyal Location 33: North of Patsideros at end of dirt road branching off from main road to Patsideros and leading to a bulldozed field or building site (in 2008). Exposed: 18 m of sands, silts and silty clays (160SES-10) representing flood basin deposits and assigned to Viannos Fm. Series is overlain by 4-5 m poorly exposed calcarenites with Lithothamnion and even some mudstones with miliolids (030NE-10) of the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Both units are separated by an angular unconformity; no paleosol. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 23. Location 34: SE scarp of Megali Korfi ca 0.75 km NW of the village of Stironas exposes 3 m of bioturbated sands with pebbles and Clypeaster and marine shells, which pass upwards into 10-15 m Lithothamnion-rich calcarenites showing indistinct cyclicity (330NW-20) and assigned to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. A little below the caprock (near sheep farm) is a small outcrop of Viannos Fm (070NE-20). To the northeast at end of vineyard and ca 5 m below base of shallow marine member of Agios Miron Fm, are a few meters of sand, silt and clay (085NE-30) exposed with many washed Turritella and Cardita and several levels rich in shells (Gr 13819) assigned to lower Skinias Fm. The bedding orientation thus indicates an angular unconformity between Viannos and Skinias Fm and Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13819: few pf. Bf: diverse but dominated by ammonia (inner neritic). Location 35: Abandoned quarry shows brecciated Tripolitza limestone block in faulted contact with unsorted breccio-conglomerates made up of (sub) angular Tripolitza limestone debris. At the entrance of quarry, sandstones and silty clays belonging to the Viannos Fm are against to and underlying cemented Tripolitza limestone breccias and topped by less cemented breccio-conglomerates (N 35° 12,192/E 25° 10,133). We interprete this assembly of basement block and sediments as being the erosional remnant of an olistostrome deposit. The Tripolitza limestone block is considered to be an olistolith. It cannot be excluded that also the cemented Tripolitza breccias represent blocks within this debris flow deposit. Location 36: A little north of location 37 along a dirt road branching off the main road to the NE (N 35° 08,669/E 25° 09,582). Exposed is a steeply dipping (170°/50°), 7-8 m thick series of different conglomerate beds and sandy interval with thinly bedded and lenticular gravel levels. Conglomerates are clast-supported and made up of unsorted debris of generally subangular Tripolitza limestone and crystalline dolomites, and Uppermost Unit fragments. Series belongs to the Viannos Fm and is probably deposited in channels and sheetfloods. Location 37: Along the road Tefelion – Choudetsion directly north of junction to Armanogia (N 35° 07,967/E 25° 09,741). Pebbly sandstones and lenticular conglomerate beds of the Viannos Fm. Clast-supported and poorly sorted conglomerates are made up of Uppermost Unit debris, and interpreted as channel fills. Location 38: Along road to Moni Epanosifi close to junction with main road from Tefelion-Choudetsion (N 35° 09,115/E 25° 09,390). Mature and cemented sandstones (3 m) of Viannos Fm are overlain by blocks of 19 cemented Tripolitza limestone breccia. These blocks are interpreted as olistoliths in (or the cemented parts of) an olistostrome deposit. See S 8, photo 5. Location 39: Outcrops along and beneath the road from Choudetsion to Ano Archanes near the Minoan villa of Vathypetron (measured in 1996, 2000 and 2007) Below and directly east of Minoan villa: 25 m of (silty) clays with many sandy interbeds and one platy limestone bed containing Melanopsis and Bithynia operculae and topped by a thick (5 m) sandstone (310NW-20) followed by silty clays with few cm-thick sandstones (Gr 13967-13969) and cemented sandstone (1 m) with low-angle cross-bedding (transport to 290°WNW). This series representing flood basin and point bar deposits is assigned to Viannos Fm and is conformably overlain by 15 m of silty marls with many washed Turritella (Gr 13970-13971 [in basal 1 meter] and Z23) representing the shallow marine basal part of the Skinias Fm. Climbing ripples in a fine sandstone bed indicate transport to N350. A little higher are 8 m of open marine silty marls exposed without Turritella (samples Gr 13494-13497), which are (according to paleobathymetry, see below) assigned to middle part of the Skinias Fm. Along the road east of the entrance to Minoan villa: outcrop originating from land sliding during road construction works exposing ca 8 m silty marls with a west-dipping (275W-10) pebbly sandstone bed of ca 80 cm (Gr 10789 – 10798). Pebbles are matrix-supported and dominantly derived from Tripolitza limestones. Below this interval we sampled another 2 m interval of similar silty marls (Gr 10799-10801). We extended the main outcrop upward by sampling another 2.5 m of silty marls (Gr 10784 -10788). Series belong to middle Skinias Fm. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 13. Gr 13967: monospecific ostracod fauna + gyrogonites of charophytes Gr 13968: few ostracods (monospecific) Gr 13969: azoic --------------------Gr 13970: Ammonia (frequent), Cribrononion, miliolids and Sigmoilopsis (trace) + abundant sea urchin spines Gr 13971: Ammonia (frequent), miliolids (trace) + sea urchin spines Z23: few pf (no ADT). Bf dominated by Ammonia, Textularia, triloculina, nonionella, dutemplei and admixtures of other species o.a. gyroidina and ungarianus. ---------Gr 13494 – 13497: few pf (no ADT). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, ungarianus (350-500 m) Gr 10799: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10800: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10801: altispira (1x). Bf: idem Gr 10798: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10797: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10796: altispira (2x) in1tray. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, ungarianus (200-350 m) Gr 10795: acostaensis 3d and 9x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10794: acostaensis 1d and 16x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10793: acostaensis 3d and 15x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10792: acostaensis 9d and 26x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10791: no ADT. Bf: ungarianus, no gyroidina and uvigerina (< 200 m) Gr 10790: acostaensis 6d; 7x seminulina and 6x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10789: acostaensis 12d + 2s; 10x seminulina and 3x altispira in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10984: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10985: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10786: acostaensis 1d in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 10787: no ADT. Bf: idem Gr 10788: seminulina (8x) and 2x altispira in 1tray. Bf: idem Biozonal assignment middle part of Skinas Fm: correlation to zone 4 is likely in view of the presence of Gq. altispira and seminulina. Some samples were checked on nannofossils but no ADT were found. Also no representatives of G. scitula group are present. Depositional depth of Skinias Fm: The Turritella clay has been deposited in an inner neritic environment (ca 100 m). The depositional depth of the overlying series changes upward from 350-500 to 200-350 m. Location 40a: Scarp above and directly west of the village of Vathypetron. ca 12 m of silty clays and sands (Gr 13480 -13483) deposited in an intertidal to brackish lagoonal environment (see below) either belongs to shallow top of Skinias Fm or to Kasteliana Fm. The unconformably overlying unit of ca 50 m is made up of bioturbated fossiliferous sands with irregular and discontinuous hardgrounds showing an upward increase first in Heterostegina and then in Lithothamnion, and assigned to the lower member of the Agia Miron Fm. 20 Depositional environment samples Gr 13480-13483: no planktonic foraminifers; benthic foram fauna consists exclusively of Ammonia and Elphidium (cf intertidal- to brackish-water association of Hageman, 1979). Location 40b: Scarp at end of vineyards ca 500 m to the northwest of location 40a. Poorly-exposed silty clays (Gr 13484: no forams) underlie clast-supported conglomerates with sandy interbeds (300NW-30; 250WSW-10). Topographically higher: 1m silt to silty clay with wood fragments (Gr 13485: no forams) and one bed of small oysters followed by 2 m of coarse sands and conglomerates. Imbricated clasts indicate transport in SE directions. At about same stratigraphic level in a nearby location: conglomerates and sandstones with small-scale unidirectional cross bedding indicating transport to the west (280WNW-14; 240SW-05). This assembly of continental (fluvial) and lagoonal sediments overlies the marine clays of the Skinias Fm and is assigned to Kasteliana Fm. The thickness of the Kasteliana Fm in this area is estimated at 20-30m and is overlain by bioturbated sandstones of the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm (but contact is faulted). Location 40c: Scarp NWN of Minoan villa at end of olive grove: 1.5 m coarse sand with pebbles, silt and finely bedded silty clay (Gr 13486) (in 1999 from about same location Gr 10339 and topographically 10 m lower Gr 10340) followed by conglomerates of Kasteliana Fm overlain by or in faulted contact with the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13486: no pf. Bf: dominated by ammonia + few cribroelphidium Gr 10339-10340: no pf; bf dominated by Ammonia, few Elphidium, Cancris and miliolids Depositional environment: intertidal to inner neritic Location 40d: East of Mount Yugtas along a track that branches off from road to Ano Archanes (opposite exit to top of Mount Yugtas). Exposed are conglomerates, sands with pebble levels, silts and a clayey interval rich in plant remains and fragile shell fragments (105SE-25, n=3). These nonmarine sediments are assigned to Kasteliana Fm. Then - after non-exposed interval of 10 m and at end of vineyard are ca 1 m bioturbated sands with few Heterostegina and marine shell fragments. 10 m higher up (not exposed) a small outcrop of strongly weathered marine sands. Then, 15-20 m higher up is a freshly bulldozed outcrop of bioclastic calcarenite with bryozoa, Lithothamnion and shells ( 80 cm) followed by 1m silty marl with thin-bedded sandy turbidites (Gr 13491-13493) (140SE-18; n=2) and 1 m bioclastic calcarenite overlain again by a poorly exposed marl and bioclastic calcarenite of 150 cm. This marine sequence belongs to the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm and the shallow marine bioturbated sands to the lower member of this unit. The contact between Kasteliana Fm and overlying Agios Miron Fm may be an angular unconformity. Gr 13491: acostaensis 1s + 12 x miotumida gr in 1 tray; bryozoa Gr 13492: acostaensis 6s + 8 x miotumida gr in 1 tray; bryozoa Gr 13493: acostaensis 4s + 10 x miotumida gr + scitula gr 6s in 1 tray; bryozoa Bf: many epiphytes (allochtonous), low-oxygen taxa and some psungarianus + 1x gyroidina. Biozonal assignment of upper member of Agios Miron Fm: biozone 11 (timing of deepening here probably corresponds with age of cycle M79) Depositional depth of idem: 200–750 m Location 41: A small isolated mount (N 35° 12,204/E 25° 08,224) exposes 6-7 m breccio-conglomerates dominated by unsorted, angular Tripolitza limestone debris overlying silty clays of the Viannos Fm. These breccio-conglomerates and the large brecciated Tripolitza limestone block are interpreted as the erosional remnant of an olistostrome deposit. See SI 8, photo 6. Location 42: Steeply dipping (275°-50) unsorted olistostrome deposit with slumped silty clays and even folded platy limestones (N 35° 11,831/E 25° 08,845). The series measures ca 20 m and is intercalated in sediments characteristic of the Viannos Fm, i.e. mature and cemented sandstones below and non-marine silty clays above. The debris is dominated by (sub) angular Tripolitza limestone with blocks up to 1.5 m across. See SI 8, photos 78. Location 43: Several Tripolitza limestone and cemented Tripolitza limestone breccia blocks dot the gently sloping hills of the Viannos Fm over a small area at N 35 11,671/E 25 08,093. The blocks are surrounded by less cemented, unsorted debris dominated by (sub) angular Tripolitza limestone and few uppermost basement fragments. The blocks are interpreted as olistoliths being incorporated in an olistostrome deposit. See SI 8, photos 9-10. 21 Location 44: A small isolated mount to the SE of the village of Kiparissos (44a) consists of a cemented Tripolitza limestone breccia block surrounded by less cemented breccio-conglomerates. The debris is dominated by (sub) angular Tripolitza limestone with a few flysch and uppermost basement unit fragments and includes a package of silty clays and broken cemented sandstones typically of the Viannos Fm (see SI 8, photo 11). A little to the E (N 35° 11,211/E 25° 05,073) are two olistostrome deposits exposed: the lower one is composed exclusively of angular and unsorted debris derived from the Uppermost Unit; the upper one is composed of unsorted, (sub) angular Tripolitza limestone debris probably with olistoliths of (2e generation) cemented Tripolitza limestone breccias (44b) (see SI 8, photo 12). A nearby isolated mount (N 35° 11,150/E 25° 05,169) exposes basically the same sequence of olistostromes: the debris of the lower one is made up of Uppermost Unit and that of the upper one consists of less cemented Tripolitza limestone with isolated blocks of more cemented breccias (2e generation?) and a few brecciated Tripolitza limestones. The two debris flow deposits represent an erosional remnant of at least 20-30 m thick. It cannot be excluded that the lower debris flow deposit incorporates Uppermost Unit blocks. Location 45: Along a dirt road from Ardachtia (southeast of Agios Thomas) to Sinapi ca 2.5 km NNE of Ardachtia and just before the northernmost sheep farm at N 35° 09,833/E 25° 03,191 are silty clays and sands of Viannos Fm exposed. These sediments are tilted (190S-30) and overlain by 8 m of W-dipping bioclastic calcarenites with abundant Lithothamnion assigned to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. At base some scattered basement pebbles and locally pebbles and pieces of underlying Viannos Fm. Contact is sharp and without paleosol but locally calcarenites form load structures in the underlying Viannos Fm, which became plastic at the time of transgression and deposition of the calcarenites. Some 2 km to the north these calcarenites measure 15 m showing 4 poorly pronounced cycles. Two small outcrops of silts (Gr 13675) and silty marls (Gr 13676) above the calcarenite along the continuation of the dirt road with the sheep farm represent the base of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 22. Gr 13675: very poor preservation. few pf. Bf: many epifytes Gr 13676: miotumida gr (5x) + scitula gr (2d +2s) in 1 tray. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, planulina, pseudoungarianus. Age for base of the upper member of Agios Miron Fm: biozone 11 Depth of idem: 350-500 m Location 46: The valley due west of and below Kato Kalesa (46a) exposes N-dipping alternations of mature cemented sandstones and (silty) clays typically of the Viannos Fm. Some of the sandstones are stacks of up to 8 m with truncation surfaces and low-angle cross-bedding (transport to the NW). The uplifted rear end of a tilted (to the north) fault block more to the south (at N 35 16,633/E25 02,552) exposes an older, coarse clastic part of the Viannos Fm (46b). The series measures 60-80 m (without faulting) and consists of unsorted breccioconglomerates with a few intervening (pebbly) coarse sandstones. Some beds have an erosional base. The (sub) angular components are derived from the uppermost basement unit. We infer deposition from sheetfloods on an alluvial fan for these coarse clastics. Poorly sorted fluvial conglomerates and (pebbly) coarse sands with lowangle cross-bedding, imbrications (transport to the north) and truncation surfaces are exposed in between location 46b and basement in the south. These braided channel deposits with transport to the north seem to belong to a younger, fine-grained part of the Viannos Fm. The basement in the south is the Uppermost Unit and is overlain by very coarse, angular uppermost basement debris which may pass upwards into the series of breccio-conglomerates exposed in 46b. Location 47: Ca 1 km north of Siva along the road to Heraklion near the gas station. A 25 m thick sequence of silty clays including calcrete paleosols and conglomerates is overlain by 1.50 m sands with few marine shell fragments followed by 0.5 m conglomerates with abundant Cerithium and 4 m conglomerates and sands with Porites buildups at the top. Then follow 8 m of sands with large burrows in lower and few marine shells in the upper part. Then 1.5 m silts (Gr 10069-10070) with many shell fragments followed by 4 m fine sands with fossiliferous levels (a.o. Pinna) (Gr 10071-10072 and Gr 9851) passing upward into 20 m of bluish-gray silty marls with shells and displaying 6-7 poorly pronounced cycles of which the lower 10 m has been sampled in the road cut ca 0.5 km further in the direction of Heraklion at N 35° 13,367/E 25° 02,589 (Gr 9852-9870). The upper 2.5 m has been sampled in the road cut near the gas station at N 35° 12,907/E 25° 02,353 (Gr 10266-10277). The top of the silty marl unit is black coloured and overlain by a disturbed series of sapropels alternating with beige coloured homogeneous marls including an ash layer (only the lower 2 m has been sampled: Gr 10278-10288). The shallow marine sands (including underlying non-marine clastics) are assigned to the lower member of Agios Miron Fm. The silty marls and the sampled cyclically bedded sequence of sapropels and homogeneous marl beds (2m) belong to the lower and upper part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm. See also Figure 3. 22 Gr 10069-10072: few pf. Bf: ammonia, elphidium, dutemplei + echinid spines (inner shelf) Gr 9851: few pf + glauconite grains. Bf: pseudoungarianus ----------Gr 9852: menardii 5 (1x) in 2 trays + scitula gr (2s) in 1 tray + glauconite grains Gr 9853: menardii 5 (1x) + scitula gr (2s) in 27 + glauconite grains Gr 9854: no ADT Gr 9855: menardii 5 (15d + 2s) in 3 trays. Bf: pseudoungarianus + 1x gyroidina Gr 9856: menardii 5 (4d + 1s) in 2 trays + some glauconite grains Gr 9857: menardii 5 (5d) in 2 trays Gr 9858: menardii 5 (8d) in 1 tray Gr 9859: menardii 5 (1d) in 2 trays + scitula gr (9d) in 27 Gr 9860: menardii 5 (6d) in 2 trays. Bf: pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 9861: menardii 5 (1d) in 2 trays Gr 9862: menardii 5 (2d) in 2 trays Gr 9863: no ADT Gr 9864: menardii 5 (2d) + scitula gr (1s) in 2 trays Gr 9865: miotumida gr (6x) in 2 trays. Bf: pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina, oridorsalis Gr 9866: miotumida gr (1x) in 2 trays Gr 9867: miotumida gr (9x) + scitula gr (2d) in 1 tray Gr 9868: miotumida gr (3x) + scitula gr (5d + 3s) in 9 Gr 9869: miotumida gr (5x) + scitula gr (2d) in 9 Gr 9870: acostaensis 13s + scitula gr (9d +1s) in 9. Bf: pseudoungarianus, uvigerina, gyroidina, planulina -------------Gr 10266: mioumida gr (3x) in 27 Gr 10267: miotumida gr (3x) in 9 Gr 10268: miotumida gr (1x) in 27 Gr 10269: miotumida gr (2x) in 27; scitula gr (17d/6s) Gr 10270: miotumida gr (3x) in 27 Gr 10271: miotumida gr (1x) in 27 Gr 10272: miotumida gr (4x) + scitula gr (2d) in 45 Gr 10273: miotumida gr (1x) + scitula gr (24d) in 27 (no nicolae) Gr 10274: miotumida (1x) in 27; scitula gr (23d/11s) Gr 10275: miotumida gr (13x) Gr 10276: miotumida gr (8x) Gr 10277: miotumida gr (1x) in 9 --------------Gr 10278: miotumida gr (1x) in 27 Gr 10279: miotumida gr (3x) in 27 Gr 10280: miotumida gr (10x) in 9 Gr 10281: miotumida gr = common Gr 10282: miotumida gr = common Gr 10283: miotumida gr = rare + scitula gr (1d) Gr 10284: miotumida gr = frequent Gr 10285: miotumida gr = trace Gr 10286: miotumida gr= trace Gr 10287: miotumida gr = trace Gr 10288: miotumida gr = trace + volcanic minerals (ash 1) Biozonal assigment of silty marls (lower part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm): biozone 10 and biozone 11 (straddling T/M boundary) Depositional depth of idem: deepening upward from inner neritic (ca 100 m: Gr 9851) to outer neritic-upper bathyal (100-350 m: Gr 9855, Gr 9860) to upper bathyal (350-500 m: Gr 9865, Gr 9870). Biozonal assignment of (disturbed) lower 2 m of cyclically-bedded sequence (upper part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm): biozone 11 Location 48: Partly exposed valley side, ca 1 km NNE of chapel of Zoodochos Pigi and 1.5 km SE of Avgeniki at N 35° 10,699/E 25° 02,336. Lower part is made up of 4 m of sandstones with Lithothamnion and few Pecten in lower 2 m with UN basement pebbles and reworked Viannos sediments in basal 1 m. No Lithothamnion between 2-4 m. Then 4 m not exposed followed by ca 8 m fine sand with Heterostegina and Pecten and 2 m very fine sand (Gr 13710-13712). After a non-exposed interval of ca 6 m, the section is topped by 50 cm silty marls (Gr 13713-13716). The sandy series belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm and silty marls on top to the lower part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13710-13712: few pf (no ADT). Bf: diverse (inner neritic) 23 ----Gr 13713: poor preservation. No ADT. Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13714: few acostaensis s and scitula gr (4s in 27 incl suterae types?). Bf: gyroidina, oridorsalis, uvigerina, pseudonungarianus Gr 13715-13716: few acostaensis s and scitula gr (s and incl suturae types?). Bf: idem Biozonal assignment of lower part of upper member of Agios Miron Fm: lower biozone 10 or base 11 Depositional depth of idem: 350-500 m Location 49: 1.5 km due north of Agios Thomas at the chapel of Zoodochos Pigi (= Aghias Oikogeneias in Reuter et al., 2006) at N 35° 09,830/E 25° 02,189: Tripolitza limestones with borings at top and overlain by bioclastic calcarenites and calcisiltites with Lithothamnion and Pecten latissima (Gr 13709). This series probably correlates with the calcarenites of ancient Rhizenia, i.e. belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 13709: few pf (no ADT). Bf: many epifytes + Nonionella (inner neritic). Location 50: Along new road Heraklion-Agia Varvara, ca 500 m north of the new exit to Agios Thomas at N 35° 10,081/E 25° 01,200: 2-5 m clays and cemented siltstones of the Viannos Fm in faulted contact with Tripolitza flysch. The Viannos Fm is overlain by 1.4 m of sandy silt with Pecten and oyster (unit A). This unit A is at least partly in faulted contact with Viannos Fm below. Unit A passes upward into 60 cm marl with sandy silt at top with oyster/pecten fragments. Via fault follows 2e sandy silt (40 cm) with oyster/pecten fragments and 40 cm marl followed by 1 m grayish (and dark coloured when fresh) marl being finely-bedded in lower part and less so in upper part (unit B). Unit B is overlain by a strongly disturbed series of 1.5 m of gray-beige coloured homogeneous and laminated marl beds (unit C). Unit B and C are separated by a faulted contact. Unit C in its turn is in faulted contact with a next younger strongly disturbed unit (D) of light coloured tbeige coloured homogeneous marls and laminites with many calcarenitic turbidites and angular flysch fragments at base. Unit A belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm and units B and C to lower and upper part of the upper member.Unit D belongs to the MUM unit (see SI 7). Location 51: The village of Agios Miron exposes a ca 10 m thick sequence of silty clays with calcrete paleosols and conglomerates underlying a shallow marine sequence of bioclastic sands with Porites buildups (4 m) and 6 m fine sands containing Lithothamnion and Pecten with many irregular hardgrounds. This sequence is probably in faulted contact with the Viannos Fm and belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm. After a non-exposed interval of ca 10m, the sequence continues with 2 m of silty marls (Gr 10051-10054) at the beginning of a small road that branches off from the western village road into a northwestern direction. After a 1 m non-exposed interval follow 7 m of silty marls with molluscs and poorly pronounced cycles (Gr 10055-10062 and Gr 11654 -11673). This silty marl unit belongs to the lower part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm and is in sharp contact with the upper part of the upper member composed of sapropels alternating with bluish-gray homogeneous marl beds with several ash layers (Gr 11653-11631; Gr 11512-11531; Gr 1167411688). The upper part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm passes upward into a partly disturbed sequence of sapropels and whitish and indurated calcareous marl beds (MUM unit) topped by a presumably early Pliocene mass wasting deposit (not shown in Figure 3). (See also SI 7). Biozonal assignment of lower part of upper member of Agios Miron Fm: biozone 11 Biozonal assignment of upper part of idem: biozone 11 and younger Depositional depth of upper member of Agios Miron Fm: 350-500 m Location 52: Composite of sections at ancient Rhizenia and along road from Prinias to Ano Atsites at the necropolis of Rhizenia. A 15 m thick sequence of calcarenites and rudstones (N30°E-20) overlies Tripolitza flysch. Calcarenites show 6-7 (indistinct) cycles of less lithified, fine grained calcarenites to calcisiltites and more lithified and bioturbated coarser calcarenites and rudstones. Abundant Lithothamnion (sometimes even in buildups) occurs next to some corals, few Heterostegina and Clypeaster. No lithoclasts. Azoic clays and sandstones (210SW-10) were exposed in 1999 at the car park of ancient Rhizenia. These sediments represent a faulted and tilted remnant of the Viannos Fm possibly in faulted contact with Tripolitza flysch (no contact exposed). The road along the necropolis exposes the N-ward dipping top of these calcarenites overlain by a very poorly exposed series of silty marls and some intervening calcarenites of 3.5 m (Gr 12501 – 12505) followed by a 10 m thick cyclically-bedded sequence of sapropels and homogeneous marls (335NW-15). The lower 1.5 m of this 10 m has been sampled by digging trenches (Gr 12506-12513); the upper 8.5 m is better exposed but not figured in Figure 3. The sequence of calcarenites belongs to the lower member of the Agios Miron Fm and is 24 supposedly time-equivalent to the silty marls with 6-7 poorly pronounced cycles at location 40. The overlying 5 m belong to the upper part of the upper member of the Agios Miron Fm. Gr 12501: few pf. Bf: gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 12502: few acostaensis + scitula gr (3s) in 2 trays Gr 12503: very poor preservation. Few shallow water bf + pseudoungarianus: Gr 12504: miotumida gr (8x) in 2 trays. Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 12505: miotumida gr (4x). Bf: uvigerina, gyroidina + cf kullenbergi Gr 12506: miotumida gr (8x) in 9 and volcanic minerals (ash 1?). Bf: gyroidina, uvigerina, planulina + cf kullenbergi ------Gr 12507: miotumida gr (6x) in 9 + nicolae (3d/1s) in 1 tray and few volcanic minerals Gr 12508: nicolae (9d) in 1 tray Gr 12509: miotumida gr (1x) + nicolae (3d) in 1 tray Gr 12510: nicolae (12d + 1s) in 9 Gr 12511: nicolae (14d + 2s) in 9 Gr 12512: nicolae (8d + 2s) in 9 Gr 12513: nicolae small (14d + 2s) in 9 Biozonal assignment of the upper member: biozone 11 and younger. Depositional depth of idem: 350-600 m Area III (arranged from east to west): Location 53: The slope of the prominent table mountain north of road Panasos-Gergeri exposes a ca 70 m thick series of variably cemented, fine to coarse (and poorly sorted) sandstones. Several beds show normal grading. Some are scouring and contain angular flysch components at base. Several beds are strongly bioturbated and locally rich in Heterostegina. Clypeaster is relatively common. The series is overlain by calcareous sediments (including a layer of angular flysch components) of the MUM unit (see SI 7 and Figure 3). Depositional environment: Clypeaster and Heterostegina suggest a shallow marine environment. A prodelta facies, however, is not confirmed by the absence of an upward increase in grain size or decrease in marine macrofauna. Upper bathyal silty marls underlying similar deposits along road directly above the village of Panasos indicate that the stack of massive and pebbly sandstones is deposited in deep water. This indicates that the macrofossils are displaced, which in combination with normal grading and the absence of upward trends in grain size renders it likely that the stack of massive and pebbly sandstone beds represent a slope apron facies. Location 54: The 8 m thick lower reef near the ruined hamlet of Psalidha is overlain by 6 m sandstones with pebble levels with longest axis of pebbles // to bedding and a few thicker less well-sorted conglomerates probably deposited in a beach environment. The lower reef is probably part of the in situ reefal limestone higher up the overgrown slope. Small outcrops of sandy silts and silty clays at ca 16 m and 20 m (Gr 13890-13891) above the lower reef show many washed molluscs with o.a. Turritella, Cardita, oysters and also Ancilla glandiformis and Nassarius. Sands with pebble levels are exposed over an interval from ca 12 to 5 m below the base of the reef. Orientation of the longest axis of the well-rounded pebbles often // to bedding and imbrications point to a beach environment. The interval from 5 m below to the base reef is characterized by silty sediments with many Porites buildups. The reef itself measures ca 8 m and is made up mainly of Tarbelleastrea in a sandy to calcarenitic matrix. The olive grove on the NE-dipping top of the reef shows many oysters and fragments of Cerithium, Turritella and Cardita. At the end of the dipslope we seem to have passes a N-dipping fault separating the molluscs-rich shallow/lagoonal sediments of the Kasteliana Fm on top of the reef from marine silty clays without washed molluscs belonging to the upper member of the Moulia Fm (Gr 13892-13894). Gr 13890: frequent menardii 4, acostaensis 3s + scitula gr 1x. Bf: oridorsalis, gyroidina, uvigerina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13891: rare menardii 4. Bf: idem Gr 13894: rare menardii 4. Bf: oridorsalis, uvigerina, gyroidina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13893: rare menardii 4. Bf: idem Gr 13892: rare menardii 4, acostaensis 2s in 9. Bf: idem The mollusc-rich silt/clays with Nassarius and Ancilla some 20 m above the lower reef (Gr 13890-13891) containing frequent menardii 4 and deep water benthic markers (300-500m) clearly belongs to the Moulia Fm. Also the deep marine clays above the upper reef (Gr 13892-13894) belong to Moulia Fm but are separated from 25 Kasteliana Fm by a normal fault. The lower reef and overlying Moulia Fm may represent a downfaulted block separated from the upper reef by a listric fault. If true then the reef represents a level close to the top of the Kasteliana Fm. Details of the bioherm are given in Brachert et al. (2006). Age: A 87Sr/86Sr-ratio would point to an age of ~9 Ma for the reefal limestone (Mertz-Kraus et al., 2007) but since the bioherm represents a level in the top of the Kasteliana Fm, an age close to 8.2 Ma is more likely (see also discussion in text). Location 55: Steep slope ca 1 km south of Apomarma and east of river at N 35° 06,115/E 24° 57,142 exposes 50 m of bluish-gray marls with a few thin-bedded sandy turbidites overlain by 8 m turbiditic sandstones. Sandstones contain some shell fragments, Heterostegina and Lithothamnion. The pebbly sandstone bed in the upper part is scouring. This series belongs to the lower part of the upper member of the Moulia Fm. We sampled the lowermost 15 m of this section in 2007 (samples Gr 13470-13479). Gr 13470: menardii 4 (2x) in 9. Bf: karreriella, planulina, gyroidina, oridorsalis, uvigerina, pachydermis Gr 13471: menardii 4 (21x incl miotumida gr) in 4 + falconarae ss. Bf: idem Gr 13472: menardii 4 (7x incl miotumida gr) + altispira + acostaensis 18s/1d in 9, 2x seminulina in 1 tray. Bf: idem Gr 13473: menardii 4 (2x) + acost 13s/1d in 9. Bf: low-oxygen species Gr 13474: menardii 4 (20x incl miotumida gr) + acostaensis 7s in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13475: menardii 4 (26x) in 2 + acost 11s in 9. Bf: idem as Gr 13470 minus karreriella + oridorsalis Gr 13476: seminulina (22x) in 3 + 20 menardii 4 in 2 + acostaensis 1s in 9. Bf: pachydermus, planulina, gyroidina, siphonina Gr 13477: seminulina (15x) + 3 menardii 4 + 7 altispira in 9 + acostaensis 21s/1d in 4. Bf: pachydermus, planulina, uvigerina, gyroidina Gr 13478: sapropel. Little pf: 7 altispira in 1 tray. Gr 13479: menardii 4 (2x) + 8 altispira + 1 seminulina in 9 + acostaensis 22s/1d in 4. Bf: oridorsalis, planulina, gyroidina, uvigerina, psungarianus Biozonal assignment lower part of upper member of Moulia Fm: lowermost part biozone 9 Depositional depth of idem: 350-500m Location 56: Stratigraphic contact between UN basement (flysch) and Kasteliana Fm along road from Apomarma to Ambelouzos near bridge over a N-S trending and deeply incised gully complex in the southern slope of the Orthi Petra (504 m) at N 35° 04,231/E 24° 56,786. Sequence begins with reddish soil followed by poorly sorted conglomerates and sands of several meters followed by 50-60 m alternating sand, silt and silty clays with a few clast-supported conglomerates (≤ 2m). Components in a conglomerate bed at ca 30 m are derived mainly from UN. Silty clays are occasionally rich in shells, e.g. at about 20 m above base (sample level Gr 13468) display many washed shells of Terebralia and Cardita and lesser amounts of Turritella and Murex. Samples Gr 10255-10258 were taken in 1999 from several silty clay levels in lower part of section. Colour cycles in the fine-grained clastics probably reflect dry-wet conditions controlled by precession (distinct greybrownish colour cycles in Kasteliana Fm are found above the village of Tefeli with the brownish layers representing calcrete paleosols). After a non-exposed interval of 10 m (olive groves) we find 2m of conglomerates followed by 5 m coarse sand with pebble levels and topped by an oyster bed of 0.5 m. Then follow 2 m of conglomerates topped by (pebbly) sandstone, which – to the northeast - is found at base of downfaulted block. This sandstone bed measures 5 m and contains large burrows at top along with a few marine shells and some Heterostegina and is assigned to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Then follows a series of 2 m beginning with fine sand passing upward into silty clays (Gr 13469) representing the transition to the upper member of the Moulia Fm. Thickness of the Kasteliana Fm is estimated at ca 60-80 m. See also SI 8: photos 1718. Gr 13468: abundant smooth ostracods and Ammonia + some echinid spines. Gr 10255: no forams Gr 10256: no pf. Bf: ammonia, few nonionella + 2x reworked Robulus or Cibicides. Echinid spines Gr 10257: ammonia, smooth ostracods Gr 10258: no forams Gr 13469: pf: no ADT. Bf: diverse with Gyroidina and pseudungarianus (middle-outer shelf) Location 57: Ca 0.75 km to the NW of the village of Kastelli Messara exposes 10 m fine sandstones with a few scattered oysters and some burrows. In upper part several pebble beds. Then 1 m of bioturbated fine sands showing a coarsening upward trend topped by gravels with many oncoliths and followed by Lithothamnion-rich calcarenite with Tarbellastrea buildups of 2 m. Then 2 m strongly bioturbated bioclastic calcarenites which is in faulted contact with the 60 m thick deep marine sequence of bluish-gray marls and sapropels published in Krijgsman et al. (1994,1995) and Hilgen et al. (1995) and assigned in this paper to the upper member of the 26 Moulia Fm. The shallow marine sands and calcarenites with coral buildups reefal limestone may represent the lower member of the Moulia Fm. The base of the upper member of the Moulia Fm correlates with cycle M61 of Metochia (Hilgen et al., 1995). This level equates with the base of biozone 8, which is confirmed by the presence of Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina in lowermost samples. Location 58: North of road Mires-Timbaki near exit to the Tombe of Ligiou. 10-12 m fine sandstones with hardgrounds and lenticular levels of pebbly sands pass upward into bioturbated sandstones with bedding-parallel pebble levels and at the top moulds of presumably Turritella. Sandstones in upper part show parallel laminations and small-scale cross bedding. This series belongs to lower member of the Moulia Fm. In the ploughed field below are many small oysters indicating that the Moulia Fm overlies sediments of the Kasteliana Fm. Some 4-5 m and 10-12m above the shallow member are two small outcrops of bluish-gray marls (Gr 13836 and Gr 1383313835) of the upper member of the Moulia Fm. Transition from lower to upper member of Moulia Fm is not exposed. Gr 13836: acostaensis 2s + 14x menardii 4 in 9. Bf: siphonina, planulina, kullenbergi, uvigerina, gyroidina, karreriella Gr 13833: acostaensis 20s/1d+ 6x altispira in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13834: acostaensis 20s + 7x menardii 4 + 4x altispira in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13835: acostaensis 1s + trace of menardii 4. Bf: idem Biozonal assignment of lower part of upper member of Moulia Fm: Gr 13833-13834 correlates best with Gr 5187 in Metochia (below cycle M58), i.e. upper biozone 8 with an age of 8.05 Ma Depositional depth of idem: 600-750 m Location 59: Along road from Lagolia to Grigoria: a dominantly sandy series with many lenticular conglomerate beds and few clays and silts locally with Planorbis and many plant remains. Components in conglomerates are well-rounded, unsorted to poorly-sorted and derived mainly from UN. Similar lithologies are found in several outcrops north of the road connecting Lagolia and Klima. The many fluvial conglomerate beds of the braided river type and the poorly cemented sandstones renders it likely that these sediments belong to the Kasteliana Fm rather than to the Viannos Fm as indicated on the official geological map 1:50,000 (sheet Timbakion, IGME 1984). The Kasteliana Fm is in faulted contact with Pindos flysch . Area IV (arranged from east to west): Location 60: Along the dirt road (in 2008) from Vassiliki Messara to Lendas (directly south of village of Vassiliki). Section begins with 5 m silty clays with oysters followed by 1.5 m strongly bioturbated sandstones and 8 m clays and silts with scattered basement pebbles and few shell fragments. Then 3 m medium coarse and bioturbated sandstones with scattered basement pebbles and shell fragments followed by orange-brown fine sandstones (1 m) and 2 m irregular to lenticular bodies of poorly sorted conglomerates (probably representing sheetflow deposits) and coarse sandstones. Then travertines of 1 m followed by 6 m poorly sorted gravels and coarse (fluvial) sandstones (Kasteliana Fm). Then 2 m medium coarse sandstone with scattered basement pebbles and burrows followed by a poorly sorted conglomerate followed by 15 m of Lithothamnion-rich calcarenites with Clypeaster and Heterostegina and scattered basement pebbles. This unit is assigned to the lower member of the Moulia Fm and is overlain by a few meters of bluish-gray marls (Gr 13630-13636) belonging to the upper member of the Moulia Fm. Upper surface of calcarenites is irregular and somewhat karstified suggesting a sedimentation break. The deep marine marls of upper member belong to upper biozone 10 to base 11 indicating that the shallow-marine deposits at location 60and possibly in the entire western Asteroussia Mountains are time-equivalent with the deep marine sediments elsewhere in area I and III. This is confirmed by evidence for a top biozonal 8 assignment for the basal part of the shallow marine member west of Moni Odigitria (location 62). See also Figure 3. Gr 13631: scitula gr (3s) in 18. Bf: gyroidina, planulina, pseudoungarianus Gr 13632: menardii 5 (5x) + 7 scitula gr (s; incl suterae types) in 27. Bf: idem + siphonina, oridorsalis Gr 13633: menardii 5 (1x + 9 scitula gr (s, incl suterae types) in 27. Bf: idem Gr 13634: menardii 5 (2x) + acostaensis 2s in 27. Bf: idem Gr 13635: menardii 5 (19d/3s) + scitula gr (3s/3d, incl 1x suterae type) + acostaensis 4s in 1 tray. Bf: idem + cf kullenbergi Gr 13636: menardii 5 (1x) + miotumida gr + acostaensis 4s + scitula gr (incl suterae type). Bf: idem minus cf kullenbergi Biozonal assignment of upper member of Moulia Fm: biozone 10 to base 11 Depositional depth of idem: 500-630m 27 Location 61: A composite section directly south of Sivas (ca 5 km south of Minoan Phaestos) begins with 6 m of sandstones with irregular hardgrounds and several lenticular gravel beds. Few burrows and some oysters are present. Then 2 m poorly sorted and pebble-supported conglomerates followed by silty clays (occasionally with floating pebbles) , silts and sandstones of 9 m with some Cardita and smooth ostracods (of which upper 6 m are poorly exposed). Then an oyster bed of 2 m overlain by 5 m of coarse sandstones with hardgrounds and oysters and burrows topped by a bioherm made up of Porites. Reef is overlain by 7 m strongly bioturbated sandstones with pebbly base and topped by 1.5 m sandstone with pebble horizons followed by 6 m bioturbated sandstones with pebbly base and irregular hardgrounds passing upward into Lithothamnion-rich calcarenites with few Heterostegina. Sequence up to reef is assigned to Kasteliana Fm and overlying series including reef belongs to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Just before entering the village of Siva (coming from Phaestos) are a few meters of weathered fine-grained sediments with angular flysch components exposed overlying UN basement possibly representing a paleosol at the base of the Kasteliana Fm. Location 62: Bluish-green clays with reddish paleosol (1 m) overlying Pindos flysch are exposed along dirt road from Moni Odigitria to Vathi and Kefali and are topped by finely bedded limestones of 1 m overlain by a thinly bedded lignite layer of 5 cm. Then 3.5 m clays followed by calcrete paleosols of 0.8 m and a lignite bed of 0.5 m topped by an oyster bed. Then 1 m silts followed by 2 m fine sandstones with a few burrows and 2 m wellsorted conglomerates topped by a calcrete paleosol of 10 cm. Then silty clay with scattered basement pebbles of 1.5 m with many Terebralia at top and followed by a thin layer almost entirely made up of Hydrobia. Then again a lignite (10 cm) followed by clays of 1 m and a thinly bedded fine sandstone and 2 m of clays with reddish colours and calcretes at top and overlain by poorly sorted conglomerate of 1 m topped by bioturbated fine sandstones that mark the base of 6 cycles of bioturbated fine sandstones and silty marls. Silty marl of 1e cycle: Gr 13761, Gr 13484, and Gr 13957; 2e cycle: Gr 13958; 3e cycle: Gr 13959; 4e or 5e cycle: Gr 13960; 5e or 6e cycle: Gr 13762, Gr 13849, and Gr 13961. Several of these bioturbated sandstone beds contain mass transported oncoliths. Sandstone of 5th cycle is very thick (4 m). Its lower 2 m is not bioturbated and seems a stack of several sandstones with low-angle and large-scale cross bedding. The upper 2 m contains irregular hardgrounds. Fifth cycle is followed by a 1m stack of 4 pebbly sandstones overlain by sandstone with scattered pebbles and few Pecten of 1 m. Then a partly exposed interval of 12 m with a pebbly sandstone of 1.5 m with large Conus at 6 m and a sandstone of 0.8 m at 9 m.This interval is followed by a partly exposed series of Lithothamnion-rich calcarenites of 20 m showing indistinct cyclicities. The series of bioturbated sandstones and silty marls and overlying calcarenites belong to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. Underlying sequence is assigned to Kasteliana Fm. See also Figure 3. The base of the lower Moulia Fm is also exposed a little up the dirt road. Here bioturbated fine sandstone with pebbly base rests on paleosol of Kasteliana Fm and passes upwards into silty marls (Gr 13985). Then 2 m calcarenites with Lithothamnion oncoliths in top followed by 1.5 m silty marl with shell debris (Gr 13986-13988) and overlain by > 1.5 m bioturbated sandstone. The upper 1 m of this sandstone is probably exposed 15 m more to the south and overlain by 0.5 m silty marls (Gr 13989). Then, 0.6 m bioturbated sandstone passing upward into calcarenites, 0.4 m fine sandstones with 0.5 m silty marls on top (Gr 13990). Gr 13848: few pf (acostaensis 6s/1d + 3x scitula gr s + 1x cf falconarae ss in 3 trays). Bf: ammonia + epifytes + pseudoungarianus Gr 13761: few pf (acostaensis 1s + 1x small scitula gr d in 3 trays). Bf: idem + few amphistegina. Gr 13957: few pf (1x small scitula gr s in 2 trays). Bf: idem Gr 13958: very few pf (no ADT) Gr 13959: few pf (no ADT) Gr 13960: few pf (acostaensis 1d/1s + 1x scitula gr s in 2 trays) Gr 13849: few pf (acostaensis 18d/7s + 3x falconarae ss in 4 trays. Bf: idem Gr 13762: few pf (acostaensis 2d in 1 tray). Bf: idem Gr 13961: few pf (acostaensis 15d/4s + 1x falconarae ss + 1x menardii 4 ss). Bf: idem Gr 13985-13989: shallow benthics dominated by Ammonia and epifytes. Few pf; no ADT (except 1 left coiled acostaensis in Gr 13988) Gr 13990: acostaensis 18d/12s; menardii 4 (3x), ss falconarae (3x); scitula types (3s). Biozonal assignment of lower member of Moulia Fm: Samples Gr 13961 and Gr 13990 are probably derived from the same stratigraphic level. All ADT are small-sized (probably juveniles). The high percentages (79 and 60) of dextral acostaensis are problematic if base of shallow marine sediments in location 62 is time-equivalent with base Moulia Fm in areas I and III because SI 4 shows a maximum % dextral acostaensis of only 37 around 8.2 Ma (homogeneous cycle M 56). % dextral acostaensis in samples from M56 increase up to a value of 42% in the 150-125 micron fraction (comparable with the small size of acostaensis in samples Gr 13961/13990) but do not reach values of ≥ 60. Values of 60 and 79% rarely occur in basal part of biozone 8 (see SI 4). For the time being we prefer to correlate sample levels Gr 13961 and 13990 to a level around M56 (i.e. ca 8.2 Ma). 28 Depositional environment of idem: lower to middle siliciclastic shelf with nearby Lithothamnion platforms Location 63: The track to the entrance of Agiofarangi, west of the dirt road from Moni Odigitria to Kali Limenes, exposes cyclically-bedded bioturbated sandstones and hardgrounds with Lithothamnion passing upward into ungraded calcarenites rich in Lithothamnion assigned to the lower member of the Moulia Fm. The calcarenites show indistinct cyclicities due to varying percentages of matrix and contain scattered Clypeaster, Pecten and Heterostegina. This shallow marine series measures ca 80 m and overlies Tripolitza flysch. Area V: Location 64: Coastal cliff beneath Knossos Royal Village resort at Chersonisos exposes 20 m of non-marine clays including a sandy channel fill at 7.5 m from base (Gr 13643-13651). Several levels in the lower part are rich in pyritized Chondrites-like burrows. The upper part contains several finely bedded silts. The > 125 micron fraction of 2 samples (Gr 13652-13653) from the 1m thick and finely bedded siltstones at the top contain many calcrete-like lumps. No calcretes are shown in outcrop. Burrows filled with dark coloured marls containing foraminifers at 1.5 m below the top of these finely bedded siltstones (Gr 13847) should have come from the marine marls above the non-marine sequence. The marine sequence measures 6 m and consists of homogeneous marls including several Pycnodont levels. The lower 3 m were sampled in 2007 (Gr 13654-13659). In 2008 we extended section upward with another 3 m (Gr 13820-13829). In a down-faulted block to the north are a few sapropels exposed (not sampled). The marine marls are truncated by a marine terrace of 8 m of bioclastic calcarenites (with corals and reworked Pliocene planktonic foraminifers). The marine marls are assigned to the Chersonisos Fm and the underlying non-marine sediments to the Viannos Fm. The contact between both units is sharp and likely corresponds with a hiatus. See also Figure 3 and SI 8: photo 24. Gr 13643 –13651: many ostracods (2 different species: one smooth and the other weakly ornemented) and fragmented calcareous worm tubes with pyrite infillings (described in field as chrondrites-like burrows). Sometimes few fish remains. Gr 13652 - 13653: idem + many calcrete-like lumps in washed residues of 125-600 micron. ------------------Gr 13654: acostaensis 18s + 1d in 18; scitula gr (s). Bf: Gyrodina, Planulina, Karreriella, Oridorsalis, Uvigerina, C. kullenbergi, pseudoungarianus Gr 13655: acostaensis 25s + 1d in 9; few scitula gr (s). Bf: idem minus karreriella and oridorsalis Gr 13656: acostaensis 25s + 4d in 9, few scitula gr (s). Bf: idem as in 13655. Also many glauconite grains Gr 13657: acostaensis 10s in 18, some scitula gr (s) + 1 men 4 in 1 tray. Bf: idem as in 13654 Gr 13658: acostaensis 22s + 1d in 9, some scitula gr (s), 15 men 4 in 18. Bf: idem but minus kullenbergi Gr 13659: acostaensis 6s in 18, some scitula gr (s), 22 men 4 in 9. Bf: idem Gr 13820: acostaensis 20s + 3d, 4x men 4 in 9. Bf: Gyroidina, Planulina, Uvigerina, Oridorsalis, Karreriella, pseudoungarianus. Gr 13821: acostaensis 20s + 3d, 2x men 4 in 27, some scitula (s). Bf: idem as in 13820 Gr 13822: acostaensis 20s + 3d, 14x men 4 in 27, some scitula (s). Bf: idem Gr 13823: acostaensis 24s + 5d, 4x men 4 in 27, some scitula (s). Bf: idem Gr 13824: acostaensis 20s, 14x men 4 in 9, some scitua (s). Bf: idem minus oridorsalis Gr 13825: acostaensis 25s + 6d, 6x men 4 in 18, some scitula (s). Bf: idem minus oridorsalis Gr 13826: acostaensis 9s in 27, 21x men 4 in 27, some scitula (s). Bf: idem as in 13820 Gr 13827: acostaensis 5s in 27, 14x men 4 in 9, some scitula (s). Bf: idem + siphonina Gr 13828: acostaensis 1s in 18, 27x men 4 in 2, some scitula (s). Bf: idem minus siphonina Gr 13829: acostaensis 9s in 27, 11x men 4 in 27, some scitula (s). Bf: idem minus siphonina Depositional environment Viannos Fm: deep lake (emerged during interval Gr 13652-13653?) Biozonal assignment Chersonisos Fm: no falconarae in any sample (based on surveying 27 fields per tray), i.e age is post LRO of ls falconarae = post cycle M30. This and the presence of 3 peaks in menardii 4 and a max % of dextral acostaensis of 20 together with the absence of Gq. dehiscens (based on 27 fields per tray) suggests a best fit correlation to interval extending from upper M36 to base M39 in Metochia (see SI 4). Note: scitula gr is dextral in G 43 = M 39. Base of the Chersonisos Fm is ca 8.8 Ma (according to ages for M-cycles updated by Lourens et al.[2004]). Depositional depth: 600-750 m Psiloritis Mountains: 29 Location 65: Cemented mature sandstones and silty clays (335°- 35) of ca 30 m thick are exposed along the road to Kameriotis just north of the intersection with the main road from Gonies to Anogia. These sediments are typically of the Viannos Fm and are overlain by three cemented breccia beds (of 1 m thick) separated by thinly bedded limestones (338°-42). Breccias consist of Tripolitza limestones (dominant) and some flysch fragments. Then follow ca 4 m poorly exposed breccias that are overlain by a large Tripolitza limestone block representing an olistolith. West of area III (arranged from east to west): Location 66: Along road between the villages of Platanos and Vathiako are several outcrops of mature and cemented sandstones alternating sometimes with silt and landslided clays of the Viannos Fm. Exposures continues up to 1 km west of Platanos. Location 67: Along the road Nithavris - Agios Ioannis at N 35° 10,019/E 24° 43,544): 2.5 m of mature and gravelly cemented sandstones with large-scale cross-bedded representing the remains of a meandering channelbelt. Paleocurrent readings clearly indicate W-directed transport of fluvial bedload. Pebbles are exclusively from the Uppermost Unit. These sediments (and those in two other outcrops along the same road) are assigned to Viannos Fm. Location 68a: Along the road which branches off from the main road Timbaki-Agia Galini in northern direction, ca 1 km south of the village of Agia Paraskevi at N 35° 08,876/E 24° 42,761: claystones rich in plant remains and (via a bed-parallel fault) cross-bedded sandstone (indicating 220SW transport) overlain by beige to grey clays and silty sandstones of ca 25 m. Series includes 1.5 m of platy limestones or calcisiltites containing Bithynia operculae and smooth ostracods. Some levels contain Melanopsis and one level is particularly rich in Unio. The platy limestones are underlain by a thin lignite bed of 20cm. The assembly is characteristic of the Viannos Fm. See also SI 8: photo 3. Location 68b: An isolated outcrop west and off the road at N 35° 07,803/E 24° 43, 044 (ca 100 m north of bifurcation to Apodoulo) exposes Viannos Fm made up of silty clays and sandstones with climbing ripples (paleocurrent reading indicates W-directed drainage). Location 69: Along the road from Agia Galini to Spili before the village of Nea Kria Vrisi at N 35° 08,170/E 24° 40,029 is a contact exposed between the Uppermost Unit and Viannos Fm. Here, 2 m of matrix-supported breccias made up of components from underlying basement (mainly schists rich in micas) are overlain by ca 1 m bluish-green silts followed by matrix-supported breccias of 2m. Then 0.5 m bluish-green silts overlain by 2 m of matrix-supported breccias. Then again 0.5 m grayish silts topped by 5 m breccias without much matrix and showing coarsening upward trend with basement blocks of 10-20 cm followed by another 3 m of matrixsupported breccias and topped by 1 m grayish silts. Then a few meters not exposed followed by ca 1 m of platy limestones with Melanopsis (69a). Ca 300 m further in the direction of Spili at N 35° 08,198/E 24° 39,851 is an outcrop where pottery clay has been quarried (69b). Exposed are 15 m of clay with several thinly bedded siltstones showing low-angle foresets (indicating NW-directed drainage) with smooth ostracods, and Bithynia operculae. This series represent a younger part of the Viannos Fm. Another well-exposed stratigraphic contact between UN basement and Viannos Fm is at N 35° 08,398/E 24° 38,879 along the same road (69c). 30