*****DUE DATE : 28 MARCH 2013***** 2013 LARASA Congress

*****DUE DATE : 28 MARCH 2013*****
2013 LARASA Congress, South Africa
16 – 19 September 2013
Invited VIP Speaker
Mrs Maliga Naidoo
President : Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA)
Board Member, World Leisure Organisation
Director : Recreation Management Consultants
Lecturer : Department of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences,
School of Health Sciences
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
E-mail: recreation@iafrica.com
Mailing address: P O Box 202122 Durban North 4016, KZN South Africa
Biography ( maximum 150 words)
Maliga Naidoo has been involved in the development and transformation of Recreation and Leisure Services in South Africa since
the mid nineties. Involved in community based programmes and in consultation with the public service, she has served in
various positions including provincial chair, consultant, facilitator and Recreation Commissioner appointed by the Minister of
Sport and Recreation(2001). From 2005 – 2008 she chaired the Standards Generating Body for Recreation as a consultant with
the South African Qualifications Authority, generating unit standards and qualifications for vocational training at NQF level 4 to
6. Appointed as a lecturer for Leisure Sciences since 2007 at the University of KwaZulu Natal, she has facilitated the
restructuring of the curriculum at the Department of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences to provide a specialist stream of
study in Leisure Sciences. In 2010 she was elected as the President of the Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa and
is a member of the board of directors of World Leisure Organisation. In 2011 facilitated and presented South Africa’s bid to host
the 2016 World Leisure Congress in Durban.
Abstract (maximum 300 words)
Title : Recreation and Leisure : An Ecosystem to Transform Physical Education Curriculum and Communities
In 1994, the Education department in South Africa made a drastic decision to remove Physical Education (PE) from the
curriculum. This resulted in qualified PE teachers and specialists either seeking positions outside the country or teaching in an
academic learning area. In 2005, the Outcomes Based Education and curriculum was launched and PE was reintroduced into the
curriculum as part of the Life Orientation Learning Area. This new learning area was aimed at providing learners with meaningful
life skills for successful living in an ever changing and rapidly evolving society. The main theme of Life Orientation was directed at
empowering the individual to cope with the realities of society and to become productive contributors to a transforming society.
The Medical research Council in 200This paper explores the need to establish an ecosystem and reinstate PE into the school
environment by designing physical activity and leisure programs to promote health, social and personal development and
prepare the learner to effectively interact with the world around him/her. This paper further investigates the competencies of
the instructors to provide meaningful experiences, the PE curriculum to promote healthy lifestyles, and the availability of time,
equipment and facilities to sustain PE in schools to improve health and well being of learners in the future.
The theme highlights the contemporary global socio-political issues and challenges we face in
delivering recreation and leisure programs to communities, building sustainable and responsible
tourism , improving the health and human condition of citizens, transforming youth by promoting
activities which contribute to human development, and to the creation of sustainable cities by
focusing on environmental sustainability and the built environment.
Health and Wellbeing
promoting Physical Activity, alternative therapies, healthy / active
living, non-communicable diseases, employee wellbeing, HIV/Aids,
Built Environment /
Environmental awareness
includes landscaping, trails, transportation, planning for a leisure
city, sustainable cities, preservation of open spaces, obesity,
physical activity
Therapeutic Recreation /
Recreation Therapy / Disabilities
Social advocacy and systems change, inclusion, mainstreaming,
Youth development
Resiliency, boosting self esteem and confidence, correctional
services, campus recreation, human development
Women, Children, Minority
gender equity, play, families, culture, race
Parks and playgrounds
Outdoor adventure, playground audits, playground design / inclusive
playgrounds, playground safety inspectors
Eco-tourism, Agri-tourism, culture, heritage, creative arts, theatre,
music, dance, travel
Economic Benefits
Contribution of leisure to economic growth
Leisure and Society
Social networks, social justice, developing social capital, Human
dignity, equity and freedom, human rights, psychological wellbeing,
poverty alleviation
Promoting physical activity through technological advances,
Leisure Education
Theories, experiential learning, curriculum development, skills
Leisure and Sport Management
Organizational development, policy and strategic planning,
implementation of services. risk management, municipal best
practice, good governance,