REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Classification and Compensation Study Winchester Utilities Commission 1. Purpose. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is submitted to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to develop a compensation plan for the Winchester Utility Commission, hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”. In order to receive consideration, a proposed plan must meet the requirements of the Commission as herein described. 2. Proposal Submittal. Sealed proposals (2) will be accepted by the Commission until 4:00 P.M., ______________, 2003. All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the conditions and instructions provided herein. 3. Proposal Schedule. SCHEDULE RFP release Consultant conference (9:00 A.M. at the Commission Office) Closing date for proposal submittal (4:00 P.M.) Oral Presentations Evaluation completed and Consultant selected DATES This schedule is intended as a guideline for the timing of various events in this effort. Management requirements and other factors may cause these dates to vary somewhat from the original intentions. In no event, however, shall either the deadline for proposal submittal or the date for the consultant conference be changed. 4. General Conditions 4.1 Conformity with RFP. All proposals must conform to the requirements presented in this RFP. 4.2 Uniformity of Proposals. To facilitate evaluation, all proposals must be submitted in a uniform format as described in Section 8.0 of this RFP. 4.3 Additional Information. Although this RFP and proposals resulting therefrom are of great interest to city officials, all inquiries or requests for information relative to this RFP should be directed to Billy Garner, Manager, Winchester Utilities. 4.4 Contract. The selected consultant may be required to execute a contract written for and by the Commission. The Commission may not execute the consultant’s standard contract. All proposals should contain a statement indicating the consultant’s willingness to accept a written contract and to agree to the inclusion of this RFP, the consultant’s proposal, and all subsequent written material relevant thereto in the contract. 4.5 Non-Collusion. Each proposal shall contain a non-collusion affidavit, a copy of which is enclosed in Appendix II. 4.6 Right to Reject Proposals. The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities or informalities and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Commission. 4.7 Identification of Primary Consultant. Any proposal, which includes reference to more than one consultant or supplier of services, shall contain adequate definitions of said services together with adequate identification of the proposed supplier. Furthermore, the proposal shall clearly identify a single consultant who will have ultimate responsibility for the project with whom the Commission’s contract will be executed. 4.8 Liability and Insurance. The selected consultant will save and hold harmless the Commission from any and all legal liability arising out of the infringement of any copyrights in respect to the normal use of the proposed services. 4.9 Price Protection. Prices quoted in the proposal shall be firm prices and not subject to increases during the term of any contractual agreement arising between the Commission and consultant as a result of the proposal. Consultants should stipulate the expiration date of their quoted price. 4.10 Consultant Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the consultant to verify the completeness, accuracy, and suitability of his/her proposal to meet the requirements of this RFP. 4.11 Rights to Submitted Material. All proposals, responses, inquiries, or correspondence relating to or in reference to this RFP, and all reports, charts, displays, schedules, exhibits, and other documents provided by consultants may become the property of the Commission when received. Supporting technical documents will be returned at the request of the consultant. The Commission requests the right to use any or all ideas presented in any proposal, whether amended or not. Selection or rejection of a proposal does not affect this right. 5. Selection Process. The selection by the Commission of a compensation consultant to meet its requirements will involve both objective and subjective elements. The process to be used to make this selection is outlined below. 5.1 Request for Proposals. This RFP is intended to provide interested consultants with uniform information concerning the Commission’s requirements for a compensation study. In responding to this RFP, consultants must adhere to the included format and use the included forms or reasonable facsimiles thereof. 5.2 Consultant Conference. A consultant conference will be held at the offices of the Commission to allow for clarification and amplification of the RFP. The meeting will establish the financial obligation of the jurisdiction to the private consultant, the actual point of the private consultant’s involvement, the extent of in-house staff time that will be necessary and available for the completion of the program and the extent of involvement and support that will be provided by the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS). Any substantive changes in the RFP or other information that is significantly different from or a significant expansion of the RFP resulting from the consultant conference will be transmitted in writing to all interested consultants. 5.3 Evaluation Committee. A committee of designated members from the Commission and the Manager will review and evaluate all proposals. The committee will provide an initial evaluation of all proposals. MTAS will serve as technical advisors to the Commission throughout the evaluation process. The utility manager shall serve as chairman of the committee and shall forward a recommendation to the full Commission, whose decision on the matter shall be deemed final. 5.4 Evaluation Criteria. The following elements will be reviewed by the committee in evaluating all proposals: proposal approach to the study, qualifications of professional personnel, demonstrated past performance of the firm in similar work, time specified for performance of the contract, and the cost of performing the work. The relative importance of each factor is a management judgment and will include both objective and subjective analysis. Proposals will be evaluated against the specifications presented in the RFP as well as competitiveness. The Commission reserves the right to eliminate a proposal for failure to comply with the requirements of the RFP. 5.5 Oral Presentations. Should oral presentations be desired by the Commission, the same shall be arranged in advance in order to accommodate the scheduling requirements of utility officials and the consultants. The Commission and its advisors are well aware that final commitments are sometimes negotiated during oral presentations, however, the oral presentation in this case may not be considered as a “negotiating session.” This RFP provides that only material contained in the original formal written proposal will be considered in any subsequent evaluation procedures. 5.6 Selection. Following the evaluation process described above, the utility manager will make a recommendation to the Commission. The Commission will make all decisions regarding selection of finalist, contract negotiations, and the award of a contract. The decisions of the Commission will be considered final. 6.0 Background. In the past, assistance with classification/compensation studies was available through the State Department of Personnel. Services of this nature are no longer federally funded. As a result, MTAS will assist a city in completing job questionnaires for each position in the city. When this information is compiled and a job description written for each position, the information will be forwarded to a private consultant who will then prepare a classification/pay plan based on a survey and all job information. 7.0 Compensation Study Requirements. This section of the RFP is intended to assist the consultant in structuring proposals appropriate to the specific needs of the Commission. It is essential that this study be fair and equitable to all employees. It should recognize prevailing rates of competitors in the labor market and adjust to changing conditions. Additionally, the study should provide for pay for good and faithful service at an acceptable level of performance within some limits and is within the Commission’s financial ability to pay. A methodology must be present which accurately and fairly measures compensable job factors, allows proper and equitable cross comparisons of compensable factors for classes, and which minimizes the appearance of possible prejudices on the part of the Commission. 7.1 Work to be Performed by Consultant. Services of a private consultant are needed to develop the classification/compensation plan. This includes executing a market analysis of similarly sized cities and private businesses; developing a pay schedule in view of governmental objectives regarding pay and budgetary goals (percentages between payrolls and jurisdiction minimum wage and overtime policies); reviewing wage and salary data with the utility manager; and developing a formal pay plan (finalized pay schedules with projected cost analysis charts based on at least two alternative plans). 7.2 Work to be Performed by Staff. The Commission’s staff will be responsible for collecting job description questionnaires and writing job descriptions. The consultant will develop organizational charts, allocate positions into broad categories according to difficulty and levels of responsibility and develop class coding systems. 8.0 Proposal Format. 8.1 Identification ________A. Primary Consultant ________B. Secondary Consultants and Services Rendered 8.2 Qualifications of Professional Personnel 8.3 Past Performance 8.4 Approach to Compensation Study _______A. Weighing of Compensable Factors _______B. Compensation Survey Method _______C. Statistical Procedures and Tools _______D. Pay Structures Mechanics 8.5. Timetable for Compensation Study 8.6. Statement of Acceptance of a City Written Contract 8.7. Fees for Services Rendered (APPENDIX I) GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE WINCHESTER UTILITY COMMISSION (APPENDIX II) NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT STATE OF: COUNTY OF: Before me, an officer of said State, authorized by law to administer oaths personally came (name/company) Who, on oath, says that the attached proposal is submitted independently of any other bid or proposal, and that he/she (name/company) has no interest, directly or indirectly, in any other bid or proposal for said equipment and/or services described therein and that he/she (name/company)________________________will not receive any commission or any sum whatsoever, directly or indirectly, from any other party in the event some other party, association, firm or corporation should be awarded the contract or sale for said equipment and/or service for which said proposal is submitted. Signature Name Company Sworn to and subscribed before me, This the___day of______, 2003 (Notary Public) CONTRACT WITH PRIVATE CONSULTANT This contract, made between the Winchester Utility Commission, a municipal utility commission, hereinafter referred to as the “Commission” and ___________________________________, private personnel consultant, with offices at__________Street, _________,______________, hereinafter referred to as “consulting firm.” WHEREAS, the Commission requires the services of a consultant in order to adequately protect the utility’s interests; and WHEREAS, the partners and associates of the consulting firm are able and learned in personnel compensation matters, and well qualified to advise and assist the Commission; and WHEREAS, the consulting firm is ready, willing and able to act as consultant to the Commission in personnel compensation matters; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained and subject to the terms and conditions herein stated, it is understood and agreed by the parties as follows: 1. 2. Work to be provided by the Consulting Firm: The consulting firm agrees to furnish the services of its’ partners, associates and staff, as necessary and to the best interest of the Commission, to do the following: (insert specifics from RFP) Work to be Provided by the Commission. The Commission, with the guidance of MTAS, will be primarily responsible for data collection for job descriptions. 3. 4. 5. (insert specifics from RFP) Compensation and Payment: The Commission shall pay to the consulting firm, and the consulting firm agrees to accept as full and complete compensation and payment for all of the work performed under and in accordance with and pursuant to this Agreement $_____________, which shall be billed to the utility commission after all of the services have been performed and upon approval of the services by the Manager of the Commission no sooner than_______________, 2003. Approval by the Manager will not be unreasonably withheld. Terms. The term of this Agreement shall commence on___________, 2003, and extend to the timely completion of the services to be rendered by the consulting firm, but in no event later than_________, 2003. Either party may consent to terminate this agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice thereof to the other party. In the event of cancellation, termination or expiration of this agreement for any reason, the consulting firm shall submit or return all papers, records, memoranda, and working materials relating to the work under this Agreement. At termination, cancellation or expiration of this agreement in any manner, any payment to the consulting firm herein to the date of termination, cancellation or expiration shall be in full satisfaction of all claims against the Commission under this Agreement. Local Laws: Notwithstanding any other provisions, conditions, or terms herein, each term, conditions and provision herein is subject to the provisions of the Charter of the City of Winchester and/or other local rules and regulations, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Tennessee. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be properly executed: Date:____________, 2003 Attest:_______________________ Commission Secretary ________________________ Chairman Winchester Utility Commission Private Consulting Firm: _______________________ Authorized Official Attest:_________________________ CONSULTING FIRMS IN THE SOUTH/SOUTHEAST Alexander & Alexander P.O. Box 305193 Nashville, TN 37230 Assessment Designs, Inc. 601 Ferncreek Avenue Orlando, FL 32803 Ballew, Reinhardt and Associates 5100 Poplar Avenue, Suite 3118 Memphis, TN 38137 Burris and Associates P.O. Box 10187 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 The Centre Group 5100 Popular Avenue, Suite 2812 Memphis, TN 38137 Colarelli Associates, Inc. Clayton Towers 7751 Carondelet Clayton, MO 63105 Hamilton Group P.O. Box 260 Collegedale, TN 37315-0260 James G. Carr 2916 Goneaway Charlotte, NC 64772 Richard F. Romich Personnel Consulting Corp. 101 Timber Hill Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 Management Services P.O. Box 790 Ooltewah, TN 37363 Morris and McDaniel, Inc. 741 N. Congress P.O. Box 104 Jackson, MS 39205 Municipal Advisors Incorporated P.O. Box 45 Virginia Beach, VA 23458 Public Administration Service 1497 Chain Bridge Rd. McLean, VA 22101 Ralph Andersen and Associates 5950 Berkshire Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75225 Rasmussen and Associates P.O. Box 5429 Kingsport, TN 37663 Seagroup Stra Exe Assessment Group P.O. Box 38356 Germantown, TN 38183 Seberhagen and Associates 9021 Trailridge Court Vienna, VA 22180 Slavin, Nevins and Associates, Inc. 3040 Holcomb Bridge Road, Suite B1 Norcross, GA 30071 Truman L. King and Associates 777 Bonhomme Avenue St. Louis, MO 63105 Yarger and Associates, Inc. 2830 Mary Street Falls Church, VA 22042