BISI 4230 - Case Study 2 (prepare for in-class discussion) Willowbrook School Solutions 1. Do you think this is a feasible project? Justify your answer, and address each type of feasibility, noting any unusual challenges that Willowbrook School might present when evaluating feasibility. Refer to in-class discussion 2. List the system requirements for the new fee billing system. Give at least one example of how to achieve more effective outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls. [Note: answers will vary, but be encouraged to use imagination.] Typical examples might include the following: Outputs: The system must provide monthly bills that break down fees by type, together with a grand total for the month. Inputs: The data entry screen for drop-in after-care should allow for entry of multiple drop-in after-care uses. Processes: The system should be able to produce a single bill for families with more than one child at Willowbrook. Performance: The system must prepare billing statements for distribution one week prior to the first of the month, and a summary report for the finance committee for the third Monday of the month. Controls: The system must provide security that prevents volunteer workers from accessing and updating billing information. 3. Draw an FDD that shows the main operations described in the fact statement. [Note: Answers will vary.] A typical FDD might resemble the following diagram: FDD for Willowbrook School Billing System Billing System Calculate monthly bills Generate monthly fee report Receive and post fee payments Generate receipt Obtain drop-in after-care charges Apply fixed fees Generate monthly bill 4. Prepare an ERD for the information system of Willowbrook School. Answers will vary here, depending on how you conceptualize the entities. A sample diagram follows: STUDENT ENROLLED IN AFTERCARE AND ACADEMIC PROGRAMS CREATES BILL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PAYMENT PARENT GENERATES REPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE 5. Prepare a context diagram and diagram 0 DFD for the new system. Again, answers will vary here. It is important that the answers for Assignments 1 and 2 illustrate that students understand how entities are handled differently in ERD’s and DFDs. A sample context diagram and diagram 0 DFD follow: Initial Context Diagram for Willowbrook School’s Information System Payment Registrations Parent Student Data Academic and AfterCare Programs 0 Receipt Bill Willowbrook Information System Drop-In Hours Reports Report Data Receipt Data Accounting system Payment Data Diagram 0 DFD for Willowbrook School’s Information System Finance Committee Payment Data 4 Payment Reco rd Pa y ments Pa rent Fina nce Co mmittee Acco unting Sy stem Receipt Report Data 5 Reports Genera te Receipts Student Data Bill Receipt Data 3 6 Genera te Bills Genera te Mo nthly Repo rts Fixed fees 2 D5 Dro p-In Da ta Variable Monthly Fees Drop-in Report D2 Registration Data Genera te Dro p-In Repo rt Reg istra tio n da ta 1 Registration Data Reg ister Students 6. Prepare a list of data stores and data flows needed for the system. Under each data store, list the data elements required. The data flows are as follows: Aca demic a nd AfterCa re Pro g ra ms DropIn hours Bill Drop-in Hours Drop-in Report Fixed Fees Payment Payment Data Receipt Receipt Data Registration Data Report Data Reports Student Data Variable Monthly Fees The Data Stores are as follows: Drop-In Data Registration Data Data Elements for each data store are as follows: (Note that answers may vary here – students should pick out all the data elements identified in Chapter 3 as existing, and should speak to new elements needed to create “family” bills. Drop-In Data Household # Student Name Student # Month Date of Attendance Block Attended Registration Data Household # Student # Student Name Monthly Fixed Fees