Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA2) Compendium 2014 Sector Skills Alliances Erasmus+ Programme English Version ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Introduction Every year the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) publishes Compendia of all projects selected for funding under the annual Call for proposals of the Erasmus+ Programme. The present publication is dedicated to the projects awarded in 2014 under the centralised actions of the Key Actions 2: Sector Skills Alliances. The Compendia are part of the Executive Agency's contribution to a better dissemination of information about on-going projects and networking among project coordinators. In the Compendia you will find a short description of each project, the contact details of the beneficiary and coordinating organisations and a list of partners involved in the project. Please note that the Compendia reflects the state of projects at the end of the selection stage, which means that data such as duration, composition of the partnership or contact details may change during the lifetime of the project. Please also note that project descriptions included in this Compendium are provided by the applicants at the application stage. For further information you may use their web sites. In order to complete the picture, below you will find a brief overview of the aims and objectives of the KA2, Sector Skills Alliances sub-programme. Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects drawing on evidence of trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional fields. Sector Skills Alliances will work to design and deliver joint vocational training programmes and teaching and training methodologies. A particular focus is to be put on work-based learning, providing learners with the skills required by the labour market. Sector Skills Alliances also put the EU wide recognition tools into practice. The sectors that were eligible under this action in 2014 are: Textile/Clothing/Leather. Commerce. Advanced Manufacturing. Information and Communication Technologies. Environmental technologies (Eco-Innovation). Cultural and Creative sectors. Of the 48 proposals submitted, 6 were selected for funding. October 2014 2 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Table of contents: Erasmus+: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA2) Sector Skills Alliances 554271-EPP-1-2014-1-UK-EPPKA2-SSA European ICT Sector Skills Alliance - VET open course for mobile apps creators ........................................ 4 554288-EPP-1-2014-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA Skills for the creative economy .................................................................................................................... 6 554341-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA Designing and Testing new management skills for the development of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling and Re-use System in Europe ................................................................... 8 554370-EPP-1-2014-1-SI-EPPKA2-SSA Skills in metal and electro industry ............................................................................................................ 10 554465-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector ............................................. 12 554486-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA Sector Skills Alliance to set European standards for qualifications and skills in the e-commerce sector . 14 3 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554271-EPP-1-2014-1-UK-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: European ICT Sector Skills Alliance - VET open course for mobile apps creators DESCRIPTION: a) Reason for the Appskil project: AppSkil aims to form an ICT Sector Skills Alliance focused on the mobile apps field that will: a) act as a collaboration platform that will link VET providers, sector representatives, and VET authorities, b) identify skills needs & mismatches, and c) develop and deliver an appropriate training programme connected with qualification frameworks. AppSkil faces the challenge to strengthen current and future ICT staff, working or aspiring to work in the mobile apps field, with business & design skills to improve sustainable employment results. b) Main Appskil results/outputs: A validated VET programme and open access learning resources on mobile apps creation skills in 6 EU languages - 1 »train the trainer«, 5 on-site and online training seminars, 7 dissemination events, A Memorandum of Understanding for mutual recognition and a Memorandum of Cooperation for the establishment of an EU ICT Skills Council. c) Expected benefits/impact: AppSkil will build a Sector Skills Alliance to match workforce skills in mobile apps creation with labour market needs, improving sustainable employment in the sector. It will develop a VET programme based on the learning outcomes approach integrating NQFs and EQF levels, and to promote mutual trust and mobility in ICT. ICT enterprises will be strengthened to identify personnel with sector-specific skills and VET providers will benefit through the availability of a sector-specific VET program ready to be recognised in diverse EU member states. AppSkil will provide ICT professionals with mobile apps creation skills required but missing from the market, enhancing personal development and job performance improvement, facilitating mobility. COORDINATOR: Coventry University Enterprises Limited Priory Street Coventry CV1 5FB, UK Phone: +44(0)7974984863 Fax: +44(0)2476236024 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Eleni Anoyrkati CONTRACTOR: Coventry University Enterprises Limited Priory Street Coventry CV1 5FB, UK Phone: +44(0)7974984863 Fax: +44(0)2476236024 Email: Internet site address: 4 ERASMUS+ PARTNERS: KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Agoria asbl (BE) Business Training sa (BE) Conseil Régional de la Formation (BE) Asociacion de Tecnicos de Informatica (ES) Florida Centre de Formacio Sociedad Cooperativa (ES) Comunidad Foral de Navarra - Gobierno de Navarra (ES) Associazione Cimea (IT) Associazione Italiana per L'informatica e il Calcolo Automatico (IT) Consorzio Friuli Formazione (IT) Department for Employment and Learning (UK) Naace Trading Ltd (UK) South West College (UK) MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 857,046 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 5 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554288-EPP-1-2014-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: Skills for the creative economy DESCRIPTION: ArtS project will exploit the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) potential for creating growth and jobs and enhance cultural economy at regional and transnational levels. It shall define and forecast labour market needs in the CCS in Greece, Italy and Spain; design appropriate teaching and training methodologies and deliver a joint training programme that will respond to these needs. These objectives will be pursued through the following activities: a) the development of a VET curriculum that is outcome-oriented and responds to specific skill-shortages in the creative and cultural sectors market; b) the facilitation of networking and labour mobility in the CCS; c) the innovation of the VET sector through the implementation of an original training programme that will be based on flexible learning methods, tailored to the needs of the end-users. The joint vocational training programme will provide low-skilled, unemployed and self-employed artists with the opportunity to: update their professional skills and knowledge and acquire management, business and networking skills, with a special focus on export possibilities; guide them into finding work or internship at a company of their choice; present their work in a joint project at the project closure that will be prepared by the learners themselves, as an exercise of effective networking. The project will cover the following areas a) Craft; b) Cultural Heritage; c) Design; d) Music; e) Visual arts; f) Literary arts g) Performing arts. It will be implemented in accordance with the EQF/ECVET and EQAVET principles and produced results will be disseminated using Open Educational Resources in four European languages. The ArtS consortium consists of diverse organizations, experts in their fields. Diversity is an asset in creating an innovative yet targeted training programme and in ensuring the project’s impact, sustainability and dissemination. Throughout its implementation the project will ensure equality of opportunities. COORDINATOR: Eurotraning Educational Organization Bernazeroy 1 Athina 10677, EL Phone: +302103306086 Fax: +302103809877 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Krystallia Christodoulaki CONTRACTOR: Eurotraning Educational Organization 6 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Bernazeroy 1 Athina 10677, EL Phone: +302103306086 Fax: +302103809877 Email: Internet site address: PARTNERS: Athens Chamber of Tradesmen (EL) Synergeio Mousikou Theatrou Astiki mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (EL) Tuv Rheinland Hellas sa (EL) Fondo Formacion Euskadi sll (ES) Humanitae Empleo e Innovacion sl (ES) Amaranto Eurogroup sl (ES) Federacion Vizcaina de Empresas del Metal (ES) Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion murcia (ES) Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo (IT) Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca scarl (IT) Consorzio Universitario Piceno (IT) Libera Palermo Associazione (IT) Melting pro. Laboratorio per la Cultura (IT) MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 993,643 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 7 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554341-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: Designing and Testing new management skills for the development of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling and Re-use System in Europe DESCRIPTION: EWASTER Project will develop and establish a new high-quality interdisciplinary curriculum in E-Waste Recycling and Re-Use management sector in Europe creating the link between the production phase and the waste phase of a product and increasing the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as well as the quality and potential of employability and mobility. EWASTER Consortium, supported by the Directives2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2012/19/EE on WEEE, will actively collaborate for three years to: COORDINATOR: • Identify the current qualification routes and the occupational profiles across Europe that are relevant to the field of E-Waste Recycling and Re-Use management, exchanging experience, practice and strategies to raise awareness among the actors on the potential of reuse to generate employment and revenue. • Develop a new professional qualification using EU criteria (ECVET-EQAVET) designing skills, knowledge and competencies for E-Waste Recycling and ReUse management professionals to test through innovative VET experience (classroom; open management school; virtual mobility) and work based learning activities (Labs-shadowing). • Provide a Handbook for the final transparent recognition and validation process for the assessment of learning outcomes developed during the Pilot experiences facilitating labour mobility, mutual trust and increased recognition of qualifications at European level within the sector concerned. • Create a new Project Open Web-Area to share information, practice, research, tools and expertise across the sector during and after the Project lifetime. • Provide a VET package of tools and instrument to encouraging and reinforce the VET learners and workers mobility across Europe through the transferability of skills and competencies. • Establish a new E-Waste Recycling and Re-Use management business area in Europe encouraging the conversion from informal to formal business. E.RI.FO.- Ente di Ricerca e Formazione Circonvallazione Nomentana 402 Roma 00162, IT Phone: 00390686325125 8 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Giovanna D'Alessandro CONTRACTOR: E.RI.FO.- Ente di Ricerca e Formazione Circonvallazione Nomentana 402 Roma 00162, IT Phone : 00390686325125 Email : Internet site address: PARTNERS: Cyprus Productivity Centre (CY) Edex - Educational Excellence Corporation Limited CY) Kypriako Emporiko Kai Viomichaniko Epimelitirio (CY) Provincia di Salerno (IT) Provincia di Siena (IT) Agenzia Provinciale per L'energia, L'ambiente e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile srl (IT) Instytut Badan Edukacyjnych (PL) Instytut ochrony srodowiska - panstwowy instytut badawczy (PL) Fundacja Instytut Badan nad Demokracja i Przedsiebiorstwem Prywatnym (PL) The Waste Management Industry Training and Advisory Board (UK) University of Central Lancashire (UK) London Community Resource Network (UK) MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 560,525 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 9 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554370-EPP-1-2014-1-SI-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: Skills in metal and electro industry DESCRIPTION: Never ending progress and development of manufacturing procedures demand continuous and up-to-date training which needs to be a response to industry's needs and has to enable the mobility of trainees and workers. Challenges of skill gaps, raising employment and employability rate, quality and efficiency of education and training and improving synergy between the worlds of education and work as presented in Europe 2020 strategy, Education & training 2020 framework and Agenda for new skills and jobs need a collective effort of all EU nations if we want an economy that will be able to compete on global market and provide its workers with decent jobs. The project will produce an overview of advanced manufacturing skill gaps in electro and metal industry in project countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia), respond to these findings by creating 4 comparable/transferable/unified curricula (learning units based on learning outcomes and learning materials) for 4 selected skill gaps, thoroughly test the curricula in pilot trainings and start the formal accreditation process for curricula's recognition in project countries VET systems. The created curricula will be created in-line with ECVET concept and assessed with EQAVET indicators to assure their quality and adoptability across EU. These results will be communicated and disseminated to wider range of stakeholders (VET providers, companies in and outside electro and metal industry and public) in and out project countries to assure visibility and adoptability of project results. The project will make an impact on VET providers of initial and continuous training who will enhance their trainings/classes portfolio, on school trainees and workers who will receive updated knowledge for skills which are missing in electro and metal industry, on companies who will have more skilled workforce and on the rest of industry and public who will recognize the added value of such cooperation in curricula design and delivery. COORDINATOR: Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Dimiceva 13 Ljubljana, 1504, SI Phone: +38615898 307 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Janja Petkovšek CONTRACTOR: Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Dimiceva 13 Ljubljana, 1504, SI 10 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Phone: + 38615898413 Email: Internet site address: PARTNERS: Agencija za Strukovno Obrazovanje i Obrazovanje Odraslih (HR) Croatian Employers' Association (HR) Strojarska Tehnicka Skola Fausta Vrancica (HR) Masinbuves un Metalapstrades Rupniecibas Asociacija (LV) Valsts Izglitibas Satura Centrs (LV) Profesionalas Izglitibas Kompetences Centrs "Rigas Tehniska Koledza" (LV) Center Republike Slovenije za poklicno izobrazevanje (SI) Solski center Celje (SI) Statny institut odborneho vzdelavania (SK) Stredna odborna skola, Stara Tura (SK) Zvaz elektrotechnickeho priemyslu Slovenskej eepubliky (SK) MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 554,258 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 11 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554465-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: Sector Skills Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector DESCRIPTION: The Sector Skill Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector represents the one-stop-shop providing state of the art solutions to competencies and skills needs faced by the automotive, aerospace and train industries. The Sector Skills Alliance is promoted by a network of leading organizations, including Jaguar Land Rover and SAS, Scandinavian Airlines Systems, in cooperation with research centres and accreditation and regulatory bodies. These key players cooperate with educational providers to detect skills needs and jointly design educational programmes in line with current and emerging technologies. The Observatory on Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector focus its research activities and yearly outlook on labour market intelligence and on the requirements for educational programmes around three key domains or problem areas: energy performance of production processes and of end products; advanced processes, robotics and use of advanced combined materials; infotechment and the use of ICT and wireless technologies. Each challenge is assigned to a Thematic Commission, conceived as working group, which is responsible to build a knowledgebase on sector trends and innovations and on requirements in terms of educational programmes and qualifications. The educational programmes promoted by the SSA are primarily aimed at youngsters involved in tertiary VET qualifications, workers involved in short-cycle qualifications directed to re-skilling or up-skilling programmes and trainers wishing to access state of the art educational materials on Advanced Manufacturing for the Transport Sector. The SSA adopts an open approach allowing external stakeholders to join the Open Network of Associated Partners in the perspective of sharing information and knowhow, creating synergies and cooperation initiatives and promoting the raise of quality of educational programmes and qualifications in the field of Advanced Manufacturing in the Transport Sector. COORDINATOR: Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Associazione Via Puccini 80 Pistoia 51100, IT Phone: +39057350444 Fax: +390573079360 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: Stefano Tirati CONTRACTOR: Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo Associazione Via Puccini 80 12 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances Pistoia 51100, IT Phone: +39057350444 Fax: +390573079360 Email: Internet site address: PARTNERS: Centro Ricerche Fiat scpa (IT) Associazione Tecnica dell'automobile Consulting & Solutions srl (IT) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT) Cepas Organismo di Certificazione delle Professionalita e della Formazione (IT) Birmingham Metropolitan College (UK) Jaguar land rover limited (UK) Excellence, Achievement & Learning ltd (UK) Teknisk Erhvervsskole Center (DK) Scandinavian Airlines System Sas Consortium (DK) Industrens Uddannelser (DK) MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 993,844 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 13 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances REFERENCE: 554486-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA TITLE: Sector Skills Alliance to set European standards for qualifications and skills in the e-commerce sector DESCRIPTION: ALL-ECOM seeks to address the challenge of skills and competencies imbalance within the commerce sector by improving commerce human resources’ qualifications in e-commerce through the integration of new technologies in the strategy of both retail and wholesale commerce and ensure harmonization at national and European level of standards of qualifications and skills in the ecommerce sector. The project will design and implement an integrated programme involving a multi-stakeholder’s partnership that will: undertake an analysis of the skill gap in the sector; analyse the training offer and detect existing innovative learning methodologies; elaborate and validate a common map of qualifications; develop open educational resources containing new training curricula and an online recognition tool to certify qualifications and labour experience in the sector; test with the target group the new learning outcomes; seek coordination with NQF and EQF, by sharing experience and good practices achieved through the project’s implementation and outputs development, involving key regional, national and European stakeholder in the commerce sector. COORDINATOR: Federación de Trabajadores Independientes de Comercio C/ Orense, 8 oficinas Madrid 28020, ES Phone : 0034609649383 Email: Internet site address: CONTACT: César Cabezas Díaz CONTRACTOR: Federación de Trabajadores Independientes de Comercio C/ Orense, 8 oficinas Madrid 28020, ES Phone: 0034609649383 Email: Internet site address: PARTNERS: Nowa Training Beratung Projektmanagement (AT) Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, Druck, Journalismus, Papier (AT) Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark (AT) Instituto de Formacion Integral sl (ES) Servicio de Empleo de Catalunya (ES) Kch Services bv (NL) Stg Gilde Opleidingen (NL) (NL) Agencia Nacional para a Qualificacao e o Ensino Profissional (PT) Centro de Formacao Profissional para o Comercio e Afins (PT) Confederacao do Comercio e Servicos de Portugal (PT) 14 ERASMUS+ KA2: Sector Skills Alliances MAXIMUM EU GRANT: 805,327 € CONTRACT DURATION: 36 months 15 eacea-a5-e+-ssa-10/2014/EN Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+: Erasmus+: Vocational Training Adult Education, Platforms Visit us: Rue Colonel Bourg, 115 1140 Brussels Belgium Write to us: Avenue du Bourget, 1 (BOU2 02/145) 1049 Brussels Belgium Fax: +32 2 292 1327 Website: e-mail: