6th December 2011 - Dursley Town Council

6th December, 2011
MINUTES of the PROCEEDINGS at the MEETING of the COUNCIL held in
the Community Room, the Fire Station, Kingshill Road, Dursley at 7.10 pm on
Tuesday, 6th December, 2011.
Action Summary:
 8663.2 Additional Grit Bins
 8665.2 Community Association grills
8665.3 SmartWater Contrib.
8671 Annual Town Mtg
Cllr J Ball, Town Mayor
Cllr C Nelmes, Deputy Mayor
Councillors D Evans, T Frankau, V Harding, M Laybourne, B Marsh, M
Nicholson, M Ortmans, L Patrick, W Thompson.
Also present: County Councillors D Andrewartha and B Tipper, District
Councillor G Wheeler and Council officer Mrs S Ginn, Acting Town Clerk.
Apologies for absence were accepted from Councillors S Creswick (SDC
meetings), F Firth (personal) and A Stennett (personal).
It was noted from the agenda, that where they are appointed as Council
representatives, Councillors do not need to declare a personal interest in
items concerning those outside bodies.
The Mayor declared a personal and pecuniary interest in agenda item
10.2 (Minute 8665.2 below) and withdrew during consideration thereof.
County Councillors’ Reports
Councillor Tipper’s report covered the Community Safety Overview &
Scrutiny Committee trading standards enquiry; concern about the vulnerability
of some members of the community; the opening of the Vale Community
Hospital and the need for additional car parking at Cam & Dursley Station.
Councillor Andrewartha’s report covered the meeting planned between
Rednock School pupils and Gloucestershire Highways; the Fire & Rescue
Service consultation on risk-related changes in service; Council budget cuts
6th December, 2011
which have saved £30m this year; the Budget & Performance Overview &
Scrutiny Committee report to Cabinet on areas of concern.
Councillor Andrewartha confirmed that monies held by Local Authorities
in Icelandic banks and feared lost, will be returned within six months and that
a condition of the planning consent for the new Vale Community Hospital was
the provision of a bus service which has not yet materialised.
District Councillors’ Reports
Councillor Wheeler provided an update on the plans to distribute 3,200
new homes across the district between now and 2026, the housing numbers,
employment targets and areas for development; the County Council will be
asked in these times of recession to look at alternative methods of waste
disposal to that proposed at Junction 12 and Councillor Wheeler reported on
the findings of the car parking review.
Councillor Marsh outlined details of the government scheme which will
enable the District Council to buy back its own council housing stock. The
scheme comes into effect in April 2012 and a housing revenue account will
be set up and ring-fenced. Extra staff will be employed.
Councillors Andrewartha and Tipper withdrew from the meeting.
No representations were received from the public.
The Minutes of the Meetings of the Council held on 1st and 15th
November 2011 were signed by the Mayor as a correct record of the
proceedings at those meetings.
8661.1 Council’s Accounts 2011/12
(i) IT WAS RESOLVED that the schedule of orders for payment
(Appendix A) made since the last meeting, prepared by the interim
Responsible Financial Officer and circulated to members, be authorised and
signed by the Mayor.
(ii) It was noted that a list of receipts received since the last Council
meeting was unavailable.
6th December, 2011
8662.1 Report of the Chairman of the Green Spaces Committee
In the absence of the Committee Chairman, the Vice-Chairman had no
matters to report.
8663.1 Report of the Chairman of the Town Improvements and Amenities
In the absence of the Chairman the Acting Town Clerk presented the
Chairman’s written report which covered the Christmas Switch on event held
on 25th November.
8663.2 Additional Grit Bins
Arising from paragraph 8644.3 of the Minutes of the Meeting of the
Council held on 1st November, 2011 and a request to Gloucestershire
Highways to supply additional grit bins, a response had been received from C
Riley, Stakeholder Manager, Gloucestershire Highways and circulated to
Since the issue of the agenda a further email had been received
confirming that Gloucestershire Highways will assess 3-5 additional priority
grit bin locations and if suitable and once purchased by the Town Council will
allow them to be placed on the highway to be filled by Gloucestershire
After due discussion Councillor Nelmes moved, Councillor Thompson
seconded and IT WAS RESOLVED to request the following three additional
grit bin locations for consideration and to seek prices for their subsequent
purchase: Yellow Hundred/Ferney; Brownings Lane and Henlow Drive.
8664.1 Report of the Chairman of the Planning Committee
The Chairman had no matters to report.
8664.2 To receive the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on
1st and 15th November, 2011
The Chairman moved, Councillor Ortmans seconded and IT WAS
RESOLVED to adopt the above-mentioned Minutes.
6th December, 2011
8665.1 Report by the Chairman of the Policy and Finance Committee
The Committee Chairman had no matters to report.
8665.2 Dursley & District Community Association
At this point the Mayor withdrew from the meeting.
A letter dated 19th November 2011 had been received from the
Chairman of the Dursley & District Community Association, requesting
Council as Trustee of the Association to meet the cost of installing grills over
the windows to deter continued vandalism. Copies of the aforementioned
letter had been circulated to members.
Discussion ensued on whether the installation of grills would be the most
effective method of preventing further vandalism; it was suggested that for
approximately £300 a small CCTV system could be purchased which might
assist in identifying perpetrators and deter vandalism.
After further discussion, Councillor Frankau moved, Councillor Nicholson
seconded and IT WAS RESOLVED subject to quotes received, to meet the
cost of installing grills on the windows of the Community Centre and to
suggest that the installation of a small CCTV system also be investigated.
Councillor Harding agreed to take the matter to the forthcoming Safer,
Stronger Community Partnership meeting as small ‘mobile’ CCTV systems
are available through the police.
The Mayor rejoined the meeting.
8665.3 ‘SmartWater’ Property Coding
An email had been received from Dursley’s Police Community Support
Officer, requesting financial assistance towards the supply of the above
product for vulnerable households within the Dursley community. Details of
the product had been circulated to members and it was noted that the cost
per household is £15.
After due consideration, the Committee Chairman moved, Councillor
Evans seconded and IT WAS RESOLVED to contribute £150 to meet the
cost of providing SmartWater for 10 households and to purchase the product
for coding Council’s office equipment and machinery. It was suggested that
Council could act as an advertising mechanism for the scheme.
8665.4 Retirement of the Headteacher, Dursley C of E Primary School
6th December, 2011
It was brought to Council’s attention that the Headteacher of Dursley C
of E Primary School retires shortly and IT WAS AGREED to wish him well in
his retirement and to thank him for his contribution towards the education of
Dursley’s children during his seventeen years as Headteacher at the school.
8665.5 Councillors’ Reports
It was noted that upon receipt from the relevant organisations, agendas,
minutes of meetings and general information are distributed electronically to
Councillors and hard copies are available from the office. The following
additional reports were received from Council’s representatives:
- Sports Network Partnership, 8th November – In the absence of
Councillor Stennett no report was received.
- Road Safety Liaison Group, 15th November – Councillor Frankau had
been unable to attend the meeting and consequently had no report.
- Dursley United Charity, 24th November – the Mayor reported that 62
benefactions of £100 have been distributed upon the recommendation of
local organisations.
- Gloucestershire County Council Pre-budget Consultation, 24th
November – Councillor Nelmes reported that the meeting held at Rednock
School covered the Stroud District. The presentation centred around the
County Council’s adult care budget and there was some interesting debate,
despite poor attendance at the meeting.
- Christmas Switch-on, 25th November - This event had been covered
under paragraph 8663.1 above.
- Stakeholder viewing of The Vale Hospital, 25th November – in the
absence of Councillor Stennett, Councillor Laybourne advised that she had
toured the new hospital and had been very impressed by the facilities
- Youth Partnership meeting, 1st December – Councillor Nelmes
reported that the Partnership is making good progress and is on the verge of
submitting a funding application to Stroud District Council; a bank account
has been set up and the Constitution agreed. The specification and costings
for the youth worker are being looked at. The next meeting will be on 22 nd
December and another meeting will be held in January.
- Community Safety – Councillor Harding, Council’s Police
representative reported that anti-social behaviour in the alleyway adjacent to
Boots remains unresolved and will be raised at a forthcoming policing
6th December, 2011
8665.6 The Localism Act
It was noted that The Localism Act received Royal Assent on 15 th
November 2011. Details of the key measures which will affect local councils
had been circulated to members.
8665.7 Temporary Youth Sessions at the Community Centre
In the absence of information available to discuss this item, the matter
was deferred to a later Council meeting.
8666.1 Report by the Chairman of the Staff Committee
The Committee Chairman had no matters to report under this agenda
8666.2 To receive the Minutes of the Staff Committee Meeting held on
29th November 2011
The Committee Chairman moved, Councillor Evans seconded and IT
WAS RESOLVED to adopt the above-mentioned Minutes.
8666.3 Recruitment for a Replacement Town Clerk/RFO
The Committee Chairman reported that the Staff Committee is looking at
the recruitment of a new Town Clerk/RFO. The position had been advertised
and 19 applications for the position had been received; six candidates were
shortlisted and interviews were currently being held and references would be
sought. The conditions of employment for the new Town Clerk are also being
8666.4 Outsourcing of Council’s Staff Payroll
It had been anticipated that outsourcing the staff payroll would
commence in December; however Council was advised that the system is not
fully in place to be able to do so. Councillor Nelmes advised that outsourcing
the payroll is cost-effective, ensures the staff are paid and will leave the Town
Clerk with more time to concentrate on important project work.
Proposed parking restrictions, Lister Road
Further to the 1st November Council meeting, regarding the proposal to
introduce double yellow lines in Lister Road/Phelps Mill Close and Victoria
Close, response had been received from the District and County Council’s
6th December, 2011
advising that the road has not yet been adopted, but no such proposals are
being considered.
8668.1 Clerk’s Report
The Acting Town Clerk reported that: (i) the green bollard had been
reinstated in the Market Place; (ii) the BT telephone kiosk which had been
vandalised three times in the past year had been repaired and will be
repainted in 2012 – Council has again been offered the opportunity to
purchase the kiosk for £1; (iii) the new equipment for the groundstaff had
been received and (iv) the back-up capacity for the office computers had
been increased at minimal additional cost.
The following items were noted:
(a) The drafted joint winter action plan between Dursley Town Council
and Gloucestershire Highways has been amended to include the areas
agreed at the 1st November Council meeting
(b) Work at the Pike House, Kingshill Road has started and an access
key to the Recreation Ground has been provided.
(c) Letters of thanks for donation received from (i) Churches Together;
(ii) The Open Door Club; (iii) Kingshill House Limited.
(d) Copies of the Public Path Extinguishment and Definitive Map and
Statement Modification Order 2011 and Notice of the Order in respect of
public footpath CDU10.
(e) Training Opportunities for Councillors as listed on the agenda.
Councillors agreed to represent Council at the following meetings:
(a) Charter Group, 7 pm, 8th December, Fire Station Eastern Avenue
(Councillor Nelmes).
(b) GL11 Stakeholders’ Group, 5 pm, Community Centre, 12th
December (the Mayor/Deputy Mayor).
(c) GL11 Project AGM, 14th December, 6 pm, Glebe House, Cam –
Councillor Nelmes would attend in lieu of the Mayor.
(d) The Twinberrow Foundation, AGM and scheduled meeting, 3 rd
January 2012.
(e) Local Government Pension Scheme Forum, 25th January 2012,
Shire Hall, 10 am.
6th December, 2011
(f) Cam, Dursley & Uley Joint Woodland Management Committee, 30th
January, 7 pm, Cam Memorial Hall (Councillors Marsh and Harding).
Councillor Harding advised that Friends at Christmas provide
Christmas lunches on Christmas Day and Boxing Day for those living on their
own. Transport is provided.
Arising from the 1st November Council meeting, it was noted that
Rednock School has offered the free use of its facilities for the 2012 meeting.
After due discussion, IT WAS AGREED that in order to be able to
report back to the meeting on the full year’s finances, the 2012 Assembly of
the Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th April.
After due consideration IT WAS AGREED to invite Ms Trudi Piggott,
Team Manager of the Vale Community Hospital as Guest Speaker.
Town Mayor