WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL INFORMATION PACK FOR STUDENT NURSES AUTHOR OF STUDENT INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 Wendy Norrie SSN Ward 10/HDU CONTRIBUTORS: Linda Dodds Gillian Hirst Donna Byrne Pam Hodge Marie Williamson CN Ward 10/HDU SSN Ward 10/HDU CN Ward 10/HDU SN Ward 10/HDU SSN Ward 10/HDU CRITICAL REVIEWERS: Sandra Larkin John Hammerton Brian Gordon Senior Nurse Ward10/HDU, Ninewells Hospital Practice Education Facilitator, Ninewells Hospital Personal & Professional Development Advisor, University of Dundee, School of Nursing and Midwifery DEVELOPED SEPTEMBER 2006 REVIEW DATE JULY 2010 RESPONSIBLE PERSONS: SCN/STUDENT NURSE EDUCATION GROUP WARD 10 2 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 9 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL This pack has been designed to provide information regarding your placement in ward10. CONTENTS PAGE: 1. INTRODUCTION TO WARD 10 AND YOUR FIRST DAY PAGE: 4 2. LEARNING CONTRACT PAGE: 5 3. OFF DUTY PAGE: 6 4. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OPPORTUNITIES PAGE: 7 5. REASONS FOR ADMISSION TO WARD 10, ADMISSION ROUTES PAGE: 8 AND COMMON INVESTIGATIONS 6. ORIGINS OF ABDOMINAL PAIN PAGE: 9 7. ACUTE SURGICAL ADMISSIONS PAGE: 10 8. USEFUL TEXTS/JOURNAL ARTICLES PAGE: 11 3 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 9 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL WELCOME TO WARD 10 Ward 10 is a 24 bedded surgical emergency receiving area. Referrals are received from Accident and Emergency, wards within and out with the hospital and General Practitioners. A ten bedded High Dependency Unit is part of Ward 10 and an observational visit can be arranged through your mentor. The workload is very unpredictable with an average of 12-15 patients admitted every day. Each trained nurse is allocated a caseload of patients for the shift and there is also a shift coordinator. There is an am and pm ward round and medical staff based on the ward review new admissions. An early shifts start at 07:30 until 15:30 and a late shift commences at 13:00 through until 21:00 hours. On your first day please report to the nursing station. On arrival to the ward you will be introduced to one of your mentors and you will receive an orientation pack. Your mentor will be responsible for your assessment, co-ordination of learning and personal support. A safety briefing is given to all the nursing team followed by an individual handover on your patient caseload. The shift co-ordinator will orientate you to the area and introduce you to members of the nursing team. We aim for you to work with your mentors (usually 2) as much as possible, if neither are on shift you will be allocated another member of the nursing team to ‘buddy up’ with. 4 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL LEARNING CONTRACT A learning contract will be developed between yourself and your mentor. This is an agreement which will help to identify your learning needs and how to get the most out of your placement (Welsh and Maslin-Prothero 2005). A learning contract is flexible, individualised and will be regularly evaluated. It will take into consideration variables including your experience and the length of your placement (Lowry 1997). A learning contract is printed in the orientation pack you will receive on your first day on the ward. Think about what experience you have and what can you build on: What have I done before? What do I know now? What do I want to learn? How will I do this? What help/resources do I need? How do I assess my learning? (Learn Direct 2006, Nursing Times Learning Curve 1999) You and your mentor will identify objectives, plan how they are to be achieved, identify what resources can be utilised and how to show evidence of learning (Welsh and Maslin-Prothero 2005). REFERENCES: Learn Direct (2006) Learning Contract http://www.learningthroughwork.org/ Lowry M (1997) Using Learning Contracts in Clinical Practice Professional Nurse Vol.12 No.4 pp280283 Nursing Times Learning Curve (1999) Using a Learning Contract Nursing Times Vol.3 No.7 pp12-15 Welsh I and Maslin-Prothero S (2005) Learning Skills and Learning Styles in Maslin-Prothero S (Ed) Study Skills for Nurses and Midwives (3rd edition) London Bailliére Tindall 5 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL OFF DUTY The following guidelines will help you with your off-duty. If you have any queries or problems with your off duty please let your mentor know as soon as possible. Dundee University Guidelines (May 2006): GUIDELINES FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR 2 LATE SHIFTS/WEEK 2 WEEKENDS FOR SHORT PLACEMENT (5-6 WKS) 4 WEEKENDS FOR LONG PLACEMENT (10-12 WKS) THIRD YEAR ON SHIFT 2 OUT 4 WEEKENDS REQUESTS CAN BE MADE 6 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OPPORTUNITIES The following are examples of learning objectives which can be worked towards on ward 10 You will have the opportunity to have time with your mentor to discuss what your learning objectives are and how you can meet them. Throughout your placement you can aim to become more independent in working towards meeting your objectives with continued support and appropriate supervision from your mentor and the nursing team. 1. Participate and become familiarised with the admission procedure, transfers and discharges. 2. Contribute to the nursing assessment of patients and take supervised participation in their care management. 3. Undertake supervised practice of clinical skills: catheterisation drain management drug administration fluid balance intravenous infusions nasogastric tube management oxygen therapy patient observation SEWS (Scottish Early Warning System) stoma Care 4. Increase knowledge and nursing skills in pain assessment and management. 5. Develop nursing skills and knowledge on the pre and post-operative patient. Nursing staff on ward 10 work closely with other patient services including: Acute pain team Palliative care team Diabetic specialist nurses Pharmacists Dietician Physiotherapists District nursing services Stoma nurse specialists You will have the opportunity to meet with these teams to understand and appreciate the holistic approach to nursing care within the ward. There will be opportunities to visit Endoscopy, HDU, Radiology and Theatres which can be arranged through your mentor. 7 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL ADMISSION TO WARD 10 AND COMMON INVESTIGATIONS Patients are admitted to ward 10 with problems requiring surgical investigation and intervention. Common conditions are listed in Table 1. Patients are referred through GPs, Accident and Emergency, wards within Ninewells and from neighbouring Hospitals e.g. Queen Margaret’s Hospital in Fife. Table 1: Common admitting conditions CONDITIONS ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM ABSCESSES ACUTE ABDOMINAL PAIN APPENDICITIS CHEST TRAUMA CROHNS DISEASE CONSTIPATION DIVERTICULAR DISEASE DYSPHAGIA ISCHAEMIC BOWEL JAUNDICE LARGE/SMALL BOWEL OBSTRUCTION LARGE/SMALL BOWEL PERFORATION PANCREATITIS RECTAL BLEEDING/ MALAENA ULCERATIVE COLITIS ULCERS (OESOPHAGEAL/GASTRIC) VASCULAR EMERGENCIES Patients will undergo investigations from ward 10 and there will be opportunities to observe these procedures. This can be arranged through your mentor. Common investigations are listed in Table 2. Table 2: Common Investigations INVESTIGATIONS ABDOMINAL ULTRA SOUND SCAN ABDOMINAL/CHEST X-RAY ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES BARIUM ENEMA BARIUM SWALLOW ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY (ERCP) FLEXI SIGMOIDOSCOPY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT SCAN) LAPAROSCOPY LAPAROTOMY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI SCAN) UPPER GI ENDOSCOPY THEATRE 8 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL ORIGINS OF ABDOMINAL PAIN Knowledge of the origins of abdominal pain enables medical and nursing staff to determine the appropriate investigations, treatment plan and nursing care. Explanation and rationale for their care can be given to patients and their families. Epigastric RUQ Central abdo RIF LUQ LIF 1. Epigastric: Including oesophagitis, peptic disease, pancreatitis. 2. Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ): Including bilary colic, cholecystitis, hepatic origin, renal origin. 3. Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ): Including splenic origin, renal origin, pancreatitis. 4. Left Iliac Fossa (LIF): Including diverticulitis, gynae origin, urinary tract infection. 5. Right Iliac Fossa (RIF): Including appendicitis, crohn's disease, gynae origin. 6. Central Abdominal Pain: Including aortic aneurysm, obstruction, mesenteric ischaemia. Adapted from: Fox C, Lombard M and Lam E (Eds) (2004) Gasteroenterology (2nd Edition) London Mosby 9 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL ACUTE SURGICAL ADMISSION When a patient is admitted to ward 10 there are many considerations when prioritising their initial care. You will have the opportunity to work with your mentor admitting patients to the ward and the following diagram illustrates the many aspects of care to take into account. OBSERVATIONS BP/P/HR/ T/SPO2/BM/ URINALYSIS ANALGESIA ANTI-EMETIC O2 THERAPY NBM IV FLUIDS ELECTROLYTE ACUTE SURGICAL ADMISSION CORRECTION COMMUNICATION: PATIENT FAMILY CO-MORBIDITY E.G: DIABETES COPD CCF 10 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL DOCUMENTATION: PATIENT DETAILS NEXT OF KIN PLAN OF TREATMENT MEDICAL CLERK IN BLOODS/ABGS X-RAYS URGENT SCANS USEFUL TEXTS/JOURNAL ARTICLES Burch J (2005) Pre and Postoperative nursing care for patients with a stoma. British Journal of Nursing. 14, 6, 310-318 Elliot D (2002) The treatment of peptic ulcers. Nursing Standard. 16, 22, 37-42 Sergeant S (2006). Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis. Gastrointestinal Nursing 15, 18, 999-1005 Field J and Bjarnason K (2002). Feeding patients after abdominal surgery. Nursing standard. 16, 48, 41-44 Fox C, Lombard M and Lam E (Eds) (2004) Gasteroenterology (2nd Edition) London Mosby Long B, Phipps W and Cassmeyer V (Eds) (1995) Adult Nursing A Nursing Process Approach. London Mosby Hall A (2007). Diagnosis and current management of Crohn’s disease. Gastrointestinal Nurse 5, 2, 11-20 NHS Education for Scotland, The Development of Quality Standards for Practice Placements Edinburgh NHS Scotland (www.nes.scot.nhs.uk) Oshodi T (2004) Clinical Skills: an evidence-based approach to Pre-operative fasting. British Journal of Nursing. 13, 16,33-37 PATIENT SAFETY. HTTP://WWW.PATIENTSAFETYALLIANCE.SCOT.NHS.UK/ GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTS. http://www.nmc-uk.org/Students/ 11 STUDENT NURSE INFORMATION PACK WARD 10 NINEWELLS HOSPITAL