1st Grade Science - Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

The primary focus of science in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is to develop
the ability in each student to conduct scientific inquiry while acknowledging that God is present
in all we think, do, and say. He is the creator of all things.
As a result of the activities in grades K-2, all students will experience science as full
inquiry. In the elementary grades, students begin to develop the physical and intellectual
abilities of scientific inquiry with Catholic infusion.
As a result of the activities in grades K-2, all students will explore the world by observing
and manipulating common objects and materials in their environment.
First Grade Physical Science
The student will:
1. Recognize that God is present in all forms in their life.
2. Explore the properties of matter. (inquiry)
a. Recognize that all things are made up of matter.
b. Observe that matter takes up space and has mass.
3. Define the properties of matter. (knowledge)
a. ▲Identify the tools used to measure liquids and solids.
b. ▲Define solid, liquid, and gas.
c. Conclude that water takes shape of the container that it is in.
4. Apply understanding of the properties of matter to common objects. (application)
a. Choose classroom items and give clues for others to guess the object. Use clue words that
describe the properties of matter.
Key content vocabulary: matter, properties, mass, solid, ruler, balance, liquid, measuring cup,
Force and Motion
The student will:
1. Recognize that there are forces that act upon them to make Christ-like decisions.
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment
2. Explore through investigation different ways things move. (inquiry)
a. Observe ways objects can be moved.
3. Recognize that a force can change an object’s movement. (knowledge)
a. Name and use position words to describe the position of an object.
b. Identify different ways thing scan move.
c. Measure the movement of an object by use of ruler.
4. Apply understanding of how a force can change an object’s movement. (application)
a. Use marbles to demonstrate how force can start/stop motion to change it’s direction.
b. ▲Present skits showing different ways objects move, stop, and change direction of
Key content vocabulary: push, pull, force, position, up and down, side to side, in a circle, back
and forth, clockwise, counter clockwise
The student will:
1. Recognize the attraction of God’s love.
2. Explore the kinds of things that will move towards a magnet. (inquiry)
a. Investigate objects that a magnet attracts.
3. Recognize that magnets attract objects that have iron in them. (knowledge)
a. Identify the parts of a magnet.
b. ▲Describe what happens when poles of a magnet are placed together.
c. ▲Compare and contrast the properties of objects that are attracted to
d. Identify objects a magnet can pull through.
4. Apply magnet attraction to everyday items. (application)
a. Name ways people use magnets.
b. Using magnets, paper clips, and a stack of paper, find how many sheets
of paper it takes to block the force of a magnet.
Key content vocabulary: attract, poles, repel, glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, water
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First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment
As a result of the activities in grades K-2, all students will begin to develop an
understanding of biological concepts. (Read Genesis 2: 7-20, the story of creation).
First Grade Life Science
Animal Characteristics
The student will:
1. Recognize that God created everything.
2. Identify with St. Francis and his love for animals.
3. Explore differences in animals through classifying. (inquiry)
a. Sort animals into like groups based on observable characteristics.
b. Classify animals in a different way and label their new groups.
4. ▲ Identify the characteristics of birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. (knowledge)
a. Recognize that the difference between reptiles and amphibians is their mode of
b. Conclude that mammals have hair or fur.
Identify their mode of reproduction as internal fertilization and a live birth.
Recognize that birds breathe with lungs.
Identify that fish breathe with gills.
Identify that reptiles have scales and amphibians have damp skin.
Recognize that insects have three body parts.
5. ▲ Use knowledge of animal characteristics to compare growth changes between young
animals and adult animals. (application)
a. Choose an animal and draw pictures of animals at different life stages. (Religion Infusion:
St. Francis Assisi.)
b. Share pictures and orally tell the story of animal’s life from birth to adult.
Key content vocabulary: shelter, mammals, lungs, gills, amphibians, reptiles, insects, hatch,
Plant Characteristics
The student will:
1. Recognize God’s creation in plants.
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First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment
2. ▲ Investigate the characteristics of plants. (inquiry)
Compare and contrast the differences in plants.
b. Observe what happens when plants do not get water.
3. ▲ Identify the parts of a plant. (knowledge)
Identify the common parts of most seeds.
Explain the structure and function of roots.
Describe the structure and function of stems and leaves.
Compare and contrast the functions of seeds and fruits.
Predict the need for water in seed germination.
4. ▲ Apply understanding of plants to show how they grow and change. (application)
a. Plant seeds in a terrarium, record the changes, and present the results to
the class.
Key content vocabulary: roots, stem, trunk, leaves, seed, flower, fruit, germination
As a result of the activities in grades K-2, all students will observe the objects and
materials in their environment. (Read Genesis 1: 28; We have the vocation of “subduing” the
Earth as stewards of God. “We should not be a destructive domain. We were made in the image
of the creator “who loves everything that exists.”)
First Grade Earth Science
Natural Resources
The student will:
1. Recognize the importance of taking care of God’s earth.
2. Investigate materials used that come from living and nonliving things. (inquiry)
a. Classify classroom objects as either plants or animals.
3. Identify ways that living and nonliving things are important natural resources. (knowledge)
a. ▲Define a natural resource.
b. ▲Identify how people use rocks and minerals.
c. Identify the components of soil.
d. Compare and contrast different soils.
e. Infer that air can move things.
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First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment
f. Predict how rain water travels.
g. Identify places where water is found on earth. (Religion Infusion: Great Flood.)
4. Apply understandings of natural resources to everyday activities. (application)
a. ▲Collect natural resources, identify in a collage, and explain how they are used.
Key content vocabulary: rock, minerals, natural resource, soil, oxygen
The student will:
1. Understands that God provides natural ways to renew the land. (Great Flood)
2. Explore changes in weather. (inquiry)
a. ▲Observe and chart daily weather changes.
3. ▲Identify changes in weather that are harmful to living things. (knowledge)
a. Observe that wind moves things.
b. Identify the causes of rain and snow.
c. Identify the tools used to measure weather.
d. ▲Compare and contrast weather changes.
4. Apply understandings of changes in weather. (application)
a. Create a storm picture that shows damage to living things, and write a report to accompany
the picture. Present report to class as a live TV report.
Key content vocabulary: weather, wind, clouds, spring, summer, fall, winter, meteorology,
anemometer, thermometer, windsock, rain gauge
As a result of the activities in grades K-2, all students will have a variety of educational
experiences that involve science and technology.
As a result of the activities for grades K-2, all students will have a variety of experiences
that provide understandings for various science-related personal and environmental challenges.
(Religion Infusion: How can we protect all of God’s creations?)
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment
As a result of the activities for grades K-2, all students will experience scientific inquiry
and learn about people from history.
Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
First Grade Science Curriculum
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▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment