Lab Activity Limestone Forest Transect Physical and chemical factors or variables can vary spatially as well as temporally in a particular habitat. Often, these abiotic factors can form an environmental gradient, in which a set of environmental variables changes predictably along a linear axis. The concentration of salt, for example, in a river decreases from the rivermouth as you head upstream. Similarly, relative humidity often decreases with altitude as you climb a mountain. In marine systems, the component wavelengths of visible light get filtered out as you dive deeper in the water column along the reef. A dynamic pattern of species abundance and dominance along an environmental gradient is called zonation. Such patterns arise because species typically differ from each other according to their physiological requirements (or, alternately, tolerances) for certain levels of a factor, such as an essential nutrient. The growth and abundance of a species will depend on the levels of that factor along the gradient. As the levels of that factor change, the species composition may change. Take, for example, how the intertidal algal community in Pago Bay changes as wave energy decreases: Relative Abundance of Macroalgae in Pago Bay Reef Flat September, 2008 14 Number of Points 12 10 Outer Reef Flat Mid-Reef Flat 8 Green Brown 6 Red 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance from Outer Reef Flat Toward Shoreline (m) Figure 1. Abundance of three major divisions of macroalgae on Pago Bay reef flat. A modified belt transect was used to estimate algal cover by counting the number of hits of each particular group within a 16-point quadrat. Algae were sampled at 5 m intervals. As you can see from the graph, red algae dominate the outer reef flat while green and brown algae are much more prevalent towards the shore and away from the high wave energy zone. The identification of environmental gradients and the zones that develop along that gradient is a common ecological question that can shed light into patterns of resource use among species. Such information is also important for resource managers who often must determine the consequences of altering some environmental regime (e.g., streamflow, canopy cover, etc.). Once a gradient is identified (e.g., salinity, windspeed, pH, light intensity, etc.) then the next step is to characterize the community along that gradient. A variety of sampling methods can be used to estimate the relative abundance and distribution of organisms along a gradient. For sessile (i.e., attached) organisms, such as macroalgae and plants, one popular technique is the line transect. This method involves extending a long tape measure, or meter tape, along the gradient and identifying the plants that occur within regularly spaced intervals. At each interval, the identity of the tree is recorded, as well as additional information, such as linear distance covered by each individual plant. It is not uncommon to have multiple counts of trees at a particular point along the transect because, after all, the forest is a three dimensional structure! Instructions The purpose of the sampling exercise is to characterize the limestone forest behind George Washington High School in Mangilao. The trail through the forest runs roughly perpendicular to the cliffline. Before we begin, what sort of physical and/or chemical variables would you expect to change as you head through the forest towards the cliffline? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The class will divide into two to three groups. Each group will establish a separate 50 m transect along the side of the trail and will identify the species that occur above and below the transect line within 5 m intervals. Specifically, for each interval you will (1) identify and record all plant species occurring within each interval, (2) estimate the approximate number of individuals of each species within an interval, and (3) visually estimate the approximate length of transect line that the plant occupies or overlaps. Because of the three-dimensional nature of the forest, remember that it is possible to have several species within a 5 m length. We will analyze the data at a later class. A.1 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 0–5m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tangan-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.2 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 5 – 10 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.3 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 10 – 15 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.4 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 15 – 20 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.5 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 20 – 25 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.6 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 25 – 30 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.7 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 30 – 35 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.8 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 35 – 40 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.9 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 40 – 45 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval A.10 Date: __________ Group Members: ______________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: Limestone forest Transect Location (circle one): outer forest, middle forest, cliff Interval #: 45 – 50 m Notes: Species: Sample Number* Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) Species: Intercept Length (l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Totals * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval B. 1 Date: __________ Group Members: ____________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: ________________________ Transect Location : ______________________________________________ Species (i) Number of individuals encountered (entire transect) Transect Interval (m) 0–5 5–10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 Total for 45-50 Species * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval B.2 Date: __________ Group Members: ____________________________________________________________ Habitat Location: ________________________ Transect Location : ______________________________________________ Species (i) Number of individuals encountered (entire transect) Transect Interval (m) 0–5 5–10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 Total for 45-50 Species * Sample number indicates a specific individual plant for a given species within an interval. E.g., tanga-tangan may have multiple representatives within an interval C.1 Class Summary of Data from Line-Intercept Plant Sampling Date: ______________ Observers __________________________________________________________________________ Total Transect Length (L): ______ m Species (i) Number of Individuals (ni) Totals ∑n = Linear Density Index (IDi) ∑ID= Relative Density (RDi) ∑RD=1.0 *Data collected in these columns are from sheet B.1 Total # of Transect Intervals: _________ Present in how many transect intervals? (ji)* Frequency (fi) Relative frequency (Rfi) ∑f= ∑Rf = 1.0 Intercept length (li)* Linear coverage index (ICi) Relative coverage Importance (RCi) value (IVi) ∑l = ∑IC= ∑RC=1.0 C.2 Class Summary of Data from Line-Intercept Plant Sampling (continued) Date: ______________ Observers __________________________________________________________________________ Total Transect Length (L): ______ m Species (i) Number of Individuals (ni) Totals ∑n = Linear Density Index (IDi) ∑ID= Relative Density (RDi) ∑RD=1.0 *Data collected in these columns are from sheet B.1 Total # of Transect Intervals: _________ Present in how many transect intervals? (ji)* Frequency (fi) Relative frequency (Rfi) ∑f= ∑Rf = 1.0 Intercept length (li)* Linear coverage index (ICi) Relative coverage Importance (RCi) value (IVi) ∑l = ∑IC= ∑RC=1.0 Lab Activity Transect Data Analysis By now, you should be familiar with the techniques that are associated with conducting a line transect. Recall that you will have broken a 50 m transect line into 5 m intervals and then you (1) identified each individual plant species within that interval and (2) estimated its linear coverage over (or under) that 5 m segment. Using this data, we can then estimate the number of individuals of a species across the sampling space (i.e., the density) and the average individual contribution from each species to the total vegetative cover (i.e., importance). Both density and importance values are useful indices for assessing the composition of the forest community and the potential influence of species. Calculation of Intercept length for each plant species (Data Sheets A.1 through A.10) In order to estimate the density and importance of each species of plant, we first need to convert our field observations into absolute distances, or intercept length (l) for each individual plant. Sheets A.1 through A.10 are identical to the data sheets you used to record your raw data in the field. Use attached forms to transcribe your data into actual coverage data. For example, in the 30 – 35 m interval, you may have noted that one individual of tangantangan covered the length from 30.2 m to 33.1 m. The actual distance covered would thus be 33.1 – 30.2 = 2.9 m. Similarly, you may have observed another specimen of tangan-tangan that covered 31.3 m to 32.5 m for an intercept length of 1.2 m: Use the new sheets to convert your field measurements to linear distance for each species. Then total the overall distance each species covered in each interval and fill in that information at the bottom of each data sheet (A.1 – A.10): Summary Coverage Data Across the Transect (Data Sheets B.1 through B.4) Sheet A.7 Now that you have converted your observations to absolute lengths and calculated the total length each species covered in a particular interval, you can proceed to collate the coverage data for each species across the entire transect. In Sheet B.1, list the different species you found throughout the entire 50 m transect. Then, write down the total length it occupied for each interval (i.e., the number at the bottom of each column on sheets A.1 – A.10). Also, write the total number of individuals you encountered along the entire transect. Lastly, sum the total transect interval each species occupied by summing the individual transect interval lengths: Sheet B.1 Class Summary of Data from Line-Intercept Plant Sampling (Data Sheets C.1 & C.2) The final calculations required to estimate density and importance values involve transcribing the species identity (i), number of individuals encountered (ni) and intercept lengths (li) into the appropriate columns on data sheet C.1 and, if necessary, C.2. The remaining columns are based upon knowledge of i, ni, and li. They are: 1) Linear density index (IDi) This value reflects the average number of individuals observed over the entire transect length. It is calculated as: IDi = ni / L Where ni is the number of individuals encountered of that species and L is the total transect length. 2) Relative density (RDi) The relative density of a species is the number of individuals of a species (ni ) divided by the total number of individuals of observed (∑n ) (inclusive of the species you are calculating RDi for): RDi = ni / ∑n 3) Presence in intervals (ji) This is the number of line intercept intervals containing species i. If, for example, 5 of the 10 intervals in a 50 m transect contained tangan-tangan, ji = 5. 4) Frequency (fi) The frequency of a species is simply: ji / k Where ji = the presence of a species across intervals and k = the total number of transect intervals. Using the previous example, if ji= 5 and we have 10 intervals for our 50 m transect line, then ji / k = 5/10 = 0.5. 5) Relative frequency (Rfi) The relative frequency of a species reflects the proportion of observations that were of a particular species. Because it is a proportion, all of the individual values of Rfi should sum up to 1. Rfi = fi / ∑f Where fi is the frequency of a particular species and ∑f is the sum of all of the individual frequencies for all species. 6) Linear coverage index (ICi) Because we have estimates of the length of each transect interval that species covered, we can calculate the linear coverage index, or (ICi). ICi = li / L Where li is the sum of the intercept lengths for species i and L is the total transect length (L = 50 for a 50 m transect while L = 100 for a 100 m transect). 7) Relative coverage (RCi) As with relative density, relative coverage is the proportion of transect line that a species occupied relative to the sum of all the lengths from all the other species. Again, the sum of all RCi..j will equal 1. RCi = li / ∑ l where li is the total length of transect that a species occupied while ∑ l is the sum of all the intercept lengths that all species covered. Alternately, relative coverage can be calculated as: RCi = ICi / ∑ IC Where ICi = the individual linear coverage index for species i and ∑ IC = the sum of ICi for all species. 7) Importance value (IVi) The importance value is an expression of the relative density, frequency, and coverage of a particular species. It is expressed as: IVi = RDi + Rfi + RCi What does importance mean? It supposedly reflects the theoretical influence of a species in the community based. However, note that two species may have similar importance values despite having different values of RDi, Rfi, or RCi. Ergo, caveat emptor!