PUBLIC FUNDS - Community Action Derby

Number 28
Information Provided by
Community Action
Compiled from a variety of sources
for your convenience
Updated July 2009
Produced by
Community Action
Updated July 2010
Help with Developing & Funding Your Church Building
Local Authorities: enabled by Local Authorities (Historic Building)
Act 1962 and Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990 permit a local authority (whether a county, district or parish
council level) to contribute grants or loans towards repair and
maintenance of churches. Local authorities should be encouraged to
make greater use of this power to assist in maintaining what is often
one of the chief local cultural assets and tourist attractions. Enquiries
should be addressed to the Planning Officer concerned. Tenacity and
support of local councillors is useful!
English Heritage, Application forms are available from EH Local Office. Talk to
Archdeacon about implications of an English Heritage grant before you go too far down
this road. Grants are offered on a 40% basis in most cases, but may be more or less:
decision is based upon the architectural historic quality of the building. Read the
application form carefully: it must be supported and signed by the Archdeacon.
English Heritage also grant aids Grade I or II* listed war memorials. Friends of War
Memorials, 4 Lower Belgrave Street, London SW1W 0LA Tel: 020 7259 0403
Email: Administers grants funded by English Heritage for Grade II
war memorials situated in a conservation area.
Landfill Tax Credits: Landfill operators may claim a credit against their landfill tax
payments if they make a voluntary contribution to an approved environmental body.
Churches qualify to apply as having projects ‘for the protection of the environment, the
maintenance, repair or restoration of a building or other structure which is a place of
religious worship or of historic or architectural interest’. ENTRUST is the body which
deals with this. Contact John Rose, ENTRUST, St Fagan’s House, St Fagan’s Street,
Carephilly CG83 1FZ. Tel: 0290 869492 Email:
You could also check out what environmental funding is available at
All Churches Trust Limited, Company Secretary, Beaufort House, Brunswick Road,
Gloucester GL1 1JZ. Parent company of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group makes donations
and grants in support of churches, church establishments and religious charities. Tel:
01452 528533
Repair Grants for Listed Places of Worship, English Heritage, 23 Savile Row,
London, W1S 2ET
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Community Action
Updated July 2010
The Directory of Grant Making Trusts is available at most main Public Libraries and lists
many helpful organisations. The Directory also contains advice on how to present an
WREN Landfill Tax grants are also administered by the LOCT.
Derbyshire Churches and Chapels Preservation Trust, The Trust gives grants for
the preservation, repair and improvement of churches and chapels in Derbyshire. All
Christian denominations are eligible. For more information contact the Trustees, 1
Greenhill, Wirksworth, Derbyshire, DE4 4EN - Tel: 01629 824904
The Leicester and Leicestershire Historic Churches Preservation Trust, TY
Cocks, Hon Secretary, 24 Beresford Drive, Leicester LE2 3LA Tel: 0116 207 3424 (The
restoration, preservation, repair, maintenance and improvement of churches and
chapels, their churchyard and contents)
The Duke of Devonshire’s Charitable Trust, The Trustee Manager, Currey & Co, 21
Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6LS Tel: 020 7802 2700 (General Charitable purposes
– Buildings)
Church of England’s website offers useful
information on fundraising sources and tips specifically for churches with a
bias towards buildings maintenance. Also see
The Historic Churches Preservation Trust, 31 Newbury Street, London,
EC1A 7HU. 020 7796 2442 Email:, (Buildings must be of historical importance to
The Incorporated Church Building Society, 31 Newbury Street, London,
EC1A 7HU. (Interest-free loans for Anglican Churches, awarded irrespective
of architectural quality)
Allchurches Trust Ltd, Mrs R J Hall, Company Secretary, Beaufort House, Brunswick
Road, Glouchester, GL1 1JZ Tel: 01452 528533 (for churches
and charitable institutions)
The Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) Clareville House, 26-27 Oxendon Street,
London SW1Y 4EL. The AHF operates as a national revolving fund for the preservation
of historic buildings. Loans, feasibility study grants and project administration grants are
available within the organisations criteria. (Loans and grants for
building preservation)
Listed Places of Worship grant Scheme, PO Box 609, Newport, NP10 8QD. Grants
are available for repairs and maintenance to listed buildings that are used principally as
Produced by
Community Action
Updated July 2010
places of worship. Register for the scheme on Tel: 0845 6015945 more info on
Council for the Care of Churches, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P
3NZ: (grants for conservation of church furnishing and fittings of historic/aesthetic
The Friends of Friendless Churches, 12 Edwardes Square, London,
W8 6HE. For churches and chapels or architectural or historic interest
falling outside the scope or policy of other organisations.
Westhill Endowment Trustees are willing to consider grants of £2- £3000 towards
church related community projects. Further information from
Email: Tel: 0121 415 8451, although enquiries are best
made via the United Reformed Church CRCW Office. Email:
Tel: 0207 916 8653
The Chetwode Samworth Charitable Trust, Miss W A Bateman, Samworth Brothers
Ltd, Chetwode House, 1 Samworth way, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1GA
Tel: 01664 414500
Manifold Trust, Miss C. Gilbertson, Shottesbrooke House, Maidenhead SL6 3SW Fax:
01628 820 159, (The conservation of historic churches and other buildings is the main
focus of the scheme although some grants are given for community centers and village
halls. Registered charities only) between £500 and £5,000 generally; larger grants up to
£50,000 may be available for some projects.
The Pilgrim Trust Treasurers Fund, c/o Council for the Care of Churches, Fielden
House, Little College Street, London, SW1P 3SH. Block grants made to Historic
Churches Preservation Trust for fabric repairs and conservation of historic contents and
organ repairs. (Repair and conservation of churchyard walls
and exterior funerary monuments)
The Leche Trust: Mrs L Lawson, Secretary to the Trustees, 84 Cicada Road, London,
SW18 2NZ. (Glass, Fittings, Furniture, Organs and significant tombs in churchyards
dating 1680-1830 and Grants for conservation of bells cast during that period)
The Alan Evans Memorial Trust, The Trust Manager, Coutts & Co, Trustee
Department, PO Box1236, 6 High Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM13 1BQ
Tel: 0207 753 1000 (The Restoration of Chathedrals and Churches)
The Hedley Foundation Company Secretary, 9 Dowgate hill,
London EC4R 2SU Tel: 020 7489 8076
(Church and Community projects)
The Harry Bottom Charitable Trust, D R Practer, Weston’s Queens Buildings
Queen Street, Sheffield SL21 2DX Tel: 0114 273 8341
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Updated July 2010
The Forte Charitable Trust, Mrs Heather McConville, Lowndes House, Lowndes Place,
Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8DB Tel: 020 7235 6244 (Community Based Projects)
Lord Barnby’s Foundation, Mrs J A Lethbridge, Secretary, PO Box, 71 Plymstock,
Plymouth, PL8 2YP (the preservation of ancient buildings)
The Idlewild Trust, Mrs Angela Freestone, Administrator, 1a Taylors Yard,
67 Alderbrook Street, London, SW12 8AD Tel: 020 8772 3155
(Preservation of buildings of historic interest or national importance)
William & Jane Morris Fund, The Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House,
Piccadilly, London, W1V 0HS (Grants are made for limited work including conservation of
decoration, stained glass, sculpture, internal monuments and tombs and wall paintings)
The Sainsbury Family Trust, 9 Red Lion Court, London EC4A 3EB. There are a
number of Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, several of which, particularly the
Monument Historic Buildings Trust, grant aid church repair work.
Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, 20 Berkeley Square, London, W1J 6LH
Tel: 020 7408 2198 (Grants to registered charities for general charitable causes,
including churches)
Alan Evans Memorial Trust, c/o Coutts & Co, Trustee Department, PB Box 1236, 6
High Street, Chelmsford, Essex DM1 1BQ.
Garfield Weston Foundation, Weston Centre, 10 Grosvenor Street,
London WK1 4QY Tel: 0207399 6565 (Grants towards Community Buildings and
Jill Franklin Trust, 78 Lawn Road, London, NW3 2XB Tel: 020 7722 4543 (Grants for
the restoration (not improvement) of churches of architectural importance)
The Edith Winifred Hall Charitable Trust, D Endicott, Trustee, Numerica
Business Services Ltd, Stoughton House, Harborough Road, Oadby,
Leicestershire LE2 4LP
Tel: 01295 204000 (General Charitable Purposes includes Churches and
The Kathleen Hannay Memorial Charity, G Fincham, c/o RF Trustee Co
Ltd, Ely House, 37 Dover Street, London W1S 4NJ Tel: 020 7409 5685
(Conservation of church buildings)
The Veneziana Fund, Trust Administrator, The Veneziana Fund, White Horse Court,
25c North Street, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, DM23 2LH.
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Updated July 2010
(Grants are available to restore, repair and maintain pre-1750’s buildings)
The Wolfson Foundation, Dr Victoria Harrison, Executive secretary, 8 Queen Anne
Street, London, W1G 9LD Tel: 020 7323 5730 (Renovation of historic buildings)
Anthony & Elizabeth Mellows Charitable Settlement, 22 Devereux Court, Temple
Bar, London, WC2R 3JJ
The LankellyChase Foundation, 2 The Court, High Street, Harwell, Didcot,
Oxfordshire OX11 0ED (Grants made to churches in small rural parishes of architectural
and historical merit)
The Carnegie UK Trust, Comeley Park House, Dunfermline, Fife KY12 7EY,
Tel: 01383 721445
(interests: community service (including education), arts and heritage
(including environment)
Furnishings and Fittings
Council for the Care of Churches, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P
3NZ: There are eight Conservation Committees (organs, bells, clocks, wall-paintings,
sculpture & furnishings) of the CCC that administer various annual block grants which
have been allocated for the conservation of church furnishing and fittings of
historic/aesthetic interest in churches in use.
The principal grant comes from the Pilgrim Trust. Smaller donations are currently
received from other bodies including the Hayward Foundation, the Baring
Foundation, the Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust, Wolfson Foundation and the
Draper’s Company.
In addition the Rupert Gunnis Memorial Trust which exists to provide modest funds
for the conservation of sepulchral monuments within the period 1660-1860, is
administered by the Conservation Committee.
The Leche Trust (1680-1830) and the Morris Bequest, may also be able to help.
Cottam Will Trust c/o Friends of Friendless Churches, St Ann’s Vestry Hall, 2 Church
Entry, London EC4V 5HB. (For ‘the purchase for the advancement of religion of objects
of beauty to be placed in ancient Gothic churches)
St Andrew’s Conservation Trust, c/o Simon Pomeroy, Duddle Farm,
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Updated July 2010
Brockhampton, Dorchester DT28 QLF, (for ‘serious conservation, preservation and
restoration of artifacts of antiquarian or artistic interest’) Grants are necessarily small
and are NOT available for repairs to fabric.
The Rock Solid Trust, J D W Powcock, Trustee, 7 Belgrave Place, Clifton, Bristol B58
3DD apply in writing only. (Maintenance, restoration and repair of fabric the fabric of
the Christian church)
Bell Ringers Diocesan Guild: Mr A R Heppenstall, Church Croft, 10 Willingham Road,
Lea, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 5EH.
The Barron Bell Funds: The Managing Trustee, Mr K C Walround, 71 Lower Green
Road, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4EB Tel: 01892 823 289
This is an Evangelical trust which favours applications from parishes of similar
churchmanship (Bell restoration Fund)
The Manifold Trust, c/o Ian Oram, The Cottage, School Hill, Warnham,
Horsham, West Sussex RH12 3QN. (Grants are made only in cases where
the bells have been unringable for many years and where the bells are to
be restored for full circle ringing, not for chiming)
The Sharp Trust: Grant Secretary, Miss M. Bliss, Beech Pike, Elkstone, Cheltenham,
Glos. (Assists where bells are ancient or of historic significance)
The Leche Trust (1680-1830 and the Council for the Care of Churches may also be
able to help (see above) St Andrew’ Conservation Trust (see above)
Open Churches Trust, C/o The Really Useful Group Ltd, 22 Tower Street, London
WC2H 9NS Tel: 020 7240 0880 (Grants to Grade I listed churches to help keep church
open to public)
The O N Organ Fund, Secretary, Mr David Williams, 36 Strode Road, Forest Gate,
London E7 ORB (Grant assistance for organ repairs – national coverage)
The Ouseley Trust, c/o Clerk to the Trustees, Mr Martin Williams, 127
Coleherne Court, Old Brompton Road, London SW5 0EB Tel: 020 7373 1950
(Funding is available for organ repairs and other musical objects for
churches where there is an active choral tradition)
The Foundation for Sport and the Arts, PO Box 20, Liverpool L12 1HB
Tel: 0151 259 5505
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Updated July 2010
The Heritage Lottery Fund Your Heritage scheme also provides grants for major
works to historic instruments. Contact Head office, Heritage Lottery Fund, 7 Holbein
Place, London, SW1H 8NR Tel: 020 7591 6042
The Council for the Care of Churches, Church House, Great Smith
Street, London SW1P 3NZ. (Will consider grants towards repairs to organs
of outstanding artistic or historic interest)
The Pilling Trust, Waterworths, Central Buildings, Richmond Terrace,
Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7AP (Is interested in churches that have an
active choral tradition)
The British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS) The Honorary Secretary, British
Institute of Organ Studies, Lime Tree Cottage, 39 Church Street, Haslingfield,
Cambridge, CB3 7JE (produces a leaflet A Guide to Grants for Funding Work on Historic
Pipe Organs Community Projects)
The Central Church Fund, Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW10 3NZ
(Funds available for projects that seek to bridge a gap between the Church and the local
Methodist Chapel Aid Limited, 1 Telford Terrace, Albemarle Road,
York YO24 1DQ (give loans for acquisition of sites, new churches and
halls,repairs and renovations, alterations and extensions and for repair
or replacement of heating systems)
And on the World Wide Web………….
An essential range of funding and other advice on church related projects including care
of buildings can be found on the Church of England’s website in
conjunction with Ecclesiastical Insurance Group also check out EIG site for useful
information on fundraising and Allchurches Trust
The Directory of Grant-Making Trusts published by the Charities Aid Foundation,
King’s Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4TA is available at most public libraries and lists
many helpful organisations. The Directory also contains advice on how to present an
application. In the past this was a very comprehensive publication that could be found in
libraries. The Diocese has purchased a licence to use the very comprehensive website
called .
Clergy have now been given permission to access the website from wherever they have
internet access. Having access to the website and the powerful search engines should
make this process much more user friendly. If you would like to use this facility, please
contact Jane Leighton, The Archdeacon of Stow & Lindsey’s secretary on 01673 860382
or by email on and she will let you have the user
name and password to access the site.
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Community Action
Updated July 2010
If you know the name of the Trust you can also access their details on the Charities
Commissions Website – or at
UK Fundraising has a wealth of free information for charity fundraisers and the
fundraising industry generally on their website at
Funder Finder provides an accessible database of funding sources and has also
created a program which helps you write grant applications. Apply Yourselves is
downloadable from the web (1.3Mb). This guides you through completing an application
form and helps you not miss those easy to overlook but important areas. Find it at
Grants Online (previously called ‘Co-financing’) give access to information on the latest
proposals from the European union, UK Government, National Lottery and New
Opportunities Fund. The annual subscription fee is between £75-£150, although a free
trial is available at
Fund-raising for your church building (a simple guide) produced by Council for the Care
of Churches and available from Church House Publishing, Church House Bookshop, 31
Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BN Tel: 020 7898 1300
£3.50. Booklet provides straightforward advice to parishes as to how they can gather
money towards their fabric bills.