WILTSHIRE HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST R I D E + S T R I D E 2014 CONTROL SHEET CHURCH………………………………….…PARISH…………………………………….………… DEANERY……………..……………………. Please list all participants and all cheques on this sheet and return it with the sponsorship forms and cheques (payable to the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust) if possible by Saturday 25th October (for participants to be considered for a prize) to Charles Graham, 3 Elcot Orchard, Marlborough, SN8 2BJ NAME C-yclist W-alker H-orserider TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED* Age Amount raised List each cheque and CAF enclosed Number of churches £ TO AGREE £ *If you have received money to be split between a number of churches/parishes, please make it clear on this Control Sheet to which PCCs the cheques should be payable for the return of the half share.