St. Columba’s Catholic Church 5th July 2015 – 14th Sunday of Ordinary time, Psalter week 2 PARISH STAFF Rev Fr. Gabor Czako Parish Priest 3 Chapel Court Justice Street AB11 5HX 01224 621581 Our sister parish EVENTS IN OUR PARISH Contact details Second collections: St. Columba’s Tel.No. St Peter’s office No. (01224) 704988 (01224) 626359 JULY 19th: Peter’s pence 26th: for Building Fund Items for the bulletin to reach by Wednesday please! 28th June 2015 Church Collection £ 289.15 Standing Orders £ 210 (weekly average) Building Fund £ 515.92 Thank you all for your generous donations!! SACRAMENTS Baptisms Marriages Reconciliation Please give at least two months’ notice Please give at least six months’ notice Before Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Masses! EVENTS WITHIN ST COLUMBA’S PARISH The Month of July is dedicated to The Precious Blood of Jesus The feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord was instituted in 1849 by Pius IX, but the devotion is as old as Christianity. The early Fathers say that the Church was born from the pierced side of Christ, and that the sacraments were brought forth through His Blood. ‘The Precious Blood which we worship is the Blood which the Savior shed for us on Calvary and reassumed at His glorious Resurrection…’ ( JULY ANNIVERSARIES Peter Lee (5), Pat Lafferty (14), Sr. Brenda FMM (20), Mary O’Shea (22) - may they rest in peace (RIP)! SICK AND HOUSEBOUND Please pray for Angela Cox, Margaret Reed, Janet Mortimer, Nan Weir, Pearl Marcella, Bridie Crichton, Leila McFarlane, Pat and Jessica Moran, Bill Grant, Stuart Wood, and others highlighted in our prayer book of intentions. CAN YOU HELP OUT IN YOUR CHURCH We would like to thank those who have asked to be involved in the various groups, anyone interested in helping out in the following areas (rota based) I.T. (High Tech ideas) Group – see Fr Gabor Welcomers – see Natasha Nazareth / Doug Duncan See notice board for further volunteering opportunities! Speak to group leaders or Fr. Gabor! UPDATE!!! CHURCH EXTENSION news DONATIONS are very welcome towards the following items (If cheque, please make it payable to ‘St. Columba Building Fund’): New Kitchenette area: - new electric water heater New, sound system (for Church, Foyer, Extension) - Radio microphone: £ 509.14 - Lectern mic: £ 350 - Sound mixer: £ 235 - Induction loop amplifier: £281.92 - Built-in CD player with Bluetooth: £ 227.75 - High quality speakers (4x): £2243.21 - High quality amplifier (Church): £736.94 - High quality amplifie r (Foyer): £350 - 6x Ceiling mounted speakers (Hall): £150 ea - Subwoofer: £250 - Cables: £200 Windows and doors: unit prices will be given later If you wish to give a cash or cheque donation, please speak to Fr. Gabor. Many thanks! NEW! EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TRAINING: 18TH JULY, 2PM A Parish of the R. C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122 NEW!! ATTENTION READERS A new list has been issued, if you haven’t received your copy please get in touch with Kathleen Hunt. NEW! JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR is coming to Aberdeen and tickets have been purchased for the 12th November 7.30pm programme at His Hajesty's Theatre. This is a good opportunity for parish social as well, so we will have a dinner out at 5.30pm. Tickets cost £24 each (all age) and are available from Elida and Doug. We have 24 tickets, so hurry up! Catherine McGunnigle 44, 4th Catherine Lee 68 Renewals for the year June 15 to May 16 are now due. There are still plenty of numbers available; please see Catherine and Maureen after mass. All proceeds help fund all our youth projects during the year. Thank you for your continuing support to the youth of our parish. EVENTS BEYOND OUR PARISH ST JOHN OGILVIE – 400TH ANNIVERSARY The weather was very good considering that all morning there was pouring rain in the north. See if you can spot our parish family members From the golf group (July 3rd, Banff)! NEW!! FERTILITY CARE SCOTLAND Whether you wish to have a baby, space your family or just find out about your fertility, why not contact one of our Fertility Experts (Margaret Hammond on 07891 358114 or Jane Green on 01542 870641). Our service is free and confidential. Call Fertility Care Scotland on 0141 352 7930 or email for further details! One of the many stalls at the pilgrimage on the 4th July (Apostleship of the Sea) NEW DAWN CATHOLIC CONFERENCE & PILGRIMAGE This year the new Dawn Conference will again be held in St Andrews from the 6th – 11th July 2015. There will be a DAY PILGRIMAGE on the 9th July for those who can only attend on that 1 day (procession with Rosary and the relic of St. Andrew, followed by Mass, then lunch and optional workshops). The 28 seater bus will leave from St. Columba’s on the 9th at 7.30pm and should be back no later than 8pm. Please be on time. There are a few seats left for those who wish to join. Let Fr. Gabor know today! CALLED AND GIFTED WORKSHOP This is a charism (spiritual gift) discovery workshop, designed specifically for Roman Catholics. Fr. Gabor and some parishioners will lead the workshops in Pluscarden Abbey on the weekend of the 28-30th August. No costs, involved, but donations are very welcome to cover accommodation and workshop materials. If you want to take part, please sign up om sheet ASAP (10 women, 7 men only)! NEW! 100 CLUB Winners, April: 1st Vivien Heighway 15, 2nd Jo Costello 4, 3rd Ellie Duncan 36, Bridget Fenlon 25 May: 1st Betty Deakin, 2nd Cyril Connon 81, 3rd Masses Sunday 09.45 Int. of parishioners 18.00 Int. of Parishioners Wednesday 10.00 COMMUNION SERVICE Saturday 10.00 Int. of Parishioners Confessions are held before Masses! Sunday Servers 9.45am – 5th July 2015 Readers Gavin Milne Catherine Lobban Kathleen Hunt Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mary McFarland/Maura MacFarlane Maria Hobbs/Jacquie Kilkerr Paten – Doug Duncan Welcomers Kathleen and Doug Prayer Ministry Mary McFarland/Jo Muggleston Hospitality/Teas and Coffee Maura MacFarlane – Kathleen Wood Devotions Adoration Wednesday 09.00 to 10.00 and 11.00 – 1pm ‘So can you not stay awake with me one hour?’(Mt 26:40) Parish Groups (every week) Monday 17.00 Mothers Prayers Monday 18.30 Youth Group (except holidays) Tuesday 19.00 House of Bread Prayer Group Wednesday 19.00 Legion of Mary / SCC (See Elida!) First Confession (speak to Fr. Gabor) Confirmation (Speak to Jo Martin) Communion (Speak to Sinead) Church Cleaning Rota w/c 6th July – 11th July: Cathy Connon and Eunice Doonan A Parish of the R. C. Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust a registered Scottish Charity, number SC 005122