Science Composition and Structure of the Earth Updated June 23, 2009 K Six Step Vocabulary /Target Words Complex 1 2 -soil -sand -clay -humus 3 -erosion -volcano -earthquake -fossils -weathering 4 -igneous -metamorphic -extrusive -intrusive -sedimentary -lava -magma -crystal 5 -luster -crystal shape -magnetism -texture -streak -mechanical -chemical -deposition 6 -crust -mantle -inner core -outer core -mass extinctions -divergent -convergent -subduction -convection 7 -fossil record -radio active dating -evolutionary time 8 -renewable -non-renewable -dissolve -petroleum -coal -oil -natural gas While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -rocks have different shapes and sizes and that smaller and that rocks result from breaking of larger rocks While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -Earth’s surface features are constantly changed by processes of volcanoes, earthquakes, mountain building, erosion and weathering While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -properties and formation of rocks and minerals While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -mineral identification While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -There are layers in the Earth that have different characteristics (i.e. inner/outer core, mantle, crust) While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -explain how living organisms have played many roles in changes of Earth’s system through time (i.e. atmospheric composition, creations of soil, impact on Earth’s surface While engaged in tasks that address the composition and structure of the earth, the student demonstrates an understanding of important information, such as… -understand the geologic conditions that have resulted in energy resources in New Mexico -soil is made up of broken rock and living materials and living materials and -fossils are evidence of earlier life and -types of weathering -agents of erosion -know the Earth’s crust is divided into plates and that the interactions between these plates change surface features (i.e. continental drift, plate Science Composition and Structure of the Earth Updated June 23, 2009 that soils differ Simple (Recall and Recognize) provide information about plants and animals that lived long ago tectonics) Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -soil -sand -clay -humus Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -erosion -volcano -earthquake -fossils -weathering Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -igneous -metamorphic -extrusive -intrusive -sedimentary -lava -magma -crystal Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -luster -crystal shape -magnetism -texture -streak -mechanical -chemical -deposition Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -rocks are made of different materials that help us identify them Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -landforms (i.e. mountain, canyon, mesa, island) Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -various processes form and reform rocks and minerals Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -use Moh’s hardness scale -changes happen due to erosion -make up, classification and identification of rocks -changes have taken place over geologic times as evidenced by the rock record Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -crust -mantle -inner core -outer core -mass extinctions -divergent -convergent -subduction -convection Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -know that geologic time goes back 4.6 billion years -the Earth’s crust moves because of differences in heat and density Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -fossil record -radio active dating -evolutionary time Recognizing and recalling isolated details such as: -know that the remains of living things give us information about the history of Earth -layers of sedimentary rock Recognizing and recalling specific terminology such as: -renewable -non-renewable -dissolve -petroleum -coal -oil -natural gas