Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards NM Statute 22-13-1.6.A. Each school district shall align its curricula to meet the state standards for each grade level and subject area so that students who transfer between public schools within the school district receive the same educational opportunity within the same grade or subject area. District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Standard: Students will understand numerical concepts and mathematical operations. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.N.1.1 Compare and order rational numbers. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing With Fractions (23–24, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (45–46, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing With Fractions (57–62, 73–76), Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (101– 111) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 3.5A–B; Labsheets 3.5; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.N.1.2 Use equivalent representations for rational numbers (e.g., integers, decimals, fractions, percents, ratios, numbers with whole-number exponents). SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1: Fundraising Fractions (6, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (36–42, ACE exercises) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (41– 42, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1: Fundraising Fractions (17–22, 41–43), Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (79–96, 107– 111) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (75–82) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 1.1, 3.1A–C, 3.2A–E; Labsheets 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; 5-8 Benchmark N.1: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 1 TECH = Technology 6.N.1.3 Use appropriate representations of positive rational numbers in the context of real-life applications. 6.N.1.4 Identify greatest common factor and least common multiples for a set of whole numbers. 6.N.1.5 Identify and represent on a number line decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, and positive and negative integers. SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1: The Decimal Divide (6, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1: The Decimal Divide (17–22, 41–43) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 1.1; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Prime Time Investigation 3: Common Multiples and Common Factors (37–41, ACE exercises), Investigation 5: Putting It All Together (61–64, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (71–73) TG: Prime Time Investigation 3: Common Multiples and Common Factors (54–73), Investigation 5: Putting It All Together (96–102), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (102–104) TR: Prime Time Transparencies 3.4, 5.1; Labsheets 5.1A–B; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing With Fractions (21–23, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (70) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing With Fractions (51–56, 73–76), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (135–136) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 2.2A–B; Labsheets 2.2; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 2 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Standard: Students will understand numerical concepts and mathematical operations. 5-8 Benchmark N.2: Understand the meaning of operations and how they relate to one another. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.N.2.1 Calculate multiplication and division problems using contextual situations. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (35–37, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (50–53, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (63–64) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (36–37, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Using Percents (50– 54, ACE exercises), Investigation 5: More About Percents (62–64, ACE exercises), Unit Project (74–75), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (76–78) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (65–74, 85–88), Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (97– 108, 115–118), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (118–119) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (62–64, 79–82), Investigation 4: Using Percents (84– 98), Investigation 5: More About Percents (101–108, 113–115), Unit Project (117–119), Looking Back and Looking Ahead Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed (115–116) TR: Bits and Pieces II Transparencies 3.2, 3.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 4.1A–B; Labsheets 4.1, 4.2A–B; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.N.2.2 Factor a whole number into a product of its primes. SE: Prime Time Investigation 4: Factorizations: Searching for Factor Strings (50–55, ACE exercises) TG: Prime Time Investigation 4: Factorizations: Searching for Factor Strings (81–94) TR: Prime Time Transparencies 4.2, 4.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 3 TECH = Technology 6.N.2.3 Demonstrate the relationship and equivalency among ratios and percents. TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working With Percents (57–59, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (71) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working With Percents (119–128, 133–135), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (135–136) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 4.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.N.2.4 Use proportions to solve problems. 6.N.2.5 Explain and perform: a. whole number division and express remainders as decimals or appropriately in the context of the problem b. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals c. addition and subtraction with integers d. addition, subtraction, and multiplication with fractions and mixed numerals This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 7 Unit Comparing and Scaling. SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (16–23, ACE exercises) Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (32– 39, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (63–64) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals– More or Less! (8–12, ACE exercises) Investigation 2: Decimal Times (21– 24, 26–27, ACE exercises) Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (38–40, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (35–58), Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (60–88), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (118–119) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals–More or Less! (21–35), Investigation 2: Decimal Times (37–46, 51–59), Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (65–74, 79–82) TR: Bits and Pieces II Transparencies 2.1, 2.2, 2.4A–B, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5; Labsheets2.1, 2.2, 3.1 ; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.4, 3.2A–B, 3.3; Labsheets 2.4; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 4 TECH = Technology 6.N.2.6 Determine the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of whole numbers and use them to solve problems with fractions. SE: Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (38–39) TG: Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (65–67, 69–70, 79–80) TR: Bits and Pieces III Transparency 3.2 TECH: Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 5 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Standard: Students will understand numerical concepts and mathematical operations. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.N.3.1 Estimate quantities involving rational numbers using various estimations. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1: Fundraising Fractions (10–11, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Working With Percents (56, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (69) Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (5–9, ACE exercises) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1– Decimals–More or Less! (5–7, ACE exercises) Investigation 2: Decimal Times (25, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 1 (35–43), Investigation 4: Working With Percents (113–118, 133–135), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (135– 136) Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (20–33) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1 (16–20, 33–35), Investigation 2: Decimal Times (47–50, 57–59) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 1.4, 4.1A–B; Labsheets 1.4, 4.1; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces II Transparencies 1.1; Labsheets 1.1A–C; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 1.1, 2.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark N.3: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 6 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology 6.N.3.2 Use estimates to check reasonableness of results and make predictions in situations involving rational numbers. 6.N.3.3 Determine if a problem situation calls for an exact or approximate answer and perform the appropriate computation. SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (8–9, ACE exercises) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (22–23, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (25–33) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (37–42, 57–59) TR: Bits and Pieces II Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 2.1; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating with Fractions (9) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating with Fractions (25–33) TR: Bits and Pieces II Blank Transparencies; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 7 TECH = Technology 6.N.3.4 Compare and order positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers and place them on a number line. 6.N.3.5 Convert fractions to decimals and percents and use these representations in estimations, computations, and applications. SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing With Fractions (24–25, 29–30, 32–33); Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (48–50, 52); Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (12); Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (30); Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (59); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (45, 47); Investigation 4: Using Percents (59) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 2: Sharing and Comparing with Fractions (61–62, 67–69, 71–72; 74– 76); Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (108–109); Bits and Pieces II Investigation 1: Estimating With Fractions (32); Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (57); Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (117); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (81); Investigation 4: Using Percents (98) TR: Bits and Pieces I Labsheet 2.5; Transparency 2.5; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working With Percents (59–60, ACE exercises) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (41– 42, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working With Percents (129–135) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (75–82) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies 4.4; Labsheets 4.4; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 8 TECH = Technology 6.N.3.6 Interpret and use ratios in different contexts. SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (44, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (97–100, 107–111) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.N.3.7 Compute and perform multiplication and division of fractions and decimals and apply these procedures to solving problems. SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (32–39, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (48–54), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (63–64) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (21– 24, ACE exercises) Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (36–37, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (60–88), Investigation 4: Dividing With Fractions (92–118), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (118–119) Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (37–46, 57– 59), Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (62–64, 79–82) TR: Bits and Pieces II Transparencies 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.4; Labsheets 3.1; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 2.1; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 9 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.A.1.1 Solve problems involving proportional relationships. Grade 6 Textbook Pages 6.A.1.2 Graph ordered pairs in the coordinate plane. SE: Data About Us Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (37) TG: Data About Us Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (57–59, 61–62) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 2.3A, 2.3B; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (21–22, 26); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (9); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (56); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals–More or Less! (12, 15–17); Investigation 2: Decimal Times (25); Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (44) 6.A.1.3 Explain and use symbols to represent unknown quantities and variable relationships. 5-8 Benchmark A.1: Understand patterns, relations, and functions. Supplemental Materials This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 7 Unit Comparing and Scaling. Month(s) when Addressed TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (47–50, 56); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (29, 32); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (94, 96); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals–More or Less! (29, 32– 34); Investigation 2: Decimal Times (50); Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (80) TR: All: Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources; Covering and Surrounding Transparency 1.3C TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 10 TECH = Technology 6.A.1.4 Explain and use the relationships among ratios, proportions, and percents. SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working with Percents (59–65, 68) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 4: Working with Percents (129–135) TR: Bits and Pieces I Transparency 4.4; Labsheet 4.4; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.A.1.5 Make generalizations based on observed patterns and relationships. SE: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (49); Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (46, 53), Investigation 3: Polygon Properties and Tiling (54–55, 57, 67–68); Investigation 4: Building Polygons (71); Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (39, 40, 42); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (20–21, 24); Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (38–39); Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (73–74, 77); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (26–27) TG: Bits and Pieces I Investigation 3: Moving Between Fractions and Decimals (109); Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (58, 61), Investigation 3: Polygon Properties and Tiling (63–66, 68–70, 80–81); Investigation 4: Building Polygons (83–86); Bits and Pieces II Investigation 3: Multiplying With Fractions (81–84, 86– 87); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (38–42, 47–50); Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (64, 67–68); Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (115–118); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 2: Decimal Times (51–53, 55– 56) TR: All: Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources; Shapes and Designs Transparencies 1.1E, 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.2; Labsheet 3.2, 4.1A, 4.1B; Bits and Pieces II Transparency 3.5; Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.3A, 2.3B, 3.1C, 3.1D, 5.2A, 5.2B; Labsheet 2.1, 2.3; Bits and Pieces III Transparency 2.4, Labsheet 2.4 TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 11 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.A.2.1 Solve problems involving proportional relationships. Grade 6 Textbook Pages 6.A.2.2 Use letters to represent an unknown in an equation. SE: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (21– 22, 26); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (9); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (56); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals–More or Less! (12, 15); Investigation 2: Decimal Times (25); Investigation 3: The Decimal Divide (44) TG: Bits and Pieces II Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (47– 50, 56); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (29, 32); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (94, 96); Bits and Pieces III Investigation 1: Decimals– More or Less! (29, 32–34) TR: All: Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources; Covering and Surrounding Transparency 1.3C TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM Supplemental Materials This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 7 Unit Comparing and Scaling” 6.A.2.3 Solve one-step linear equations and inequalities in one variable with positive whole-number solutions. SE = Student Edition 5-8 Benchmark A.2: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols. Month(s) when Addressed This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Say It With Symbols. TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 12 TECH = Technology 6.A.2.4 Demonstrate that a variable can represent a single quantity that changes. 6.A.2.5 Demonstrate how changes in one variable affect other variables. SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (9); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (56) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (28–29, 31–32); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (94, 96) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparency 1.3C, Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (57) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (28–29, 31–32) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparency 1.3C, Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 13 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. 5-8 Benchmark A.3: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.A.3.1 Develop and use mathematical models to represent and justify mathematical relationships found in a variety of situations. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (8, 10–11, 16–20, ACE exercises); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (32–35, 37–39, ACE exercises); Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (53, 60); Looking Back and Looking Ahead (66–67) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (17–20, 21–23, 25–26, 31–34, 35–36, 41–45); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (47–49, 51–52, 57–59, 61–62, 67–72); Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (81–86, 92); Looking Back and Looking Ahead (94–95) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.2A, 1.2B, 1.4A–C, 2.1A–C, 2.3A, 2.3B, 3.2A, 3.2B; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Prime Time Investigation 2: Whole– Number Patterns and Relationships (26– 29, ACE exercises) TG: Prime Time Investigation 2: Whole–Number Patterns and Relationships (45–51) TR: Prime Time Transparencies 2.3A–C; Labsheets 2.3A–B; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM Supplemental Materials 6.A.3.2 Create, explain, and use mathematical models such as: a. Venn diagrams to show the relationships between the characteristics of two or more sets b. equations and inequalities to model numerical relationships c. three-dimensional geometric models d. graphs, tables, and charts to interpret and analyze data SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 14 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: ALGEBRA Standard: Students will understand algebraic concepts and applications. 5-8 Benchmark A.4: Analyze changes in various contexts. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.A.4.1 Represent and explain changes using one-step equations with one variable. Grade 6 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Thinking With Mathematical Models. 6.A.4.2 Solve problems that involve change using proportional relationships. 6.A.4.3 Use ratios to predict changes in proportional situations. 6.A.4.4 Use tables and symbols to represent and describe proportional and other relationships involving conversions, sequences, and perimeter. 6.A.4.5 Generate formulas to represent relationships involving changes in perimeter. Month(s) when Addressed This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 7 Unit, Comparing and Scaling. This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 7 Unit, Comparing and Scaling. SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (20–21, 24, ACE exercises) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (38–42, 47–50, 55– 59) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.3A, 2.3B; Labsheet 2.1, 2.3; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (20–21, ACE exercises) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (38–42, 55– 59) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 2.1A, 2.1B; Labsheet 2.1; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 15 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.G.1.1 Identify, describe, and classify the properties of, and the relationships between, plane and solid geometric figures: a. measure, identify, and draw angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, rectangles, and triangles by using appropriate tools (e.g., straightedge, ruler, compass, protractor, drawing software) b. understand that the sum of angles of any triangle is 180 degrees and the sum of the angles of any quadrilateral is 360 degrees and use this information to solve problem c. visualize and draw twodimensional views of threedimensional objects made from rectangular solids 6.G.1.2 Classify angles as right, obtuse, or straight. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (32–35, 38–39, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Polygon Properties and Tiling (54–61), Investigation 4: Building Polygons (71– 72), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (83–86) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (45–48, 53–61), Investigation 3: Polygon Properties and Tiling (63–81), Investigation 4: Building Polygons (83–90, 95–97), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (97–98) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies 2.3, 2.5A– B3.1A–B, 3.2; Labsheets 2.5, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 5-8 Benchmark G.1: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematics arguments about geometric relationships. Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed SE: Shapes and Designs ACE exercises (42) TG: Shapes and Designs ACE exercises (57–58) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 16 TECH = Technology 6.G.1.3 Describe the properties of geometric figures that include regular polygons, circles, ellipses, cylinders, cones, spheres, and cubes. 6.G.1.4 Classify polygons as regular or irregular. 6.G.1.5 Classify triangles as scalene, isosceles, or equilateral and by angles (i.e., right, acute, and obtuse). 6.G.1.6 Identify angle, line, segment, and ray and use the symbols for each. SE: Shapes and Designs Mathematical Reflections (23) TG: Shapes and Designs Mathematical Reflections (34) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (7–11, 14–15, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (18–22, 27–33) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies 1.1A–E; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (11, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (18–22, 31–34) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (24–29, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (36–40, 57–61) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies 2.1; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 17 TECH = Technology 6.G.1.7 Describe the relationship between radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle. SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (72–73, ACE exercises) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (115–118, 129–132) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 5.2A– B; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 18 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.G.2.1 Use coordinate geometry to describe location on a plane. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (29, 50) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (41–44, 60) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparency 2.2A; Labsheet 2.2; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM 6.G.2.2 Recognize skewed lines in space. SE = Student Edition 5-8 Benchmark G.2: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems. Supplemental Materials i/math99/math99236.htm TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 19 TECH = Technology Month(s) when Addressed Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.G.3.1 Identify line of symmetry with rotation and scaling. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (12–13, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 1: Bees and Polygons (23–26, 31–34) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies 1.2A–C; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark G.3: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 20 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: GEOMETRY Standard: Students will understand geometric concepts and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.G.4.1 Use appropriate technology, manipulatives, constructions, or drawings to recognize or compare geometric figures. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 4: Building Polygons (74–75) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 4: Building Polygons (91–97) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies; Labsheets 4.3; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark G.4: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 21 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: MEASUREMENT Standard: Students will understand measurement systems and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.M.1.1 Perform multi-step conversions of measurement units to equivalent units within a given system (e.g., 36 inches equals 3 feet or 1 yard). 6.M.1.2 Estimate measurement in both U.S. customary and metric units. 6.M.1.3 Select and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles (e.g., degrees, radians), perimeter, area, and capacity in both U.S. customary and metric systems. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (15–17) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (35–36) TR: Covering and Surrounding Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (71, 78–79) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (110–114, 129) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparency 5.1; Labsheet 5.1; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (33–35, 37 ACE exercises); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (7–9, ACE exercises); Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (20–21, 24, ACE exercises); Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (37–39, 41–43, ACE exercises); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (54–59, ACE exercises) SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark M.1: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 22 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology 6.M.1.4 Use standard units of linear measurement to the nearest sixteenth of an inch; metric measurements to the nearest millimeter. TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (45–52, 57–61); Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (23–26, 33– 36); Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (38–42, 47–50, 55– 59); Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (61–71, 73–74, 83–86); Investigation 4: Measuring Parallelograms (88–108) TR: All: Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources; Shapes and Designs Transparencies 1.1E, 2.3, 2.4; Labsheet 2.4; Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 1.2, 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.3A, 2.3B, 3.1A, 3.1B, 3.1C, 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.2A, 4.2B, 4.4A, 4.4B; Labsheets 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2A, 4.2B TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 23 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: MEASUREMENT Standard: Students will understand measurement systems and applications. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.M.2.1 Apply various measurement techniques and tools, units of measure, and degrees of accuracy to find accurate rational number representations for length, liquid, weight, perimeter, temperature, and time. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (8–9, ACE exercises), Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (22–23, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (37–43, ACE Exercises) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (27–36), Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (43–46, 55–59), Investigation 3: Measuring Triangles (61–71, 73–74, 83–86) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 1.3A– C, 2.2, 3.1A–D, 3.2A, 3.2B, 3.3; Labsheets 1.3, 3.1, 3.2A, 3.2B; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (8–9, ACE exercises) TG: Covering and Surrounding Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars (27–36) TR: Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 1.3A– C; Labsheets 1.3; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.M.2.2 Select and use formulas for perimeters of squares and rectangles. SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark M.2: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 24 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology 6.M.2.3 Select and use strategies to estimate measurements including angle measure and capacity. 6.M.2.4 Select and justify the selection of measurement tools, units of measure, and degrees of accuracy appropriate to the given situation. SE: Shapes and Designs ACE exercises (41–45) Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (22–23, ACE exercises), Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (70–71, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs ACE exercises (57–58) Covering and Surrounding Investigation 2: Changing Area, Changing Perimeter (43–46, 55–59), Investigation 5: Measuring Irregular Shapes and Circles (110–114, 129–132) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources Covering and Surrounding Transparencies 2.2, 5.1; Labsheets 5.1; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (36–37, ACE exercises) TG: Shapes and Designs Investigation 2: Polygons and Angles (49–52, 57–61) TR: Shapes and Designs Transparencies 2.4; Labsheets 2.4; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 25 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Standard: Students will understand how to formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.D.1.1 Use statistical representations to analyze data. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (7–9, 14–20, ACE exercises), Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (30–35, 38–39, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (17–20, 31–45), Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (47–56, 63–71) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.1A–B1.4A–C, 1.5A–B, 2.1A–C, 2.2, 2.4; Labsheets 2.4; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (18–20, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (37–44) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.5A–B; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.D.1.2 Draw and compare different graphical representations of the same data. SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark D.1: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them. Supplemental Materials TR = Teaching Resources Page 26 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology 6.D.1.3 Use mean, median, mode, and range to describe data. 6.D.1.4 Sketch circle graphs to display data. 6.D.1.5 Solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying and interpreting data. SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (18–20, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (50–53, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (65–67) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (21–26, 41–45), Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (74–86, 91–93), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (94–95) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.2A–B, 3.1A–B, 3.2A–B; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Bits and Pieces III Investigation 5: More About Percents (65–66, ACE exercises) TG: Bits and Pieces III Investigation 5: More About Percents (109–115) TR: Bits and Pieces III Transparencies 5.3; Labsheets 5.3; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Data About Us Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (36–38, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (57–62, 67–71) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 2.3A–B; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.D.1.6 Compare different samples of a population with the entire population and determine the appropriateness of using a sample. SE = Student Edition This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Samples and Populations. TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 27 TECH = Technology 6.D.1.7 Conduct and explain sampling techniques such as observations, surveys, and random sampling for gathering data. 6.D.1.8 Determine the median for a rational number data set containing an odd number of data points. 6.D.1.9 Calculate and explain the median for a whole number data set containing an even number of data points. 6.D.1.10 Explain advantages and disadvantages of using various display formats for a specific data set. This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Samples and Populations. SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (9–13, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (21–30, 41–45) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.2A–B, 1.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (12–13, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (27–30, 41–45) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (29); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (43, 48) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (45); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (69, 71– 72) TR: Data About Us Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 28 TECH = Technology 6.D.1.11 Formulate and solve problems by collecting, organizing, displaying, and interpreting data. SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (7–13, 15–20, ACE exercises); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (30–31, 33–34, 36–39, ACE exercises); Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (51–55, ACE exercises) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (17–30); Investigation 2: Using Graphs to Explore Data (47–72); Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (74–95) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.2A, 1.2B, 1.3, 2.1A–C, 2.2, 2.3A–B, 2.4, 3.1A–B, 3.2A–B, 3.3A–B; Labsheets 2.4; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 29 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Standard: Students will understand how to formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.D.2.1 Choose an appropriate graphical format to organize and represent data. Grade 6 Textbook Pages SE: Data About Us Looking Back and Looking Ahead (65–67) TG: Data About Us Looking Back and Looking Ahead (94–95) TR: Data About Us Transparencies; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM Supplemental Materials Month(s) when Addressed Above Average Grading the Graphics 6.D.2.2 Describe the effects of missing or incorrect data. 6.D.2.3 Compute and analyze statistical measurements for data sets: a. understand how additional data added to data sets may affect the computations of central tendency b. understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency c. know why a specific measure of central tendency provides the most useful information in a given context 5-8 Benchmark D.2: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data. SE: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (12–13, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (54–55, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (65–67) TG: Data About Us Investigation 1: Looking at Data (27–30, 41–45), Investigation 3: What Do We Mean by Mean? (87–93), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (94–95) TR: Data About Us Transparencies 1.3, 3.3A–B; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.D.2.4 Use data samples of a population and describe the characteristics and limitations of the sample. SE = Student Edition This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Samples and Populations. TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 30 TECH = Technology 6.D.2.5 Identify different ways of selecting a sample (e.g., convenience sampling, responses to a survey, random sampling) and which method makes a sample more representative for a population. 6.D.2.6 Explain how the way a question is asked in a survey might influence the results obtained. 6.D.2.7 Identify data that represent sampling errors and explain why the sample and the display might be biased. 6.D.2.8 Identify claims based on statistical data and, in sample cases, evaluate the validity and usefulness of the claims. SE = Student Edition This standard is addressed in the CMP2 Grade 8 Unit, Samples and Populations”. sampling.htm score.html /matrix/gr6.shtml SDP 2.3 /matrix/gr6.shtml SDP 2.4 /usi/dataproject/usi.midstds.html lessons/lhstate.html TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 31 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Standard: Students will understand how to formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.D.3.1 Identify claims based on statistical data and evaluate the validity of the claim 6.D.3.2 Conduct observations, surveys, experiments and/or simulations, record the results in charts, tables, or graphs, and use the results to draw conclusions and make predictions. Grade 6 Textbook Pages Supplemental Materials balancedassessment.concord.or g/ Grading the Graphics Month(s) when Addressed SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (8–10, ACE exercises) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (25–28, 33–35) TR: How Likely Is It? Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.D.3.3 Find all possible combinations in a given set (e.g., the number of ways a set of books can be arranged on a shelf). 6.D.3.4 Compare expected results with actual results in a simple experiment. 5-8 Benchmark D.3: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data. k_library.html?subject=NM&sub_ cat=105019&final=105022 s/elementary/palmasola/mathlabt utposcombo1.htm SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (55–56, ACE exercises) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (76–78, 89–90) TR: How Likely Is It? Transparencies 4.1; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD– ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 32 TECH = Technology Grade 6 Math Curriculum Alignment with State Standards District: Textbook: Connected Math 2 Strand: DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Standard: Students will understand how to formulate questions, analyze data, and determine probabilities. Grade 6 Performance Standards 6.D.4.1 List all possible outcomes for a compound event composed of two independent events and recognize whether an outcome is certain, impossible, likely, or unlikely. Grade 6 Textbook Pages 6.D.4.2 Determine and compare experimental (empirical) and mathematical (theoretical) probabilities (e.g., flipping two color counters). SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (39–40, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (60– 61, ACE exercises), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (70–71) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (59–62, 71–74), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (83– 89), Looking Back and Looking Ahead (90–91) TR: How Likely Is It? Transparencies 3.1A– C, 4.3; Labsheets 3.1, 4.3; Notebook Check; Self–Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide 5-8 Benchmark D.4: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability. Supplemental Materials sons/vol6/intro_probability.html faq.prob.intro.html k_library.html?subject=NM&sub_ cat=105019&final=105022 ent/percent.htm te1.0/discussions/pd4.html te/discussions/ProbabilityAndOut com/ TR = Teaching Resources Page 33 Month(s) when Addressed TECH = Technology 6.D.4.3 Determine theoretical and experimental probabilities and use them to make predictions about events. 6.D.4.4 Represent all possible outcomes for compound events in an organized way (e.g., tables, grids, tree diagrams) and express the theoretical probability of each outcome. 6.D.4.5 Use data to estimate the probability of future events (e.g., batting averages). SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (8–10, ACE exercises), Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (21–23, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (43, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (57–59, ACE exercises) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (25–28, 33–35), Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (37–44, 53–57), Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (67–74), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (79–82, 87–89) TR: How Likely Is It? Transparencies 4.2; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (24–26, ACE exercises) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (45–48, 53–57) TR: How Likely Is It? Transparencies 2.3; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD– ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD– ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (18); Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (49) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (35); Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (73) TR: How Likely Is It? Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 34 TECH = Technology 6.D.4.6 Represent probabilities as ratios, proportions, decimals between 0 and 1, and percentages between 0 and 100 and verify that the probabilities computed are reasonable; know that if P is the probability of an event, 1- P is the probability of the event not occurring. SE: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (8–10, ACE exercises), Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (21–23, ACE exercises), Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (43, ACE exercises), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (57–59, ACE exercises) TG: How Likely Is It? Investigation 1: A First Look at Chance (25–28, 33–35), Investigation 2: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (37–44, 53–57), Investigation 3: Making Decisions With Probability (67–74), Investigation 4: Probability, Genetics, and Games (79–82, 87–89) TR: How Likely Is It? Transparencies 4.2; Labsheets; Notebook Check; Self– Assessment; Spanish Assessment Resources TECH: Calculators; Student Activity CD–ROM; Web Code amk–5500; LessonLab Online Courses (; ExamView® CD–ROM; Teacher Express™ CD–ROM 6.D.4.7 Describe the difference between independent and dependent events and identify situations involving independent or dependent events. /lessons/vol6/independent_events.html /Math/mutual/Lindep.htm math/math-topic.cfm?TopicCode=mutual math8/strand4/4203.htm /lesson/probability_lesson8.htm /vol6/dependent_events.html /probability/dependent_independent.html lesson/probability_lesson9.htm /BillHardin_DependentIndependent%20events.doc http://www.leonelearningsystems .com/s08_dependent_events.htm SE = Student Edition TG = Teacher’s Guide TR = Teaching Resources Page 35 TECH = Technology