Recommender using K-Nearest Neighbor and

Movie Advisor
David Witherspoon
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309
Develop a recommendation application that provides predictions
on new items of interest for a user utilizing a combination of
classifiers to increase the accuracy. Utilizing the principles of
boosting where we have one classifier feed another classifier to
take advantage of the benefits of those specific classifiers. In this
paper I will take algorithms that have worked well in other papers
where I will combine and modify them to maximize the accuracy
of the recommendation to the user. I will also make some
modifications to help increase the accuracy due to possible
shortcomings in regards to correlation analysis.
classifiers that can work together to provide a more accurate
prediction or classification.
1.3 Contributions
I am looking at utilizing the Locally Weighted Naïve Bayesian
Network from section 2.4 to replace the Naïve Bayesian Network
that is in the architecture of the Content-Boosted Collaboration
Coefficient Recommender framework from section 2.1 to increase
the accuracy of the recommendations. I will keep the standard KNearest Neighbor as the second classifier within the framework. I
will also look towards utilizing the cosine [2] defined below:
cosine(A,B) = P(A∪B) / √P(A)P(B)
Collaborative Filtering, Naïve Bayesian Network, Recommender,
K-Nearest Neighbor, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Weka.
when the result of the Pearson correlation coefficient is not
1.1 Motivation
I am currently working on a Research and Development (R&D)
project that wants to have the ability to recommend tasks based on
other users’ ratings of other tasks. The thought of all
recommendation applications is that people that have similar
interest in the pass will continue to have similar interest in the
future. Most recommendation systems utilize one algorithm to
classify or predict the new items interest to the user, which seems
to be fairly accurate. With the data set that I will do future work
on, accuracy of the prediction is critical and would be willing to
sacrifice performance for gains in accuracy. This is a fine line to
walk since we do not want the system to perform so slowly that
waiting for the recommendation from the system hinders the
operator for using the system. So I will look at utilizing multiple
algorithms that will complement each other in providing more
accurate predictions. Since the R&D project currently does not
have the recommendation component, there is no data set to work
with. Therefore, I will be looking towards the rich data sets
provided by Netflix and Internet Movie Database (IMDB).
1.2 Existing Techniques
The main issue with most recommendation systems is that they
are not accurate enough for systems that are outside the domain of
recommending books, movies, music, etc. If the domain that you
are looking at needing recommendations on is more in the realm
of medical, military, or other life altering situations, then the
accuracy in the recommendation is critical. This led me to see that
most recommendation systems are only utilizing a single classifier
or predictor. After reading through the topic of boosting and
adaboosting [2], I realized the benefits of having multiple
2.1 Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering
The concept behind the Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering
(CBCF) is that having two classifiers that complement each other
will produce a more accurate prediction. In the paper about CBCF
they utilize the naïve Bayesian network, K-nearest neighbor,
Pearson correlation coefficient, and other components to create an
accuracy of MAE = 0.962.[5] The main techniques that I will be
utilizing is the pseudo user vector of predictions, the concept of
the K-nearest neighbor, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The
pseudo user vector of predictions and actual ratings is used to
resolve the issue of the user-rating matrix being very sparse when
most of the items have not been rated.
The one of the issues that I am looking to expand on is the
Pearson correlation coefficient and the time when this value is not
conclusive. Being able to utilize another correlation will hopefully
add to the increase in accuracy on recommendations that were
false negatives. The other issue that I am looking to improve on is
the use of the naïve Bayesian network that assumes that the
attributes are independent. This can actually cause errors in the
prediction and that is something that I am trying to reduce.
Therefore I will be looking at using the locally weighted naïve
Bayesian network that is described in section 2.4.
There is no tool or API that can be used to implement the
framework that is described in the paper [5].
2.2 Slope One Predictors
The Slope One predictor is a item-based collaborative filtering
where the predictor is of the for ƒ(x) = x + b.[4] The thought is
that there are less item to item comparisons than there are user
ratings to user rating comparisons. So that you can reduce the
amount of items to look up in order to figure out the
recommendation. The process for calculating the recommendation
is that if user A and user B both rate the same item and then user
A has a rating for the new item that B is interested in. Then to
calculate the rating for user B. We take the B’s rating of the
common item and add the difference between A’s rating of the
common item and A’s rating of the new item. This is illustrated in
figure 1 from the Slope One Predictor paper.[4]
This is a very simple and easy to implement classifier, but the
accuracy is not at an acceptable level for recommendations that
are more critical like military or hospital. In the Slope One
Predictor paper the results that they gathered were a MAE of 1.90
[4], which is much larger than the MAE provided by the CBCF
design as is. Therefore I will not be utilizing the Slope One
classifier, but this could be a candidate for an application that is
more concerned about performance and still have good accuracy.
The API that can be used for implementing this is Taste which has
become Mahout under Apache and is located at
2.3 Use of K-Nearest Neighbor
The K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier is based around the
premise that users that have rated movies similar in the past will
more than likely rate movies similar in the future. The main
decision that needs to be configured during the training of the Knearest neighbor is determining the value for K. From the results
presented in the paper on the Use of KNN [3], we can see that the
use of Pearson correlation coefficient is the better coefficient to
There really is no issue with the results from the paper, it is more
the fact that they could do better by utilizing multiple classifiers to
increase the accuracy or even as they stated to utilize clustering.
The API that can be used for implementing this is Taste which has
become Mahout under Apache and is located at
2.4 Locally Weighted Naïve Bayesian
The idea around the development of the locally weighted naïve
Bayesian network is the fact that the naïve Bayesian does well
when the assumption that the attributes are independent, but once
that assumption is violated the predictions become less accurate.
So the effort made by this group of people was to keep with the
idea of having a lazy learner. A new model would use a weighted
set of training instances in the locale of the test instance, which
helps to mitigate the effects of attribute dependence. [1] The idea
of weighting is based off the linear regression model and having
weight when it becomes non-linear.
Again there is really no issue with their approach besides striving
for higher accuracy, which leads me to utilize this version of the
naïve Bayesian network with the CBCF framework instead of the
original naïve Bayesian network.
The API that can be used to implement the locally weighted Naïve
at This API also supports the
Naïve Bayesian which is the original Bayesian Network that is
described in the framework for the CBCF application [5].
3.1 Analyze Data Set
The first step will be to download from the different web sites the
data for the Netflix and IMDB movie data. Then I will import the
data into the database and create a component that will attempt to
merge the two data sources by movie title and keep track of the
fallout between the two systems. At this point if the fallout of
records is too great, then I will proceed with the IMDB data
source since it contains other attributes besides just the time,
movie, rating, and user. The IMDB contains other attributes like
genre that could be significant attributes and increase the accuracy
of the predictions.
3.2 Database Design and Analysis
Once it has been determined what the actual data set will contain.
I will need to look at what design changes can be made to the
database to increase performance of the scanning of the tables that
will be performed by the classifiers. I will also need to come up
with a design for the table(s) that will hold the pseudo user-rating
vector described in section 2.1.
3.3 Data Sampling
Develop a component that will generate the 10-fold crossvalidation, where the data is randomly divided into 10 mutually
exclusive subsets. This would be beneficial since this is
recommended for estimating accuracy. [2]
3.4 Develop Recommenders
Develop the locally weighted naïve Bayesian network that will
populate the user’s vector of ratings for missing rates that will be
utilized by the K-nearest neighbor algorithm to determine the
value for the rating with the Pearson correlation coefficient
between [0,1] and cosine when the Pearson result is not
3.5 Train and Test the System
I will utilize the training data sets that were generated by the
component described in section 3.3 to train the locally weighted
naïve Bayesian network and the K-Nearest Neighbor to reduce the
MAE and improve the accuracy of the system. After the system
has been trained on the data I will run through the testing data sets
to see how the system does on providing accurate
3.6 Gather Metrics on RMSE and MAE
I will be looking at calculating both the Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE) and the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) to compare against
results calculated in other research. Both formulas are shown
MAE : ∑ | y(i) – y′(i)| / d where i = 1 to d
RMSE : √∑ ( y(i) – y′(i))² / d where i = 1 to d
The data set that I will be using on the application are the Netflix
data source that can be found here:
after you have registered a team and IMDB data source that can
be found here:
After we have gathered the metrics on RMSE and MAE, I will
compare the results of the MAE with the results gathered and
presented by other research [5]. Then I can determine if altering
the type of classifiers, increasing the number of significant
attributes and helping improve the correlation analysis increases
the accuracy of the recommendations provided by the application.
Week of March 8th – Data Analysis and Database Design
Week of March 15th – Develop Sampling and Create Sample Sets
There are multiple different rows of customer movie ratings per
movie. This data is loaded into the table that contains movie_id,
customer_id, movie_rating, movie_rating_date, training, and
is_prediction. The training attribute is used to mark the data as a
training record and to be used during the training of the classifier.
The is_prediction attribute is used to mark the movie_rating as a
prediction or actual value depending on if the attribute is true or
not. This allows me to keep track of what movie ratings were
predicted by the first classifier vs. what were actually rated by the
Week of March 22nd – Develop Locally Weighted Naïve Bayesian
6.2 Data Pre-Processing
Week of March 29th –Project Check Point. Finish up Bayesian
There are a total of 17,770 distinct Netflix movies that were
loaded into the database. The IMDB movie genre dataset
contained 850,709 records within the file, where there are
multiple genres per distinct movie. Importing the IMDB genre
dataset and matching on the movie title, I was able to insert
records into the database where they matched and filtered out the
movies that did not match.
Week of April 5th – Develop K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm
Week of April 12th – Develop Correlation Analysis.
Week of April 19th – Final Train, Test, and Gather Metrics
Week of April 26th –Project Presentation and Final Project Report
6.1 Data Analysis
Looking through the data and realizing that the IMDB data was
not providing a good way of determining the users’ ratings on the
movies, instead the ratings were an average weighting based on
multiple users’ ratings. Therefore, since I was not able to
determine individual user ratings, I proceeded with utilizing the
Netflix data and merging in the genre data from IMDB as I
originally had planned.
The processing of the Netflix movie title data is necessary to load
due to the fact that the genre data from the IMDB data source
contains the movie title and associated genre. The Netflix movie
title data format was movie id, movie year, and movie title. The
IMDB genre data format was in movie title and genre. Although
both datasets contained a movie title, there was a slight difference
in the definition of the IMDB movie titles and the Netflix movie
titles. In the IMDB movie titles attribute, it included the year of
the movie where Netflix has this as a separate attribute. This made
the comparison matching on movie title not a straight forward
implementation, but required a bit of string manipulation to
perform the matching.
The processing of the Netflix movie rating training dataset was
more straight forward and easier to implement. The format of the
dataset is:
Movie Id:
Customer Id, Movie Rating, Movie Rating Date
For example:
This states that customer id 1488844 rated movie id 1 as 3 out of
5 on 2005-09-06. So the second line states that customer id
822109 rated movie id 1 as 5 out of 5 on 2005-05-13. Each one of
the training files contains any number of movies that were rated
by any number of customers.
With the matching between the two different dataset by movie
title, I was able to match on 23,516 records from the IMDB to
Netflix which is only 3%. This number is low due to the fact in
the difference of amounts of distinct movies between Netflix
dataset and the IMDB dataset. So if we look at the distinct movies
that I was able to match on, it was 7,623 which are 43% related to
the number of Netflix movies. This is still lower than I was
hoping, but should be enough to see if having genre as a
significant attribute will help out with the movie rating
6.3 Data Processing
The data is queried from the database that contains all of the
movie ratings. To create the dataset for the training I utilize the
training attribute to pull all the records that are marked as training.
The movie rating table contains indexes to increase the speed at
which the data can be read and loaded into the Instances class that
is defined in the Weka API at
In order to work with the Weka API from my java application, I
needed to install the Weka application, and then within the main
directory you can get the weka.jar and weka-src.jar. Including
these two jars within your class path allows you to interact with
the Weka API from within your java application and to view the
source code from the Weka classes when debugging your
6.4 Training
To create the training dataset of Instances, I load only the movie
rating records that are marked as training as stated above.
Currently the training set consists of 720,000 records, but as of
Friday I was able to load 1,073,342 records into memory for the
classifier to train with. I will continue to push the limit in order to
hopefully load the entire training set provided by Netflix which
includes 17,770 data files of which I have processed 250.
If I finally reach a point of not being able to keep the training
records in memory, then I will look to store a portion of the
training data that will help me create the prediction on the records
that I need to complete the rating matrix. The thought that I have
so far would be to utilize the customer Id that will be provided to
make sure that I load all of those records. Then I will look to load
all records associated with any of the movies that were rated by
the customer that was provided. This should provide enough
information to get a prediction for the movie that the customer has
not seen yet and to help fill in the rating matrix for the second
classifier. This will be the plan to make sure that my current
design will be able to scale for large datasets.
When you are at the point of creating and training your classifier,
you will need to indicate on the Instances object which attribute
you will be classifying with. This is important otherwise you will
not be able to train your classifier and you will not be able to
perform predictions.
This example of the qualifying data states that customer id
1046323 needs a rating of the movie id 1 with the movie rating
date of 2005-12-19.
6.6 Results
The initial metrics that I have after training the Naïve Bayesian
Network and utilizing testing records to be classified, I am getting
the following result as depicted (see Table 2).
Table 2. Classification Results
6.5 Testing
Correctly Classified Instances
60.1052 %
Created the cross validation testing model from the Weka API and
provided the Naïve Bayesian Network and movie rating dataset to
perform the testing. Here I have been utilizing the 10-fold Cross
Validation testing mechanism that will break the training data into
a group of training folds and a single fold for the testing. This
allows me to run through the testing cycle multiple times utilizing
a different fold as the testing dataset and a different group of folds
for the training dataset. Each time I run through this test I provide
a different seed to a random number generator to select the
specific fold to be used for the testing dataset. The results of
running the 10-Fold Cross Validation multiple times utilizing the
720,000 movie rating records loaded so far is presented (see Table
Incorrectly Classified Instances
39.8948 %
Kappa statistic
Mean absolute error
Root mean squared error
Relative absolute error
80.8571 %
Root relative squared error
86.5997 %
Table 1. Results from 10-Fold Cross Validation
Run Number
The final testing of the completed system will utilize the
qualifying data that was provided by Netflix that has already been
loaded into the Movie Advisor database. The qualifying data
follows a similar format to the training data except that is it
missing the rating:
Movie Id:
Customer Id, Movie Rating Date
For example:
6.7 Milestones Update
So far I have completed the data analysis and database design for
the Movie Advisor. I have also completed the development of the
data sampling and created sample sets. The development of the
Naïve Bayesian Network as the first level classifier has been
completed. I have also trained and tested using this classifier and
presented my results above (see Table 1 and Table 2).
I still have items left to complete, starting with switching over to
the Locally Weighted Naïve Bayesian Network as the first
classifier of the not fully completed matrix. Then I will need to
implement the K-nearest neighbor classifier and the correlation
analysis. This will lead me to the first pass of the full testing of the
application and gather metrics on the rating of the movies based
off the use of the movie id, customer id, and rating date as
significant attributes. Then I will perform a second pass to gather
metrics after adding in the genre as a significant attribute.
The dates to get these items completed are still relevant to the
milestones that are presented in section 5.
6.8 Changes
So far there have been no changes made since the creating of this
document. As I continue with the work on this project there is a
chance that I might have to change directions on some of the
thoughts that I have especially around the training of the
classifiers and keeping the training data in memory. So for
scalability I have already talked about what I might do to improve
on that in section 6.4 on trading.
[1] Frank, E., Hall, M., and Pfahringer, B. 2003. Locally
weighted naïve Bayes. Proceedings of the Conference of
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
[2] Han, J. and Kamber, M. Data Minging: Concepts and
Techniques, Second Edition. Morgan Kaufmann Publishing,
San Francisco, CA. 2006.
[3] Hong, T. and Tsamis, D. 2006 Use of KNN for the Netflix
Prize. Stanford University class project.
[4] Lemire, D. and Maclachlan, D. 2005. Slope One Predictors
for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering, In SIAM
Data Mining (SDM'05), Newport Beach, California, April
21-23, 2005. Slope One Predictors For Online Rating-Based
Collaborative Filtering.pdf
[5] Melville, P., Mooney, R. J., and Nagarajan, R. 2002.
Content-boosted collaborative filtering for improved
recommendations. Proceedings of the Eighteenth National
Conference on Artificial intelligence (Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, July 28 - August 01, 2002). R. Dechter, M. Kearns,
and R. Sutton, Eds. American Association for Artificial
Intelligence, Menlo Park, CA, 187-192.
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David Witherspoon