Access to Higher Education: Social Studies/Combined Studies ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES Theme and Unit title: Psychology Applied Psychology Student Name: Title of assignment: Psychological interventions Date issued: Week 10 Submission date: Week 15 22 November 2010 17 January 2011 Work presented in an assessment must be your own. Plagiarism is where a student copies work from another source, published or unpublished (including the work of another student) and fails to acknowledge the influence of another’s work or to attribute quotes to the author. Plagiarism is an academic offence. If you are thought to have plagiarised someone else’s work this could result in disciplinary action. I have read the above information and I can confirm that this work is my own, and that any sources used have been acknowledged using the appropriate referencing system. Signature:…………………………………………………………………..Date: …………………………………………… ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES This assignment is to be submitted as an information booklet of 500 to 800 words which explains to a service user (client or patient) how two psychological approaches can be applied to an understanding of a particular problem. For example you might explain how the Psychoanalytical and Behaviourist approaches could be used to explain and treat a particular condition or disorder such as a phobia (e.g. a fear of spiders) or an addiction. For level 2 you will need to at least describe how your two chosen approaches treat the condition. For level 3 you will explain how your two chosen approaches explain the condition and how they intervene in practice to treat the problem. You do not need to explain the approaches more generally as you will have done this in your essay. Just focus on how they would explain and treat the condition. Your ‘booklet’ does not have to be ‘professionally’ laid out. It can be in the form of a leaflet if you prefer. But consider the visual lay-out so that it is clear and concise. You may use bullet-points and short paragraphs. PLEASE ENSURE THESE GUIDELINES ARE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR ASSIGNMENT D:\106728299.doc 1 LEARNING OUTCOMES 3. Understand how psychological perspectives can be applied to practice. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEVEL 2 3.1 Identify relevant psychological perspectives to given situations. 3.2 Describe suggested psychological interventions in the given situations. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LEVEL 3 3.1 Justify relevant psychological perspectives to given situations. 3.2 Explain suggested psychological interventions in the given situations. If all learning outcomes are achieved at level 3 the assignment will be graded according to the grade descriptors below. For this assignment grading criteria 2 and 7 apply. Descriptor Content for merit Content for distinction Guidance 2. Application of Knowledge Student makes use of relevant perspectives with either breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to pass and/or demonstrates very good levels of accuracy, insight and analysis Student makes use of relevant perspectives with both breadth and depth that goes beyond the minimum required to pass and/or demonstrates excellent levels of accuracy, insight and analysis To demonstrate insight in your booklet, you will need to show how different psychological perspectives explain the situations and how the interventions may address the psychological problems that you choose to focus upon. 7. Quality D:\106728299.doc The assignment work is: The assignment work is: Structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent. Structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent. You will need to carefully plan your booklet to ensure that it is organised effectively. You should demonstrate an ability to use psychological terms in a convincing manner that demonstrates your understanding of perspectives and their application in practice. 2 Access to Higher Education: Social Studies/Combined Studies FEEDBACK SHEET Theme and Unit title: Applied Psychology Psychology Student Name: Title of assignment: Psychological interventions Date issued: Week 10 22 November 2010 Submission date: Week 15 17 January 2011 Markers comments: Initial submission: Level and grades awarded: Resubmission: Level and grades awarded: TUTOR/ASSESSOR Damale Bogle-Rookwood SIGNED: DATE: INTERNAL VERIFIER Darrell Martin SIGNED: DATE: TUTOR/ASSESSOR : SIGNED DATE: INTERNAL VERIFIER SIGNED: DATE D:\106728299.doc 3 Learning Outcomes: Level achieved 1st submission Level achieved 2nd submission 3. Understand how psychological perspectives can be applied to practice. Assessment Criteria To achieve at Level 2 you need to: Met ()/Not Met(x) 1 sub 2nd sub st 3.1 Identify relevant psychological perspectives to given situations. 3.2 Describe suggested psychological interventions in the given situations. Met()/Not Met(x) st To achieve at Level 3 you need to: 1 sub 2nd sub 3.1 Justify relevant psychological perspectives to given situations. 3.2 Explain suggested psychological interventions in the given situations. If all learning outcomes are achieved at level 3 the assignment will be graded. For this assignment grading criteria 2 and 7 apply. Descriptor 2. Application of Knowledge Grade awarded Comment 7. Quality Markers comments: D:\106728299.doc 4 D:\106728299.doc 5