HUMAN SERVICES AND HEALTH PARTNERSHIP IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE (HSHPIC) TERMS OF REFERENCE Objective To promote and support collaboration and partnership between the Department of Human Services (DHS), the Department of Health (DH) and the funded community services sector to make a positive difference to our shared clients. Membership Membership comprises a mix of peak bodies representing the funded sector, DHS and DH senior officers: The departments nominate their own representatives Peaks and Statewide Forum nominates sector representatives. Eligible parties are peak organisations whose majority membership base is primarily funded by DHS and DH. This nomination right may include a DHS funded service provider in addition to peak body representatives. The Committee can co-opt members as required Members are jointly accountable for the development and delivery of the annual work plan and reporting requirements. They will provide informed advice to the DHS Board and DH Executive, as well as information to the sector. Current membership for 2013 is at Attachment 1. Resources Administration functions for the Committee are provided by VCOSS. Policy and strategy advice to the Committee is jointly provided by DHS, DH and VCOSS officers. Project coordination and some project management functions are provided by a VCOSS officer (refer to the VCOSS FASA for further detail). Deliverables Work plan HSHPIC directions are guided by an annual work plan. Work plan priorities are developed with input from HSHPIC members, the DHS Board, DH Executive and the Peaks and State-wide Forum, convened by VCOSS. HSHPIC has final authority for endorsement of the annual work plan. Work plan activities include: Establishment of working parties and projects to further the aims of HSHPIC. Management of Partnering Dialogues between: o the Secretary DHS and the sector to address agreed strategic human services challenges. o the Secretary DH and the sector to address agreed strategic health service challenges. Provision of advice to the DHS Board and DH Executive as requested. Reporting The Committee reports annually against the work plan to the DHS Board, the DH Executive and to the Peaks & State-wide Forum. Governance Chairing The Committee Chair is shared by the CEO VCOSS, and one each DHS and DH Executive Directors. Meeting frequency The Committee meets bi-monthly, alternating the Chair between DHS, DH and VCOSS.