Trait Summary of Traits of Quality Writing Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Rubric IDEAS (The heart of the message) Clarity-makes sense Focus-narrowed & manageable size Quality details-beyond obvious or general ORGANIZATION (The internal structure) Inviting Opening Sequencing-logical & effective Transitions-linking ideas & paragraphs Pacing Effective Ending SENTENCE FLUENCY (Rhythm & flow of language) Rhythm & cadence Smooth & easy flow Variety of sentence beginnings, lengths, & patterning CONVENTIONS (Mechanical correctness) Writing edited & proofed with care Spelling Punctuation Grammar & Usage Paragraphing Capital letters it’s its boys’ girl’s 5 STRONG – paper is clear & focused. Holds reader’s attention. Relevant details enrich the central theme 4 COMPETENT – 3 DEVELOPING- writer beginning to define thesis, development is still basic or general 2 EMERGING1 NOT YET – Paper has no clear thesis. To extract meaning from the text, reader must make inferences. 5 STRONG –organization enhances & showcases central theme. Order, structure, presentation of material is compelling & moves reader through text. 4 COMPETENT – 3 DEVELOPING- Organizational structure is strong enough to move reader through text without too much confusion. 2 EMERGING1 NOT YET – Writing lacks clear sense of direction. Ideas, details seem strung together in a loose or random fashion. No identifiable internal structure. 5 STRONG –Writing has easy flow, rhythm, cadence. Sentences well built, strong & varied structure that reads well aloud. 4 COMPETENT – 3 DEVELOPING- Text hums with steady beat but tends to be more mechanical than fluid. 2 EMERGING1 NOT YET – Choppy or awkward sentences. Sentences don’t hang together or begin same way. 5 STRONG –Errors few so just minor touchups to be ready to publish 4 COMPETENT – 3 DEVELOPING- Conventions sometimes handled well, other times errors are distracting & impair readabiltiy 2 EMERGING1 NOT YET – errors repeatedly distract reader & make text difficult to read. rubric with descriptions is available at rubric itself is at