Boys' Brigade Primers Programme Overview

Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
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Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
In year 2000, the BB21 Development initiative to retain our 16 years old and rejuvenate the BB
leadership was set in motion. The Primers Programme is based on the theme of "service and
leadership" for those who fall within the age group of 16 – 18 years old. It primarily caters to:
 Boys who have participated in the Juniors and/or Seniors Programme
 Youths who did not have the opportunity to join the BB before. This meant that girls can now
join the BB via the Primers Programme.
1. Provide a meaningful and purposeful programme, using BB methods, for youths of BB age 16 to
19 years;
2. Benefit Boys who may otherwise have outgrown the Senior Programme when they reach the BB
age of 16 years;
3. Benefit youth who desire to be trained as BB Officers even before they turn to the BB age of 19.
Desired Outcomes of Primers Programme Members
Service and Leadership
Is responsible and accountable for the youth under his/her charge
Manages Brigade activities and is a facilitator of the “BB Learning Experience”
Cares for family members
Plans and leads school activities
Understands the Christian faith
Plans and leads in church activities
Keeps abreast of current affairs
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Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
Current Strength
Till date, there are over 500 Primers in the BB.
Primers Companies
There are currently 5 Companies with the BB:
Anglo Chinese Junior College (ACJC) Primers
Nanyang Polytechnic Primers
Singapore Polytechnic Primers
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Primers
HQ Primers
Under the registration of Primers, those who are continuing their post Secondary education at the
above mentioned Polytechnics and ACJC will be registered under their Companies. For those who
are registered with other Polytechnics/Junior Colleges/Centralised Institutes/ITEs, they would be
registered under HQ Primers, where the bulk of the Primers are.
Registering as Primers
1. All who wish to join the HQ Primers must register with the Brigade Office, whilst those who joined
the Polytechnic Primers and ACJC Companies will register directly with their Companies.
2. All Primers will be issued with a record book. This is for the tracking of their involvement in
Service and Leadership. Primers are to ensure that they complete it properly and get it endorsed
by the proper authority.
3. Those who joined the Primers Companies are expected to serve there. However, if they wish to
serve with another Company, they sure indicate it when they join the Company.
1. Day Dress (Full Uniform)
The Day Dress is the attire worn on most parades or during Brigade
events, consisting of a white short-sleeve shirt and dark blue pants
(or skirts for female Primers). The following are also worn:
Field service cap with cap badge
Name Tag
Blue Lanyard
Dark blue socks
Black boots (laced)
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2. Fatigue Dress
This attire is for informal occasions or when fatigue duties are
performed. It consists of the blue BB regulation T-shirt, name tag,
dark blue pants/skirts for ladies or blue jeans (outdoor activities).
Running shoes with dark blue socks is to be worn.
Primers are reminded that for Brigade level activities, events or
course that stipulates Fatigue Dress, only the BB Regulation blue
(not white) Polo shirt is to be worn
3. Wearing of Badges
The Founder's collar pin is a souvenir badge, not a Proficiency badge, and should not be
worn on any BB uniform or BB regulation blue Polo shirt.
The NYAA and Anchor Award, if awarded, should be worn above the name tag, with the
NYAA badge to the left of the Anchor Award. Both awards should be worn slightly above the
left breast pocket.
The NYAA and President's Award, if awarded, should be worn with the NYAA badge to the
left of the Name Tag, and the President's Award centrally below them. The NYAA badge and
Name Tag should be worn slightly above the left breast pocket.
Cadet Lieutenant
Senior Cadet Lieutenant
Primers are conferred the rank of Cadet Lieutenant when they joined. They will automatically be
conferred the rank of Senior Cadet Lieutenant during their second year in the Primers Company.
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1. Anchor Award
This badge is awarded to Primers who have completed the Core curriculum of the Primers
1. Personal Development
Completion of the following personal development courses:
 The Leadership and Management Programme
 The Christian Citizenship Course
2. Christian Education
 The Leadership and Management Programme
3. Served and led in a BB Company or a Brigade Activity Unit for 90
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Community Service
Undertook community service in a leadership role through the BB
CARES Programme (a President’s Challenge event) and the BB
Sharity Gift Box, or such other community service as the Brigade
Executive may from time to time approve.
Primers Challenge
Successful completion of the 4D 3N expedition out of Singapore,
which challenges them both physically and mentally.
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2. Presidents’ Award
The President’s Award represents the epitome of our Boys’ development in The Boys’
Brigade. The highest award in the Primers Programme, this is awarded to young men who
have fulfilled the demanding requirements of leadership and service. In so doing, they are
prepared not only for continued service in the BB but also for young adulthood as active and
contributing citizens.
A recipient of this prestigious Award is designated as a President's Man.
1. Senior Proficiency Star in the Seniors Programme
2. Personal Development
Completion of the following personal development courses:
 The Leadership and Management Programme
 Christian Education (20 hours)
 The Christian Citizenship Course
3. Service and Leadership Attachment
Served and led in a BB Company or a Brigade Activity Unit for
150 hours. This includes any course of instruction attended for
Primers, as well as other programmes organized for Primers
at Brigade level.
4. Community Service
Undertook community service in a leadership role through the
BB CARES Programme (a President’s Challenge event) and
the BB Share-A-Gift, or such other community service as the
Brigade Executive may from time to time approve.
5. Adventure Courses
Primers need to participate in any one of the adventure
courses planned and served in the Brigade or Company level
with the skills they learnt.
6. Primers Challenge
Successful completion of the 4D 3N expedition out of
Singapore, which challenges them both physically and
In addition to the above requirements, recipients must also obtain a recommendation for the Award,
made by the Company Captain and endorsed by the School Principal and the Company Chaplain.
Nominations for the Award shall be considered by the President's Award Panel, who then makes its
recommendation for the consideration and approval of the Brigade Executive.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between
The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore and the National Youth
Achievement Award Council on 14 Aug 2004. As the BB and
NYAAC share common goals in youth development, the MOU will
allow BB members to qualify for the various awards under NYAA
when they have achieved various awards under the Seniors and
Primers Programmes.
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Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
Qualifying requirements for BB members under the joint accreditation are as follows:
Qualifying Age
16 years old
BB Awards
BB President’s Award, which consists of:
 Senior Proficiency Star
 Leadership and Management Programme
 Alpha Course
 Christian Citizenship Camp
 Service and Leadership Attachment
 Primers Challenge
Administration Process
1. Please proceed to register your qualifying Boys with NYAAC for the Awards immediately, as
NYAAC will only recognize activities recorded after the date of registration.
2. Usually, some schools have an assigned teacher to handle NYAA for all the CCAs. But some BB
Companies prefer to register and liaise directly with NYAAC. The mode of operation is
3. If you are registering for your Boys, you will need to fill up the NYAA Enrolment form for every
Boy, available at the website: Completion of the forms, with parental consent, can
then be faxed to NYAAC. This is to allow them to update administration records and prepare the
Record Books (Bronze or Silver or Gold) and Award Diaries for you in advance.
4. Thereafter, you may proceed to the NYAAC office for payment and collection of the Record Books
and Award Diaries. Registration fee is $7 for Bronze per Boy, $12 for Silver and $17 for Gold.
5. Under the joint accreditation, the Award Diary is optional and you may decide whether to fill it up
and submit to NYAAC.
6. For the Record books, the Joint Accreditation Annex document below can be used as a guide to
fill up the various categories of Service, Skills, Adventurous Journey and Physical Recreation, as
required by the NYAAC.
The development of the Primers as an individual continues, and centre on the themes of leadership,
Christian education and citizenry. Through it, it will prepare Primers to take up the following roles:
Adventure Instructors
Leadership Facilitators
Company Activities Instructors
Core Curriculum
1. Personal Development
Christian Citizenship Course
The course aims for the Primers to learn to accept his/her citizenship role and responsibility,
and base it on Christian principles and values. The course will consist of a series of selfpreparations, small group discussions and talks, based on each specific aspect of citizenship
Leadership And Management Programme
A core curriculum in the Primers Programme, the Leadership and Management Programme
(LAMP) seeks to discover each Primer's own leadership style and improve one's leadership
as well as management ability. Through workshops, games and creative thinking, Primers will
realise their ability and potential.
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Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
Christian Education
Other than developing their character and leadership skills, Primers also need to continue to
strengthen and build up their spiritual foundations. Hence, Primers should undergo at least 20
hours of Christian education, under a syllabus deemed suitable by the Company.
2. Service and Leadership
Primers are expected to take up leadership positions and serve extensively. This may be at the
BB Companies or at the Brigade level. This must also include that of Community Service in BB
CARES or BB Sharity Gift Box. Through this experience, it is hoped that Primers will sharpen their
leadership skills and grow in maturity as they move into adulthood. A total of 150 hours for
participation in service to a Company or Brigade is required for those who want to apply for the
President or Anchor Award.
3. Adventure Courses
Primers with a penchant for adventure may sign up as Associate Activity Instructors for the
a) Kayaking
b) Ropes
c) Rappelling/Omega Descent
Primers have to meet the minimum qualifying age of 18 before they can enroll for the above
instructor courses.
Key Company Events
Besides the usual parades, Officers should consciously make an effort to ensure that the other events
are organized:
Primers Orientation Camp (POC)
The camp acts as an introduction of Primers Programme to all. It includes all the 3 aspects of
Primers Programme, Leadership, Activities and Planning. Primer Companies would usually
organize their own POCs, and the Brigade will organize POC for HQ Primers.
Primers Challenge
This is an exciting adventure trip that will challenge the mental and physical fitness of the
Primers. Held outside Singapore, it will provide a totally different experience as compared to
Singapore. Primers who are aiming for the President’s Award must participate as this is a
requirement under it.
Recruitment and Orientation
This is an explosive way to start the year! Recruitment is where the Company displays its best
it can offer to new members. It is also a great opportunity to garner the talents and energies of
your Primers.
Enrolment Service
One of the important events of a company is the Enrolment Service. It is an annual ceremony
held early each year to officially enrol a company’s officers and members. This service is
typically held in late March and in church during Sunday service with the presence of the
sponsoring church’s congregation, and its officiated by the Company Chaplain.
BB Week
This is the annual fund-raising effort. It is an opportunity for members and friends to contribute
financially to the on-going work of the BB. For some Companies, they would usually have
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Our Programme at a Glance – The Primers Programme
their Enrolment Service during this period so that they can ask the sponsoring members for
their contributions to the BB.
Community Service Events
These events provide an avenue for you to care and share your time and energy for the less
fortunate. Primers are expected to take up leadership roles in these projects
In the BB, 2 major community service events are held yearly: BB CARES and BB Share-AGift. Companies should inquire with the Brigade Office with regard to the participation in
Camps, adventure and outings
Camps, adventure programmes and outings are great opportunities for bonding and
fellowship. Some recommended activities are:
o Overseas trips – waterfalls, climbs, kelongs
o Campfires, BBQ, Squad outings
o Adventure activities
 Ropes Course
 Rappelling
 Kayaking
 Archery
 Rock wall,
 Omega Descent
 Air Rifle
o Educational tours – variety shows, visits to foreign warships here, etc
The following resources are available to for Officers:
1. BB Website:
 Best practices amongst BB Companies
 Adventure vendors, including Campfire materials
2. Facilities
a. BB Campus
Address: 105 Ganges Avenue, Singapore 169695
6 dormitories of 10 bed each, fully air conditioned
2 seminar rooms with 50 seating capacity each
2 Halls with 120 seating capacity each
1 mini football court
1 dining hall
For more information and booking, please contact Mr Ken Li at 67370377 Ext 114
b. BB/GB Campsite
Address: 1200 Sembawang Road, Singapore 758526
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6 dormitories of 10 beds each, fully air conditioned
12 dormitories of 10 beds each, non air conditioned
7 seminar rooms with seating capacities between 40 - 60
1 Multi Purpose Hall with 120 seating capacity
1 small field
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2 Rappelling Walls
Kayaks (single & doubles)
Ropes Course
1 dining hall
For more information and booking, please contact Ms Seah Poh Gek from the Girls Brigade
headquarters at 62887451
For matters pertaining to Primers Programme, you may contact the following personnel:
Ms Loisa Koh
Executive (Programmes)
Email :
: 67370377 Ext 104
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