Table S3. Summary of the 11 microsatellite primers used for paternity analysis and quantification of relatedness between assigned parents in two dipterocarp species Shorea xanthophylla and Parashorea tomentella. Number of alleles (Na); observed heterozygosity (Hobs); expected heterozygosity (He); paternity non-exclusion probability at each locus (N-PE) and total exclusion probability over all loci (PE) given known mother. a Redesigned primers based on published primers. b Newly developed microsatellite primers. c Published primers. S.xanthophylla (108 adults) Locus Dip01a Dip02 a Dip03 a Dip04 a Dip05 a Pt05 b SLD1c Sx02 a Sx10 a mean PE Na 4 12 9 10 9 6 15 27 19 12 Size range (bp) 89-95 206-229 137-154 146-190 175-192 103-117 181-212 200-253 121-179 Hobs 0.062 0.716 0.48 0.295 0.621 0.688 0.839 0.795 0.897 0.599 He 0.089* 0.78 0.524 0.568* 0.694 0.694 0.809 0.876 0.889 0.658 N-PE 0.954 0.396 0.679 0.683 0.514 0.559 0.358 0.238 0.217 0.511 0.9991 P.tomentella (93 adults) Locus Dip01a Dip02 a Dip03 a Dip04 a Dip05 a Pt05 a SLD1c SLK06 c SLC06 c mean PE Na 6 10 7 6 7 10 7 5 12 8 Size range (bp) 102-116 212-240 134-146 158-172 178-198 97-119 189-237 144-156 202-224 Hobs 0.506 0.75 0.231 0.659 0.368 0.651 0.194 0.627 0.667 0.517 He 0.519 0.781 0.312* 0.741 0.428 0.785 0.368* 0.567 0.789 0.588 N-PE 0.7 0.425 0.839 0.501 0.752 0.419 0.792 0.726 0.391 0.616 0.9912 GeneBank Accession AJ582737 AJ616883.1 AJ616888.1 AY558717 AJ616885 FJ968736 DC651058 FJ968737 FJ968738 AJ582737 AJ616883.1 AJ616888.1 AY558717 AJ616885 FJ968736 DC651058 DC649188 DC650703 Table S3. Mating system statistics for progeny of Shorea xanthophylla and Parashorea tomentella based upon 9 microsatellites loci. Number of progeny genotypes (N); multilocus outcrossing rate (tm ); single locus outcrossing rate (ts); , biparental inbreeding as defined by the difference between multilocus and single locus outcrossing rates (tm - ts); Parental inbreeding coefficient. Values in parenthesese are standard error (SE) based upon 100 bootstraps. S.xanthophylla N 456 P.tomentella 408 tm 0.996 (0.0097) 0.907 (0.0014) ts 0.9 (0.0022) 0.854 (0.0008) tm - ts 0.096 (0.0102) 0.053 (0.0007) Fp 0.094 (0.0046) -0.031 (0.0018)