Harmful and parasitic unicellular eukaryotes persist in a shallow

Harmful and parasitic unicellular eukaryotes persist in a shallow lake under
reconstruction (L. Karla, Greece)
Eleni Nikouli1, Konstantinos Ar. Kormas1*, Panagiotis Berillis1, Hera Karayanni2, Maria
Department of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment, School of Agricultural Sciences,
University of Thessaly, 384 46 Volos, Greece
Department of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina, 451 10
Ioannina, Greece
Department of Botany, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24
Thessaloniki, Greece
Corresponding author: Tel.: +30-242-109-3082, Fax: +30-242-109-3157, Email:
Supplementary material
Submitted to “Hydrobiologia”
Figure S1. 18S rRNA gene clone library coverage based on Good’s C estimator of the
unicellular eukaryotes Lake Karla, Greece. O/P = ratio of observed-to-predicted number of
phylotypes based on SChao1.
Figure S1a. The phylogenetic tree of the Fungi 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp) of the
representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes found in
the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based on the
neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One thousand
bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated distance.
Figure S1b. The phylogenetic tree of the rest of the Fungi 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600
bp) of the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes
found in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based
on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S2. The phylogenetic tree of the Mesomycetazoa 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600
bp) of the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes
found in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based
on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S3. The phylogenetic tree of the Copepoda 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp) of
the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes found
in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based on
the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S4. The phylogenetic tree of the Cryptophyta 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp)
of the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes
found in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based
on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S5. The phylogenetic tree of the Chlorophyta 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp)
of the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes
found in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based
on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S6. The phylogenetic tree of the Cercozoa 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp) of
the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes found
in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based on
the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S7. The phylogenetic tree of the Stramenopiles 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600
bp) of the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes
found in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based
on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Figure S8. The phylogenetic tree of the Alveolata 18S rDNA relationships (ca. 1600 bp) of
the representative unique for each sample (grouped on ≥98% similarity) phylotypes found
in the Lake Karla water column in May, August and November 2010. The tree is based on
the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One
thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. Scale bar represents 2% estimated
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) protocol
Water samples were fixed with glutaraldehyde (final concentration 2.5%) overnight at 4°C
and then filtered on an isopore polycarbonate membrane filter (0.2μm). The filters
were dehydrated with a graded alcohol series (50%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 100%) and then
were air-dried and covered with a thin layer of gold using a sputter coater (Bal-tec SCD
004), before their examination under a scanning electron microscope (Cambridge
Stereoscan 240).
Figures S9. Scanning electron microscopy photographs of unicellular eukaryotes identified
in the Lake Karla water column during the first year of the lake’s water refilling.
a, b: Euglena sp.; c: Peridiniopsis sp.; d Pfiesteria sp. (arrow); e: Cyclotella sp.; f: Tetraedron
minimum; g: Coleps sp.
Figure S10. DAPI prokaryotic cell counts in Lake Karla, Greece.