
STUDENT REVIEW: Structures, Processes, and Responses in Animals
The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses in
animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. (Life Science)
Illustrate animal behavioral responses (including hibernation, migration, defense, and courtship) to
environmental stimuli.
EQ: How do animals respond behaviorally to changes in their environment?
A complex set of responses to stimuli is called behavior. Behavioral responses refer to how animals cope with
changes in their environments. Animals may respond to environmental stimuli through the following behaviors:
As a result of _______________________, winter weather (stimulus) some animals will hibernate.
Hibernation is a state of greatly reduced ___________________________, used to conserve __________ stored in
the body.
Some animals hibernate for _______________ or ___________ of the winter.
The animal's body temperature drops, its ___________________and _____________________slow down, and it
uses very little ___________________________.
A few examples of hibernating animals may be_____________________, ____________________,
_______________________, ____________________, and _______________________________.
Migration is the _________________________of animals from one place to another in response to seasonal
changes. They travel to other places where _____________________is available.
Migrating animals usually use the same ______________________ year after year.
The cycle is controlled by changes in the amount of ______________________and the _______________.
A few examples of animals that migrate are__________________________, _____________________,
_____________________________, and _____________________________.
Defense mechanisms vary with different types of animals. Some examples are:
Camouflage: Some animals have protective ___________________________ to survive changes in its
environment. Some animals develop their camouflage in response to the______________________; for example
the artic fox and snowshoe hare. They develop a white coat for the winter to _____________________ with the
STUDENT REVIEW: Structures, Processes, and Responses in Animals
The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses in
animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. (Life Science)
snow and a gray coat in the summer to ____________________with the forest. Chameleons and other lizards
change ________________to blend into the environment to avoid______________________________.
Smells: Skunks use an offensive odor in response to __________________. The skunk turns the predator's sense
of smell against it by issuing a stream of oily, foul smelling _____________________.
Stingers: Wasps and bees use a stinger for ______________________________ when frightened or threatened.
Ejection: The black ____________cloud of an octopus is a defense mechanism because it gives the animal a
chance to _____________________ from a predator. When the horned lizard gets really scared, it shoots blood
out of its eyes allowing it time to ____________________ a predator.
Mimicry: When a weaker animal ___________________ stronger animals' characteristics to warn off predators, it
is using mimicry. Some animals may look like another more poisonous or dangerous animal that give it
________________________, such as a “false” coral snake or hawk moth caterpillar that looks like a snake.
Certain moths have markings that look like eyes and some flower flies resemble black and yellow wasps that have
a powerful sting and use this disguise to ___________________________________.
Grouping: This social behavior occurs when certain animals _______________________ together in groups to
protect individuals within the group or to fool a predator into thinking the group is one large organism. Examples
may include __________________ of buffalo, zebra, cattle; __________________ of wolves; or
_______________________of fish.
Courtship in animals is usually a behavioral process whereby adults of a species try to __________________
a potential mate.
Courtship behaviors ensure that males and females of the same species ________________________each other.
_________________________________stimuli, such as seasonal changes, will stimulate courtship.
Often sensory cues (for example, chemical odor cues, sounds, or color) will serve as ________________________
attractants in animals.
Questions to consider:
What types of behavior might some animals have due to seasonal changes?
What happens to an animal’s body during hibernation?
STUDENT REVIEW: Structures, Processes, and Responses in Animals
The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses in
animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. (Life Science)
What types of behavior might some animals have in order to protect themselves from predators?
What parts of animals’ bodies are involved with the defense behaviors of camouflage, smells, stingers, and
ejection? Give an animal example for each of these behaviors?
What are some types of groups that form to protect animals? Why is grouping a good protection for some
How does the courtship behavior of an animal help the species?
STUDENT REVIEW: Structures, Processes, and Responses in Animals
The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses in
animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. (Life Science)
A complex set of responses to stimuli is called behavior. Behavioral responses refer to how animals cope with
changes in their environments. Animals may respond to environmental stimuli through the following behaviors:
As a result of ____cold_________, winter weather (stimulus) some animals will hibernate.
Hibernation is a state of greatly reduced ______body activity__________, used to conserve __food___ stored in
the body.
Some animals hibernate for ____part________ or ____all_____ of the winter.
The animal's body temperature drops, its ____heartbeat________and ______breathing_______slow down, and it
uses very little ___energy____________.
A few examples of hibernating animals may be____ants__________, _____snakes________,
______black bears___________, _____beavers_________, and ______ground squirrels________.
Migration is the ______movement________of animals from one place to another in response to seasonal changes.
They travel to other places where _____food_______is available.
Migrating animals usually use the same _____routes________ year after year.
The cycle is controlled by changes in the amount of _____daylight__________and the ___weather_____.
A few examples of animals that migrate are_____monarch butterflies_____________, _____orcas__________,
_______caribous____________, and _______ducks (geese, robins…)________________.
Defense mechanisms vary with different types of animals. Some examples are:
Camouflage: Some animals have protective _____coloration__________ to survive changes in its environment.
Some animals develop their camouflage in response to the____weather__________; for example the artic fox and
snowshoe hare. They develop a white coat for the winter to ____blend_______ with the snow and a gray coat in
the summer to _____blend________with the forest. Chameleons and other lizards change ____colors______to
blend into the environment to avoid______predators_______________.
Smells: Skunks use an offensive odor in response to ____fear________. The skunk turns the predator's sense of
smell against it by issuing a stream of oily, foul smelling ___musk____________.
Stingers: Wasps and bees use a stinger for ______protection________________ when frightened or threatened.
Ejection: The black __ink _____cloud of an octopus is a defense mechanism because it gives the animal a chance
to ____escape_________ from a predator. When the horned lizard gets really scared, it shoots blood out of its
eyes allowing it time to _____escape_________ a predator.
Mimicry: When a weaker animal ____copies _________ stronger animals' characteristics to warn off predators, it
is using mimicry. Some animals may look like another more poisonous or dangerous animal that give it
______protection________, such as a “false” coral snake or hawk moth caterpillar that looks like a snake.
STUDENT REVIEW: Structures, Processes, and Responses in Animals
The student will demonstrate an understanding of structures, processes, and responses in
animals that allow them to survive and reproduce. (Life Science)
Certain moths have markings that look like eyes and some flower flies resemble black and yellow wasps that have
a powerful sting and use this disguise to ______ward off predators_________________.
Grouping: This social behavior occurs when certain animals ____travel_________ together in groups to protect
individuals within the group or to fool a predator into thinking the group is one large organism. Examples may
include ____herds_______ of buffalo, zebra, cattle; _____packs_________ of wolves; or
_______schools_________of fish.
Courtship in animals is usually a behavioral process whereby adults of a species try to ____attract________
a potential mate.
Courtship behaviors ensure that males and females of the same species ______recognize__________each other.
________Environmental________________stimuli, such as seasonal changes, will stimulate courtship.
Often sensory cues (for example, chemical odor cues, sounds, or color) will serve as ____courtship___________
attractants in animals.
Questions to consider:
What types of behavior might some animals have due to seasonal changes?
What happens to an animal’s body during hibernation?
What types of behavior might some animals have in order to protect themselves from predators?
What parts of animals’ bodies are involved with the defense behaviors of camouflage, smells, stingers, and
ejection? Give an animal example for each of these behaviors?
What are some types of groups that form to protect animals? Why is grouping a good protection for some
How does the courtship behavior of an animal help the species?