Johan F.M. SWINNEN Curriculum Vitae Family Name : SWINNEN First Names : Johan Frans Maria Date & place of birth: September 28, 1962 in Olmen, Belgium Nationality: Belgian Address: Department of Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven) Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium e-mail: Education: MSc Agricultural Sciences (Landbouwingenieur) 1985, K U Leuven Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics 1992, Cornell University, USA Current employment: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Professor of Development Economics - Director, Center for Economic Studies - Director, Research Group on Food Policy, Transition & Development (PRG-Leuven) Previous employment: 1998-2000 Economic advisor, European Commission, DG-Economic and Financial Affairs (Advising on EU agricultural policy, trade issues, East European reforms and EU enlargement, Balkan reconstruction) 1993-1997 Assistant/Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Food Policy 1992-1993 Senior Economist, LICOS-Centre for Transition Economics, KULeuven Other professional activities : Chair, Scientific Programme Committee, 1999 Tri-Annual European Association of Agricultural Economists Congress (Warsaw) Member of - Steering Committee, World Bank Land Policy Project (2000-02) - OECD Expert Group “Global Forum on Agriculture” (since 1993) - International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (since 1995) - US National Agricultural Biotechnology Council (1989-91) - Editorial Advisory Board of “Agricultural Economics” (Journal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists) (since 1999) - Editorial Advisory Board of the “Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture” (since 1999) - Editorial Board of special series of books on “Rural Transition” , published by Lexington Press (Virginia, USA) Visiting Professor & Invited Lectures : Univ. de Namur (Belgium) Univ. of Siena (Italy), Wageningen Univ. (Netherlands), Cornell Univ. (USA), Univ. of Nitra (Slovakia), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (Chania, Greece), Jo Swinnen - CV Summary Director, coordinator, and partner of several research networks and projects, including - “Political Economy of Trade and Price Policies in Western European Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis” (1997-2001; financed by KULeuven Onderzoeksraad -- OT) - “Efficiency of Organizations in Transition” (1998-2001 – FWO) - European Research Network on "Causes and Effects of Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in CEECs " (1997-1999 -- EU-ACE program) - European Research Network on "Agriculture and East-West European Integration" (19961998 financed by EU-ACE program) - “Political Economy of Trade and Price Policy Reform in CEE Agriculture” (1996-1999), Promotor, Gefinancierd door : EU-ACE program - “Agricultural Implications of CEEC Accession to the EU” (1996-1999 -- EU-FAIR program) - “Agriculture and East-West European Integration” (1995-1997 -- EU-ACE program) - “Political Economy of Land Reform in Central and Eastern Europe" (1995-1996 -- FWO) - Several EU-ACE financed doctoral fellowships - 2 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary PUBLICATIONS 1. Papers in International Scientific Journals Bojnec, S. and J. Swinnen, 1997, "Patterns of Agricultural Price Distortions in Central Europe", Food Policy, 22(4):289-306. Cungu, A. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Albania’s Radical Agrarian Reform”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47(3):605-619. de Gorter H. and J. Swinnen, 1994, "The Economic Polity of Farm Policy", Journal of Agricultural Economics, 45(3): 312-326. de Gorter H. and J. Swinnen, 1995, "The Economic Polity of Farm Policy: Reply", Journal of Agricultural Economics, 46(3): 403-414. de Gorter, H. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “The Impact of Economic Development on Redistributive and Public Research Policies in Agriculture”, Review of Development Economics, 2(1):41-60. Díaz-Bonilla, E., S. Robinson and J. Swinnen, 2003, “Regional Agreements and the WTO Negotiations”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming Dries, Liesbeth and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2002, "Institutional Reform and Labor Reallocation during Transition: Evidence from Polish Agriculture", World Development, 30(3): 457-474. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1998, "Agribusiness Restructuring, Foreign Direct Investment, and Hold-Up Problems in Agricultural Transition", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 25(4):331350. Gow, H., Streeter, D. and J. Swinnen, 2000, "How Private Contract Enforcement Mechanisms Can Succeed Where Public Institutions Fail: The Case of Juhosucor A.S." Agricultural Economics, 23(3): 253-265. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Private Enforcement Capital and Contract Enforcement in Transition Countries” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83(3): 686-690 Hartell, J. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Trends in Price and Trade Policy Instruments in Central European Agricultural and Food Markets”, The World Economy, 21(2):261-279. Kyle, S. and J. Swinnen, 1994, "The Theory of Contested Markets and the Degree of Tradedness of Agricultural Commodities: an Empirical Test in Zaire", Journal of African Economies, 3(1):93113. Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Causes of Output Decline during Transition: The Case of Central and Eastern European Agriculture”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(March):172-206. Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Impact of Reforms and Initial Conditions on Agricultural Output and Productivity Changes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and East Asia”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 82(5):1149-1155. Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2002, "Patterns of Agrarian Transition" Economic Development and Cultural Change, 50(2): 365-395. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “The Economics of Agricultural Decollectivization in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 47(1):126. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Production Organization and Efficiency during Transition: An Empirical Analysis of East German Agriculture”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 83(1): 100-107. Pokrivcak, J., de Gorter, H., and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Does a ‘Restaurant Table Effect’ Exist with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy? A Note” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 52(3): 28-30. Rizov, M., Gavrilescu, D., Gow, H., Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Transition and Enterprise Reorganization: Farm Restructuring in Romania” World Development , 29(7): 1257-1274. 3 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary Swinnen, J., 1993, "The Development of Agricultural Policies in Eastern Europe: An endogenous policy theory perspective" Food Policy, June, 187-191. Swinnen, J., 1994, "Policy and Institutional Reform in Central European Agriculture", Tijdschrift voor sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek van de landbouw, 9(2):134-160. Swinnen, J., 1994, "A Positive Theory of Agricultural Protection", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, February, 76(1):1-14. Swinnen, J., 1996, "Endogenous Price and Trade Policy Developments in Central European Agriculture". European Review of Agricultural Economics, 23(2):133-160. Swinnen, J., 1997, “Does Compensation for Disruptions Stimulate Reforms ? The Case of Agricultural Reform in Central Europe.” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 24(2):249-266. Swinnen, J., 1998, "Economic Transition and the Distribution of Policy Rents: The Case of the WheatFlour-Bread Chain in Bulgaria", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 25 (3): 243-258. Swinnen, J., 1999, "Political Economy of Land Reform Choices in Central and Eastern Europe", The Economics of Transition, 7(3):637-664. Swinnen, J., 2002, “Transition and Integration in Europe: Implications for agricultural and food markets, policy and trade agreements”, The World Economy, 25(4): 481-501. Swinnen, J., 2002, "Land Reform in Russia: Constraints and policy implications", Economic Systems 26: 159-162 Swinnen, J., 2002, “Political Reforms, Rural Crises, and Land Tenure in Western Europe”, Food Policy, 27(4): 371-394 Swinnen, J., Banerjee A., and H. de Gorter, 2001, “Economic Development, Institutional Change and the Political Economy of Agricultural Protection: An Empirical Study of Belgium since the 19 th Century” Agricultural Economics, 26(1) 25-43 Swinnen, J. and H. de Gorter, 1993, "Why Small Groups and Low Income Sectors Obtain Subsidies: The 'Altruistic' Side of a 'Self-Interested' Government", Economics and Politics, 5(3):285-296. Swinnen, J. and H. de Gorter, 1998, “Endogenous Market Distortions and the Benefits from Research” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80(1):107-115. Swinnen, J. and H. de Gorter, 2002, “On Government Credibility, Compensation, and UnderInvestment in Public Research” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 29(4):501-522. Swinnen, J., de Gorter, H., Rausser, G. and A. Banerjee, 2000, “The Political Economy of Public Research Investment and Commodity Policies in Agriculture: An Empirical Study” Agricultural Economics, 22:111-122 Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 1999, “Agricultural Credit Problems and Policies during the Transition to a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe” Food Policy, 21(1):21-47. Swinnen, J. and A. Heinegg, 2002, “On the Political Economy of Land Reform in the former Soviet Union”, Journal of International Development, 14, 1019-1031 Swinnen, J., Jacobs, P.A., Uytterhoeven, J.B., Tollens, E.F., 1988, "An Economic and Simulation Approach for Renewable Natural Resources. Ethanol Production in the EEC : A Case Study", Biomass 15, 143-153. Swinnen, J. and E. Tollens, 1991, "Glucose Based Production of Bulkchemicals: feasibility and potential outlets", Bioresource Technology, 36, 277-291 Swinnen, J. and F. van der Zee, 1993, "The New Political Economy of Agricultural Policies: A Survey", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 20(3):261-290. 2. Articles in Other journals Dries, Liesbeth, Karen Macours and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2000, "Employment on Central and Eastern European Farms", Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, 3, 42-45. 4 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary Dries, Liesbeth and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2000, "Labour Adjustments in Central and Eastern European Agriculture", Emergo: Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies, 7(3): 3845. Gow, H.. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Foreign Investment and Contract Enforcement in Transition Countries”, Transition, forthcoming Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “How Gradual was China's Agricultural Reform?”, Transition, December:17-18. Mathijs, E., Dries, L., Doucha, T. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Production Efficiency and Organization of Czech Agriculture” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:312-324. Segre, A. and J. Swinnen, 1999, "Agricultural Transition and European Integration" MOCT-MOST Economic Policy in Transition, Winter, 144-156. Swinnen, J., 1997, “Privatizzazioni e decollettivizzazione nell’agricoltura dell’Europa centro-orientale.” La Questione Agraria, 65:75-96. Swinnen, J., 2000, "Pourquoi la réforme foncière des pays de l’Est est inachevée", Revue Foncière, 2: 26-31 Swinnen, J., 2001 "Will Enlargement Cause a Flood of Eastern Food Imports, Bankrupt the EU Budget, and Create WTO Conflicts ?” EuroChoices, Spring 2001 Swinnen, J., 2002 "Will Enlargement Cause a Flood of Eastern Food Imports, Bankrupt the EU Budget, and Create WTO Conflicts ?” (Polish version) Village and Agriculture, Warsaw, forthcoming Swinnen, J. and E. Mathijs, 1999, “Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:224-235. Swinnen, J. and K. Macours 2001, “Agricultural Transition Patterns in East Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe”, Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic Issues), 8, Moscow, forthcoming 3. Books Swinnen, J. and J. Hartell (eds.), 2000, Agriculture and East-West European Integration, London: Ashgate Publ. Swinnen, J.(ed.), 1997, Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Ashgate Publ. Swinnen, J., Buckwell A. and E. Mathijs (eds.),1997, Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Ashgate Publ. Swinnen, J.(ed.), 1994, Policy and Institutional Reform in Central European Agriculture, London: Avebury Publications, 214p. (all books include several chapters (co-)authored by Swinnen) 4. Special Journal Issues (Editing) Segre, A. and J. Swinnen, 1999, (eds.) Special issue of Economic Policy in Transition on "Agricultural Transition and European Integration" forthcoming Swinnen, J. 1999 (ed.) Special conference issue of the European Review of Agricultural Economics (on Transition in Eastern Europe and East-West European Integration and Impliciations of the WTO Millenium Round for European Agriculture), 26(3). 5. Book Chapters 5 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary de Gorter, H., J. Pokrivcak and J. Swinnen, 1998, "The ‘Restaurant-table Effect’: Europe and the Common Agricultural Policy, " in Yildirium, T., Schmitz, A. and W.H. Furtan (eds.), World Agricultural Trade. Boulder, Co: Westview Press. De Gorter, H. and J. Swinnen, 2002, “Political Economy of Agricultural Policies”, Chapter 36, The Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Volume 2, Edited by B. Gardner and G. Rausser, Elsevier Science: North Holland, Amsterdam, 2073- 2123 Hartell, J. en J. Swinnen, 2000, “European Integration and the Political Economy of Central and East European Agricultural Price and Trade Policy”, in: Tangermann, S., and M. Banse (eds.), Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union. CAB International. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2001, "Foreign Direct Investment and Vertical Contracting in the Agro-Food Sector of Transition Countries", in C. B. Moss, G. C. Rausser, A. Schmitz, T. G. Taylor, and D. Zilberman (Eds.), Agricultural Globalization, Trade, and the Environment, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Noev, N. and J. Swinnen, 2002, The Transition of the Wine Industry, Policy and Trade in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, in Anderson, K. (ed.), Globalization and the World's Wine Markets, London: Edward Elgar (forthcoming) Swinnen, J., 1994, "Political Economy of Bulgarian Agricultural Reform", Chapter 6 in: Schmitz, A., Moulton, K., Buckwell, A., and S. Davidova (Eds.), Privatization of Agriculture in New Market Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Swinnen, J., 1998, “Agricultural Reform in Central and Eastern Europe” in Eicher, C. and J. Staatz (eds), Agricultural Development in the Third World, Third Edition, Johns Hopkins.. Swinnen, J., 2000, "Agricultural Institutions and Reforms Policies in Central and Eastern Europe” in Burrell, A. and A. Oskam (eds), European Agricultural Policy in Transition, Wageningen University Press. Swinnen, J., 2001, “Transition from Collective Farms to Individual Tenures in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: de Janvry, A., Gordillo, G., Platteau, J-P. and E. Sadoulet (eds.) Land Reform Revisited: Access to Land, Rural Poverty and Public Action, Oxford University Press, 349-378. Swinnen, J., 2001, “Ten Years of Agricultural Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Some Lessons for Ukraine”, in: von Cramon-Taubadel, S., Zorya, S., and L. Striewe (eds.) Policies and Agricultural Development in Ukraine, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 6-19. Swinnen, J., Gow, H. and I. Maviglia, 2000,"Modest Changes in the West, Radical Reforms in the East, and Government Intervention Everywhere: European Sugar Markets at the Outset of the 21st Century", in: Schmitz, A., Spreen, T. and W. Messina, Sweetener Markets in the 21st Century, Kluwer Academic Publishers, forthcoming. Tangermann, S. en J. Swinnen, 2000, “Conclusions and Implications for Food and Agricultural Policy in the Process of Accession to the EU”, in: Tangermann, S., and M. Banse (eds.), Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union. CAB International. 6. Papers in Conference Proceedings Bojnec, S., Münch, W. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Exchange Rates and the Measurement of Agricultural Price Distortions in CEECs and the Costs of CEEC-EU Accession”, in: Brockmeier, M., Francois, J., Hertel, T., and P.M. Schmitz, Economic Transition and the Greening of Policies. Modeling New Challenges for Agriculture and Agribusiness in Europe, Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, p.285-304. Cungu, A. and J. Swinnen, 1998, " The Significance of Politics and Institutions for Privatization and Decollectivization in Albania", in: Frohberg, K. and P. Weingarten (eds.) The Significance of Politics and Institutions for the Design and Formation of Agricultural Policy, Kiel: Vauk Verlag, p.238-250. 6 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary de Gorter H. and J. Swinnen, 1995, "The Political Economy and Institutional Determinants of Public Policy in Agriculture" in: Peters, G.H. and D.D. Hedley (eds.). Agricultural Competitiveness: Market Forces and Policy Choice. Aldershot: Darmouth Publishing Co., 274-286. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture and Agro-industry in Transition Economies” in: Csaki, C. and Z. Lerman (eds.), Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe. World Bank Technical Paper no. 465. Washington DC: World Bank publications. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “The Impact of FDI in the Downstream Sector on Agricultural Finance, Investment and Production: Evidence from CEECs” in: Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies, OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1999, "How Foreign Direct Investment has Stimulated Growth in the Central and Eastern European Agri-Food Sectors: Vertical Contracting and the Role of Private Enforcement Capital", in Hartmann, M. and J. Wandel (eds.) Food Processing and Distribution in Transition Countries: Problems and Perspectives, IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.291-313. Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1999, "Foreign Direct Investment and Vertical Contracting in the Agro-Food Sector of Transition Countries", in A. Schmitz (ed.) “Agricultural Globalization, Trade and the Environment”, forthcoming. Hartell, J. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Political Economy Aspects of Free Trade Agreements and Agricultural Policy in Central and Eastern Europe” in: Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in Agri-Food Sectors: Competitiveness and Policy Implications, Warsaw Agricultural University Press, p. 75-99. Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “A Comparison of Agrarian Reform in Russia, China and Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Wehrheim, P. (ed.) Russia’s Food Economy: Towards Truly Functioning Markets, Kluwer Academic Press. Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Trade Liberalization and Output Changes During Transition in Central and Eastern European Agriculture” in: Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in AgriFood Sectors: Competitiveness and Policy Implications, Warsaw Agricultural University Press, p. 34-74. Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Agricultural Transition and Productivity Patterns: Synthesis of Experiences of East Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe”, in Peters, G.H. and P. Pingali (eds.) Proceedings of the XXIVth International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Oxford University Press, forthcoming Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1995, "Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central Europe and the Baltics", in: proceedings of European Association of Agricultural Economists seminar on "Challenges and Strategies for Re-establishing East-Central European Agricultures", Gödöllö, Hungary, September 6-8, 1995, pp.39-46. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1996, "Why land restitution may cause a consolidation of the large-scale farm structure in Central and Eastern Europe", Proceedings of Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas on 'Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium', Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19-24 August 1996, The MIT Press. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Technical Efficiency and the Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises: Results from Eastern Germany and the Czech Republic”, in Tillack, P. and F. Pirscher (eds.), Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises and Farm Activities in Transition Countries, IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.86-97. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Agricultural Decollectivization in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Peters, G.H. and J. Von Braun (eds.), Food Security, Diversification and Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture, Proceedings of the XXIIIrd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Sacramento, August 10-16, 1997, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 413-420. 7 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Major Features of the New Farming Structures in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Csaki, C. and Z. Lerman (eds.), Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe. World Bank Technical Paper no. 465. Washington DC: World Bank publications. Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Efficiency Effects of Land Reforms in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, in Tillack, P. and E. Schultze (eds.) Land Ownership, Land Markets and their Influence on the Efficiency of Agricultural Production in Central and Eastern Europe IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.32-55. Roussinov, K. and J. Swinnen, 1995, "Agricultural Credit Problems during the Transition to a Market Economy: The Case of Bulgaria" in: proceedings of European Association of Agricultural Economists seminar on "Challenges and Strategies for Re-establishing East-Central European Agricultures", Gödöllö, Hungary, September 6-8, 1995, pp.163-170. Swinnen, J., 1992, "Political Economy, Institutions and the E.C.'s Common Agricultural Policy: Discussion", in Becker, T., Gray, W. and A. Schmitz (eds.), Mechanisms to Improve Agricultural Trade Performance Under the GATT, Kiel: VAUK publications. Swinnen, J., 1993, "The Development of Agricultural Policies in Eastern Europe: An Endogenous Policy Theory Perspective", in Fandel, P. (ed.), Eastern European Agriculture: Problems, Goals and Perspective, Nitra University Publications, Slovakia. Swinnen, J., 1994, "The Political Economy of Price and Trade Policy Reform in Central European Agriculture during Transition" in Hartmann, M., Schmitz, P.M. and H. von Witzke (Eds.), Agricultural Trade and Economic Integration in Europe and in North America, Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG. Swinnen J., 1995, “Agricultural Credit Problems during the Transition to a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe” in: Agro-Food Sector Policy in OECD Countries and the Russian Federation, Paris: OECD Centre for Co-operation with the Economies in Transition, p. 50-62. Swinnen, J., 1998, "Political and Institutional Determinants of Agricultural Policies: A Neo-classical Perspective with Empirical Insights from CEEC Agricultural Reforms", in: Frohberg, K. (ed.) The Significance of Politics and Institutions for the Design and Formation of Agricultural Policy, Kiel: Vauk Verlag, forthcoming. Swinnen, J., 1998, "The Political Economy of Agricultural Transition”, in: von Witzke, H. and S. Tangermann, Economic Transition in Central and East Europe, and the Former Soviet Union: Implications for International Trade, Proceedings of a Conference of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (Berlin). Swinnen, J., Christiaensen, L. and L. Felton-Taylor, 1994, "Agricultural Production Structures and Their Determinants", in: Agricultural Co-Operatives and Emerging Farm Structures in Hungary, OECD Center for Co-operation with the Economies in Transition, Paris: OECD Publications. Swinnen, J., de Gorter, H. and G.C. Rausser, 1996, “The Choice of Commodity Policies and Research Investment in Agriculture”, Proceedings of the Conference on “Global Agricultural Science Policy for the Twenty-first Century”, 26-28 August, Melbourne, p. 547-580. Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 1999, “The role of trade credit and foreign investment in improving the agricultural finance situation in transition countries”, Agricultural Finance and Institutional Reforms in Transition Economies” in: Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies, OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications. Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 2001, “Agricultural Finance and Institutional Reforms in Transition Economies” in: Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies – Focus on South Eastern Europe, OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications, 195-206 8 Jo Swinnen - CV Summary Swinnen, J. and E. Mathijs, 1998, "Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe", in: Agricultural Policies in the Baltic Countries, Proceedings of the Parnu Seminar (September 1997), OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications. 7. Other Research Reports Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1997, The Role of Farm Organizations in Transition Countries, Report to IFAD, Policy Research Group, Department of Agricultural Economics, KULeuven. Jackson, M. and J. Swinnen, 1994, A Statistical Analysis and Survey of the Current Situation of Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Countries, Report to EU Commission DG-I, LICOS, KULeuven. Swinnen, J., 1997, Lessons from Agricultural Transition, Report to USDA/ERS, Policy Research Group, Department of Agricultural Economics, KULeuven. Swinnen, J., 1992, Essays on the Political Economy of Agricultural Policies, Ph.D Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. 9