The Textured and Patterned Pumpkin Patch KINDERGARTEN Objective: THE STUDENTS WILL CREATE A SMALL PUMPKIN PATCH USING THE CONCEPTS PATTERN AND TEXTURE Goals: To have students learn about pattern and how to make one To have students feel comfortable using various art materials and tools To have students develop a visual art vocabulary To have students understand texture and how it is used in art To have students know the difference between the background and objects in an artwork To have students know the difference between big, medium, and small To have students display their finished pieces in the school art show Materials: texture plates 12x18 white paper unwrapped crayons wallpaper samples (w/ pattern and texture) white glue scissors pencils erasers pieces of colored tissue paper big oval, medium circle, and small circle templates to trace Texture and pattern books with visuals to touch oak tag paper self-assessment hand-outs Rubric chart with visuals VocabularyTEXTURE- How something feels, i.e. Rough, smooth, bumpy PATTERN- Things that repeat , ie. lines, shapes or colors BACKGROUND-Space around objects in an artwork Procedure: 3-5 days DAY 1 Class discussion on texture and Pattern using visuals and repeating definitions of art terms orally as a class. Pass out textures for students to feel. Show patterns and non-patterns on white board for students to see and say if it is a pattern or not. Show final product and discuss “big”, “medium”, and “small”. Also discuss the concepts “in front of” and “behind” DAY 2 Pass out white paper, texture plates and unwrapped crayons. Explain to students visually as well as orally how texture plates work. Make sure students place the whole crayon along the paper as they rub and not hold the crayon like a pencil. Emphasize that the plate and paper need to be held down with opposite hand as they rub with crayon. Make sure the students know to move the texture plate as they finish a section of rubbing if texture plate is not as big as the paper. The whole paper should be covered with the textured crayon print. Pass out small circle templates and small pieces of oak tag to each student and have them trace the circles and cut them out. be sure to first show them the proper way to hold and guide scissors on the paper. have students put their names on all shapes they cut out. DAYS 3-4 Students will use templates to cut out a large oval and medium circle. The oval will be cut out of oak tag and the medium circle will be cut out of wall paper samples. Once everything is cut out, start with small circle. Go over pattern and have students give examples orally. Students use pencils to make patterns covering small circle. Review their patterns before allowing them to color with markers. Using colored tissues paper and glue, have students scrunch tissue pieces and dot glue on oval to glue them down. Oval should be completely covered in 3-d textured tissue.Glue down pumpkins at the bottom of the paper with the Oval pumpkin behind the medium and small ones. have students cut wall paper or oak tag scraps for stems on pumpkins and curl for vines. Glue vines only at ends to make them 3-d. Let dry on drying rack. DAY 5 Put up rubric chart on white board with corresponding artwork samples and facial expressions with the correct rubric. Discuss rubrics and the criteria of the project. Hand out self assessment papers and the student’s art work. Have students assess their work. The students can also go back and add or improve their work at this time. Modifications & Adaptations: *Paper is taped to the table if student has trouble with holding it in place *A binder can be placed under paper to give it a lift if the student is having trouble seeing the paper *Partners are used to hold down templates if students can’t trace and hold template simultaneously *Loop scissors and extra hole scissors available to students with OT issues Evaluation: Students work will be evaluated by the rubrics of the following with 1-4 rating, Students will also self-evaluate using these rubrics. · The student used a texture plate and crayons to fill the entire background · · · · · · · The student traced and cut out 3 shapes; large oval, medium circle, and small circle for pumpkins The large oval was filled with pieces of glued,cut tissue The medium pumpkin was cut out of wallpaper The small pumpkin is filled with patterns that are complete The small and medium pumpkins are slightly in front of the large oval pumpkin The pumpkins all have wall paper stems and 3-d vines Pumpkins are glued securely to the 12x18 paper Standards1.1 Use a variety of materials and media, for example, crayons, chalk, paint, clay, various kinds of papers, textiles, and yarns, and understand how to use them to produce different visual effects. 1.3 Learn and use appropriate vocabulary related to methods, materials, and techniques