• Chapter 12 Emotional Behaviors • What is Emotion? • An emotional state has three aspects: 1. Cognition 2. Readiness for action 3. Feeling • What is Emotion? • The “readiness for action” component of emotions is a product of the autonomic nervous system. Each emotion evokes its own special mixture of sympathetic and parasympathetic arousal. • The James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that the autonomic arousal and skeletal action occurs first in an emotion. • The emotion that is felt is the label that we give the arousal of the organs and muscles. • What is Emotion? • The James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that the autonomic arousal and skeletal action occurs first in an emotion. • The emotion that is felt is the label that we give the arousal of the organs and muscle • The James Lange theory leads to two predictions: 1. People with a weak autonomic or skeletal response should feel less emotion. 2. Increasing one’s response should enhance an emotion. • What is Emotion? Research indicates the following: • Paralyzed people report feeling emotion to the same degree as prior to their injury • People with “pure autonomic failure” report feeling emotion less intensely. – • Pure autonomic failure - output from the autonomic nervous system to the body fails. Thus research is contradictory and suggests other factors are involved in the perception of emotion. • According to the James-Lange theory, emotional feelings result from the body’s action. • Panic attacks are marked by extreme sympathetic nervous system arousal. – Only if perceived as occurring spontaneously. • What is Emotion? • Creating certain body actions may also slightly influence emotion. – smiling slightly increases happiness. – Inducing a frown leads to the rating of stimuli as slightly less pleasant. • Indicates that perception of the body's actions do contribute to emotional feeling • What is Emotion? • Emotional experiences arouse many areas of the brain. • The limbic system includes the forebrain areas surrounding the thalamus and has traditionally been regarded as critical for emotion. • PET and fMRI studies also suggest many other areas of the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal and temporal lobes, are activated during an emotional experience. • What is Emotion? • Measurement of evoked responses indicate the brain is specialized to attend strongly to facial expressions. • Emotions tend not to be localized in specific parts of the cortex. • A single emotion increases activity in various parts of the brain. • Inactivation of the medial frontal cortex appears to impair the ability to recognize angry expression. • What is Emotion? • Localization in the brain seems to exist for the emotion of disgust. • The insular cortex is strongly activated during exposure to stimuli perceived as “disgusting”. • – Also the primary taste cortex. – Also reacts to frightening stimuli as well so not completely dedicated to disgust. What is Emotion? • The two hemispheres of the brain play different roles in emotion. • Activation of the frontal and temporal areas of the left hemisphere is associated with “approach” and the Behavioral Activation System. – Marked by low to moderate arousal. – Can characterize either happiness or anger. • What is Emotion? • The Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) is associated with increased activity of the frontal and temporal lobe of the right hemisphere. – Increases attention and arousal. – Inhibits action. – Stimulates emotions such as fear and disgust. • What is Emotion? • Differences in frontal cortex activity relates to personality. • People with greater activity in the left hemisphere tend to be happier, more out-going and friendlier. • People with greater right hemisphere activity tend to be socially withdrawn, less satisfied with life, and prone to unpleasant emotions. • The right hemisphere seems to be more responsive to emotional stimuli than the left. • Damage to the right temporal cortex causes problems in the ability to identify emotions of others. • What is Emotion? • Functions of emotions include: 1. adaptive values (fear leads to escape, anger lead to attack, etc.) 2. allow us to make quick decisions 3. help us make moral decisions. • What is Emotion? • The consequences of our decisions have emotional considerations. • Emotions are an important component to moral decisions. • Failure to anticipate the unpleasantness of an event can lead to bad decision making. • Contemplating moral decisions activates the prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, and amygdala. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Attack and escape behaviors are closely related physiologically and behaviorally. • Corresponding behaviors are anger and fear. • Pain, threat or other unpleasant stimuli usually trigger an attack behavior. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Environmental factors associated with increased violent tendencies include – Exposure to lead – Smoking behavior of mother during pregnancy • The effect is particularly strong if the mother smoked and also had complications during pregnancy. • Both may impair brain development • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Twins studies suggest genetic contribution to the likelihood of violent behavior. • During childhood and adolescence, Dizygotic twins resemble each other in delinquent behaviors just as much as monozygotic twins. • Monozygotic twins resembled each other much more in delinquent behaviors occurring in adulthood. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • On average, males engage in more aggressive and violent behaviors than do females. • Male aggressive behavior is influenced by the hormone testosterone. • Research shows that men with the highest rates of violent behavior also have slightly higher testosterone levels. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Violence is particularly enhanced with both a genetic predisposition and an early troubled environment. – Example: Interaction between MAOA levels and childhood maltreatment • Hormones also influence aggressive behavior. • Male aggressive behavior is influenced by the hormone testosterone. • On average, males engage in more aggressive and violent behaviors than do females. • Research shows that men with the highest rates of violent behavior also have slightly higher testosterone levels. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Testosterone alters the way people respond to stimuli. • Increased testosterone levels show: – Increases in heart rate. – The tendency to attend longer and more vigorously to situations related to conflict and aggression. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Studies also suggest a connection between aggressive behavior and low serotonin release. • Turnover is the amount of release and resynthesis of a neurotransmitter by presynaptic neurons. • Valzelli’s (1973) study with mice found that isolating male mice for 4 weeks increased aggressive behavior and decreased serotonin turnover. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) is a serotonin metabolite found in the blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine that allows researchers to infer turnover rate. • High levels of 5-HIAA imply much serotonin release and turnover. • Research with monkeys has demonstrated that low levels of 5-HIAA increases the probability of attack on larger monkeys and few survived past age 6. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Monkeys with high levels of 5-HIAA were more likely to survive. • Evolution seems to select for an intermediate amount of anxiety and aggression. • Evolution might also select for high aggressive behaviors. – may die young, but are more likely to achieve a dominant position within the troop. In human studies, low serotonin turnover has been linked to: – People with a history of violent behavior and violent crime. – People who attempt suicide by violent means. – Recurrent violent behaviors and subsequent suicide attempts. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Changes in diet can alter serotonin synthesis. – Example: tryptophan and serotonin synthesis • Serotonin activity an also be influenced by genetics. • Genes control the production of tryptophan hydroxylase. • Tryptophan hydroxylase is the enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin. • People with less active form of this enzyme are more likely than others to report frequent anger and aggression. – Attack and Escape Behaviors • The role of serotonin is very complicated and should not be thought of as the “anti-aggression” transmitter. • During aggression, the brain releases serotonin. • Clinical depression is linked to low serotonin. • High levels of serotonin may inhibit a variety of impulses. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Proneness to approach, avoidance, and anxiety varies with the situation. • Amygdala is one of the main areas for integrating both environmental and genetic influences and then regulating current levels of anxiety. • Fear and anxiety are not necessarily associated with the desire to flee. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • The startle reflex is the extremely fast response to unexpected loud noises. – • found in young infants and thus unlearned. Auditory information stimulates an area of the pons that commands the tensing of the neck and other muscles. – Information reaches the pons within 3 to 8 milliseconds after a loud noise. • The startle response occurs within two-tenths of a second. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Cells in the amygdala, especially the basal lateral and central nuclei, receive information from pain, vision, and hearing circuits. • Axons extend to areas in the midbrain that relay information to the nucleus in the pons. • The relay enhances the startle reflex. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Output from the amygdala to the hypothalamus controls autonomic fear responses. • Axons extending from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortex regulate approach and avoidance responses. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Damage to the amygdala interferes with: – the learning of fear responses – retention of fear responses previously learned – interpreting or understanding stimuli with emotional consequences • Attack and Escape Behaviors • In the early 1900s, studies of monkeys with Kluver-Bucy syndrome illustrated the effects of amygdala damage. • Monkeys with this syndrome are calm and placid and display less than normal fear of snakes and larger, more dominant monkeys. • Also alters social behaviors in that they have decreased ability to interpret threat gestures. • Amygdala damage can also lead to an increase in the approach motive. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • fMRI studies of humans suggest the amygdala responds strongly to emotional stimuli and facial expressions. – Not necessarily associated with just fear. • Activity is strongest when the meaning is unclear and requires some processing. • With some exceptions, looking at happy faces activates the amygdala only weakly. • Amygdala also responds to stimuli not consciously perceived. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • In humans, damage to the amygdala does not result in the loss of emotion. • Damage to the amygdala impairs the processing of emotional information when the signals are subtle or complicated. • Amygdala damage affects the ability to judge “trustworthiness” in people. • People with amygdala damage focus on emotional stimuli the same as irrelevant stimuli or details. • Amygdala damage also affects the ability to recognize emotions specifically in photographs or pictures. – • Effect is particularly strong for fear or disgust. Amygdala damage does not affect the ability to recognize fear in real life. – Attention to certain aspects of the face (eyes versus mouth) may account for the difference. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Genetic variations in amygdala arousal may thus underlie some of the variations of anxiety in the population and related disorders. • Arousal of the amygdala relates to the tendency to experience some negative emotions. • Excessive fear and anxiety disorders are associated with hyperactivity in the amygdala • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Drugs intended to control anxiety alter activity at amygdala synapses. • The main excitatory neuromodulator in the amygdala is CCK, and the main inhibitory transmitter is GABA. – Injections of CCK-stimulating drugs into the amygdala enhance the startle response. – Drugs that increase GABA activity trigger panic. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Barbituates were a drug widely used to control anxiety in the past, but have high overdose potential. • Benzodiazepines are the most commonly used anti-anxiety drugs. • Benzodiazepines bind to the GABAA receptor complex, and facilitate the effects of GABA. • Benzodiazepines exert their effects in the amygdala, hypothalamus, midbrain, and other areas. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI) is a naturally occurring protein which attaches to the same sites as benzodiazepines and blocks their effects. • Endozepines are neuromodulators that include DBI and other related proteins that work to increase levels of fear and anxiety. • Attack and Escape Behaviors • Ethyl alcohol has behavioral effects similar to benzodiazepines. • Alcohol enhances GABA effects. • An experimental drug Ro-15-4513 blocks the effect of alcohol on the GABAA receptors complex. • Stress and Health • Behavioral medicine emphasizes the effects of diet, smoking, exercise, stressful experiences, and other behaviors on health. • Emotions and other experiences influence illness and pattern of recovery. • Stress and Health • Hans Selye (1979) defined stress as the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. • Threats on the body activate a general response to stress called the general adaptation syndrome. • Stress and Health The General Adaptation Syndrome: • Alarm stage - characterized by increased sympathetic nervous system activity. • Resistance stage - sympathetic response declines, the adrenal cortex releases cortisol and other hormones that enable the body to maintain prolonged alertness. • Exhaustion stage - occurs after prolonged stress and is characterized by inactivity and decreased immune system. • Stress and Health • Sapolsky (1998) argues that the nature of today’s crises are more prolonged. • Accounts for widespread stress-related illnesses and psychiatric problems in industrial societies. • Long-term, inescapable issues activate the general adaptation syndrome which is harmful to our health over time. • Stress and Health • Stress activates two systems in the body: • The autonomic nervous system - “fight or flight” response that prepares the body for brief emergency responses • The HPA axis - the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal cortex. • Stress and Health • The HPA axis becomes the dominant response to prolonged stressors. • Activation of the hypothalamus induces the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). • ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol. • Cortisol enhances metabolic activity and elevates blood levels of sugars and other nutrients to mobilize energies. • Stress and Health • The immune system consists of cells that protect the body against viruses and bacteria. • Leukocytes – white blood cells. • B-cells – leukocytes that mature in the bone marrow and secrete antibodies. • Antibodies – Y-shaped proteins that attach to particular kinds of antigens. • • Antigens – surface proteins that are antibody-generator molecules. Stress and Health • T cells – attack intruders directly and help other T cells or B cells to multiply. • Natural killer cells – leukocytes that attack tumor cells and cells that are infected with viruses. Prolonged increased cortisol levels impair the immune system. • • During an infection, leukocytes and other cells produce small proteins called cytokines. • • Stress and Health Combat infection and communicate with the brain to inform of illness. Cytokines in the brain produce symptoms of illness. • Fever, sleepiness, lack of energy etc. • Sleep and inactivity are the bodies way of conserving energy to fight illness. • Stress and Health • Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the relationship between the nervous system and the immune system. • Deals with the way in which experiences, especially stressful ones, alter the immune system. • Also deals with how the immune system influences the central nervous system. • Stress and Health • In response to a stressful experience, the nervous system activates the immune system. • Immune system increases production of natural killer cells, leukocytes and cytokines. • The cytokines can trigger symptom of illness as a reaction to the stress itself. • Stress and Health • Prolonged stress response is damaging to the body. • Prolonged increase of cortisol detracts from the synthesis of proteins of the immune system. • Prolonged stress of longer than a month significantly increases the likelihood of illness. • Stress and Health • Prolonged stress can also be harmful to the hippocampus and can affect memory. • Cortical enhances metabolic activity in the body. • When metabolic activity is high in the hippocampus, the neurons are more sensitive to damage by toxins or over-stimulation. • Stress also impairs the adaptability and the production of new hippocampal neurons. • Stress and Health • A variety of ways exist to reduce stress or control our response to it: • Breathing routines, exercise, meditation, distraction, dealing with the problem. • Social support from a loved one helps to reduce stress. • Reduces response in several brain areas including the prefrontal cortex. • Stress and Health • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs in some people after terrifying experiences and includes the following symptoms: • Frequent distressing recollections. • Nightmares. • Avoidance of reminders of the event. • Exaggerated arousal in response to noises and other stimuli. • Stress and Health • Studies have revealed most PTSD victims have a smaller than average hippocampus. • PTSD victims show lower than normal cortisol levels after the trauma. • People with low cortisol levels may be ill-equipped to combat stress and more prone to the damaging effects of stress.