Vacancy We are looking for an Information Officer to join our team

We are looking for an Information Officer to join our team based in Glasgow and providing
services across the UK. The post is a great opportunity for someone with excellent written
and verbal communication skills to join a great charity. You will be working as part of a small
team developing and delivering consumer friendly information on lung cancer. We distribute
over 35,000 items of written information each year. You will be involved in researching,
writing and monitoring information products and seeking new ways to meet the information
needs of those affected by lung cancer.
Background Information
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is the only charity in the UK wholly dedicated to the
defeat of lung cancer. We fund lung cancer research, provide support, help people to quit
smoking and give a voice to all those affected by lung cancer through their campaigning.
The charity was founded as the Lung Cancer Fund in 1990 by Professor Ray Donnelly,
FRCS, a thoracic surgeon working in Liverpool, to raise awareness of the problem of lung
cancer and an intensive research programme into the causes.
In 1993 Ray Donnelly put together his ideas for an international centre for lung cancer
research. At this time much loved UK entertainer Roy Castle was diagnosed with lung
cancer. Roy agreed to give his name to a special appeal for the Lung Cancer Fund to raise
£12m to build, equip and run the centre. Roy Castle spent much of the last year of his life
helping to raise millions of pounds for the appeal. Sadly Roy died in September 1994 and his
heroic contribution was recognised by changing the name of the charity to The Roy Castle
Lung Cancer Foundation.
Today the Foundation has grown to a nationwide charity with a dual focus;
1. Saving lives
2. Supporting people living with lung cancer nationwide
The Information Officer is part of the team working to provide support and information to
people affected by lung cancer. The team has been operating across the UK from a Glasgow
base for the last 18 years. The team currently comprises of 7 members of staff and a team
of regular office and community volunteers.
Our main information products are: a recently produced “Living with lung cancer” pack; a
range of complimentary booklets relating to treatment options; a bi-annual consumer
magazine “Inspire”; a range of factsheets and awareness materials. We are currently
expanding our online presence via our website, new media channels and via our on line
forum. We respond to the changing treatment and experience of those with lung cancer, so
the post holder will have to be adaptable and engaged with developments in the field.
The role requires someone with experience of researching, writing and promoting
consumer focused materials. The post holder will be accountable to the Director of
Information & Support and work closely with the team to build on and sustain our relevance
to people affected by lung cancer.
We involve and engage clinicians and patients in the planning and delivery of our services.
This gives us access to the lived experience of lung cancer as well as being able to draw on
current evidence to create accurate information on treatment in the UK.
Job Description
Title: Information Officer
Responsible To: Director of Information & Support
Band D, starting salary £17,500 pro rata
28 hours per week, days to be negotiated
Overall Objectives
To provide access to evidence based patient centred information for those affected by lung
To engage people affected by lung cancer in a range of ways in planning and delivering our
Increase access to our information materials through effective partnership with the NHS,
charities and other stakeholders.
Maintain compliance with quality and monitoring systems.
To ensure all those who have a need have access to our information and support services.
Key Responsibilities
Research and produce new information materials including booklets, factsheets, online
material and DVDs.
Produce a relevant and unique range of information products that are valued by people
affected by lung cancer.
Support the development of the Reader Panel to ensure it includes people with relevant
experience of lung cancer and its treatments.
Support the Services Assistant in maintaining the information distribution process.
Assist the Information Manager in monitoring the stock and demand for existing and new
Maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders, particularly NHS staff, to
encourage access to our information products.
Produce a relevant and unique range of information products that are valued by people
affected by lung cancer.
Engage with the Information Standard and the Cancer Zone within Information for Me in
Scotland, to ensure information products meet NHS guidelines.
Ensuring information sources are up to date; providing evidence base for content and
carrying out periodic reviews.
Develop relationships with the clinical community who contribute to the development and
peer review of materials, specifically via our Expert Panel.
Identify information needs and gaps in provision for services users and create patient led
Work with colleagues across the charity to promote access to services and maximise their
usefulness to people affected by lung cancer.
Person Specification
Key Skills and Abilities
Ability to produce concise, clear and accessible information in written and other formats
Ability to work to a project plan with budget and timelines
Understanding of how to consult and engage colleagues and partners at appropriate stages
to ensure success of projects
Proactive approach to building relationships with new and existing stakehodlers
Presentation and marketing skills in representing the charity’s services to professional
Skills in using formal monitoring and evaluation frameworks to measure impact and
effectiveness of work outputs and processes
Ability to research, summarise and present information to meet needs of those affected by
lung cancer
Ability to report and review work on a regular basis
Innovative approach to developing and promoting projects
Key Knowledge, Education and Experience
Ability to produce high quality, evidence based consumer focused materials
Knowledge and confidence in using IT systems to produce and monitor work
Skills in editing and producing newsletters, leaflets and web content
Understanding of the NHS in the UK, with experience of working within a voluntary or
health care setting
Ability to produce graduate level reports and presentations
2+ years of experience of producing information, marketing or consumer focused services
Experience of working with clients and/ or volunteers
Experience and knowledge about managing data using proprietary or in house systems
Knowledge of quality monitoring systems
Experience of monitoring internal/ external environments to ensure workplans reflect and
adapt to current issues and priorities
Experience of working within brand guidelines/ house style and working with colleagues to
ensure materials reflect the values of the organisation
Proven track record in managing and completing projects
Ability to work with a range of colleagues and stakeholders in a collaborative way to
produce outcomes
Personal Qualities
Ability to work effectively as part of a team, working collaboratively with colleagues in
different departments
Non-judgemental approach to working with the client group
An enthusiasm for engaging a range of stakeholders in an impactful way
Ability to show empathy for people or families living with lung cancer or bereaved
Interest in researching and presenting information of relevance to consumers
Systematic approach to work
Flexible approach to managing workload and juggling priorities
Understanding of the importance of confidentiality
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Ability to work with colleagues and partners in other disciplines to meet organisational aims
and objectives
Return this form to:
Rita Burke
HR Manager
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
4-6 Enterprise Way, Wavertree Technology Park
Liverpool L13 1FB
Post Code:
Day Time Contact
Evening Contact
National Insurance Number:
Current driving licence? Yes/No
Details of
Expiry Date:
Do you have the right to take up employment in the UK?
If you do not have the right to take up employment in the UK, would you wish us
Yes / No
to assist you in applying for the right to work?
Qualifications gained
Colleges / Universities
Qualifications gained
Other training
Please note any other employment you would continue with if you were to be successful in
obtaining this position.
(please complete in full and use a separate sheet if necessary)
Name and address of
Job title and
Reason for
Notice required in current post:
Do you have any other training, qualifications or skills relevant to the post?
Please give details, of, and provide an explanation for, any time when you were not either
working or in full-time education?
Have you made a previous application to the Company? If so, when was this and what was
the outcome?
If you are disabled, please give details of any special arrangements you would require to
attend interview.
Please give details of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent
employer or, if this is an application for your first job, your school teacher or higher or
further education lecturer. The other should not be a relative or contemporary.
Please note here your leisure interests, sports and hobbies, other pastimes etc.
Please use this space to say why you are interested in the post for which you have applied
and provide any other information that may assist you application.
(please read this carefully before signing)
I declare that the information I have given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge,
true and complete. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered any statement is
false or misleading, or that I have withheld relevant information, my application may be
disqualified or, if I have already been appointed, I may be dismissed. I hereby give my
consent to the Company processing the data supplied on this application form for the
purpose of recruitment and selection.
I agree that should I be successful in this application. I will, if required, apply to the
Criminal Records Bureau / Scottish Criminal Records Office for a basic disclosure. I
understand that should I fail to do so, or should the disclosure not be to the satisfaction
of the company any offer of employment may be withdrawn or my employment
In accordance with its policy on equal opportunities in employment, the Employer will
provide equal opportunities to any employee or job applicant and will not discriminate
either directly or indirectly because of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender
reassignment, religion or belief, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability or
pregnancy or maternity.
In order to assess how successful this policy is we have set up a system of
monitoring all job applications. We would therefore be grateful if you would complete
the questions on this form. We have asked for your name to enable us to monitor
applications at short listing and appointment as well as application stage.
All information will be treated in confidence and will not be seen by staff directly
involved in the appointment. The questionnaire will be detached from your
application form, stored separately and used only to provide statistics for monitoring
purposes. Thank you for your assistance.
Post Title:
Full Name:
Marital Status:
Do you have responsibility for dependants? (Dependants relates to children, or
elderly or other persons for whom you are the main carer).
Do you have any disabilities?
Ethnic origin (relates to a sense of identity/belonging on the basis of race/culture)
I would describe myself as (choose ONE section from A to E, and then tick the
appropriate box to indicate your cultural background):
Other, please specify
White and Black Caribbean
White and Asian
White and Black African
Other, please specify
Asian, Asian British, Asian English, Asian Scottish or Asian Welsh:
Other, please specify
Black, Black British, Black English, Black Scottish, or Black Welsh:
Other, please specify
Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Chinese Scottish, Chinese Welsh, or
other ethnic group:
Other, please specify
Where did you see this post advertised?
Data protection: Information from this application may be processed for purposes registered
by the Employer under the Data Protection Act 1998. Individuals have, on written request
(and on payment of a fee) the right of access to personal data held about them.
I hereby give my consent to The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation processing the data
supplied in this form for the purpose of recruitment and selection.
Applicant’s signature: ............................................ Date: ....................................