Chapter 2 – Nouns

Chapter 2 – Nouns
Noun – Names a person, place or thing.
priest, clerk, grocery store, city, pencil, computer
A common noun – can name any person, place or thing.
Ex: plant, girl, boy, car, beach
A Proper Noun names a special person, place or thing and always begins with a
capital letter.
Ex: Mrs. Smith, Daytona Beach, Dodge Ram
Days of the Week are proper nouns. The days of the week are: Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The months of the year have special names and are proper nouns. The months
of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
October, November and December.
When a noun names one, it is singular. Ex: cat, rabbit, bike
When a noun names more than one, it is plural. Add the letter s to make most
nouns plural. Ex: cats, rabbits, bikes
Abbreviation – is a short form of a word. An abbreviation usually begins with a
capital letter. Most abbreviations are followed by a period.
Doctor – Dr.; Mister – Mr.; January – Jan.; Tuesday – Tues.
Initial – takes the place of a person’s name. An initial is the first letter in a name.
An initial is always a capital letter. An initial is followed by a period.
Ex.: Jennifer Marie Smith – J.M.S.; Becca Wilson – B.W.
A possessive noun shows ownership.
For a singular possessive noun - add an apostrophe s (‘s) to show ownership.
Lisa’s shirt
For a plural possessive noun – add only an apostrophe (’) to most plural nouns.
Sisters’ room
A compound word is a word that is made by putting two words together.
bluebird, firefighter, birthday