TEMPERATURE DISTIBUTION IN A FLAT PLATE Dan A. Ward 17 April 2001 MEAE4960 Numerical Analysis for Engineering FINAL PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES INTRODUCTION PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND FORMULATION 4.1 ANSYS Approach 4.2 Finite Difference Method RESULTS 5.1 ANSYS Approach 5.2 Finite Difference Method ERROR ANALYSIS CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION REFERENCES APPENDIX 9.1 Matrix for the System of Equations 9.2 MATLAB Code 9.3 MATLAB Results (Output) 9.4 ANSYS Results (Output) 1.0 LIST OF SYMBOLS Dimensions of the Homogeneous Plate Lx Ly x y t Plate dimension in x-direction Plate dimension in y-direction Finite increment of plate model (x-dir) Finite increment of plate model (y-dir) Thickness of plate 10.0 cm 10.0 cm 1.0 cm (also h or x) 1.0 cm (also k or y) Negligible Temperature Values T1 T2 T3 T4 Boundary condition temp. on Edge1 Boundary condition temp. on Edge2 Boundary condition temp. on Edge3 Boundary condition temp. on Edge4 1723 K (1400 C) 273 K (0 C) 273 K (0 C) 1723 K (1400 C) Symbol Nomenclature P(m,n) or wmn Ni or Pi Temperature at node (m,n) Node location in mesh 2.0 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Sketch of the Homogeneous Flat Plate Figure 2: ANSYS Model With Temperature Distribution Figure 3: Original Mesh Used for the Finite Difference Method Figure 4: Modified Model Used for the Finite Difference Method Figure 5: Nodal Results Given by the ANSYS Analysis Figure 6: Nodal Temperatures as Given by the Finite Difference Method Table 1: Tabulated Results for the Temperature Distribution Matrix (ANSYS) Table 2: Tabulated Results for the Temperature Distribution Matrix (Finite Difference Method) Table 3: Percent Errors at the Coincident Nodes for the Both Analyses 3.0 INTRODUCTION Two methods for determining results for the heat distribution in a flat plate are presented. The first is a computer generated thermal analysis which used ANSYS and the second is a 'paper and pencil' approach using a finite difference method. Both analyses assumed that the plate was heated on two adjacent ends while the opposite ends were kept at a cool, constant temperature. A finite element approach was used for the steady-state thermal analysis. Thus, the presented analyses are both approximation techniques which solve a series of continuous functions over a finite number of small sub-domains. The finite difference solution in this report makes use of the Gauss-Seidel iterative algorithm to solve the final system of equations and thus, determining the temperature distribution in the plate. The algorithm was compiled using MATLAB. 4.0 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND FORMULATION In this study, calculations were performed on a flat, Homogeneous metal plate. The heated edges were aligned with the x- and y-axes and both of the cooled edges were the edges opposite the axes. Model construction for the ANSYS approach and the finite difference method were both based on the sketch seen in Figure 1. Edge 2 273 K (0 C) Edge 3 1723 K (1400 C) Edge 1 z y x Edge 4 Figure 1: Sketch of the Homogeneous Flat Plate 4.1 ANSYS Approach Using the finite element analysis (FEA) package ANSYS, a model of a simple, flat plate was constructed. A thermal analysis was conducted using identical boundary conditions as those seen in Figure 1 with the heat source placed along the plate's x- and y-axes. Figure 2 shows the ANSYS model with the implied boundary conditions as well as the final element results (averaged throughout each element's surface area). 1723 K 1723 K 273 K 273 K Figure 2: ANSYS Model With Temperature Distribution The resulting nodal results for this analysis are later discussed in the Results section and the output file can be found in Appendix 9.4. A mesh was created in such a way that elements and their nodes were spaced exactly 1.0 cm apart. This mesh pattern can be seen as the light lines criss-crossing inside the plate. Although more accurate results are obtained using a more refined mesh (due to less averaging across elements), the mesh structure was kept coarse in order to follow finite difference method approach as closely as possible. In the next section, an even coarser mesh was used to limit the amount of computation time. In both approaches, a two-dimensional assumption was made for simplicity. If convection on any edge were modeled, ANSYS would require a three-dimensional model to generate results. [This would mean that the finite difference method discussed below would no longer be valid since convection creates a new set of boundary conditions which must be solved using another approach.] Ideally, a good mesh would have had x = y = 0.1cm. In this model, however, there were 121 nodes and 100 elements. Numerical sequencing for the nodes followed this pattern: node 1 (N1) is at Cartesian (0,0), N2 is at (1,0) . . . N12 is at (0,1), N13 is at (1,1) . . . N121 is at (10,10). 4.2 Finite Difference Method Staying with the convention of Figures 1 and 2, a coordinate system was again placed at the intersection of edges 1 and 4 and the heat source was placed on the x- and y-axes. The first step in solving the problem was to discretize the model using elements and nodes. This was required since the heat equation was used to determine temperatures at points along the plate (ANSYS and other FEA packages use the same technique to solve both thermal and structural problems). This method used a similar element-node pattern as that seen in Figure 2 but was not as refined as the 100-element ANSYS model. As seen in Figure 3, there were 25 elements and 26 nodes. Thus, the paper and pencil method used the nodal sequence: N1 at (0,0), N2 at (2,0) . . . N7 at (0,2), N8 at (2,2) . . . N36 at (10,10). So this model had 36 nodes and 25 elements. w05 w15 w25 w35 w45 w55 w04 w14 w24 w34 w44 w54 w03 w13 w23 w33 w43 w53 w02 w12 w22 w32 w42 w52 w01 w11 w21 w31 w41 w51 w00 w10 w20 w30 w40 w50 Figure 3: Original Mesh Used for the Finite Difference Method The external nodes were those along the plate's boundaries. The values for these nodes were readily known with knowledge of the boundary conditions. Similarly, internal nodes were those nodes inside the plate's boundaries. Since these points were unknown, they had to be determined using the finite difference method. For simplicity, the internal nodes were renamed as points P1 through P16 as seen in the modified mesh of Figure 4. w05 w15 w25 w35 w45 w55 w04 P13 P14 P15 P16 w54 w03 P9 P10 P11 P12 w53 w02 P5 P6 P7 P8 w52 w01 P1 P2 P3 P4 w51 w00 w10 w20 w30 w40 w50 Figure 4: Modified Model Used for the Finite Difference Method Although 36 nodes can be seen in Figures 3 and 4, only 16 points remained unknown (P1 through P16). So temperatures had to be found at the following nodes: 8-11, 14-17, 20-23 and 26-29. Figure 3 also shows the known nodal locations in color (blue and red for cold and hot temperatures respectively) and the unknown nodes as unfilled squares. After constructing the model, the next step was to apply the Poisson equation (Equation 1) to the model above. 2 T 2 T c u Eq. 1 k t x 2 y 2 As stated earlier, the analysis was steady state and all values were assumed to not change with respect to time. As a result of this assumption, the right hand side becomes zero and the constants can then be ignored. The resulting equation is called Laplace's equation and is also used as one form of the Heat equation (Equation 2). 2u ( x, y ) 2u ( x, y ) Eq. 2 0 x 2 y 2 This equation was applied within the set R = { (x,y) | 0 < x < 0.1m, 0 < y < 0.1m} and had the following boundary conditions u(0,y) = T1, u(x,Ly) = T2, u(Lx,y) = T3, u(x,0) = T4. For each interior mesh point, the Taylor series below was used to generate the centered difference formula (Equations 3a and 3b). 2u ( xi , y j ) u ( xi 1 , y j ) 2u ( xi , y j ) u ( xi 1 , y ) h 2 4u ( i , y j ) x 2 h2 12x y Eq. 3a 2u ( xi , y j ) u ( xi , y j 1 ) 2u ( xi , y j ) u ( x1 , y1 ) k 2 4u ( xi , j ) y 2 k2 12y y Eq. 3b where h and k are the mesh x and y respectively. On the right hand side of Eqs. 3a and 3b, the 4th order terms were ignored. Using these formulas it was then possible to express the Poisson's equation at (xi, yj) by adding the right hand side of each equation together and setting them equal to zero. Applying this equation to the model in Figure 3 gave the Differenceequation formula 2 h 2 h Eq. 4 2 1 wij wi 1, j wi 1, j wi , j 1 wi , j 1 0 k k where wij approximates the value at Nij. Since the mesh density is h = x = 1 and k = y = 1, the difference equation is reduced to 4w(i,i) = w(i+1,j) + w(i-1,j) + w(i,j+1) + w(i,j-1) . Eq. 5 Equation 5 also states the conservation of energy for the problem since it proves that all heat into a node must be the same as the heat leaving a node. For this to be true, heat flow only travels along the element edges (from node to node). With i = 0 - 5 and j = 0 - 5, equation 5 becomes the final system of equations that the Gauss-Sidel algorithm uses to determine the temperature distribution in the flat plate. As stated previously, there were 16 unknown temperatures. Therefore, 16 equations were necessary in order to determine these 16 unknown temperatures. This system of equations is represented as Equation 6 below (Nn = Pn, m = i and n = j). Eq. 6 N1 m = 1, n = 1 4T(1,1) = T(1,2) + T(1,0) + T(2,1) + T(0,1) N2 m = 2, n = 1 4T(2,1) = T(2,2) + T(2,0) + T(3,1) + T(1,1) N3 m = 3, n = 1 4T(3,1) = T(3,2) + T(3,0) + T(4,1) + T(2,1) ... ... N15 m = 3, n = 4 4T(3,4) = T(3,5) + T(3,3) + T(4,4) + T(2,4) N16 m = 4, n = 4 4T(4,4) = T(4,5) + T(4,3) + T(5,4) + T(3,4) where the 16 unknowns were T(1,1), T(2,1), T(3,1), T(4,1), T(1,2), T(2,2), T(3,2), T4,2), T(1,3), T(2,3), T(3,3), T(4,3), and T(1,4), T(2,4), T(3,4), T(4,4). Similarly, the 16 known, external node temperatures in Equation 6 were T(0,1) = T(0,2) = T(0,3) = T(0,4) = 1723 (Edge 1) T(1,5) = T(2,5) = T(3,5) = T(4,5) = 273 (Edge 2) T(5,1) = T(5,2) = T(5,3) = T(5,4) = 1723 (Edge 3) T(1,0) = T(2,0) = T(3,0) = T(4,0) = 273 (Edge 4) Before evoking MATLAB and the Gauss-Sidel Method, the last step required was placing the values in their proper position in the matrix. This matrix can be found in Appendix 10.1. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 ANSYS Approach Results to the steady state analysis are shown in the table below. Note: only the coincident nodes are discussed in order to easily compare the results of each approach (the values of the coincident nodes are highlighted in yellow). Also, a sketch of the nodal results is shown in Figure 5. Table 1: Tabulated Results for the Temperature Distribution Matrix (ANSYS) P1 P10 P19 P28 P37 P46 P55 P64 P73 1684.0 1645.8 1605.4 1584.0 1517.0 1455.9 1362.1 1198.1 802.1 P2 P11 P20 P29 P38 P47 P56 P65 P74 1645.8 1568.8 1491.6 1411.6 1321.4 1213.2 1072.6 919.2 591.3 P3 P12 P21 P30 P39 P48 P57 P66 P75 1686.1 1481.6 1378.7 1265.4 1150.3 1026.9 881.4 703.7 494.8 P4 P13 P22 P31 P40 P49 P58 P67 P76 1564.6 1411.6 1265.4 1132.6 1009.2 934.6 750.4 666.4 439.4 P5 P14 P23 P32 P41 P50 P59 P68 P77 1517.8 1321.4 1150.3 1009.2 885.4 768.7 651.2 528.7 401.4 P6 P15 P24 P33 P42 P51 P60 P69 P78 1455.9 1213.2 1026.9 934.6 768.7 751.0 568.0 570.2 371.5 P7 P16 P25 P34 P43 P52 P61 P70 P79 162.1 1072.6 881.4 750.4 651.2 568.0 491.9 418.3 345.3 P8 P17 P26 P35 P44 P53 P62 P71 P80 1198.1 919.2 7.06.7 666.4 528.7 570.2 418.3 394.0 3207.6 P9 P18 P27 P36 P45 P54 P63 P72 P81 8020.7 591.3 494.8 439.4 401.4 371.5 345.3 320.8 296.8 w05 w15 273 w25 273 w35 273 w45 273 w55 273 w04 1723 w14 919.20 w24 666.40 w34 570.20 w44 394.00 w54 273 w03 1723 w13 1213.20 w23 934.60 w33 751.00 w43 570.20 w53 273 w02 1723 w12 1411.60 w22 1132.60 w32 934.60 w42 666.40 w52 273 w01 1723 w11 1568.80 w21 1411.60 w31 1213.20 w41 919.20 w51 273 w00 1723 w10 1723 w20 1723 w30 1723 w40 1723 w50 Figure 5: Nodal Results Given by the ANSYS Analysis 5.2 Finite Difference Method Using a tolerance equal to 10-5, the results to the system of equations of Equation 6 are seen in Table 2 below. A sketch of these results is shown in Figure 6. Table 2: Tabulated Results for the Temperature Distribution Matrix (Finite Difference Method) P1 P5 P9 P13 1597.3036 1471.6073 1311.3018 1012.5600 P2 P6 P10 P14 1471.6073 1254.8236 1038.0400 742.9382 P3 P7 P11 P15 1311.3018 1038.0400 843.0964 648.1527 P4 P8 P12 P16 1012.5600 742.9382 648.1527 460.5764 w05 w15 273 w25 273 w35 273 w45 273 w55 273 w04 1723 w14 1012.56 w24 742.94 w34 648.15 w44 460.58 w54 273 w03 1723 w13 1311.30 w23 1038.04 w33 843.10 w43 648.15 w53 273 w02 1723 w12 1471.61 w22 1254.82 w32 1038.04 w42 742.94 w52 273 w01 1723 w11 1597.30 w21 1471.61 w31 1311.30 w41 1012.56 w51 273 w00 1723 w10 1723 w20 1723 w30 1723 w40 1723 w50 Figure 6: Nodal Temperatures as Given by the Finite Difference Method 6.0 ERROR ANALYSIS Table 3 summarizes the calculated error difference at each coincident node. A trend for these errors was noticed and it seemed that the ANSYS solution was the cause of the greatest errors. As a result, the topic of discussion in the next section will focus on the error in the ANSYS analysis. Table 3: Percent Differences at the Coincident Nodes for Both Analyses P1 P5 P9 P13 1.7845 4.0777 7.4813 9.2202 P2 P6 P10 P14 4.0777 7.6155 9.9630 10.3007 P3 P7 P11 P15 7.4813 9.9630 10.9260 12.0269 P4 P8 P12 P16 9.2202 10.3007 12.0269 14.4485 7.0 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY Table 4 shows the percent error at each respective node. As expected, the error at the boundaries is zero since these conditions were given in the initial problem statement. Table 4: Percent Error at Each Node Location w05 w15 0 w25 0 w35 0 w45 0 w55 0 w04 0 w14 9.22 w24 10.30 w34 12.03 w44 14.45 w54 0 w03 0 w13 7.48 w23 9.96 w33 10.93 w43 12.03 w53 0 w02 0 w12 4.08 w22 7.62 w32 9.96 w42 10.30 w52 0 w01 0 w11 1.78 w21 4.08 w31 7.48 w41 9.22 w51 0 w00 0 w10 0 w20 0 w30 0 w40 0 w50 Generally an error of 5% or less is not a major concern unless it is at a designcritical locale. The quickest and easiest answer to these discrepancies would be mesh size. As a mesh becomes more refined, temperatures will tend to increase as local "hot spots" are readily found since the values are averaged across the element's surface area. As an element's surface area increases, averaging across the element becomes more and more significant. Noticing the trend in Table 4 also supports this explanation. Nodal locations further away from (0,0) have greater errors than those closer to the origin. This is because of the assumed coordinate system situated at the origin and element averaging (and associated error) is compounded when the program moves on to calculate values at the next element/node. As a result, the node errors become larger and larger as the distance from zero increases. In order to minimize error in FEA programs it is always good practice to refine the mesh size. With a problem this simple, ANSYS could evaluate a 100 x 100 element model rather quickly. This would decrease element averaging greatly and would produce results that more closely resembled those of the finite difference method. However, for problems of greater complexity, dense meshes can take hours, days, or even longer to compile. In industry, computation time translates into cost. This brings up the familiar dilemma of cost versus accuracy which designers face almost daily. 8.0 REFERENCES [1] Burden, R. L. & Faires, J. D., "Numerical Analysis" 7th edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, CA, 2000. [2] Fowley, D., Horton, M., "The Student Edition of MATLAB" v. 4, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. [3] Pollard, B., "The effects of minor elements on the welding characteristics of stainless steel," National Technical Information Service, US Dep. Of Commerce, Springfield, VA, 1986. [4] Murugan, S.; Kumar, P.V.; Raj, B.; Bose, M.S.C., "Temperature distribution during multipass welding of plates," International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping v 75, Exeter England, 1998. [5] Reddy, J.; Gartling, D.; "The Finite Element Method In Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, 2nd Edition," Lewis Publishers, Inc.; December 2000. APPENDIX 8.1 MATRIX for the System of Equations MATLAB input file for finding the 16 unknown temperatures: -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3446 -1723 -1723 -1996 -1723 0 0 -273 -1723 0 0 -546 -1996 -273 -546 -546 8.2 MATLAB Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% GAUSS-SEIDEL ITERATIVE TECHNIQUE ALGORITHM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% APPLIED TO A HOMOGENOUSE FLAT PLATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% ALGORITHM NAME: "matrix.m" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clc fprintf(1,'THIS ALGORITHM COMPUTES THE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN A\n'); fprintf(1,'HOMOGENEOUS FLAT PLATE. THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS MUST BE KNOWN\n'); fprintf(1,'AND EDGE DEFINITION IS DEFINED AS CLOCKWISE AROUND THE\n'); fprintf(1,'POINT (0,0) ASSUMING ONE CORNER OF THE PLATE IS ON (0,0).\n'); fprintf(1,'THE OUTPUT GIVEN IS THE TEMPERATURE AT EACH NODE RESPECTIVELY\n'); fprintf(1,' \n'); % fprintf(1,'The array will be input from a text file in the order\n'); fprintf(1,'A(1,1), A(1,2), ..., A(1,n+1), \n'); fprintf(1,'A(2,1), A(2,2), ..., A(2,n+1), \n'); fprintf(1,'..., A(n,1), A(n,2), ..., A(n,n+1)\n'); fprintf(1,' \n'); % fprintf(1,'Temperature on each edge must be known and a data file must\n'); fprintf(1,'be available using the format above.\n'); TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0; fprintf(1,'Is all of this information available? - enter Y or N.\n'); AA = input(' ','s'); OK = FALSE; clc fprintf(1,'Input plate length in X-direction (Lx).\n'); Lx = input(' ') fprintf(1,'Input plate width in Y-direction (Ly).\n'); Ly = input(' ') clc %fprintf(1,'Input Temp. on edge1 (T1).\n'); %fprintf(1,'If Temp. is a distribution along an edge, input the equation.\n'); %fprintf(1,' For Ex: 10*T*(Lx) --> (Increasing T along x-axis edge.)\n'); %T1 = input(' '); %fprintf(1,'Input Temp. on edge2 (T2).\n'); %T2 = input(' '); %fprintf(1,'Input Temp. on edge3 (T3).\n'); %T3 = input(' '); %fprintf(1,'Input Temp. on edge4 (T4).\n'); %T4 = input(' '); % if AA == 'Y' | AA == 'y' fprintf(1,'Input the file name in the form - drive:\\name.ext\n'); fprintf(1,'for example: A:\\DATA.DTA\n'); NAME = input(' ','s'); INP = fopen(NAME,'rt'); OK = FALSE; while OK == FALSE fprintf(1,'Input the number of equations - an integer.\n'); N = input(' '); if N > 0 A = zeros(N,N+1); X1 = zeros(1,N); for I = 1 : N for J = 1 : N+1 A(I,J) = fscanf(INP, '%f',1); end; end; % Use X1 for X0 for I = 1 : N X1(I) = fscanf(INP, '%f',1); end; OK = TRUE; fclose(INP); else fprintf(1,'The number must be a positive integer\n'); end; end; OK = FALSE; while OK == FALSE fprintf(1,'Input the tolerance.\n'); TOL = input(' '); if TOL > 0 OK = TRUE; else fprintf(1,'Tolerance must be a positive.\n'); end; end; OK = FALSE; while OK == FALSE fprintf(1,'Input maximum number of iterations.\n'); NN = input(' '); if NN > 0 OK = TRUE; else fprintf(1,'Number must be a positive integer.\n'); end; end; else fprintf(1,'The program will end so the input file can be created.\n'); end; if OK == TRUE % STEP 1 K = 1; OK = FALSE; % STEP 2 while OK == FALSE & K <= NN % ERR is used to test accuracy - it measures the infinity-norm ERR = 0; % STEP 3 for I = 1 : N S = 0; for J = 1 : N S = S-A(I,J)*X1(J); end; S = (S+A(I,N+1))/A(I,I); if abs(S) > ERR ERR = abs(S); end; X1(I) = X1(I) + S; end; % STEP 4 if ERR <= TOL OK = TRUE; % process is complete else % STEP 5 K = K+1; % STEP 6 - is not used since only one vector is required end; end; if OK == FALSE fprintf(1,'Maximum Number of Iterations Exceeded.\n'); % STEP 7 % procedure completed unsuccessfully else fprintf(1,'Choice of output method:\n'); fprintf(1,'1. Output to screen\n'); fprintf(1,'2. Output to text file\n'); fprintf(1,'Please enter 1 or 2.\n'); FLAG = input(' '); if FLAG == 2 fprintf(1,'Input the file name in the form - drive:\\name.ext\n'); fprintf(1,'for example: A:\\OUTPUT.DTA\n'); NAME = input(' ','s'); OUP = fopen(NAME,'wt'); else OUP = 1; end; fprintf(OUP, 'GAUSS-SEIDEL METHOD FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS\n\n'); fprintf(OUP, 'The solution vector is :\n'); for I = 1 : N fprintf(OUP, ' %11.8f', X1(I)); end; fprintf(OUP, '\nusing %d iterations\n', K); fprintf(OUP, 'with Tolerance %.10e in infinity-norm\n', TOL); if OUP ~= 1 fclose(OUP); fprintf(1,'Output file %s created successfully \n',NAME); end; end; end; 8.3 MATLAB Results (Output) GAUSS-SEIDEL METHOD FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS The w11 w41 w32 w23 w14 w44 solution vector = 1597.30362856 = 1012.55999587 = 1038.03998919 = 1038.03998919 = 1012.55999587 = 460.57636145 is : w21 = w12 = w42 = w33 = w24 = 1471.60726252 1471.60726252 742.938176410 843.096354890 742.938176410 w31 w22 w13 w43 w34 = = = = = 1311.30180992 1254.82362300 1311.30180992 648.15272290 648.15272290 using 44 iterations with Tolerance 1.0000000000e-05 in infinity-norm 8.4 ANSYS Results (Output) See attached file "ANSYS.output.doc."