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Stonecrysus Launches Game Changing Health Tracker with Unique
Learning Algorithm
Meet the Stone: the World’s First Wearable Health Device that Ensures Data
Accuracy by Analyzing User-Specific Information
Las Vegas – January 5, 2015 – Stonecrysus today announced the release of its first consumer product,
an intelligent health management wearable device and app that collects and analyzes a wide range of
biometrics to deliver actionable insights for how to reach health and fitness goals. The Stonecrysus
system is more than a simple reporting tool. Stonecrysus doesn’t just count the number of steps taken
or total the number of calories eaten. Instead, it learns how foods, activities, sleep, and metabolism
affect each user’s unique physiology. Based on what it learns about the user’s physiology, Stonecrysus
makes recommendations for fast and sustainable health improvement.
Developed by a medical doctor, Stonecrysus monitors food intake,
activity, and sleeping patterns to determine how lifestyle choices
distinctly affect each user. The Stone syncs to the free Stonecrysus
Android app via Bluetooth. Users also have access to an online dashboard
to track progress and achievements.
“By utilizing machine learning algorithms, Stonecrysus is solving the most
critical issues facing the wearable health industry,” said Matt Landers, co- founder and CEO of
Stonecrysus. “While current wearables attempt to calculate the impetus for individual health change
based on population data, Stonecrysus’s intelligent algorithms learn the unique physiologic
requirements for each user’s health goal achievement. We are dedicated to providing consumers with
technology that empowers them to take control of their lives.”
The Stone’s sleek and inconspicuous design makes it comfortable to wear all day long. Users can wear
the Stone on the wrist or ankle (included band), in the pocket, clipped to clothing (included garment
clip), or around the neck (included lanyard).
Easy to Use
Stonecrysus takes less than two minutes to setup and the entire registration process is performed on
the app.
All a user must do is download the app from Google Play or the Apple App Store and follow the onscreen instructions to build a profile and sync the stone.
As soon as the registration process is completed, Stonecrysus’s intelligent algorithms begin to learn the
user’s unique physiology.
How it Works
The Stone automatically tracks and categorizes different types of movement – including weight lifting,
cardio, cycling, and walking/routine activity – to learn how these activities affect the user.
The Stone also tracks sleep. All the user must do is wear the Stone while sleeping and it will learn what a
high quality of sleep means to that user.
Nutrition is tracked via the app. Instead of relying on nutrition facts (unreliable sources of data) as an
entry method, Stonecrysus utilizes a proprietary menu system in which food icons are used to match
portion sizes on the app to portion sizes on the user’s physical plate. Stonecrysus automatically extracts
all relevant nutritional data such as protein, salt, vitamins, etc.
Basic Internal Requirements Needed (BIRN) -- Stonecrysus's metabolism equivalent -- is automatically
calculated for the user.
Data Accuracy
Stonecrysus collects and analyzes more than 35 distinct data points about each user. Each data point
can be defined as a component of one of the three primary segments of lifestyle health -- activity,
nutrition, and sleep. Additionally, Stonecrysus calculates each user's BIRN. Whether the user’s
objective is to lose weight, gain muscle or simply maintain health, Stonecrysus serves as a guide to
efficient and sustainable goal achievement. The system does not use a simple calories-in versus caloriesout formula in its analysis. Instead, Stonecrysus considers particular factors that affect individual health,
such as types of food consumed and the type activity performed.
Stonecrysus offers consumers an opportunity to monitor, map, and manipulate the over 35 data points
is collects via its web-based Analytics Platform. This vital health information can be shared with doctors,
trainers, nutritionists, or other health practitioners.
Based on user goals and what is learns about him/her, Stonecrysus tells
the user:
How much to eat;
What to eat;
When to eat;
How much activity to do;
What types of activity to do;
How much sleep to get; and
What the user’s sleeping patterns are.
Additionally, consumers can purchase the Stonecrysus Weightless Scale. Having to face the scale is the
most common psychological barriers to the pursuit of health improvement. That’s why the Weightless
Scale does not display numeric weight values. Instead, the user’s weight change is represented by a
green, yellow, or red dot on the Stonecrysus app. A green dot indicates weight loss, a yellow dot
indicates no change in weight, and a red dot indicates weight gain.
The Stone health tracker will be available on in late January for $149.99. The
Weightless scale will be available in early 2015 for $99.99.
About StoneCrysus
Founded in 2010 by Matt Landers and his father Dr. David Landers, a cardiologist, Stonecrysus is headquartered in
Edgewater, NJ. The company is dedicated to designing devices that afford people the opportunity to understand
and improve their health through accurate and interactive experiences. Stonecrysus has earned three patents
with two pending.
Media Contact:
James LoPiccolo
GLA Communications
973-564-8591 x105