C6 Student Induction pack

This information pack has been compiled with the intention of helping
you settle onto the ward, by providing information about the ward and
how it is run on a day to day basis. We hope it will be of benefit to you
throughout your time spent on the ward.
We are a 38 bedded Medical ward with an interest in acute rehab and a
multi- disciplinary focused approach. We make up part of the Medical
Directorate consisting of other medical wards, each with different
specialism. Ward A1 & A4 are short stay wards, A7 specialises in
Gastroenterology and Infectious Diseases, C7 Medicine and Stroke
Rehabilitation, A6 South Medical Rehab & B7 Respiratory.
Our ward is divided into two halves, the North and South, with 19 beds
on either side. We operate a team nursing approach to manage the
caseload of patients. There are 3 nursing teams (Red, Blue and Yellow).
At either end one team will manage the care of the patients in the 9
bedder and the other will take the side rooms. Each team has a team
leader, these are the more senior nurses on the ward and provide support
for all levels of staff.
Our aim for this system of nursing is to promote continuity of care by
reducing the number of different nurses caring for patients.
We have recently introduced 12.5 hr shift working pattern which means
there are 4 qualified nurses with 5 health care support workers on duty by
day and on a night shift there are 2 qualified and 2 health care support
workers plus 1 HCSW on a twilight shift.
On your first day, on arrival to the ward please report to Nurse in Charge
for the shift. You will have been allocated a mentor and co-mentor for the
duration of your placement. Our aim is for you to work alongside your
allocated mentor or co-mentor for the majority of the time spent on the
ward. However due to shift patterns, annual leave and rostered days off,
this cannot not always be possible. We do apologise for this in advance
and it is for this reason we have allocated a co-mentor as well.
On your first day you should have the opportunity to discuss your aims
and objectives for the placement, in order for the clinical team to support
and assist you in pursuit of your personal and educational goals. You will
also be able to organise your shifts for the following week/s. As well as
working on the ward, we do encourage students to spend time with the
specialist nurses in fields you may be interested e.g. Discharge Liaison
Nurse, Stroke Liaison Nurse or wound Care Nurse.
We do hope you find the following sections beneficial during your
placement spent on ward C6.
Who’s who?
Ward Manager
Deputy Ward Manager
Sue Patchett
Lisa Williams
Jean Powell (Evenings only)
Emma Rogers
Karen Addicott (Mondays & Fridays)
Shift Patterns
Day Shift
Night Shift:
Twilight Shift
-0700– 1930 (early 7-1430 late 1200-1930)
-1900– 0730
- 1900- 0100
Internal rotation is practiced on the ward, with the qualified nursing staff
and health care support workers rotating between day and night duty.
If you unable to attend your placement at any time due to sickness or any
other reason, please inform the nurse in charge.
If you are experiencing any difficulties at all please do not wait until
the end of your placement, seek advice immediately. If your mentor
is unavailable or you would prefer, Sue or Lisa would be more than
happy to discuss them with you.
Useful Ward Contact Numbers
C6 North 20743778
C6 South 20743183
Ward Managers Office 20744998
Clinical Teacher- Tricia Brown 20726865
Throughout your time with the Medicine Division, there are
policies in place to ensure both your safety and the safety of
Fire Policy
- In order to report a fire dial 3333 from any ward
- In the event of fire smash glass panel nearest to you
these are situated throughout each ward.
Emergency 3333
UHW telephone extension – 8043
Bleep number – 5129
Llandough telephone number – 5305
Bleep number – 526 and 812
Cardiac Arrest
- Each ward will have a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
trolley. Please make yourselves aware of its location and
its contents. C6’s is situated at the emergency station
opposite the main desk. You will also find portable
suction & O2 here.
- Each ward should have an emergency bell alongside the
call bell system. In the event of an emergency, utilise
this system and telephone 2222 from a ward telephone
for emergency assistance.
- You will be allocated a Mentor & Co-mentor on arrival to the ward
- Your off duty will be provided, if any problems please speak to
your mentor or the nurse in charge of the shift.
- You should work with your Mentor for over 40% of your time on
the ward
- If you are unable to attend the shift for which you are rostered for
as a result of sickness. Alongside notifying the University you
must notify the ward. Ideally this should be done at least 4hrs
before you are due to start a shift. You should always phone in
person where possible and always speak to the nurse in charge at
the time of phoning in.
- To Bleep at UHW – 181 – Number you want – Your ext - #
- When answering the telephone, you should speak clearly,
identifying the ward and yourself
- For example – “Good morning C6 Student Nurse speaking”
Alongside this induction pack, your mentor or a member of ward
staff will orientate you to the clinical area and make you aware of the
Tick boxes when completed
- Orientation to Ward and Hospital
Health and Safety
- Fire exits / Assembly Points / Fire Control Equipment
Fire Alarms / Location of policy folders & how to
Access via the intranet
Personal Safety
- The role of Security Staff
Emergency Equipment
- Defibrillator, CPR trolley, Portable suction unit
- Mentor identified, Location of off duty, Sickness notification
Bleep system, Answering the telephone
 Allocation of staff for that shift is found in the co-ordinators book
on the main desk
 Handover is given by the night staff at the nurse’s station at the
north side and the south side of the ward – all staff attend a safety
briefing led by the shift co-ordinator
 Patients are assisted to position themselves by all staff for
breakfast & assistance is given to feed if required- food & fluid
charts are to be updated
 Qualified staff conduct the am drug round & administer IV meds
adhering to 2 nurse policy
 HCSW conduct & complete the 8am observations while drugs are
being administered
 All patients are offered assistance with their hygiene needs by the
bedside, shower or bath by all staff
 Qualified staff participate in the ward round with the consultant
(set days) or with the ward based doctors if required. MDM’s also
occur on set days. All staff conduct and complete/update bedside
 Qualified staff complete planning, assessing, updating care plans &
documentation in combined multi-disciplinary notes at the patients
 Patients are assisted with pre lunch hand washing & pre lunch
blood sugars are recorded
 Patients are assisted to position themselves by all staff /dietician
assistant for supper & assistance is given to feed if required-food &
fluid charts are to be updated
 Qualified staff conduct lunchtime drug round & administer IV
meds adhering to 2 nurse policy
 Continuous reviewal throughout shift by all staff of pressure area
care, incontinence care, oral care, repositioning, food & fluid
administration and all other individual patient needs
 1.30pm brief update/patient handover if required
 1.30pm–2.30pm occasional slots for informal teaching sessions,
nurse development groups or meet with students/mentors
 Bedside documentation to be checked & updated–risk assessments,
weights etc
 Qualified staff complete unified assessments (UA’s) including
enquiry & baseline assessments. Discharge summary’s, transfer
letters, DN letters, green cards for next day discharges
 Continuous reviewal throughout shift by all staff of pressure area
care, incontinence care, oral care, repositioning, food & fluid
administration and all other individual patient needs
 Ensure ward areas are clean & clutter free
 Patients are assisted with pre supper hand washing & pre supper
blood sugars are recorded
 Patients are assisted to position themselves by all staff /dietician
assistant for supper & assistance is given to feed if required-food &
fluid charts are to be updated
 Qualified staff conduct evening drug round & administer IV
medication adhering to 2 nurse policy. Medication requested from
pharmacy before they close
 All staff to provide incontinence care prior to handover
 Non urgent jobs for medical staff are documented for reviewal
after 5pm & clinical workstation to be updated
 Handover commences to staff for night shift at 7pm at nurses
stations on both sides of the ward
 7.30pm end of shift & time for individual reflection
 Handover @ 7pm is given by day staff at nurses stations on each
side of the ward
 All staff attend a safety briefing led by the shift co-ordinator
 All staff commence 8pm observations & assist patients to bed if
they consent
 Qualified staff commence drug round at 9pm & administer IV
medication adhering to 2 nurse policy
 Non urgent jobs for medical staff are logged in H@N folder (blue)
on main desk for reviewal after 10pm
 Bedside paperwork is updated. Fluid balance charts written in
preparation for new day & calculated in daily obs chart
 All staff reposition & settle patients for the nights – lights out
 Continuous reviewal throughout shift by all staff of pressure area
care, incontinence care, oral care, repositioning, food & fluid
administration and all other individual patient needs
 Arrest trolley, defib, portable O2 & suction checked each night by
qualified nurse. 2 qualified staff check & correct the controlled
drugs / temazepam each night
 Ward notes, care plans & documentation are updated. Unified
assessments (UA’s) including enquiry & baseline assessments,
discharge summary’s, transfer letters, DN letters, green cards for
next day discharges to be reviewed
 Items e.g. pads, CSSD, linen & storage racks replenished
 Pre- breakfast blood sugars are recorded
 IV medication is given adhering to 2 nurse policy
 Handover to early staff is commenced at 7am at nurses station
7.30 am end of shift and time to go home to bed!