SUSTAINABILITY DEFINITION • Sustainability is based on the three pillars : economic viability, environmental protection and social responsibility. "Sustainable Agriculture is productive, competitive and efficient while at the same time protecting and improving the natural environment and conditions of the local community" SAI-PLATFORM • • Food manufacturers started to involve themselves in sustainable agriculture, because it is a key parameter for sustainable business. Currently SAI Platform has 18 Members : Campina, Danisco, Dole, Ecom, Efico, Findus, Fonterra (NZ Dairy Board), Friesland Coberco, Groupe Danone, Kraft, McCain, McDonald, Nestlé, NKG, Sara Lee / Douwe Egberts, Tchibo, Unilever, Volcafé. SAI expected outputs & results • • • • Active in the Mainstream sector. Significantly contribute to the development of Sustainable Agriculture. Supports initiatives and actions of individual companies. Set-up of a common approach and strategy. Communicate worldwide about Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainable Farming System Indicator SAI Principle The coffee producer shall be aware of the specific conditions (legal, topographic, ecological, social etc) that prevail on his farm as well as in the area where it is located. The coffee producer shall be aware of the specific conditions (legal, topographic, ecological, social etc)that prevail on his farm as well as in the area where it is located in order to manage the farm accordingly. The quality of genetic material is an essential parameter in order to contribute to the overall sustainability of green coffee production. Overall crop cultivation and other economic activities should have a fair return on use of labor, capital and land. Small Planting material Genetic value of coffee trees: selected accessions, or trees grown from spontaneous seeds. Diversification Percentage of net income due to different activities (agriculture/non agriculture) Net income per a sac of 45 Kilos of green coffee produced. Support services Access to new production methodologies & techniques and adequate farm inputs. Sustainability management system Long term plan in place for continuous improvement of the sustainability management system. Clear record kept, of all inputs used Sustainability record system Base Line: % of the sample. US$ Medium Large Coffee producers shall have access to new production methodologies and techniques as well as adequate farm inputs. The farm should dispose of a functioning sustainability management system Coffee growers are expected to keep reliable documentation regarding their progress in meeting the sustainable green Yes : %: No: %: Yes : %: No: % Accounting Record Yes: % No: % Observations coffee practices. Fertilize and pestecides record Yes: % No: % Meeting Record Yes: % No: % Illnesses and plagues records yes: % No: % Harvest and postharvest treatment; green coffee quality. Economic Performance & Management Harvesting practices maximising quality. The application of good harvesting and processing practices yields a competitive product. Green coffee production cost. The level of mycotoxins such as Ochratoxin A is to be kept as low as possible. Yes : %: No: % Yes : %: No: % Coffee producers should strive to add value to their product while at the same time producing green coffee at the lowest possible cost. Production expressed in sacks of 45 kilograms of gold coffee by hectare. Small US$ Medium US$ LargeUS$ Small # sacks of 45 Kg/ha. Medium # sacks of 45 Kg/ha. Large # sacks of 45 Kg/ha. Social Sustainability Working conditions, including working hours and wages. Indicator SAI Principle Presence of contracts for contract labour that contain a clear set of agreements A safe working environment free of any type of discrimination shall be promoted. between the two parties, in accordance with local laws, ILO conventions etc. Health and safety Provide acceptable provisions for their workers. Education, training and capacity building Farmers, farm workers and employees receive proper training in aspects related to sustainability Employees and workers receive basic training in their area of work, especially if it involves handling of chemicals hazardous to health or work in processing plant. Specific aspects for day labourers and seasonal workers . Acceptable housing, conditions of living and food for all workers. Environmental Sustainability Indicator SAI Biodiversity and ecosystem conservation Existence of shade trees at a realistic density Proper use of inputs and other cultivation practices contributing to The farmers use family members exclusively for labour requirements. Wages comply with national laws and prevailing regulations. All farm workers employees and their families shall have access to at least basic health services. Coffee producers shall be committed to assure children the access to adequate education as well as to support the education and training of farm employees and workers. Yes : %: No: % Seasonal workers and their families shall have access to suitable infrastructures and services. Principle Yes : %: No: % Biodiversity and natural ecosystems shall be preserved in coffee areas and on coffee plantations. Proper use of inputs and other cultivation practices shall contribute to Yes : %: No: % Yes : %: No: % Yes : %: No: % Yes : %: No: % Yes : %: No: % conserve & improve soil fertility, prevent erosion, pollution, and losses of arable land. Proper and limited use of water and inputs in order to conserve water. conserve and improve soil fertility. Proper and limited use of water should be made Yes : %: No: % Integrated crop management and appropriate use and handling of agricultural inputs. Integrated crop management should be applied in coffee production. Yes : %: No: % Waste and crop by-products shall be handled according to the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling. Waste and byproducts should be handled according to the principles of reduction, reuse and recycling. Yes : %: No: % PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES : A) Initial organization. B) Basic Analysis. C) Initial Farm Assessment. D) Implementation. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Pilar 1: • Sustainable System of Farm TEXT. PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Pilar 2: • TEXT: Economic viability: PRELIMINARY FINDINGS Pilar 3: • Socially Responsible: TEXT. Next steps: Upcoming activities: To define and develop, with Producers, individual programs based on SAI principals and guidelines, which identify those practices which need to be improved / implemented and the necessary actions to be taken to achieve those goals.