The current state of seismic monitoring in Puerto Rico John F. Clinton1,3, Georgia Cua2,3, Víctor Huérfano2, Christa G. von HillebrandtAndrade2, José Martínez Cruzado1 A. Introduction The US Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has a population of 3.8 million (2000 Census), a higher population density than any US state. The island, approximately 160km from east to west by 50km from north to south, is bounded by off-shore active faults on all sides. Numerous local and regional events in the recorded history with M>7.0, some of which have generated tsunamis, have caused extensive damage to local infrastructure; though the last significant ground motions were felt on-shore in 1918. The USGS hazard maps (Mueller et al., 2003) indicate that the seismic hazard is similar to the Basin and Range province in the Western USA, and the island is assigned Seismic Zone 3 in the current standard Building Code in Puerto Rico, the 1997 UBC. The significant hazard, combined with the large population and untested infrastructure, result in a potentially devastating combination for Puerto Rico. Efficient emergency response in the event of a large earthquake will be crucial to minimising the resultant loss of human life and disruption of lifeline systems. The first step in providing an appropriate response to such a disaster is a timely knowledge of the magnitude, location and expected ground shaking and damage patterns from a large earthquake. This requires a modern and dense seismic network, capable of not only recording the earthquake ground motion without saturation, but also doing so in real-time and then providing data for near-immediate analysis, which can be made available to the emergency services and community at large. The seismicity of the island, as well as the northeastern Caribbean region in general (including the US and British Virgin Islands), is monitored jointly by the Puerto Rico 1 Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program, Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez 2 Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Geology Department, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez 3 now at Swiss Seismological Survey (SED), Institute of Geophysics, ETH Hönggerberg, Switzerland 1 Seismic Network (PRSN) and the Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP), both operating within the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. They currently acquire, analyse and archive broadband, short-period and strong-motion seismic data in continuous real-time format, using both Antelope and Earthworm software, from stations on Puerto Rico and its surrounding islands, the US and British Virgin Islands, and the Dominican Republic. In addition, PRSN imports and processes data from various regional stations operated by other networks. The PRSMP also operates dial-up and stand-alone installations. Stations range from state-of-the-art seismic vaults for event location and magnitude determination, to urban free-field installations and structural arrays for engineering studies and structural health monitoring. In the near future, the networks expect to additionally monitor continuous streams of data from tidal gauges and buoys (for tsumani warning), GPS and digital weather stations. B. Tectonic background The island of Puerto Rico has a long history of damaging earthquakes and tsunamis. The island is bounded on all sides by major tectonic fault lines (Figure 1). Major earthquakes have produced damaging ground motions in Puerto Rico in 1615, 1670, 1751, 1776, 1787 (~M8.0 Puerto Rico Trench), 1867 (~M7.3 Anegada Passage) and 1918 (~M7.3 Mona Passage). Large events in 1943 (~M7.5) and 1946 (~M7.8) also caused much damage in the neighbouring Dominican Republic (PRSN Historical Catalogue,; Shepherd and Lynch, 1992). The 1867 and 1918 events were accompanied by destructive tsunamis (Reid and Taber, 1919; Mueller et al, 2003). Puerto Rico is located on a microplate sandwiched between the obliquely subducting North American and Caribbean plates (Figure 1). Puerto Rico accommodates approximately 16.9mm/yr of deformation relative to North America, and 2.4mm/yr relative to the Caribbean plate (Jansma et al., 2000; Jansma and Mattioli, 2005), primarily by left-lateral strike-slip motion along east-west striking faults. The main sources of seismic activity in the region are at the supposed boundaries of the microplate; the subduction zones to the north (the Puerto Rico Trench, which is the location of the largest 2 gravity anomaly on earth) and south (the Muertos Trough: Carbó et al., 2005), and zones of extension at the Anegada Trough to the east, and the Mona Canyon region to the west. All regions are capable of producing events greater than M7.0, and all have evidence of having done so in the recorded history of the island (Asencio, 1980; Moya and McCann, 1992; Macari, 1994). On average Puerto Rico is strongly shaken with Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) >VII once every hundred years, and MMI > VI is experienced on the island once every 50years. In addition to these offshore sources, recent trenching shows evidence of 2 surfacerupturing events on the inland South Lajas fault in southwestern Puerto Rico (Prentice et al., 2000, Prentice and Mann, 2005), predominantly along a normal fault with a component of strike-slip motion, both within the last 5000 years. This 50-km long inland fault segment can produce M7.0 events (LaForge and McCann, 2003), and potentially could be part of a longer fault zone that extends towards Ponce, the second largest city on the island (population 186,000, 2000 Census). Other shallow faults, mainly with E-W trends, are interspersed across the island. These include the Great Northern and Southern Puerto Rico Fault Zones. These structures have unknown potential for large magnitude events, as yet there is no evidence of Holocene rupture. Tectonic models (Prentice and Mann, 2005) and GPS studies (Jansma and Mattioli, 2005) indicate there are active faults on-shore to accommodate some extension across the island. The most recent large event to cause widespread damage across the island occurred in the Mona Passage in 1918, with MS7,3 (Pacheco and Sykes, 1992). This event caused substantial structural damage to the large towns of Mayagüez and Aguadilla on the West of the island. The associated tsunami had a run-up of 6m at Aguadilla, and 2m at Mayagüez (reaching over 1km inland) (Mercado and McCann, 1998), which killed over 100 people. Widespread liquefaction was observed along the unconsolidated floodplains in the municipalities of Añasco and Mayagüez (Capacete et al., 1972; Moya and McCann, 1992), areas now with pockets of dense population. With the island now having a far greater density of population and infrastructure – infrastructure that has not yet been 3 tested by strong-motions since this event in 1918 – a repeat of such grounds motions would lead to a far more severe loss of life and infrastructure. The tsunami risk in the north-east Caribbean is also very real. Aside from the potential for large magnitude events (Huérfano, 2003), recent bathymetry studies have shown numerous large landslide scarps and cliffs near the Puerto Rico Trench as well as the Muertos Trough (Grindlay et al., 2005a; Grindlay et al., 2005b; ten Brink, 2004). The off-shore bathymetry is particularly severe to the North of the island, where the Puerto Rico Trench drops to a depth of over 8.3 km just 180 km north of the island. The interior of the island is mountainous, resulting in much of the population being concentrated in the at-risk low-lying coastal flood plains and alluvial basins. C. Seismic Networks in Puerto Rico The Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) and the Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP) jointly monitor seismic activity in the northeastern Caribbean region. The primary duty of the PRSN is to identify and provide information on local, regional, and teleseismic earthquakes. PRSN is also the host of the Emergent Tsunami Warning System for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. PRSN is the reporting authority for event locations and magnitudes, and maintains the authoritative event catalogue. The PRSN operate vault stations primarily in low noise locations. The objective of the PRSMP is to record on-scale ground motions from earthquakes affecting the island with as high a quality and station density as possible. The PRSMP maintain a dense urban network with both free-field stations and structural arrays. Both networks share the common goal of providing high-quality data and information in response to needs of the emergency management, engineering, and scientific communities, as well as the general public. The PRSMP and PRSN run complimentary operations and share all continuous data in real-time (see Figure 2). This exchange provides an essential level of redundancy and robustness that will be important in ensuring timely and accurate information following a large earthquake. 4 D. Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) The Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) has historically provided locations and magnitudes for earthquakes in the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands (PRVI) region. PRSN is the reporting authority for the region bounded by latitudes 17.0N to 20.0N, and longitudes 63.5W to 69.0W (Figure 1). The network has been operating since 1974, when the U.S. Geological Survey installed several short-period stations for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority that were used to evaluate local seismicity in response to concerns regarding the planned construction of two nuclear power plants. In 1982 the network was transferred to the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, where it has been operating under the jurisdiction of the Department of Geology since 1987. The main objective of the PRSN is to record, process, analyze, provide information and research local, regional and teleseismic earthquakes, providing high quality data and information to be able to respond to the needs of the emergency management, academic and research communities, and the general public. It operates 13 broadband stations and 10 short-period stations throughout Puerto Rico and the US and British Virgin Islands (Figure 3). Six of these broadband stations also jointly house strong-motion sensors. The broadband (BB) stations consist of Guralp CMG 40T, CMG 3ESP and CMG 3T seismometers recording onto 24-bit Refraction Technology (130 and 72A), NetDas DAQ or Quanterra Q330 digitizers, all sampling at 40 sps. The strong-motion (SM) sensors are all Kinemetrics EpiSensors, sampling at 100 sps. The broadband sensors are linked to the central data collection center in Mayagüez via Monitron UHF digital radios, DDS 56K telephone lines, spread-spectrum radios and Internet service. The analogue short-period (SP) seismic stations consist of Teledyne S-13 and Mark L-4 seismometers and the data is digitized at 16-bits at 100 sps at the offices of the PRSN. The PRSN runs Earthworm software (Johnson et al, 1995) to acquire and write waveforms to disk for permanent archival. Automatic locations and alerts are generated 5 for events in Puerto Rico, the Intra America Seas, and the Atlantic by the EarlyBird system (Whitmore and Sokolowski, 2002), which monitors PRSN stations as well as some 35 additional stations run by networks operating in North, Central and South America and other sites in the Caribbean (Figure 2). PRDANIS (Puerto Rico Data Analysis and Information System) software, developed by PRSN, supports manual locations and analyst review of automatic locations of events within the PRSN area of responsibility (AOR), using all the broadband, strong-motion and short-period waveforms. The location algorithm is based on the inversion schema HYPOINVERSE2000 (Klein, 2002), using the crustal model of Huérfano and Bataille (1994). Currently all magnitudes reported by PRDANIS are Md, duration magnitude. All phase arrival times, locations, amplitudes and magnitudes are reviewed by a seismic analyst, usually on the same day, and always within one week. The continuous waveform data is permanently archived at PRSN in GSE2.1 format, though all broadband waveforms are continuously exported to IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology,, where they are archived in SEED format. Full dataless SEED volumes are available for all stations. Phase data is saved in HypoInverse 2000 format. The PRSN hosts a web-site with a searchable event database, felt event reports and general information about seismicity in the area of responsibility, which can be accessed from The PRSN is also producing ShakeMaps (Wald et al., 2000) for all felt events in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and provides QDDS (Quake Data Distribution System) data to the USGS ‘Did You Feel It?’ tool ( E. Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP) Strong-motion instrumentation efforts in Puerto Rico began in the 1970’s and have continued at a steady pace due to the activities of the Puerto Rico Strong Motion Program (PRSMP). In the immediate aftermath of a large earthquake, the mission of the PRSMP is to provide timely information regarding the distribution of peak ground shaking to emergency management officials to guide response and recovery efforts. In 6 the long term, the PRSMP aims to provide the relevant strong-motion data to the scientific and engineering communities to facilitate the construction of earthquakeresistant structures. The PRSMP focuses on (1) deploying and maintaining instrumentation for recording large earthquakes that will produce damaging ground motions on the island with as high a data quality and station density as possible; (2) providing timely and appropriate information to the local authorities, seismologists and engineers; and (3) supporting and conducting research activities associated with these records, in particular the understanding of the effects of earthquakes in Puerto Rico, and the mitigation of potential damage from future earthquakes. Currently the PRSMP maintains a network of (1) 78 3-component 18-bit ETNA urban free-field stations; (2) 6 24-bit EpiSensors alongside broadband sensors (jointly operated with the PRSN) at remote sites with vault conditions, and (3) 8 monitored structures with multi channel 19-bit K2 instrumentation (Figure 4). The density of strong-motion instrumentation across the island is comparable to Greater Los Angeles, and greatly exceeds the density deployed in California as a whole. Station sites for the urban free-field network are selected based on the proximity to highly populated urban areas and regions of high seismicity (i.e. regions exposed to the greatest seismic risk). Local cultural noise, site geology, ease of access for maintenance, availability of Internet or telephone lines, and security are additionally important considerations. Of the 78 stations, 9 have a real-time continuous Internet communication with PRSMP. These Internet stations are primarily located on different University of Puerto Rico campuses throughout the island. Of the remaining ETNA stations, 42 have dial-up telephone communications, and 27 have no communications (‘stand-alone’ stations that must be visited to gather data). For reasons of accessibility, security, and ease of obtaining site permissions, a majority of the dial-up and stand-alone stations are installed in fire stations or on Catholic Church property. In addition to the ETNA stations, PRSMP monitors 8 structures across the island with multi-channel sensors. These sites are all equipped with 19-bit Kinemetrics K2 7 dataloggers and Kinemetrics EpiSensors or FBA-23/FBA-11 sensors. The critical infrastructures monitored are: high rise buildings (Plaza Immaculada Apartment Complex and Minillas Government Center, San Juan), concrete dams (Lucchetti, La Plata and Carraizo), and bridges (Ponce Bypass, Mayagüez Viaduct and Paso del Indio bridge). All structural installations are currently stand-alone. The PRSMP also shares the operation and maintenance of the 6 strong-motion sensors co-located with PRSN broadband sensors (Figure 3), ensuring the entire seismic frequency and amplitude bandwidth is covered at these select stations. The Antelope Real-Time System (ARTS,; Malone, 2000; Pavlis et al., 2005) facilitates communication with the PRSMP ETNA stations as well as with the strong-motion and other data collected at PRSN. Antelope software also provides automatic and reviewed location and magnitude determinations (Richter Magnitude (M L) for local events; Body Wave Magnitude (mb), and Surface Wave Magnitude (MS) for regional and teleseismic events), which run as backup to PRSN operations. Data are archived in a temporary ring buffer of 15 days in SEED format, with permanent archiving of all data from all triggered events in SAC format. Event information, and selected event data, is available on-line at Data from 9 strong-motion stations that recorded the recent 3 march 2006 Md5.3 event off Anegada was submitted to Cosmos, and is available from their website ( F. Brief Description of the PRSN Catalogue The PRSN generates and maintains the earthquake catalogue for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Prior to July 2004, the PRSN catalogue was compiled using the PRHYPO earthquake location code with both local (Richter Magnitude, ML) and duration magnitude (Md) computed using the equations of von Hillebrandt and Bataille (1994). In July 2004, the location schema HYPOINVERSE2K was implemented and magnitudes have been calculated from short-period and broadband data using the Eaton (1992) “full 8 digital velocity” equations. The PRSN now calculates a near-real time moment magnitude based on a Regional Moment Tensor (RMT) inversion code (Randall et al., 1995) and the ASPO search grid algorithm of Zahradnick et al. (2001). Figure 5 shows the epicenters of the analyst-reviewed events in the PRSN local reporting region (AOR) between January 1986 and March 2006. There are over 14,100 events in the catalogue, 9 with M>5.0 (6 of these large events were shallow with depths > 35km). The largest event was an Md5.6, occurring at 67km depth, just south of Anegada, BVI, on 7 December 1998. The most recent large event was an Md5.3 event, 25km deep located 100km NE of Anegada, on 3 March 2006. Shallow seismicity is concentrated in regions along the Mona Canyon, the region between the Puerto Rican Trench and the 19o N fault zone, the Sombrero fault zone, and across the south of Puerto Rico. The oblique subduction of the North American Plate under the Puerto Rican microplate appears to be the source of much of the deep seismicity, with events concentrated in the Dominican Republic and along northern Puerto Rico. Short-period sensors dominated the network until 2000, when broadband sensors were first introduced, although the station density has remained relatively constant. Figure 6(a) shows the number of events binned into periods of 3 months. It is clear that the level of recorded seismicity increased by about 20% around the turn of the century once the broadband sensors were introduced to the network. The spike in events in the bin from January-March 2006 is due to the M5.3 indicated in Figure 5. This anomalously large number of events reflects significant recent improvements in automated event-picking algorithms using both Earthworm and Antelope modules. In Figure 6(b) and 6(c), the magnitude and depth distribution of the catalogue is analysed. From Fig. 6(b), the average magnitude of completeness, MC, for the entire catalogue can be estimated to be about Md 3.5. The majority of events are shallow (Figure 6(c)), though the spike in event depth at 25km is due to this being the initial default depth for events up until 2004. Figure 6(d) shows the Gutenberg-Richter distribution (Gutenberg and Richter, 1944) for the catalogue, with a b-value of 1.44. It is not clear whether this high b-value is real, and it could be due to magnitude compression of the Md calculations – this scale saturates for 9 large events, so direct comparisons between the PRSN magnitude and independent magnitudes from global networks are not possible even for the infrequent large events. No other regional networks provide magnitudes from this region. The spatial distribution of magnitude of completeness for the catalogue across the PRSN reporting region is shown in Figure 7. At best, the magnitude of completeness, MC, is Md2.0, and is at least Md3.3 across the island of Puerto Rico. MC is highest in the northeast of the island, where high gain sensor coverage is poorest (Figure 3). In the corners of the PRSN reporting region, which are the areas most distant from land (and thus stations), the MC degrades to about Md3.8. Some degradation is inevitable, an unavoidable consequence of the island geography, but the problem is significantly compounded by the frequent loss of communication with the most remote sites: the Virgin Islands to the east, and Desecheo and Mona Islands to the west of Puerto Rico. The ongoing efforts to secure high quality broadband data with good communications at the more isolated sites, such as Anegada and Mona, coupled with expected installations in the Dominican Republic, will reduce the magnitude of completeness in the extreme regions. The density of seismicity is shown in Figure 8. Although this data must be interpreted within the context of the spatial distribution of MC presented in Figure 7, it is clear that that there are pockets of increased seismicity in the region. The seismicity is dominated by 3 regions: (1) north of the 19o N fault zone directly north of Puerto Rico; (2) the Sombrero Seismic zone north of Anegada island; and (3) on-land Puerto Rico, in the southwest of the island, south of the Great Southern Puerto Rico Fault Zone. In addition to the difficulties in detecting off-shore events, exact earthquake location is also difficult in the region as most of the stations lie in a band between 18 oN and 18.5oN, with poor azimuthal constraint on events lying to the north and south (Mendoza and Huérfano, 2005). G. Current Network Initiatives 1. ShakeMap for Puerto Rico 10 ShakeMaps are ground shaking and intensity maps that combine instrumental measurements of shaking with information regarding local geology and earthquake location and magnitude to estimate shaking variations throughout a geographic area (Wald et al., 2005). The ShakeMap software is distributed and maintained by the USGS, with local network operators responsible for customizing the distributed software to their particular network environment. The PRSN has the capability to manually generate ShakeMaps within 1.5 hours following a significant felt event, after which they are posted on the website - an example for the recent 2 March 2006 M5.3 event is at PRSN ShakeMaps are constrained by peak ground motion parameters obtained from real-time broadband and strong-motion instruments operated by PRSN and PRSMP; the initial ShakeMaps can be updated as strong-motion data from PRSMP dial-up stations become available. Site amplification effects are approximated by assigning Vs30 values on a uniformly-spaced 1.5 km grid throughout the island. A set of 14 Vs30 measurements (Odum et al., 2006) sampling representative geologic units throughout mainland Puerto Rico was used to determine how to assign average Vs30 values to geologic units. The efficiency and performance of the ShakeMap system in Puerto Rico can be improved by: 1) automating the transfer of data from the PRSN earthworm data acquisition system to ShakeMap, 2) updating the current site conditions map to take into account detailed microzonation studies available for the San Juan Metropolitan Area (Aponte et al., 2000), Ponce, and Mayaguez (Llavona, 2004), the three largest urban centers on the island, and 3) educating potential users on how to use ShakeMap products to guide post-earthquake response and recovery efforts. 2. Caribbean Tsunami Warning System The PRSN has been working towards establishing a local Tsunami Warning Center for the region since 2000. The original goal was to provide a platform for tsunami warnings to Puerto Rico (von Hillebrandt and Huérfano, 2005), but this has now evolved into an initiative to create a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, which would be a fundamental 11 component of the Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (UNESCO, 2005). Efforts to lay the foundation for this center included the installation of the Early Bird System (Sokolowski, 2002) at PRSN for the detection and reporting of potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes. This system monitors the seismic stations of the PRSN and 35 other stations in and around the Caribbean that are available in real time through the GSN or bilateral agreements with regional seismic networks. Earthworm and Seiscomp are the utilities that are used for the real time exchange of seismic data. During 2006 the network will integrate additional broadband stations into the system: the 9 GSN quality stations the USGS will be installing in the region (McNamara et al., 2006) and stations to be installed in Dutch territories and the Cayman Islands. The goal is to be able to timely and precisely detect all earthquakes of at least magnitude 5 in the Caribbean region. The Early Bird system not only automatically locates earthquakes and provides different magnitudes for the events, it notifies personnel of the PRSN once specific regional dependant thresholds have been exceeded. In 2006, as part of the warning system, the PRSN will also be installing six FEMA funded tsunamiready tide gauge stations in Puerto Rico in addition to a GOES satellite receiver at Mayagüez to gather data from these and other regional tide gauges. The data from five DART buoys that were deployed in the spring of 2006 in the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent seas will also be incorporated into the monitoring system. To achieve a true Tsunami Warning System, the PRSN complements improved monitoring capabilities with a series of research and education and outreach initiatives. These activities include tsunami inundation modeling, seismic source characterization, protocol development, improved dissemination techniques, production of audiovisual materials, workshops, talks and drills. In May 2006, the City of Mayagüez was declared by NOAA as the first TsunamiReady community in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. The TsunamiReady program has proven to be an excellent venue to promote and validate tsunami readiness and has been widely accepted by local public officials and the media. All of these monitoring and complementary activities are being coordinated together with other local, regional and international institutions, including the Pacific Tsunami Warning 12 Center, the institution presently responsible for providing tsunami warning guidance for the region. 3. Focal Mechanisms and Moment Tensors With the support of SeaGrant, the PRSN is evaluating available seismological methods for the rapid identification of earthquake source parameters using the broadband seismic waveforms recorded by the PRSN and the development of automated procedures for the emergent Tsunami Warning System in the Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands region. This work involves adaptation of existing codes for the numerical inversion of both local and regional broadband waveforms to allow for rapid implementation within the PRSN seismic-detection and information system. The results will be incorporated to the broadcast schemas as part of the tsunami protocol in the PR-VI region The implementation of near-real time moment magnitude estimation based on the Regional Moment Tensor (RMT) inversion code of Randall et al. (1995), and regular calculation of first motion focal mechanisms are products of this work. For the recent 2 March 2005 (25km deep), a moment magnitude of MW5.5 was determined within 1 hour of event initiation. The focal mechanism has a strike/dip/rake of 83.2o/52.4o/53.6o, a thrust fault with some strike-slip component reflecting the compressional dynamics typical of subduction zones, and is likely be related with the plate interface. This is consistent with the Harvard Quick CMT solution (, which indicates an MW5.5 high angle thrust event with 103o strike. 4. Structural Monitoring The PRSMP currently monitors 8 structures, all stand-alone, with multi-channel 19-bit K2 systems, with ETNA free-field sensors. These are all located on critical infrastructure around the island; 2 high-rise buildings in San Juan, 3 bridges on the main road around the island, and 3 concrete dams. The instrumentation is summarised in Table 1. Currently 13 all these stations are stand-alone, although cable Internet is being installed at the Plaza Inmaculada building. Nine of the 15 channels at this site will be continuously monitored at PRSMP. The PRSMP is also in the process of installing dense instrumentation at the 19-story El Castillo apartment complex in Mayagüez, a component of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) Structural Response Monitoring System. This structural monitoring test-bed will consist of at least 27 channels of 24-bit strong-motion data recording on Quanterra Q330 dataloggers. At these test-bed locations, the natural frequencies and modes of the monitored building systems will be determined in real-time. In addition to the response of the structures to earthquakes, severe wind loading conditions from hurricanes can be expected over the duration of the instrumentation. The detection of significant and permanent changes in the dynamic properties of the system during a heavy loading event is a key parameter for the remote identification of structural damage (Clinton, 2004; Clinton et al, 2006). 5. Network Expansion and Improvement Upgrade at remote sites and new installations Existing network infrastructure at Mona Island in Puerto Rico and Anegada in the British Virgin Islands (Figures 1, 3) will be upgraded by installing 24-bit broadband and strongmotion sensors and dataloggers. Satellite telemetry will be used to transfer data to PRSN. Both of these stations will also provide data to the emergent USGS earthquake and tsunami monitoring system for the Caribbean (McNamara, 2006). In addition, the currently non-operational short-period station at CSB (Figure 3) is likely to be moved to an area near San Juan, which will improve the sensitivity of the network in the NE region of the island. Installations in the Eastern Dominican Republic 14 Two sites have been selected and permitted in the Eastern Dominican Republic, at Samana and Punta Cana (Figure 1), where the PRSN and PRSMP will jointly install and operate 24-bit collocated broadband and strong-motion stations, with real-time continuous internet data transmission. Strong-Motion Monitoring in the British Virgin Islands The PRSMP has begun a 3-year contract with the Department of Disaster Management in the British Virgin Islands to install a suite of free-field and structural strong-motion sensors at critical local infrastructure. The airport control tower on Beef Island and the 3story Government Building in Road Town, Tortola will have 12-channel K2 instrumentation with both free-field and structural sensors. Both lie on reclaimed fill. Free field sites on hard rock in Road Town on Tortola, and Spanish Town on Virgin Gorda are in the course of being instrumented. All instrumentation will be transmitted in real time by Internet to PRSMP. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the PRSN and PRSMP personnel, technicians, administrative staff and students, who have made immense contributions to the success of both networks. The figures in this paper were made with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software (Wessel and Smith, 1991), and ZMAP (Wiemer, 2001). We thank Stefan Wiemer for his comments and suggestions. Sue Hough provided helpful comments that greatly improved the quality of the manuscript. The authors gratefully acknowledge GNU software developers. The development of moment tensor solutions at PRSN was funded by the SeaGrant Program (R-122-2-04). References Aponte, A., R. Ramos, and J. Martinez-Cruzado (2000). Mapping of soil classification of the San Juan Metropolitan Area. 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Currently short-period stations IDE and CSB are out of operation. [BB: broadband sensor; SM: strong-motion sensor] 22 Figure 4: Strong-Motion stations in Puerto Rico monitored by PRSMP. Additional details of the dense instrumentation in three largest towns in Puerto Rico, San Juan, Ponce and Mayagüez, is shown. 23 Figure 5: Seismicity within PRSN local reporting region between January 1986 and March 2006. The largest event in this time period was a M5.6 located near Anegada, BVI. There were 9 events with M>5.0 (blue stars). The most recent large event was a M5.3 on 2 March 2006, about 100km NE of Anegada. Black stars indicate large historical events (labeled in Figure 1). 24 (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 6: Analysis of the PRSN Catalogue (Jan 1986 - March 2006) (a) number of events over time, in 3month bins; (b) number of events in 0.1 magnitude bins; (c) number of events in 5km depth bins; (d) Gutenberg-Richter relation. 25 Figure 7: Geographical distribution of the magnitude of completeness, MC, for the PRSN Catalogue for the reporting region (Jan 1986 – Mar 2006). Colorbar units are magnitude of completeness, MC. MC is below Md2.5 for a significant portion of the center and southwest of the island, and is at least Md3.3 throughout the island of Puerto Rico. As distance from the islands increases, the magnitude of completeness degrades, in some regions being greater than Md3.7. 26 Figure 8: Density of seismicity in the reporting region, PRSN catalogue, January 1986 – March 2006. Colorbar is in units of log(earthquakes per km2). Local seismicity is concentrated in southwest Puerto Rico (south of the Great Southern Puerto Rico Fault Zone); the region between the Puerto Rico trench and the 19o Fault Zone; and the Sombrero seismic zone (see Figure 1 for fault locations). 27 San Juan Station ID B02L Etna Free field SJ05 # K2 sensors 15 Minillas Government Center San Juan B01L SJ05 6 Highway Overpass Mayagüez Viaduct Mayagüez B01R MY09 24 Highway Overpass Ponce By-Pass Ponce B02R PN10 12 Highway Bridge Paso del Indio Vega Baja B03R VGB1 24 Dam Lucchetti Yauco D01M YAC1 12 Dam Carraizo Trujillo Alto D02M TA02 9 Dam La Plata Toa Alta D03M TOA2 12 Structure Name Location High Rise Apartment Plaza Inmaculada High Rise Building Table 1: Summary of Instrumented Structures Operated by PRSMP. Locations for the sensors can be found in Figure 4. 28